
The upcoming #PowerRangersMovie is just over a month away from its release date and fans are getting more and more hyped for the big screen adventure, set to feature their favorite multi-colored #Superheroes.


Over 800 episodes have been produced the franchise and their is no clear end in sight, as the 24th series #PowerRangersNinjaSteel has just started. To get fans even more excited it has also been hinted that the past two Power Ranger teams to use a ninja theme are set to appear in the show, namely the Alien Rangers and the Ninja Storm Rangers.

With so many teams of Rangers and history behind the franchise, it wouldn't be a massive surprise to know that the Rangers do not always win in their fight against evil. On many occasions, the Rangers have just not met the challenge and allowed their foes to claim victory. The majority of the time, it is a catalyst to make the Rangers find a new power, weapon or Zord to fight back with, but then sometimes it is not. With that in mind, let us look at five times the Power Rangers lost and evil claimed a point on their score board.

Top 5s:

Ranking The Top 5 Red Rangers

Ranking The Five Most Morphinominal Blue Power Rangers

Ranking The Top 5 Sharpest Yellow Rangers

5. It Was All To Easy For The Master


At the end of Power Rangers Wild Force, the evil Master Org managed to find his way onto the Animarium (the home and base of the Wild Force Rangers and their Wild Zords) and he brutally started destroying the Wild Zords. The Rangers suited up and went to face the threat head on, with the help of their Kongo Megazord. Thinking they had succeeded in turning the tide of the battle they hit Master Org with all their might and power possible. Appearing defeated the Rangers celebrated. However, Master Org was now in the possession of the Org Heart which granted him immortality. Back from the dead he slashed through the Kongo Megazord and took the Rangers out of the fight. Now, with only the original five Wild Zords remaining, they headed to face Master Org as Earth's last hope. Despite the Wild Zords throwing all their powers at him, he takes them down and kills them all. This severed the Rangers from their powers and Master Org headed to Earth to claim his prize.

Obviously all was not lost, as the Ninja Rangers had their own foe to face in Power Rangers Ninja Storm, so the Wild Force Rangers obviously managed to take down Master Org and save the day. Also you can breath a sign of relief as the Rangers did succeed in resurrecting all the fallen Wild Zords. However, it does not take away the tension fans felt as they witnessed their heroes lose to evil in this moment. It also was inspiring for fans to watch as the Rangers headed into battle without powers or Zords to aid them, due to this moment.

4. Special Samuari Training Did Not Help


Lauren was a big surprise for fans, as she was the true Red Samurai Ranger and leader of the Samurai Rangers. Hidden in secret from the majority, she was charged with the task to learn the ultimate sealing symbol, which would end the Rangers battle against the evil Nighloks. As the Rangers kept the enemy busy, Lauren worked on the ultimate symbol to end the war. Believing she had succeeded she and the Rangers breathed a sigh of relief at the end of their sworn duty. However, the symbol failed and the Rangers discovered how Xandred survived due to now being part human. Lauren and her team fell in battle and they were only saved by her younger brother Jayden (who played Samurai Red Ranger until Lauren's return).

This battle resulted in the entire team, apart from Jayden, feeling defeated and unsure of how they could ever win now in their battle with Xandred's forces. Naturally Jayden succeeds in raising everyone's spirits and Lauren handed leadership back to her brother. Jayden then successfully lead his team in the battle to save the world and live up to their family's names and honor. The scene is almost a conflict of feelings for fans to watch, as on one hand they have been told throughout the series that the sealing symbol was how the Nighloks were defeated in the past. However, at the same time it would have been wrong for Lauren to be the ultimate hero in the series, as Jayden had pushed the fight forward the entire time during her absence.

