Updated: Added new paragraph "How much does SFA cost?"
The provision of good quality living accommodation for service personnel and their families is a top priority for the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
This includes the management of around 50,000 properties; major and minor upgrades and other improvements; providing a comprehensive repair and maintenance service; managing the allocation of properties; and conducting move in and move out appointments.
Am I entitled to service family accommodation (SFA)?
Service personnel aged 18 and over, who are married, in a civil partnership or who have permanent custody of children and have at least six months to serve are entitled to apply for SFA. Full details are set out in ‘JSP 464: tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs)’ Part 1.
Entitlement for SFA is at your duty station, although you may be eligible to apply for surplus SFA at other locations.
The type of property you are entitled to is usually dependent on your rank for officers and family size for other ranks. When you apply for SFA, the Housing Allocations Service Centre (HASC) will allocate you a property based on your entitlement or eligibility. However, the following list shows the types and sizes of properties that are available.
Other ranks:
Type D: 4 bedrooms
Type C: 3 bedrooms
Type B: 2 bedrooms
Type I: 4/5 bedrooms
Type II: 4/5 bedrooms
Type III: 4 bedrooms
Type IV: 4 bedrooms
Type V: 3 bedrooms
Eligible service and civilian personnel may apply to temporarily occupy surplus SFA where it is available. To be eligible to occupy surplus SFA within the UK, you must meet the criteria laid out in JSP 464 Part 1 chapter 10.
How much does SFA cost?
Charges for service family accommodation for service personnel are set by the Armed Forces Pay Review Body and are published in ‘JSP 754: tri-service Regulations for Pay and Charges’ (which is published on the Defence Intranet). However, the MoneyForce website (which is supported by the MOD) contains information about charges for SFA on its Where will you live page and provides the latest accommodation charges on its What you will have to pay for page.
More information
Full details on entitlement and eligibility for UK SFA and SSFA are available in:
JSP 464: tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs) Part 1
Customer fact sheet 2: application, allocation and entitlement
Full details on entitlement and eligibility for overseas SFA and SSFA are available in:
JSP 464: tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs) Part 2
Full details on ‘grade for charge’ are available in:
JSP 464: tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs) Part 4
Customer fact sheet 1: The four-tier grading system
Applying for and allocation of SFA
How do I apply for SFA?
If you are entitled, you will need to complete and submit an application for SFA using MOD Form 1132: application to occupy service family accommodation (SFA).
All service personnel are expected to use the online e-1132 form unless you are on operations or do not readily have access to the Defence Intranet. For data security reasons you can only use the online form when logged on to an MOD computer system that has access to the Defence Intranet.
The e-1132 form system provides you with useful functions, such as being able to track the progress of your application, view available properties that match your entitlement and register your top 3 preferences. Once an offer for a property has been made and accepted, you can book your ‘move in’ (and where appropriate ‘move out’) appointment, as well as electronically signing your licence to occupy.
A paper version of the 1132 form is available for personnel who are on operations and do not have access to the Defence Intranet.
SFA application flowcharts
There are 2 SFA application flowcharts available to personnel offering simple guidance on the processes for both e-1132 and paper applications.
Housing Allocations Service Centre (HASC)
If you apply using the e-1132 form, you can track your application online. However, if you have an allocations enquiry, the HASC is the primary point of contact. The HASC has 8 dedicated teams which cover different parts of the UK (see the Points of contact section on this page). The HASC map provides contact information for the 8 teams and lists the SFA locations in the UK in detail.
When should I apply for SFA?
You need to apply online using the e-1132 form to the HASC covering your new location as soon as you receive your ‘assignment order’. If this is within four months of your posting date, DIO Operations Accommodation will aim to make you a provisional offer within 15 working days. If you make any application earlier than this, we will aim to make you an early offer, however, we are not obliged to do so until the four month point.
If you already live in an SFA, you are required to notify the Housing Allocations Service Centre that you have been assigned within 14 days of receiving your Assignment Order. It is also mandatory that you book a ‘pre move out advisory visit’ with the HASC two months before your ‘move out’.
