We know this much about Ancient Kemet. There were many healing temples in the land. They weren’t filled with blood altars, serpents, snakes, deities or demons, prophets, priests and priestess. They were filled with music. The body is like a finely tuned string instrument. Revolutionary spiritual musicians like John Coltrane understood that stars, planets, planetary objects and the universe make music and sing harmonies. He suddenly came up dead. The late Paul Robeson was a rare prophet of music. He traveled the world teaching the universal language of music going back to the time when an united people across the globe danced like the Sun and planets, and played the music of the stars. They took away his passport, and he also came up dead. The unseen magnetism and vibrations of harmonies could make you feel brand new. Before Donny Hathaway was thrown through a high rise New York hotel window, he was studying harmonies hoping to incorporate more of in his music to influence others.
Lucifer is a fallen angel who was the head of the ministry and director of music in Heaven. Ezekiel 28:13 “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” Tabrets are similar to the modern tambourines. The tympanum [tambourine] was used in the feasts of Cybele (Herod. 4. 76) and is said to have been the invention of Dionysus and Rhea (Eurip. Bacch. 59). It was played by women, who beat it with the palms of their hands (Ovid, Met. 4:29) Lucifer had pipes inside him and before he was thrown from heaven when he spoke he actually sang the words. Lucifer knows music, he hates God and God’s Music. Lucifer and Fallen Angels do not play harmonies. So, you know him/them by their music- the lack of universal harmony. Lucifer’s music don’t make you feel brand new.
The American people have been demonically bamboozled and deceived for at least another 4 (four) years. Yet, another Dark Empire has taken over the highest public office of the nation. The only difference between the Obama Satanic presidential administration and the Drumpf Luciferian administration is that they told you in very beginning up front who they were, “WE ARE THE DARK LORDS.” Donald Drumpf promised a presidency and government that would be inclusive of all the people. It was deception. Drumpf’s government inclusive of all of the people is a maze of demonic trickery, crime and corruption- IT’S ALL DISHARMONY ACROSS THE WORLD. You shall know the dark lords by their disharmony in all their fruit and business. For the masses, it adds yet another layer to this puzzle palace warped inside an enigma.
Bannon says that we will never figure out what he is doing, because he moves in “darkness” like Darth Vader of Star Wars. But its worst than that. Bannon is an agent of another government. Again, we look at Donald Drumpf’s Merlin– presidential chief of staff, Steve Bannon. It is an extremely strange choice to appoint Bannon of the Breitbart News Network as the presidential chief of staff. A lot of people are holding their collective breath.
At least Howard Dean didn’t mix any words about him. He called Bannon an outright NAZI and that is real deep serious and heavy stuff. But, we won’t go there right now. We are going someplace else.
Andrew James Breitbart (February 1, 1969 – March 1, 2012) that created the Breitbart News Network was an American conservative publisher, commentator for the Washington Times, journalist, author, and television and radio personality on various news programs, who served as an editor for the Drudge Report website.[1]
Behind his ultra brand of racial bias and conservatism was a mystic, alchemist and cabbalist. Breitbart identified his religion as Judaism.[2] Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion, with the Torah as its foundation text (part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible), and supplemental oral tradition represented by later texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud.[3]
“Woe to the man who sees in the Torah (the law) only simple recitals and ordinary words! Because, if in truth it contained only these, we would even today be able to compose a Torah much more worthy of admiration. But it is not so. Each word of the Torah contains an elevated meaning and a sublime mystery…The recitals of the Torah are the vestments of the Torah. Woe to him who takes this vestment of the Torah for the Torah itself!…The simple take notice of the garments and recitals of the Torah alone. They know no other thing. They see not that which is concealed under the vestment. The more instructed men do not pay attention to the vestment, but to the boy which it envelops.”[4]
Judaism and the Torah encompasses secrecy regarding deep matters and the invariable use of allegories where the mass of the people are permitted to come in contact with. They involve unseen occult truths realized only through multiple parables. Christ always spoke to the multitude in parables, afterward privately explaining to his disciples the deeper meaning contained therein. On several occasions, he imposed secrecy upon them in regard to such private teachings. Apostle Paul’s methods are also in harmony with this, for he gives “milk” or the more elementary teachings to the “babes” in the faith, reserving the “meat” or deeper teachings for the “strong“–those who had qualified themselves to understand and receive them. (I Corinthians 3:1-3)
Photograph of staff of Breitbart News, Andrew Breitbart with Master Mason of the 33rd degree Israeli Head of State, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [5] Breitbart News Network was created in Israel for Israeli military and police intelligence objectives. It is an extreme right wing pro- Israel- pro-Zionist propaganda news service.[6] Bannon was one of the network’s original creators. He is branded on his ass for life as a “Friend of Israel.” Breitbart News Network was created in Israel as a BLOOD COVENANT arm of the Mossad. Bannon works for Benjamin Netanyahu.[7] Bannon reeks of a big pile of rotting flesh on the White House floor. If Bannon goes into the Drumpf White House as chief of staff in January 2017, he will succeed another Luciferian Servant, an abominable damn CANNIBAL- JOHN PODESTA.
