San Diego Comic Con is around the corner. This is like the Coachella Fest for lovers of: comics, movies and television. Now, I could've easily labeled those lovers a word that a majority of people who are not deeply rooted in that distinct culture would call them: nerds. My thing is, these people, myself included, happen to enjoy things that a majority of folks are too insecure to, well, enjoy. I was watching 21 Jump Street, not too long ago and Jonah Hill's character said, "Liking comic books is cool, now. Had I been born ten years later, I would be the coolest person at school." He's right. If you look at the slate of films that will be released in the next five years, a handful of them happen to be comic book movies.
Granted, I didn't grow up a hardcore comic book reader. As a kid, a nineties baby at that, I did read the funny papers(Peanuts, Boondocks and Garfield) and the comics that were displayed in the now defunct Disney Adventure magazines(The Lion King, Tale Spin and Aladdin), but I was never those kids that would rush to the grocery store or comic shop to see what crime Batman or Spider-Man are solving. It wasn't until after I graduated high school that I was introduced to the more mature comics published by Marvel, DC and Image. Now, as a person in their twenties, I patiently wait every month to see what trouble Batman or Spidey( Miles Morales) get into.
Now with this particular convention, there's some strengths and some flaws. The positive? It's cool to talk to others who have the same interest as you. The negative? It's either: too crowded, nerve wracking and malodorous. Another reason why folks attend is to get inside the famous Hall H, to see what movies will be debuting never before seen footage.....specifically to attendees. By attendees, I mean those that are there. By those that are there, I mean the ones that can stream footage from the hall on their phones for non-attendees to watch and enjoy as well. It is because of that that Fox Studios is pulling out. Last year, the trailers to Deadpool and X-Men: Apocalypse leaked, but they were met with highly positive praise. So much praise, that Deadpool, as of this year, is the highest grossing R-rated superhero movie of all time. However, Warner Bros. took a smart approach last year and released the footage to Suicide Squad, after tirelessly taking down recordings from from Hall H. My thing is this, I understand that the footage is meant for actual attendees, but if studios want to build major buzz to increase the fandom, I think all studios this year should take the Warner Bros. approach and release the footage the very next day.
Keep in mind, though, that not every movie that gets promoted at SDCC becomes a hit. Take Scott Pilgrim, Green Lantern and the most recent film Warcraft for example. Sure they have their devoted fanbases, but these movies are made to appeal to average movie goers who have know clue about the source material. However, if you happen to know these franchises like the back of your hand, then kudos to you.
Speaking of movies promoted at SDCC, I'd like to share my list of films that will generate major buzz at this year's event.
Wonder Woman
Ladies first. I may be in the smallest percentage of folks that actually enjoyed Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, but I am sure that when Gal Gadot showed up to save Batflek, your theater erupted in cheers. Or was that just my theater? She, along with Batfleck, were the definite scene stealers, for me. Following the movie, I read a few Wonder Woman comics following my showing and I have to tell you, she's awesome. Now, this movie will be the fourth entry in the DC Extended Universe. I'm still rooting for DC to be on the same level as Marvel, as far as cinematic universes go. Plus, it has some inspiration from Greek mythology. I love Greek mythology.
Power Rangers
If you are a subscriber to my channel, you know that a heavy majority of my videos are Power Ranger related. I'm excited for this film, because the rangers are getting another shot at the big screen since Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. I'm glad they chose armored suits as opposed to spandex. I'm pretty sure the entire cast will make an appearance, but I want to see some action. Hopefully we get a trailer soon, more concept art and a reveal on who will be voicing Alpha. Aye yai yai, readers. Most people think that Power Rangers is too kiddie to be taken serious. Well, Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles disagree.
Justice League
Back to the subject of DC being on par with Marvel's cinematic universe, I remember in 2010 when the Avengers appeared on stage for the first time. The two big surprises were that Jeremy Renner was announced to play Hawkeye and Mark Ruffalo, who was greeted with boo's, was announced to replace Ed Norton as Bruce Banner/Hulk. I hope the same happens for Justice League. I know Zack Snyder and Geoff Johns said that a Green Lantern will not have an appearance in the movie, but remember, we didn't know that Hawkeye would be apart of the Avengers, let alone, have a cameo in Thor. Supposedly, from the news I've been hearing, this movie will be a lot lighter in tone and story. I'm so eager for this movie, because this is the first time we see DC's popular superhero team, kick major ass on the big screen. If the movie is anything like those animated Justice League movies, we're in for a damn good time.
Whatever news these studios release, I will be there to cover it, after my excitement.....or my frustration. So, what movie news do you expect to come out of Hall H?