More Top 5s:

Ranking The Five Mightiest Black Rangers

The Power of Pink! Ranking the Top 5 Pink Rangers

Ranking the Top 5 Big Bad Guys (and Gals) of Power Rangers

3. The Turbo Rangers Simply Where Not Fast Enough


The Turbo Rangers were a pretty new team of Rangers, as they were the team that replaced the veteran Rangers of Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Kat and Tanya, unfortunately despite their best they were not enough to defeat Divatox and her forces. Trapped in the Command Center the Rangers knew the only right choice was to stay and fight. Divatox's army force their way into the Command Center and trash it during the fight with the Rangers. The Rangers tried their best, but were simply to overwhelmed by the numbers they faced. With the destruction of their base, came the end of the Turbo Ranger powers and Divatox was victorious. The Rangers get lucky as Divatox is summoned away from Earth by Dark Spectre. The Rangers naturally followed her into space where they then became the Space Rangers with new powers.

This is actually a special moment in Power Rangers history. While many villains have tried to destroy a set of Rangers and either failed all together or succeeded but only to get beaten by the Rangers upon their return. Diavtox is the only Power Rangers villain to completely succeed and not get defeated by the Rangers at a later date. What it also did mark was the end of an era. Up until the end of the series, the Rangers had always ran out of the Command Center. While this was the second Command Center, it was still a legacy left for the Rangers by Zordon.

2. The Ultimate Sacrifice...


As crazy as it sounds, a Power Ranger has died in the franchise. During Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, fans witnessed two teams of Rangers join forces against an evil team of Rangers, known as the Psycho Rangers. In the battle the Lost Galaxy Rangers and Space Rangers succeeded in defeating the Psycho Rangers. However, Psycho Pink survived and set her sights on the Savage Sword. A sword that could absorb and re-channel power into its wielder. Psycho Pink used the sword to absorb the powers of the Pink Space Ranger, Cassie. This resulted in the Pink Lost Galaxy Ranger, Kendrix, to make the ultimate sacrifice. As she destroyed the Savage Sword she was killed in the resulting explosion. This left Cassie feeling guilty and responsible as the Space Rangers left the remaining Lost Galaxy Rangers to carry on their fight, minus their friend.

Don't panic, Kendrix was revealed to be alive in the final moments of the series. The Rangers were reunited with her on their new home planet of Mirinoi, where their powers originated from. But, that does not dilute the fact they made fans believe for a chunk of the series that Kendrix did in fact die. This was a mega game changer for Power Rangers, and is perhaps still to date its darkest moment ever. While Rangers had lost their powers before, they had never actually killed one off.

Check Out:

21 Superpowers You Never Knew The Power Rangers Possessed

The 10 Best Sets of Zords From 'Power Rangers'

5 Times Female Power Rangers Proved to be Better than the Male Power Rangers

1. Say Goodbye To Their Mighty Morphin' Zords


What appeared to be a typical bumbling monster for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to face turned out to be the baby brother of Rita Repulsa. With an entourage of monsters to aid him, he ambushed the Rangers and their Megazords. Being attacked from all fronts, the Rangers gave it everything they had. However, being simply outmatched and their Megazord's ability pushed to the limit, the Rangers were expelled from the cockpits and depowered in the process. Overloaded with power the Megazords were blown to pieces. This did give Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd an excuse to celebrate, given their number of defeats. But they did not get to dance for long, as the Ranger obtained new power from Ninjor and were given new Zords to comeback at them stronger.

I do not think there was a Power Rangers fan left unshaken by the moment of watching the mighty Thunder Megazord and White Tiger Megazord breaking up and exploding. While they were not the original Megazords they were altered versions of the Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Saber-Tooth Tiger, Triceratops and Pterdactyl Zords. It also meant the dinosaur power era had came to an end. The Rangers would never cry out their iconic dinosaurs to become the Power Rangers again.

These Are Not All...

The Power Rangers have suffered many defeats over the decades. One Ranger alone knows this all to well. Tommy Oliver, the original Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, understands the feeling of defeat. Having lost the Green Ranger powers twice and lost his powers as the White Ranger twice. While the franchise does have a more lighthearted feel to it, it is arguable that they do have moments to raise the heart rate of fans. Do you have a defeat the Power Rangers that you were shocked at that was not listed? Please leave a comment.

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