Yes, the LORD OF DARKNESS will replace a Satanic CANNIBAL in the White House.
Cannibal John Podesta & 14 Body Parts of God Ausar (Osiris)
It’s about blood and the human body parts, and Podesta has most likely, ritually, eaten all fourteen (14) in pools of blood and fluids.
Lady Gaga and Marina Abramović sampling the taste of a woman’s body marinated in blood, breast milk, and only god knows what else. Marina Abramović is Podesta’s Occult Spirit Cook. If it is public such as above, it is an art exhibit. If it is private, it’s real. They drink BLOOD and eat FLESH.
Ausar & Oxyrhynchus- Extreme Deep Mysteries
In Kemetic Mythology, Podesta’s fish symbol represents Oxyrhynchus, the fish that ate Ausar’s phallus, the 14th body part. The fish is an important part of the Zodiac (Pisces), star charts- star travel. Podesta’s symbol and number represent a secret advanced but western Judaea bastardized alchemy formula of personal other dimensional spiritual journey at the expense of somebody else’s flesh and blood. HUMAN BLOOD is the life force, their fire and fuel.
Podesta & Gollum- Harry Porter’s Witchcraft
It’s also about very ancient Witchcraft & Magick. Almost 5 (five) years ago, at least one man was interested in exposing the Podesta’s White House insane Satanic pedophile-cannibalistic cult even-
if he had to die for it, AND HE DID!
Podesta, Slick Willie, Pope Paul II, Ninth Satanic Circle,
Podesta, Son of the Vatican, is a lifetime practicing Italian-Greek Roman Catholic out of Chicago, IL. He is known to be more catholic than the pope. Bill Clinton was the first to bring him into the White House. Podesta’s Satanic pedophile ring is much larger, powerful and goes well beyond the Clinton Foundation. Podesta’s circle is a globetrotting pedophile and CANNIBAL ring of the ultra rich, powerful and elite. It is an ancient Saturn Death Blood Cult.[8]
It is the NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE of the Vatican. Bill Clinton connects to the Vatican’s John Podesta (Pedophile/Cannibal) and Jeffrey Epstein (Convicted Pedophile)- Podesta leads to the Barrack Obama White House. Podesta connects to Breitbart News (Assassination of Andrew Breitbart) and Steve Bannon (The Israeli Lord of Darkness).
For whatever reason, Andrew James Breitbart and Podesta had bumped heads. The conflict had reached the point of the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” In 1971, the late Saul Alinksy published Rules for Radicals. Rule Number 13 states the rule of the Politics of Personal Destructions, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”[9] Breitbart decided to hit back at Podesta. However, he hit back at Podesta using classified and secret information in not so much of a secret way.
Recall, Breitbart worked for Netanyahu and the Mossad. They were all dirty. They were wiping each others’ asses. But, Breitbart may not have known just how deep the rabbit hole ran, or how dirty the game was. Or, he just didn’t give a damn. He went after John Podesta in personal vengeance.
Within days of his Tweets. On the early morning hours of March 1, 2012, Breitbart collapsed on a street near his home in Brentwood, CA. Breitbart was dead- only 43 years old. The Nazi– Steve Bannon was appointed executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network after his death. He has insisted Breitbart died of natural causes and to suggest anything else is irresponsible. He said, “Breitbart had an enlarged heart … He had been hospitalized for the problem last year and told to lose weight that he did not lose.”[10] Yeah, right.