Eligible service personnel may also apply for service family accommodation at other times, such as on getting married or when you wish to move from private accommodation to SFA. In these cases, applicants should submit MOD Form 1132 as early as possible in advance of the required ‘move in’ date.
Can I specify when and where I wish to move?
You are asked to provide the date you require the property, this is known as your ‘required date’ and can be any date you choose as long as it is within 28 days either side of your ‘assignment date’. You can also specify any personal preferences on your application form and where possible, these will be taken into account.
What if I don’t wish to accept the offer?
If you refuse the offer because it is not to your entitlement, DIO Operations Accommodation will try and make a further offer within the original 15 working days. If you refuse the offer for personal reasons you will be placed on a waiting list but there is no guarantee of when, or indeed if, a future offer will be made.
You should be aware that you are not likely to be granted permission to retain SFA at your old duty station and therefore you may need to make your own arrangements for accommodation whilst you wait for a second offer.
What if the property you have accepted is not available when you come to move in?
DIO Operations Accommodation will confirm the offer and address of the SFA 28 days prior to your ‘required date’. If for any reason we are unable to confirm the original offer you will be offered either alternative SFA, substitute SFA (but only in exceptional circumstances), or the option to remain on the waiting list.
What if my family or I have any special requirements?
Please provide details at the point of application using the e-1132form or the MOD Form 1132, enclosing any reports from the appropriate professional source. It is important that DIO Operations Accommodation is made aware of special requirements at the earliest opportunity. A simple SFA additional needs adaptation flowchart offering guidance on the process is available.
Who do I have to inform if I want to keep a pet in SFA?
You must obtain written consent before keeping any domestic pets, for example dogs, cats, rabbits, other small caged animals or birds. Please provide details when you complete your e-1132 form or MOD Form 1132 or email the HASC if you are an existing customer.
How do I find out about removal services if I currently live in SFA?
If you are applying for SFA, and currently reside in SFA, please remember to book your removals. Agility Logistics Limited (Agility) is the MOD approved service provider for removals and is part of the Global Removal Management Services (GRMS).
More information
Full details on the policy for the application and allocation of UK SFA are available in JSP 464: tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs) Part 1 and ‘Customer fact sheet 2: Application, allocation and entitlement’.
Moving in
What do I need to know?
When you accept an offer of an SFA property you should arrange a ‘move in’ appointment using the e-1132 system.
At the agreed date and time, a Housing Officer will meet you at the property and show you around, which will give you the opportunity to:
familiarise yourself with your new home, its fixtures, fittings and appliances
read electricity/gas meters and measure levels in oil tanks
take possession of the keys
identify who is responsible for any repair or maintenance queries
confirm that there is a valid Gas Safety Certificate in the SFA
complete and sign the move in documentation
Please note that the Move In can only take place during normal working hours.
You can give your spouse/civil partner or a service colleague written authority (known as a Proxy Certificate) to sign the inventory on your behalf if you are unable to attend the Move In appointment.
If you are moving from one SFA (not substitute SFA) to another, you have two weeks to hand it back, provided you do so within this time you will only be charged for one property. If you exceed this period you may be charged for both properties.
Welcome pack
Service personnel and their families moving into SFA will receive a welcome pack from the Housing Officer.
This pack contains a short amount of key information such as where to find further information about service family accommodation on this website, the numbers to call to request maintenance/repairs, a HASC map, an SFA 14 day Observation Form and where to find useful local information. Useful information is also available from your local HIVE.
The pack folder is also a handy place to store information about your service family accommodation, such as the Gas Safety Certificate.
Licence to occupy insurance
When you live in SFA you should ensure that you have adequate insurance. In addition to arranging contents insurance to protect your personal possessions, you are strongly recommended (in accordance with JSP 464) to take out Licence to Occupy insurance. This specialist insurance covers your potential liability incurred as a result of damage to your SFA caused by you or your family - and would provide you with cover up to the required £20,000. This would include things like damage caused by kitchen fires, or flood damage as a result of failing to adequately protect and heat your home in winter.
