
Hormones and intestinal bacteria have extremely huge effect on health, much more than a lot of people think. In fact, these two important factors can even destroy the health if everything else (food, food supplements, etc.) is totally optimized. So you need to know how to balance hormone levels naturally.

Conversely, hormones and also gut bacteria can really improve the health, even if our all other factors are quite optimum. The real hormones’ power in the body is very high. They affect everything from mood to weight, bowel health, etc. If we look at a pregnant woman and 13-year-old girl – if they have similar symptoms, such as fatigue, skin problems, weight, sleep problems – all these factors speak of hormonal imbalance!

What are hormones?

Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced in the body by certain cells or organs of internal secretion and providing the meaningful impact on the work of other organs and tissues.

Hormones are like chemical messengers in your body. They travel via the blood to all tissues and organs. They work slowly, over time they affect a lot of different processes, including growth and also development, metabolism, the mechanisms, when your body gets enough energy from the foods you eat and how you consume it, sexual function, and mood.

Hormones, the synthesis of which is created by the endocrine system, provide our physical, sexual and mental development.

The endocrine system includes small in size and different in their structure and functions endocrine glands: pineal, thyroid, hypothalamus, pituitary, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal glands, pancreas, and gonads.

Hormones are produced due to fat and cholesterol, so the absence of these important nutritional products may cause problems with hormones, simply because your body does not have a building material for their manufacture.

The endocrine system is a very complex mechanism, which we will probably never fully understand, but there are a few basic things that you need to know in order to enhance the body’s ability to create and maintain a balance of hormones.

How can I balance hormones naturally?

Limit caffeine

We all love coffee, but the truth is that too much caffeine can cause damage to your endocrine system, especially if there are some other hormonal factors: stress, pregnancy, the presence of toxins and the imbalance of healthy fats.

Reduce the consumption of coffee and if it’s possible, replace it with the useful herbal teas (a list of them may be found in the web). If you cannot give up drinking coffee, use this method with the addition of 1 tablespoon of tasty coconut oil in every cup and mix it in a blender. You’ll get an emulsion. It’s like a latte, but you certainly get the healthy fats and also neutralize caffeine!

Avoid Toxins

Dangerous toxins found in plastics, household chemicals, pesticides and even mattresses may contain damaging chemicals that are getting into the body mimic our hormones and stay there interfering creation of the real hormones. Hormonal contraceptives (obviously) work in the same way.

If you have a hormonal imbalance, or cannot get pregnant – avoiding toxins is very important for you! Avoid everyday life objects with chemical additives. Cook food in glass or ceramic dish and avoid heating or storage of food in a plastic container. Eat organic foods and meat when it’s possible and, what is important, do not use the products for personal hygiene and household cleaning products that contain chemical pesticides. At least, try to reduce them to a minimum. There are different recipes and natural cleaning agents in the Internet.


We have to stress that this is very important. If you do not get enough sleep, your hormones will be disturbed. You should sleep at least 7-10 hours. Use these tips to improve your sleep and just do it! This can improve your own hormones and your quality of life, decrease the likelihood of disease and even help to normalize weight.

Vitamins and useful plants

In a perfect world we get up and also go to bed with the sun in order to get vitamin D from it and also important Magnesium from the ocean, as during a recreation and sports the body is released from stress.  But we doubt that this is a plausible situation. Any one of us now can fill gaps of hormones with the help of additives. We’ll tell you about the basic supplements that are useful for hormonal levels.

Mack is a plant that grows in the Andes, the tubers resemble radish. The properties of Mack are known for a long time. It increases libido, a lot of ladies use it for fertility and in order to improve bad condition of the skin, at the same time men significantly increase sperm production, libido, and improve sleep due to it. Mack also has a very high content of minerals and a few essential fatty acids, making it an excellent tool for hormones. It is usually available in powder form (the cheapest option) or (which is the most popular option) in capsules.

