
Members of the Indigenous People Of Biafra have shared some exclusive photos with Naij.com where they indicated they visited Facebook office.

The group said they visited the office which is located at Playa Vista, Los Angeles in the US.

While the purpose of the meeting has not been made public yet, it may not be unconnected to the recent removal of one of the pages of the pro-Biafra group off Facebook.

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The group had accused Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook of supporting President Muhammadu Buhari in marginalising Igbo people which was why its page was taken off the social media.

The group said: “When we scoped out the place few days, we were advised to cover our T shirts while getting in, if not we may not be allowed inside. They know about Biafra and our leader.

“At IPOB we take the fight to our enemies. We are all over the world.”

In the Facebook customer form filled shared by group, it indicated that its Facebook London page is not visible to new members .

See pictures of the visit below:

Earlier in the month, IPOB sent a message to Zuckerberg not to mess with its page on the site again or face the wrath of God.

In a statement signed by Emma Nmezu and Dr Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya, IPOB warned that any attempt stop Biafra will bring calamity upon Nigeria and its supporters.

READ ALSO: IPOB dissociates from Igbo summit, insult elders

It is on record that on the same day Mark Zuckerberg held a secret meeting with Buhari in Abuja, his $95 million satellite exploded while on a launch pad in Cape Canaveral, Brevard County in Florida. As a stop-gap measure to the taking down of RBL, FB page, the leadership of IPOB opened another group page for RBL and invited Biafrans and friends of Biafra to populate the page by adding their FB friends to the new group page. Surprisingly, the FB management started blocking those who attempted to add their friends to the group page. We posit that the blocking of people who were populating the FB group page did not happen without the knowledge and approval of Mr Zuckerberg.

We at IPOB are still in shock as we wonder why Zuckerberg with a Jewish ancestry will work with an Anti-Semitic person like Muhammad Buhari to block RBL, which is the media arm of IPOB that belongs to Biafrans and these Biafrans have the same ancestry as Zuckerberg. Did money exchange hands from Buhari’s Government to Mark Zuckerberg? If so, does Mr Zuckerberg live with the philosophy that “money is thicker than blood?”

Is Mr Zuckerberg aware that Buhari hates the Jews and Biafrans more than any other thing in his life and that Buhari has visited all the neighbours of the State of Israel but vowed never to step his feet in Israel? “Does Mr Zuckerberg know that Buhari is the number one global campaigner for the division of Jerusalem, the Biblical and ancient capital of Israel? Is Zuckerberg aware that Buhari covertly blocked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from conducting state visits in the West African region just as he did in the other regions of Africa?

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