WoW.. reminds of Mark Twain Quote ” ‘Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep ’til noon.’ And that reputation was being given by the BBC media which made Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (‘Mother’ Teresa) world famous, i would request you to go thru some amazing Blogs werein People like OSHO / Ajit Vadakayil / Rajiv Dixitji have exposed Mother teresa
OSHO – Just a few days ago there was a bill in the Indian Parliament Freedom of Religion. The purpose of the bill was that nobody should be allowed to convert anybody to another religion: unless somebody chooses it out of his own free will no conversion should be allowed. And Mother Teresa was the first one to oppose it. In her whole life she has never opposed anything; this was the first time, and maybe the last. She opposed it.
Osho exposes Mother Teresa
Reality of Mother Teresa Exposed By Rajiv Dixit
~ Galactic Human ~
“Darkness is such that I really do not see – neither with my mind nor with my reason. – The place of God in my soul is blank. – There is no God in me. – When the pain of longing is so great – I just long & long for God – and then it is that I feel – He does not want me – He is not there…” – Mother Theresa
This is a startling, written admission from a woman whose canonization to Sainthood by the Pope and Catholic Church is one of the swiftest in modern times.
Her letters and written admissions describe a cruel, sadistic God who derives pleasure from human pain and agony. After reading them all, one might conclude that Theresa was in need of an exorcism, not sainthood.
Teresa’s “atheism” and darkness began early in life while she was still a Loreto Sister in 1937. Before founding the Missionaries of Charity in 1950 – she wrote to her former confessor in Albania. It is one of the hallmarks of Teresa’s “atheism” .
“Do not think that my spiritual life is strewn with roses – that is the flower which I hardly ever find on my way. Quite the contrary, I have more often as my companion ‘darkness’. And when the night becomes very thick – and it seems to me as if I must end up in hell – then I simply offer myself to Jesus. If He wants me to go there – I am ready – but only under the condition that it really makes him happy.”
Admission of her intense spiritual suffering came in 1959:
“The darkness is so dark – and I am alone. – Unwanted, forsaken. – The loneliness of the heart that wants love is unbearable. – Where is my faith? – Even deep down, right in, there is nothing but emptiness & darkness. – My God – how painful is this unknown pain. – It pains without ceasing. – I have no faith. I dare not utter the words & thoughts that crowd in my heart – & make me suffer untold agony. So many unanswered questions live within me – I am afraid to uncover them – because of the blasphemy. – If there be God, please forgive me. – Trust that all will end in Heaven with Jesus. – When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven – there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives & hurt my soul.”
In another written admission, atheist Saint Theresa talks to God as if he were the Devil – cruel, torturous and sadistic who derives pleasure from human pain. She expresses a rebellious contempt and spitefulness towards him.
“If this brings You glory, if You get a drop of joy from this – if souls are brought to You – if my suffering satiates Your Thirst – here I am Lord, with joy I accept all to the end of life – & I will smile at Your Hidden Face – always.”
Theresa needed an exorcism not sainthood.
Internationally revered Catholic nun Mother Teresa and her legacy are the subjects of a new study released by University of Ottawa researcher Carole Sénéchal Serge, and University of Montreal researchers Larivée and Genevieve Chenard.
The study authors concluded that Mother Teresa was the farthest thing from a saint. Instead, the study authors say, she was a cruel woman who believed that there was glory in the suffering of the sick. She made people with grave illnesses sicker by denying them medication and forcing them to writhe in pain while she squirreled away “enormous sums of money” that could have been used to help them.
The authors cite Mother Teresa as saying “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.” They say this opinion by Mother Theresa determined how she cared for the sick and dying and caused huge amounts of pain and loss of dignity among her charges.
The study claims that Mother Theresa failed to provide for her patients’ basic medical needs and in some cases, starved them of food and medications. They also point out that she received care in a regular modern hospital when she herself fell sick, and that she misused millions of dollars in aid money that should have gone to care for the patients in her homes for the dying.
The study authors claim that Mother Teresa successfully orchestrated a deceitful media campaign for herself that painted her in a light altogether different from the woman she really was, and that she manipulated public opinion to reflect her deeds as altruistic when they were seemingly sadistic.
She also took credit for “miraculous” healings in which she was not involved. Speaking of the famous case of a girl who was “cured” by Mother Teresa, the study authors write:
Her doctors thought otherwise: the ovarian cyst and the tuberculosis from which she suffered were healed by the drugs they had given her. The Vatican, nevertheless, concluded that it was a miracle. Mother Teresa’s popularity was such that she had become untouchable for the population, which had already declared her a saint.
The study, which was released earlier this year, was published in the journal Religieuses. The researchers formed their conclusions after studying hundreds of official documents, some of which were written by medical doctors who had visited Mother Teresa’s facilities and witnessed the alleged barbaric and “unsanitary” conditions firsthand.
According to reports, she also defended a pedophile priest, Donald McGuire, who she knew to be a PEDOPHILE, campaigning for him to be returned to his position after he had been removed from it following allegations of abuse. After he was returned to his position at her urging, he went on to molest at least eight additional boys until he was finally arrested in 2005. He is currently serving a 25 year sentence in federal prison stemming from those charges.
In a letter Mother Teresa wrote to the priest’s superior, she said that he had admitted to what he had done but that the reputation of the priesthood was the more important consideration, writing:
(He has) admitted imprudence in his behavior…I understand how grave is the scandal touching the priesthood in the U.S.A. and how careful we must be to guard the purity and reputation of that priesthood. I must say, however, that I have confidence and trust in Fr. McGuire and wish to see his vital ministry resume as soon as possible.