READ ALSO: 9 signs of hormonal problems women usually ignore

Magnesium supports a lot of reactions in the body and usually improves sleep (that is very useful for your hormonal balance). There are a few effective forms of the needed Magnesium: the ionic liquid form (it can be added to food and beverages and the dose may be small), in powder form (you can vary the dose and it works slowly) or via the transdermal form of Magnesium oil (which is applied to the skin). This is very effective remedy for those who have extremely damaged digestive tract, or, for example, severe failure.

Vitamin D is a hormone support for hormonal functions. It is better to receive it from the sun, if it’s possible, or maybe D3 of popular fermented cod liver oil. As this fermented cod liver oil is a wonderful building material for the production of hormones, including Vitamins K, A, D and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and also fats.

Gelatin is an excellent source of calcium, phosphate and magnesium. It also supports the hormone in your digestive system and really helps soothe inflammation, in the joints especially. But it is always better to make sure that it comes from cows that have been fed with pure herbs.

Light exercises

If you have a hormonal imbalance, any intense exercise can actually exacerbate the problem in the short period. So your sleep is more important now, at least than difficult cardio, so focus on the relaxation exercises, such as walking or swimming, and avoid prolonged cardio exercises until you get the perfect hormonal balance.

Lifting weights

Lift weights (squats, lunges, dumbbells, deadlifts). No matter which ones you use – the main thing that there must be a resistance. At this period, the mechanism of stimulation and hormone production is triggered.

But make sure that you certainly can do it, so visit your doctor if you haven’t done it yet. Since no advice can be harmful to health.

Eat Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a very useful for hormonal health. This product provides the body with all the necessary building blocks for the production of hormones that can really help with your weight loss and reduce inflammation, it even has anti-inflammatory and also an antimicrobial effect.

If you need to improve your hormonal level, eat about 1/4 cup of coconut oil per day. People’s favorite way is to add it to coffee or tea. Try both!

You should fix your leptin level

Leptin is a primary hormone, and if it is out of balance, the person gets extra kilos or loses weight. Fixation of leptin also helps to increase the fertility, making weight loss easier, improving sleep, and reducing inflammation.

Avoid large amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

We’ve talked about this before, but the body needs linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid, which are contained in the fats Omega-6, which can be found in oils: corn, sunflower or safflower. This acid prevents and also treats arthritis, diabetes, sclerosis, skin and other diseases. Nevertheless, this does not mean that it is necessary to increase the amount of corn or sunflower oil in your diet – we get enough, you just need to try to use first cold pressing oil.

If you abuse Omega 6 fats, you can get high blood pressure and narrowing of the blood vessels, reduction of immunity, the development of dangerous inflammatory diseases and sometimes even cancer.

The human body has about 97% of saturated and monounsaturated fats and only 3% of polyunsaturated fats. Half of three per cent of fat should be given to Omega-3, and this balance has to be maintained. Vegetable oils contain a very high level of polyunsaturated fats, and these oils have taken an important place in our diet since the 50s of the last century.

The body fat is needed for restoring the cells and the production of hormones, they are used as building blocks, and we must give them in the required amount. When we give more polyunsaturated fat than our body needs, it has no choice, and it tries to implement these fats in our cells.

The problem is that polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and easily oxidized in the body (if they are not oxidized during processing or due to exposure to light on store shelves). These oxidized fats cause inflammation and cell mutation.

These mutations cause inflammation, which can clog the arteries in the arterial cells. When these fats are introduced into the skin cells, their mutations cause skin cancer. That is why people are often given the most dangerous form of skin cancer in those places where they have never been exposed to the sun, but this is a topic for one more article.

When these fats are included in the reproductive organs, some evidence suggests that this might spur problems such as endometriosis and infertility. The body is composed of saturated and mono-unsaturated fats, and they are balanced to be solely responsible for maintaining optimum health.

Conclusion: do not eat fats such as vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, margarine or other chemically modified fats. Choose fats such as coconut oil, olive oil (not fried), real butter and animal fats (tallow, lard) and eat fish containing omega-3 fats.

Now you know how to balance hormones naturally at home. Use our tips, improve your organism and stay healthy!

READ ALSO: What are hormones?

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