The Services Insurance and Investment Advisory Panel (SIIAP) website provides details of insurers who can supply this insurance and includes websites and telephone numbers for a range of relevant insurance companies. If you are unable to find relevant information on the websites available, we suggest that you call the insurer using the telephone numbers which are also provided. If you already have Kit insurance with one of these specialist insurers, it may be worth checking if you are already covered, as some insurance policies include Licence to Occupy insurance.
More information
More useful details on moving into your SFA are available in the ‘Move in leaflet for SFA’ and a guide to living in service family accommodation ‘booklet B: Moving into service family accommodation’.
Moving out
Moving home can be a very busy and stressful time. DIO Operations Accommodation aims to make your move as easy and stress free for you and your family as possible.
How do I book a move out?
You need to inform the Housing Allocations Service Centre (HASC) when you have been re-assigned within 14 days of receiving your Assignment Order. You are also required to book a Pre Move-out Advisory Visit (PMOAV) with the HASC up to two months prior to your expected move out date.
To contact the HASC see the Points of contact section on this page or the HASC map.
The HASC telephone lines are open from 8.30 am - 3 pm Monday to Friday (except on Thursday, when they close at 12 pm for staff training and development).
What’s a pre move out advisory visit?
The Pre Move-out Advisory Visit (PMOAV) is mandatory and should be arranged by all customers in advance of their move out. The aim of the PMOAV is to advise you on the agreed move out standard, whilst also giving the Housing Officer (HO) the opportunity to assess any repair/maintenance work that may be necessary prior to the SFA being allocated to another family.
The Housing Officer will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the move out process and will give you a Pre Move-out Advisory leaflet explaining the standard required for move out.
What happens on my ‘move out’?
Your move out will be attended by the Housing Officer who will inspect your SFA to see if it meets the agreed move out standard.
If the standard is not satisfactory and there are deficiencies or damages that are not considered to be fair wear and tear, or you have failed to clean the property properly, a charge will be raised by the Housing Officer and you will be invoiced accordingly.
Once the HO has completed the inspection and has completed the move, an appropriate Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) action will then be taken by the HASC to cease accommodation charges on that property from the date of your move out.
Pre Payment Cleaning Scheme (England and Wales)
A Pre Payment Cleaning Scheme (PPCS) is available to all SFA customers in England and Wales, this is the only cleaning scheme approved by the MOD and Modern Housing Solutions.
If you wish to use this voluntary scheme please contact the approved cleaning contractor, whose helpdesk is manned by security cleared staff:
Ideal on 0800 038 7833 or 0777 222 8910.
The central helpdesk is manned by security cleared staff.
A representative will arrange to visit and provide you with a free, no obligation quote. This quote will be specific to your house and will reflect the amount of work required to get that particular property up to ‘move out’ standard.
Customers who use the PPCS continue to be liable for any damages to the property, such as stains on carpets that cannot be removed, and they are still required to prepare the garden and garage to the ‘move out’ standard.
Removal services
Agility Logistics Limited (Agility) is the MOD approved service provider for removals and is part of the Global Removal Management Services (GRMS).
More information
Full details on moving out of your SFA are available in:
a guide to living in service family accommodation ‘booklet D: Moving out of service family accommodation’
Repairs and maintenance
DIO Operations Accommodation is responsible for providing a comprehensive repair and maintenance service to customers in UK SFA, employing contractors to carry out the work on their behalf. For other types of accommodation, such as Substitute service family accommodation (SSFA), arrangements have been listed below.
How do I report repairs?
You are required to report any defects in your SFA as swiftly as possible to the appropriate contractor helpdesk:
England and Wales: Modern Housing Solutions (MHS) on 0800 707 6000 (open 24 hours)
Scotland: Turners Estate Solutions on 0800 328 6337 (open 24 hours)
Northern Ireland: 0800 030 4651 (office hours only). You should contact your local guardroom for out of hours emergencies
Modern Housing Solutions (MHS) has produced an ‘SFA maintenance guide’ and a simple ‘illustrative guide for maintenance responsibilities’ for service families living in SFA in England and Wales.
SSFA: how do I report repairs?
