
The following are steps to deploy Apple iTunes and Apple QuickTime using System Center Configuration Manager.

Some of these steps were taken as tips from the following links:

Link one

Link two

I’m not going into details, but rather I’m going to point out some of my specific changes.

Get the MSI files for iTunes and QuickTime

Download the latest version of iTunes and QuickTime. In case you’re wondering why QuickTime, well, it’s a requirement for iTunes.

You’re going to get the MSI files for both applications by running the executable files (do not click the Next button in the installation wizard), once you run the executable files, then open file explorer and type %TEMP% in the location bar. Now look for a recently created folder and you’ll find the MSI files there, next, copy these files to your deployment folder. You’re going to perform these steps for iTunes and QuickTime.

Create QuickTime deployment

First, we’ll use Microsoft’s Orca tool to edit the QuickTime.msi file, we’re going to make the following changes:

From View menu, select Summary Information. Within this window in languages field remove all but 1033, then press OK

Click Property table and change the following fields:




Create a new row REENABLEAUTORUN and set this to 0 (disables auto-run)

Click LaunchCondition table and drop the “NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED” row

In the Checkbox table set all values to 0. If a manual install is done of the application then all the install options are uncheked by default

Save the MSI

You’re now ready to create the application deployment task.

For my environment, I’m not using a script as the installation method (the links mentioned above use scripts), I use the MSI file; however, I’m using the following installation command:


Create iTunes deployment

First, we’ll use Microsoft’s Orca tool to edit the QuickTime.msi file, we’re going to make the following changes:

From View menu, select Summary Information. Within this window in languages field remove all but 1033, then press OK

Click Property table and change the following fields:



IAcceptLicense to Yes

In the Checkbox table, we’re going to change the following:

ChkOptInstASU to 0

ChkOptInstShortcuts to 0

In the Shortcut table, we’ll remove QuickTimePlayer_Desktop and QuickTimeUninstaller. This will remove those shortcuts

From the LaunchCondition table drop NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED field

Save the MSI

I tried using the MSI files to create the deployment, but it became too complex as iTunes requires all pre-requisite files to be on the system before iTunes gets to be installed.

Here’s the installation script I use:

Here’s the removal scrlipt I use:

Note that the product codes listed above are specific for the version of QuickTime and iTunes that came from the installation program downloaded from Apple.

Next, in Configuration Manager, make sure you the QuickTime deployment package as a dependency for the iTunes package.

As for a detection method, since we have an MSI, you can use that as your detection method.

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