DEAD. Michael Cormier, Breitbart’s Coroner Investigator
Only two months after Breitbart’s passing, the coroner that investigated the cause of death may have succumbed to arsenic poisoning. Veteran Los Angeles coroner forensic technician Michael Cormier died due to arsenic poisoning. Cormier was discovered dead on April 20th – the same day the city officials had released their preliminary autopsy report on the death of Breitbart. According to early reports, Cormier was “seemingly healthy,” yet “suddenly stricken” with a fatal condition – just like Breitbart.
Bannon didn’t know Breibart’s Tweets would resurface almost 5 (five) years later with his foot in the White House. They all knew what Podesto and the Clintons were doing. Bannon and Brietbart News were doing and covering up the very same thing for the Mossad.
Clinton Foundation Child Snatching in Haiti
Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said, “There is organ trafficking for children and other persons also, because they need all types of organs …”[11] In Haiti, children were even disappearing out of hospitals.
On January 12, 2010 in the aftermath of Haiti’s great earthquake, a group of ten American Baptist missionaries from Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican border with 33 (Magick Masonic Number) Haitian children. The group was New Life Children’s Refuge (NLCR) led by Laura Silsby. The group was arrested in Haiti for child trafficking.[12] Following the trail of declassified Wikileaks emails, the road led directly to Huma Abedin who had been “constantly forwarding emails to Hillary Clinton” about the Laura Silsby organization.[13]
Bill Clinton, UN Special Envoy to Haiti, negotiated the release of 9 (Magic Masonic Number) of the missionaries. It was one of the first things that Slick Willie did when he rolled into the country.
Sephardic Jewish Human Trafficking Counterintelligence Agent- Jorge Puello Torres
NLCR’s legal advisor and gatekeeper was Jorge Puello Torres. The police in El Salvador said that Torres was suspected of leading a sex slave trafficking ring involving Central American and Caribbean women and girls.
Torres, President of Jews of El Salvador and Dominican Republic
Torres is part of the Jewish Chabad Movement. Chabad also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch. It is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Torres served in the U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit. He worked undercover with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. Torres founded the DR Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Community in 2007, the Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of El Salvador in 2008, and the for-profit Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of America in Florida in 2009.
Torres used the Jewish Chabad network as a cover to smuggle sex slave women and children internationally. Torres’ sex ring was exposed when three young girls, 14, 15, and 16 escaped from the house and went to police to report they had been forced to pose naked to promote the sex business. Multiple passports were found in the house inside a Sephardic Jewish community in San Salvador, including one in the name of Sephardic Jew Jorge Torres Orellana.[14] Torres looks like a CIA/Mossad Op.
Israelis may have been harvesting internal organs from Palestinian prisoners without consent for many years. In 2002 the service reported:
“The revelation of illegally stored body parts in the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute has prompted MK Anat Maor, chairman of the Knesset Science Committee, to demand the immediate suspension of the director, Prof. Yehuda Hiss.”
“In 2001, an Israeli Health Ministry investigation found that Hiss had been involved for years in taking body parts, such as legs, ovaries and testicles, without family permission during autopsies, and selling them to medical schools for use in research and training. He was appointed chief pathologist in 1988. Hiss was never charged with any crime, but in 2004 he was forced to step down from running the state morgue, following years of complaints.”[15]
On January 15, 2010, Haaretz reported that:
“The Israel Defense Forces’ aid mission to Haiti left Israel overnight (January 14) with equipment for setting up an emergency field hospital. Around 220 soldiers and officers (were) in the delegation, including 120 medical staff (to) operate the hospital in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.”
According to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it includes “40 doctors, 25 nurses, paramedics, a pharmacy, a children’s ward, a radiology department, an intensive care unit, an internal department and a maternity ward (able to) treat approximately 500 patients each day,” including in two surgery rooms.
On January 20, Lebanon’s Al-Manar TV reported on the mission, citing a damning You Tube video posted by an American named T. West from a group called AfriSynergy Productions.
“The video presents something to think about while exploiting the horrible tragedy that has befallen Haiti where Israeli occupation soldiers are engaged in organ trafficking.”[16]
“They [Israel] pay ‘the poor and the hungry to slowly dismantle their bodies’ or simply take what they want from fresh corpses. Body parts are commodities, to be harvested and sold to the rich, even though organ sales are prohibited in most countries, but not in international law.”[17]
“OUT OF NORTH KOREA … they need all types of organs.”
Little Girl, Euna Lee and Laura Ling
Under “Pizza” (Pedophile Secret Code for Little Girls) search of John Podesta’s Email Chain, this picture came up, “As John said, it doesn’t get any better than this.” To which another man named Justin Cooper responds, “Nice.”