For reporting faults to substitute SFA properties, please telephone (or email) HCR at the earliest opportunity:
during office hours (Mon-Thurs 09:00-17:30, Fri 09:00-17:00) - for both routine and emergency problems contact HCR’s Maintenance Advisors. Telephone: 01256 313764 or HCR’s general switchboard 01256 812700 email: maintenance@hcr.co.uk
out of office hours (Mon-Thurs 17:30-09:00, Fri from 17:00 to Mon 09:00) - Telephone ABLE on 0333 6664357
Your landlord/landlord’s agent may have provided details of an emergency policy (e.g. for gas) or preferred contractors, in which case you may use these to rectify the problem. However, please also contact HCR (as above) so that HCR can keep a record of the incident for future reference.
Please note: out of hours, ABLE will determine if the problem is an emergency; if it is not an emergency, you will be asked to contact HCR during office hours. If you do not use the procedure above, or you call out ABLE (or another contractor) for a non-emergency out of hours visit, you may be liable for resulting costs.
Repairs to Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Bulk Lease Hire (BLH) properties
For reporting faults to PFI and BLH properties, please refer to the contact details under the Points of contact section on this page.
Repair categories
Based on urgency, repairs are categorised as follows:
emergency repairs: DIO Operations Accommodation will make safe and restore services or provide a temporary alternative as soon as possible and within 24 hours. Emergencies include problems affecting health, safety or security (e.g. flooding, complete electrical failure, gas leak, blockage of only WC), and central heating failure where a vulnerable person may be affected
urgent repairs: DIO Operations Accommodation will carry out the repair within five working days. Urgent problems cover those causing serious discomfort or likely to lead to serious damage (e.g. water leaks, blocked drains or WC, power failure, loss of hot water supply, or central heating failure during the winter)
routine repairs: DIO Operations Accommodation will carry out the repair within one month. Routine repairs are those that can be deferred without causing serious discomfort, inconvenience or damage
Further details
Full details on repairs and maintenance for your SFA are set out in
‘JSP 464: tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs)’ Part 1
Looking after your home
You are responsible for keeping your home in a reasonable condition during the time you occupy SFA. In addition, you need to take care of:
changing domestic fuses and light bulbs
taking precautions to prevent damage to the SFA by fire, frost, the bursting of water pipes and the blocking of drains
clearing any sink or bath blockages
routine testing and cleaning of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms
resetting of electrical trip switches due to faulty bulbs
ensuring that all repairs are reported to the relevant maintenance helpdesk as they occur
Customer guides
To help you look after yourself, your family and your home, we’ve produced a series of useful Customer guides. Each easy to follow, single page guide deals with specific topics and offers advice on important issues such as:
protecting your family and your home in winter
combating condensation
saving energy, money and the environment
safety in the home
pets in your home
Home Front newsletter
A customer newsletter, ‘Home Front’, is produced to provide helpful advice and informative articles for occupants of service family accommodation (SFA).
Licence to occupy insurance
If you live in SFA you should ensure that you have adequate insurance. See the moving in section above for more information
Further details
Full details on moving into your SFA are available in:
A guide to living in service family accommodation ‘booklet C: Living in service family accommodation’
Customer fact sheet 4: Looking after your home
Customer guides
Both DIO Operations Accommodation and our contractors have a strong customer focus to provide the best service we can to service personnel and their families. However, sometimes things go wrong so below is some useful advice and guidance on what you need to do if you wish to make a complaint, and what the correct procedure is.
Whatever the problem, we will endeavour to sort it out as quickly as possible. We value your feedback and monitor complaints to help us focus on improving our service in those areas.
What is a complaint?
Complaints should not be confused with everyday enquiries, an appeal against an allocation or retention decision or requests for a service. For example if you report a defective boiler, this is a request for a repair. If we fail to carry out the repair, it may become a complaint.
A complaint may be about any aspect of DIO service and may be about:
impolite or unhelpful staff or contractors
something being done wrongly
a decision we have made following an appeal
not operating our policies fairly or fulfilling our legal duties
something not being done by DIO
Who can complain?
