Monster Masks Blog Spot. Celebrating the Art and History of Halloween and Monster Masks
Monster Masks Blog Spot. Celebrating the Art and History of Halloween and Monster Masks
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Regular Morbid Anatomy readers are probably already familiar with the work of Dr. Paul Koudounaris, the incomparable author/photographer behind the amazing book Empire of Death. This Friday--October 11--The Morbid Anatomy Library is thrilled to be hosting...
From Ian: DePaul: Fundraiser for Terrorist Welcome, Ben Shapiro Not Welcome The Young Americans for Freedom chapter at DePaul University invited Christina Hoff Sommers and Ben Shapiro to speak on campus. At some point, the administration decided not...
With each passing month, comic companies release their solicitations for the upcoming months, usually two-three months in advance. We, as the consumer, get an idea of what to expect in the coming months, like what new books are debuting or what books...
Calling creative business owners! Are you a maker, artist or designer looking to ramp up your sales? Maybe you have an Etsy shop or you’ve got a product idea in the works. And you’d really like to get to a place in your business where you’re making...
Ireland Snap-Apple Night by Daniel Maclise portrays a Halloween party in Blarney, Ireland, in 1832. The young children on the right bob for apples. A couple in the center play “Snap-Apple,” which involves retrieving an apple hanging from...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
Monster Music & Movies, your source for new & used vinyl records, CDs & DVDs. We buy record collections! Located in the West Ashle...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Blood Curdling Blog of Monster Masks
The Blood Curdling Blog of Monster Masks. A celebration of the art and history of Halloween Masks.
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