The pizza picture little girl looks like Euna Lee’s 6 year old daughter, Hana. I am not going to speculate or offer any opinion on anything! I just wait and see where it all leads.
Jeffrey Epstein with a Young Asian Girl
Nevertheless, Euna Lee and Laura Ling are international journalists that were captured and imprisoned in North Korea in 2009 for allegedly body snatching children. They went into North Korea under the cloak to report on sex trafficking of women. At first glance, it is a most noble endeavor of great courage.
Bill Clinton & Son of the Vatican in North Korea
On August 4, 2009, Bill Clinton made an unannounced trip to Pyongyang, North Korea. Western and South Korean media speculated that Clinton went to Pyongyang in order to negotiate the release of Lee and Ling. The day after Clinton arrived, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il pardoned the two. After being released from custody by the North Koreans, Lee and Ling were flown back to Los Angeles with Clinton and his delegation in a Boeing 737(Air Fuck 3) owned by Hollywood producer and Clinton friend Steve Bing’s company, Shangri-La Entertainment.[18]
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the second son and third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, another frequent flyer of the Lolita Express.
Bing, Burkle & Slick Willie
Bing is part of Slick Willie’s “depraved” billionaire playboy’s party club. Clinton spent years traveling and partying with Ron Burkle and Steve Bing, billionaire bachelors with a penchant for very-very young girls.
Very Young Girls!
Clinton spent so much time on Burkle’s private plane that it came to be known in Burkle’s circle as “Air Fuck One.”
Jeffrey Epstein and Very Young Girl
Epstein that should have been arrested and convicted for pedophilia long ago is also a member of this rich man playboy party club on board of the Lolita Express- “Air Fuck Two.”[19]
Another wicked pedophile billionaire playboy on board the Lolita Express, Donald Drumpf.[20]
On their private orgy island in the American Virgin Islands, Jeffrey Epstein built a multi-colored round temple on the island with a gold dome, and a statute of a golden owl on top. It is believed that it is the Owl of Minerva. Minerva is the Roman Goddess of Wisdom. She is equal to the Greek Goddess Athena. Athena is equal to Cybele, and Cybele connects to Aset (Isis).
The owl symbol connects with the current Moloch Cult of the Bohemian Grove, and initiate degrees of the ILLUMINATI.
Minerval Seals of the Illuminati: two of three known to still exist. P.M.C.V.stands for Per Me Caeci Vident (Through me the blind become sighted). An owl holding an opened book (signifying learning), surrounded by a Laurel wreath (a symbol of learning or graduation); Per Me Caeci Vident was a reminder to the Superiors of the class, whose responsibility it was to properly instruct the Minervals. These medallions were worn around the necks of Minerval initiates.[21]
In the front of the temple sits a statute of Poseidon with a trident spear. Poseidon was one of the caretakers of the Oracle at Delphi before Olympian Apollo took it over. Apollo and Poseidon worked closely in many realms: in colonization, for example, Delphic Apollo provided the authorization to go out and settle, while Poseidon watched over the colonists on their way, and provided the lustral water for the foundation-sacrifice.[22]
All of the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses above except the Kemetic Goddess Aset (Isis) demanded or welcomed the human sacrifices of ancient days.[23]
Decades ago, SS Knight of the Black Sun Klaus Barbie of the Italian Masonic Lodge Propaganda 2 (P2) figured out that they could better control minds of groups by indoctrinating and initiating them into Satanic rites, cults and Masonic Lodges, then sealing their tongues under the threat of death, and a cloak of blood oath secrecy.
Epstein’s Temple is used to terrorize, traumatize, indoctrinate and initiate young- very young and impressionate girls into the Occult and Underworld to keep them under constant fear and strict mind control.
The Temple is meant to instill the fear of God in them, or anyone else joining the island’s secret dark rituals. They give the children to the DEVIL. These people are extreme racialist and racists. No young black girls or women were/are allowed on orgy island or among their parties. However, don’t get it twisted- it isn’t just benign racism. Podesta and these people concealed and used governmental funds, power and influence to actively pursue a covert plan of genocide against people of color.
In his Tweets, Breitbart said that he knew of specific incidents of H8 (hate crimes) of Podesta, Clinton, and Obama against people of color, but he was liquidated before he gave any other clues. Could he have been talking about Haiti? Or, something else. Local.