Anyone who receives a service or who maybe entitled to receive a service from DIO. Broadly, this means:
advocates acting on behalf of licensees/occupants, including Councillors and MPs
other parts of the Armed Forces or the MOD
All complaints will be treated confidentially. We do not generally accept anonymous complaints, particularly as we are therefore unable to respond with an answer about the action we have taken.
How can I make a complaint?
We have a set three stage procedure for complaints to make sure that they can be fully investigated and promptly put right. If you are dissatisfied by the response at any stage, you will be given the opportunity to go to the next one.
First stage
Maintenance provider staff or service: telephone the relevant maintenance contractor.
England and Wales: Modern Housing Solutions (MHS) on Telephone: 0800 707 6000
Scotland: Turners Estate Solutions on Telephone: 0800 328 6337
Northern Ireland on Telephone: 0800 030 4651
DIO Ops Accn staff or service (including Move In complaints).
Write to the:
Customer Service Assistant (Stage 1 Complaints),
DIO Ops Accommodation,
Ground Floor,
Swales Pavilion,
RAF Wyton,
PE28 2EA
or Email: dioopsaccn-housingcomplaints@mod.uk, using the SFA Customer complaint template.
Second stage
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from a First stage complaint, please write to the:
Customer Service Manager,
DIO Operations Accommodation,
Ground Floor,
Swales Pavilion,
RAF Wyton,
PE28 2EA.
Third stage
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from a Second Stage complaint, please write to the Independent Housing Review Panel, DCDS(Pers) Service & Veterans Welfare, Accommodation Policy C2, Ministry of Defence, Floor 6, Zone A, Main Building, Whitehall London SW1A 2HB.
How does DIO deal with written complaints?
If you make a written complaint we will acknowledge it within three working days. An investigation will be carried out but depending on the nature of the complaint, this can take some time. We do however aim to provide you with an update within 10 working days. If we need to arrange to meet with you, we aim to write to you within five days after the meeting.
Where can I get independent advice?
You can seek independent advice through your local service welfare organisations, your Unit Welfare Officer, RAF Community Support Officer or Unit Families Officer. Alternatively there are civilian organisations such as Citizens Advice Bureaux or Housing Advice Centres who will help.
What about downgrading or compensation?
DIO does not have authority to pay compensation or loss of earnings. We may temporarily downgrade accommodation charges where a major loss of amenity has occurred. Permanent downgrading can only be approved by a Board of Officers. See Customer fact sheet 1: The four-tier grading system.
Further details
More information on complaints is available in Customer fact sheet 7: Complaints.
Points of contact
Housing Allocations Service Centre (HASC)
To apply for service family accommodation please use the e-1132 form. However, if you have any enquiry you can email the HASC Team (the addresses are below) or telephone the HASC on 0800 169 6322. This is a freephone number for calls made within the UK - however, mobile users may incur charges and are advised to use the standard rate 01904 number below. If you have access to the military telephone network, you can also contact the HASC on 94510 8000.
You can also contact the HASC on 01904 418 000 (normal telephone charges apply). This is the number you must use if you are based overseas, have no access to the military telephone network or wish to call from a mobile if you have an inclusive call package.
The HASC phone lines are open 8.30 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday (except on Thursday, when they close at 12pm for staff training and development).
When you call, the telephone system will direct you to the correct team but if you are unsure which HASC team to contact or on geographical boundaries, please refer to the HASC map.
The current telephone options and email addresses are:
option 1: all London locations and South Eastern England DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam1@mod.uk
option 2: East Anglia and East Midlands DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam2@mod.uk
option 3: Salisbury Plain Training Area, including Andover, Bulford and Larkhill, plus Cornwall DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam3@mod.uk
option 4: South Coast and South West including Aldershot (excluding Cornwall) DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam4@mod.uk
option 5: Scotland and Northern Ireland - DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam5@mod.uk
option 6: Northern England, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire - DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam6@mod.uk
option 7: Wales and Western England, including Innsworth, High Wycombe and West Midlands - DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam7@mod.uk
option 8: Bristol Area extending to Brize Norton and Yeovilton - DIOOpsAccn-HASCTeam8@mod.uk
Substitute service family accommodation (SSFA) helpdesk contact details are shown below in this section.
