
Watch Cemre Candar take himself to Hell and back, for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Screenshot: YouTube (via – CemreCandar).

For me, it doesn’t get better than bath time. For me, bath time is the best time. You leave me alone with a bath tub for ten minutes and, chances are, I’ll have filled that bath tub with water from the tap and be chilling in it like an emperor before you even wonder where I’ve got to. Baths, man, I bloody love baths. Sure, showers are fine. Showers get you clean. But for relaxation and wellbeing, nothing on earth beats the therapeutic powers of a bath. Unless, of course, that bath is filled with 1,250 bottles-worth of hot sauce. In which case, I’ll pass on the bath thanks.

YouTuber, and all-round madman, Cemre Candar decided to investigate what it feels like to bathe in the fiery bowels of Hell by filling his bath tub with hot sauce, sprinkling the hot sauce with chilli peppers, and submerging himself in it. Needless to say, the experience is far from a pleasant one. Although our sympathy is minimal for Cemre because, well because, he volunteered to do this.

Screenshot: YouTube (via – CemreCandar).

Not satisfied with just sitting in the hot sauce, Cemre proceeds to splash some of the bath sauce in and around his mouth and eat one of the chilli peppers that’s floating on the surface. And then, because he clearly feels like he hasn’t suffered enough already, he dunks his head under and it’s from this moment on that the video starts to resemble a horror movie.

The bit when Cemre emerges, covered in sauce and clearly in agony, will haunt your nightmares forever. Seriously, we found just watching this thing from start to finish to be genuinely traumatic. Especially the shower scene, oh god – the shower scene; when Cemre’s curled up under the water making a series of pained howling noises. Horrendous.

“I can still feel it in like every cell in my body,” a clearly still-hurting Cemre reveals to camera a few hours after escaping the hot sauce bath. Moving forward from this, we’re not sure we’ll ever look at baths in quite the same way ever again.

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