Tony and John Podesta’s cryptic E-mail messages use secret food-related code words. For instance, “Cheese Pizza” is code word for “Little Girls“, and a common slang for child porn among pedophiles in online communities. In the Son of the Vatican‘s chain of cryptic E-mail messages, there is the secret use of the word, walnuts. Some researchers believe that term refers to Black Children, others think that it refers to underdeveloped virgin girls like cracking the cherry. It makes sense, but I think that it is the former. I think that it adds up better with my past experiences and knowledge of pedophile rings targeting black children in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. In April 2015, there was a E-mail discussion between John Podesta and Jim Steyer about “Walnut Sauce”. Podesta does in fact cook a well known traditional walnut sauce.
Jim Steyer: ” … walnut sauce for pasta? Mary piz tell us the straight story, was the sauces actually very tasty”. In response, Mary Podesta asked if “walnut growing California knows and celebrates walnut pasta sauce?” Steyer replied: “Indeed Mary.”
Steyer knew about walnut pasta sauce all along. “I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!” Eryn Sepp—another recipient in the email chain—said of Steyer’s conversation “Haha [Steyer] has no idea what he’s talking about.”
Billionaires James & Tom Steyer
There isn’t anything strange or unusual about using walnut sauce on pasta, especially, for a fine, rich (billionaire) and cultured man like Steyer. James‘ brother is billionaire Tom Steyer. I suspect that both are interested in religion and theology. And, the Steyer brothers’ blood money in combination with George Soros and other Zionists are behind covert funding of Black Lives Matter. The Steyers’ father was Roy Henry Steyer, a law partner of Sullivan & Cromwell. Sullivan & Cromwell should always raise a lot of red flags. It was the CIA MK ULTRA Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles‘ powerful and clandestine law firm. The elder Steyer (Lt. Roy H. Steyer, USNR) was an OSS Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor. The Dulles brothers used their law firm partners to collaborate with and cherry pick SS-Knights of Black Sun and Nazis for Operation PAPERCLIP.
My Dear Lord. These are the BLOODLINES of the operators and conductors of the Vatican SS Nazi Ratlines, and the Guardians of Himmler’s– THE DEVIL’S GOLD. Don’t get it twisted. Of course, Jim Steyer knew exactly what Podesta was talking about. Podesta was the Steyer brothers’ advisor and teacher. Podesta was taught straight out of the Vatican and its vast ancient library. In ancient Satanic rituals, The Son of the Vatican goes all the way back to the secret mystery Greek Cult of Oxyrhynchus.
The City/Cult of Oxyrhynchus lies west of the main course of the River Nile. In ancient times, the city on the site was called Per-Medjed, named after the medjed, a species of elephantfish of the Nile worshiped there as the fish that ate the penis of Ausar (Osiris). After Alexander the Great entered Kemet in 332 BC, the city was reestablished as a Greek town, called Oxyrrhynkhoupolis. In Hellenistic times, Oxyrhynchus was a prosperous regional capital, the third-largest city in Egypt. After Egypt was Christianized, it became famous for its many churches and monasteries.
For some time, the Steyer brothers, particularly Jim, has been a close friend of Kamala Harris, former DA of San Francisco, and State Attorney General. Kamala had been an Alameda County DA in the pipeline of the extremely scary Germanic Clan, D. Lowell Jenson and Edwin Meese III, the Alameda County Mafia.
Steyer was even a member of her SF DA transaction team in 2003. She popped up in the Chauncey Bailey Assassination Case. From what I can remember, it came down from her office that nobody in the city was to touch my cases or the Mt. Zion Spiritual Temple Matter in Oakland. I had been working with a large and prominent law firm in the city warping up the case, when they suddenly dropped us like a hot potato. Through the grapevine in the city, the word was coming down from high up on the chain to stay away from us by such people like DA Kamala Harris. I was extremely puzzled. I couldn’t figure out how she figured into anything. I heard about her as a raising black public political figure, but I really didn’t know who she was. For the large part, I really didn’t dismiss it. I just kept an eye open behind my back.
I had been informed, quiet as kept, about a high level powerful pedophile ring operating deep underneath the surface of the Church in Oakland. I had one crack cocaine female addict tell me some specifics of a wing of it that operated out of a city funded poverty program. Instead of helping them with addiction, housing and employment issues, they were taking advantage of young addicted females as sex slaves. She told about secret “sex parties and orgies” with powerful people. I had to be extremely careful with her. I always acted as if I was only passively interested in what she talked about. She would drop a dime on you for as little as a nickle bag of crack cocaine.