Postal addresses
HASC Aldershot
Building 3, ABRO
Ordnance Road
GU11 2AA
Fax: 01252 318591/348636
HASC Thetford
Building 29
Barnham Camp
Thetford Road
IP24 2DJ
Fax: 01842 890975
Repairs helpdesks
You are required to report any defects in your SFA to the appropriate contractor helpdesk:
England and Wales: Modern Housing Solutions (MHS) on 0800 707 6000 (open 24 hours)
Scotland: Turners Estate Solutions on 0800 328 6337 (open 24 hours)
Northern Ireland: Telephone 0800 030 4651 (office hours only). You should contact your local guardroom for out of hours emergencies
Private Finance Initiative housing
The telephone numbers for reporting faults to PFI housing are:
Cosford/Shawbury PFI: 0345 111 0000 (office hours) or 0845 0500 900 (out of hours). Covers Market Drayton, Donnington Wood, Telford.
Wattisham PFI: 01728 727506. Covers Pinewood, Thorington Park, Ipswich, Redhill, Hadleigh, Aldham Mill Hill, Hadleigh.
Yeovilton PFI: 0800 783 7837. Covers Broadsword Park, Ilchester, Bristol, Bath.
Portsmouth PFI: 01275 818443. Covers Emerson’s Green (Bristol),
Long Ashton (Bristol), Stoke Park (Bristol), Paxcroft Mead, Trowbridge, Seafield Park, Portsmouth.
Portsmouth 2 PFI: 01275 818443. Covers HMS Daedalus, Lee on Solent.
Lossiemouth PFI: 0800 032 1044. Covers Lossiemouth, Elgin.
Central Scotland PFI: 0800 055 9922. Covers Donaldswood, Paisley, Dreghorn Camp (Edinburgh), Longston (Edinburgh), Livingston (Edinburgh).
Army Foundation College, Harrogate PFI: 01423 813376
JSCSC Shrivenham PFI: 01793 788 4444 (office hours) or 01793 788000 (out of hours).
For reporting faults to leased properties, Bulk Lease Hires, (not covered by the Annington Homes Ltd (AHL) sale agreement in 1996), please contact:
Bardney (Nr Coningsby, Lincolnshire): 0800 027 2057
Ashford: 0800 988 2433
Brecon, includes Honddu Court: 0800 988 2433
Brize Norton, includes Carterton/Witney/North Leigh: 0800 988 2433
Catterick, includes Brough St Giles/The Chase: 0800 988 2433
Darlington, includes West Park/Devonshire Court: 0800 988 2433
Dover, Whitfield: 0800 988 2433
Folkstone: 0800 988 2433
Gloucester, includes Tewkesbury/Kingsway/Hucclecote: 0800 988 2433
Hawkinge: 0800 988 2433
Nantyglo, includes Brynmawr/Lakeside Estate: 0800 988 2433
Salisbury, includes Amesbury/East Anton/Tidworth/Andover/ Saxon Rise/Collingbourne/Archers Gate/Saxon Gate 0800 988 2433
York, Accomb: 0800 988 2433
Nuneaton: 0800 988 2433
SSFA repairs
For reporting faults to substitute SFA properties, please telephone (or email) HCR at the earliest opportunity:
during office hours (Mon to Thurs 09:00 to 17:30, Fri 09:00 to 17:00), for both routine and emergency problems contact HCR’s Maintenance Advisors. Telephone: 01256 313764 or HCR’s general switchboard on 01256 812700. email: maintenance@hcr.co.uk
out of office hours (Mon to Thurs 17:30 to 09:00, Fri from 17:00 to Mon 09:00). Telephone ABLE on 0333 6664357
Your landlord/landlord’s agent may have provided details of an emergency policy (e.g. for gas) or preferred contractors, in which case you may use these to rectify the problem. However, please also contact HCR (as above) so that HCR can keep a record of the incident for future reference.
Please note: Out of hours, ABLE will determine if the problem is an emergency; if it is not an emergency, you will be asked to contact HCR during office hours. If you do not use the procedure above, or you call out ABLE (or another contractor) for a non-emergency out of hours visit, you may be liable for resulting costs.
