
Mining is hard work, and so is crafting. But Minecraft doesn't have to be, if you know the magic words. Here are the most useful Minecraft PE cheats and console commands that you can use to save time, duplicate items, enchant your gear items, change the weather, and more.

The Best Minecraft PE Command Cheats For iPhone, iPad And Android

Commands are your magic shortcut to success in #Minecraft PE. Use them to make any action in-game happen automatically upon entry. Spawn or summon Mobs, place Blocks, teleport, etc.

First thing you need to do in order to get commands to work is enable 'Cheats' (beware, this will disable achievements), at Settings > Game > Cheats: On.

To execute a command the player must enter Chat, precede the command with a forward slash, give the arguments and hit the return key. If your device has a Tab key, it can be used to complete parts of the commands. If you're unsure about entering the command correctly, don't worry, you'll be shown whether or not it can be completed on screen.

Command Arguments In Minecraft PE

Most commands use arguments, i.e. <player: target> (to identify a player with a target ), where the first part indicates the subject, and the second part refers to the type of argument. Here's how to make sense of the syntax:

plain text - Enter this literally, exactly as shown.

italics - Replace this with an appropriate value.

<angle brackets> Required argument.

[square brackets] Optional argument.

x|y - Pick one of the available options are shown separated by the vertical bar

ellipsis The argument may consist of multiple words separated by spaces

Here's an explanation of the type of value that arguments will ask for:

string - Any combination of alphanumeric characters.

int - An integer, or number, which might have range associated with it. It might be a negative number.

x y z - A set of coordinates. The x value indicates distance towards the East from the origin. The y value indicates height above bedrock. The z value indicates distance towards North from the origin.

Note that to use your current position you can use '~' or offsets based upon this. So if you want to make something happen in your exact coordiantes, enter '~ ~ ~' as values for x y z.

Target Shortcuts In Minecraft PE

You can use these quick commands when targeting instead of typing out the full name of players or entities.

@a All players

@e All entities

@p Nearest players (including you)

@r Random player(s)

You can make this more specific using text like in /kill @e[type=cow,r=10] which would kill all cows within a radius of 10 meters/blocks.

Change Game Modes In Minecraft PE

/gamemode 0 - Change to Survival mode

/gamemode 1 - Change to Creative mode:

/gamemode 2 - Change to Adventure mode:

/gamemode 3 - Change to Spectator mode:

Kill Commands In Minecraft PE

/kill Kills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.)

Syntax: kill [player|entity]


To kill yourself: kill

To kill a player named Bob: kill Bob

To "kill" all item entities (making them vanish from the world): kill @e[type=Item]

To "kill" all entities within loaded chunks, including yourself: kill @e

To "kill" all entities (item entities, animals, etc) apart from players: kill @e[type=!Player]

kill all cows within a radius of 10 meters/blocks: kill @e[type=cow,r=10]

Change Time And Weather In Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE time has a 24 hr cycle, with the first hour beginning at dawn. 6am is 0, 7am is 1000, 8am 2000, 10pm 16000. Day and night are important in Minecraft PE, as there are hostile monsters and hazards that only spawn at night. We recommend memorizing midnight (/time set 18000) and noon (/time set 6000) cheats for quick day/night switches

/toggledownfall Toggles the weather

/weather Sets the weather to clear, rain or thunder

/time Changes or queries the world's game time

Message Other Players In Minecraft PE

/list Lists players on the server

/say Displays a message to multiple players

/tell Displays a private message to other players

Give And Enchant Items In Minecraft PE

/give Gives an item to a player

/enchant Enchants a player item

Teleport Cheat In Minecraft PE

/tp Teleports entities

Summon Cheat In Minecraft PE

/summon Summons an entity

Experience Cheat In Minecraft PE

/xp Adds or removes player experience

How To Clone Blocks In Minecraft PE

/clone Copies blocks from one place to another.

The syntax for this command is a little complicated, check it out below:

clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [maskMode] [cloneMode] [TileName] [dataValue|state]

x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2 specify the coordinates of two opposing corner blocks of the source region.

x y z specifies the lower northwest corner (i.e., the smallest coordinates of each axis) of the destination region.

maskMode (optional) specifies whether to filter the blocks being cloned. Must be one of the following:

filtered Clone only blocks with the block id specified by TileName.

masked Copy only non-air blocks. Blocks in the destination region that would otherwise be overwritten by air are left unmodified.

replace Copy all blocks, overwriting all blocks of the destination region with the blocks from the source region.

If left unspecified, defaults to replace.

cloneMode (optional) specifies how to treat the source region. Must be one of the following:

force Force the clone even if the source and destination regions overlap.

move Clone the source region to the destination region, then replace the source region with air. When used in filtered mask mode, only the cloned blocks will be replaced with air.

normal Don't move or force.

If left unspecified, defaults to normal.

TileName (optional) specifies the block id (e.g., minecraft:stone) to copy when maskMode is set to filtered. Not optional when using filtered mode.

dataValue (optional) specifies the block data to match when finding blocks to clone. Must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).

state (optional) specifies the block state to match when finding blocks to clone. Must be a valid block state for the block specified in block.

Miscellaneous Minecraft PE Cheat Commands

/help Provides help for commands

/fill Fills a region with a specific block

/setblock Changes a block to another block

/setworldspawn Sets the world spawn

/spawnpoint Sets spawn point for a player

/testforblock Tests whether a block is in a location

/testforblocks Tests whether the blocks in two regions match

Happy Crafting!

For more Minecraft goodness, check out this video of just one of the amazing accomplishments made in the PC version:


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