Substitute service family accommodation (SSFA) helpdesk
For enquiries relating to SSFA, please contact the Substitute Accommodation Team (SAT)
Telephone: 01480 52451 Ext: 8681
Military: 95371 8681
Email: DIOOpsAccn-HQSubAccom@mod.uk
Please note that SSFA can only be sourced once you have obtained a Non Availability Certificate (NAC) from the HASC.
Customer assistance points (England and Wales)
The SFA Customer Assistance Points (CAPs) provide you with the opportunity to discuss any issues about services provided by DIO Operations Accommodation and MODern Housing Solutions (MHS) face to face. The CAP does not replace the functions provided by the Housing Allocations Service Centre (HASC) or the MHS Helpdesk, nor the specific services delivered or information provided by other providers. In these cases, the local CAP Co-ordinator will provide the relevant signposting information. The CAP factsheet (see link below) provides details of the CAP Co-ordinators and the location details for the 14 CAP offices in England and Wales.
SFA: Customer Assistance Point (CAP) factsheet
PDF, 46.7KB, 1 page
UK SFA Customer Survey
A monthly telephone survey of randomly selected customers is conducted by M·E·L Research on behalf of the MOD. The aim of the research is to help MOD better understand the views of service personnel and families living in UK service family accommodation (SFA) and substitute SFA (SSFA).
Whilst customers do not have to take part, we encourage customers to respond to the survey (which consists of 11 short questions) as your opinions will be used to measure how DIO is performing and identify ways of making further improvements to the housing service that matter to you. Answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and only used for research purposes. If you have any queries about the survey, or would like to follow up a call, M·E·L Research can be contacted on 0121 604 4664, or freephone 0800 0730 348.
Removal services
Agility Logistics Limited (Agility) is the MOD approved service provider for removals and is part of the Global Removal Management Services (GRMS).
About DIO Operations Accommodation
Part of the Ministry of Defence, Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Operations Accommodation is responsible for the provision of service family accommodation (SFA) in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
This includes planning to provide accommodation as and when required by the armed forces; improving the overall standard of properties; providing a comprehensive repair and maintenance service; managing allocations for highly mobile service personnel; and overseeing move in and move out appointments.
Management of SFA
Overall responsibility for SFA within the MOD rests with the Chief Executive of DIO who delegates responsibility for delivering the housing service to the Head of Operations Accommodation, who in turn is accountable to the Director General Operations.
The responsibilities of the Head of Operations Accommodation include:
maintaining and improving the standard of SFA
providing an effective and comprehensive repair and maintenance service
the provision of an allocation service to house entitled and eligible personnel
the provision of housing services to over 40,000 service families and other occupants at any one time
managing over 20,000 moves into and out of accommodation each year
liaison and planning with service chains of command to ensure their current and future needs are met
contributing to local service community support
Military Chain of Command Charter
The charter lists the responsibilities of the Military Chain of Command (MCOC) and DIO Operations Accommodation in the provision of service family accommodation (SFA), SFA estate related maintenance and community living issues in the United Kingdom.
Further background
The majority of SFA housing in England and Wales is either leased from a private sector company below the current market rate from Annington Homes Limited (who bought most of the MOD’s housing stock in 1996), or is provided under the government’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Where appropriate, the DIO remains responsible for lease payments and the maintenance and upgrade of leased back properties. Houses in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and some other areas, are mostly MOD owned.
In areas where SFA housing stock is unavailable, service families may be provided with fully-serviced private rented properties, known as substitute service family accommodation (SSFA). This accommodation is sourced and leased on behalf of the MOD by a specialised contractor (the HCR Group).
Repair and maintenance
DIO is responsible for the maintenance of all SFA through the relevant Prime Contracts (except for properties provided under the government’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI)).
This comprehensive service is free to occupants, who have very little responsibility for the maintenance of their SFA, this mainly includes maintaining the garden and minor maintenance such as replacing standard light bulbs and fuses. However, customers are responsible for looking after their property and protecting it from damage.