They had gatekeepers of the pedophile ring in the Alameda County DA’s office. A DA investigator came by my house under the pretext of looking into a fraud and corruption matter involving the Church that I submitted to the office for investigation. I was immediately warned that he was gatekeeper. He was fishing about what I knew about the pedophile and sex ring, and bust me for sometime. As I said before, I immediately named him as a party defendant in a 1983 Civil Rights lawsuit in federal court to try to keep him and the County DA’s office out on a level playing field. With the exposure of Pizzagate, Kamala Harris and things are becoming crystallized.
Cardinal William Levada, right, was archbishop of San Francisco until 2005. He became the second most powerful man in the Vatican behind Pope Benedict XVI of Germany, left above. When Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Levada became head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Levada became second in command of the Vatican as the “papal enforcer.”
Wicked Nazi Joseph Ratzinger
Who was Joseph Ratzinger? ” … Jesuit archival records make reference to a child sacrificial cult known as The Knights of Darkness, established by the Nazi Waffen S.S. Division in 1933 with Jesuit backing. The archives identify former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, as a member of the Knights and as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany, where he participated in sacrificial rites using children transported to the camp or kidnapped from political prisoners.”
Pope Benedict XVI was a participant in the Ninth Circle Satanic Circle rape, killing and sacrifice of children. Cardinal Levada was known as a key architect of the church’s practice of keeping ritual sexual abuse allegations secret, protecting pedophile priests, and punishing church whistleblowers.
Kamala Harris, Dark-Wicked Surrogate of the Ninth Satanic Circle
In SF, DA Kamala Harris helped Cardinal Levada and the Vatican maintain a cloud of secrecy over the rape, molestation and murder of children by priests in SF, than the State of California. She resisted all public records act requests inquiring into the DA and Attorney General’s records regarding Cardinal Levada and pedophile Catholic priests. Harris’ refusal to release any public documents regarding the Vatican and the sexual exploitation and abuse of children was a deliberate policy of protection, secrecy, and cover-up.
Kamala did more than just conceal horrific crimes against poor and powerless state foster care black children by the Ninth Satanic Circle. I believe she fed them (Walnuts) to the pedophiles and the cannibals. What I didn’t know at the time was the Church that I had in fact re-established as a California Religious Corporation had been a secret Masonic network that fed black sex slave children, homosexuals and abused drug addicted young females into the tentacles of the Ninth Satanic Circle.
Soon thereafter, I was poisoned within 2 inches of my life by a woman from inside the County DA’s office. She lived next door. Her husband told me that she worked for a bunch of lawyers. That wasn’t a good sign. I stayed far away from her. On a Saturday afternoon, I was drawn outside to support their daughter’s lemonade stand. When I bought my cup of lemonade, she said that she needed more ice and took my cup inside her apartment. She returned and I began to consume the lemonade and cookie. While I was eating the cookie and drinking the lemonade, she suddenly began to shut down the stand, and started throwing stuff in the truck of her car. I should have been more cautious. However, I drank the lemonade, entered my front door and closed it behind me. As soon as the door was closed, I collapsed on the floor in a fetal position. I was conscious, but there was so much pain in my abdomen I couldn’t stand or walk. So, I began to crawl to a back bedroom. I could see the driveway from the dining room window. I saw her speeding out of the driveway.
I didn’t call 9-11, because I suspected that it was yet another setup. I wouldn’t have survived a hospital stay. I put it in God’s Hands. Within about 4 (four) months, I was able to recover enough health and strength to get back in the middle of the struggle. While I was at the municipal courthouse in downtown Oakland, I suddenly locked eyes with Kathy, the Black Angel Assassin that poisoned me. She was walking out the County DA’s office. Like a cold blood snake, she stared at me momentarily- turned her head and walked away. I later discovered that she had been trained in poisons in New Orleans.
The only thing that I can say is God was with me. At times, I followed her around the courthouse. She would be so consumed- high with power and position that I could stand just feet from her, and she couldn’t see me. I followed her between various department court clerks to the County DA’s Office, to the County Sheriff. Whenever, I saw Kamala Harris’ name on the ballot, I unconsciously momentarily went into trance. I never understood why. Of course, I never voted for the Witch. I couldn’t. But wait, there’s more.
“John — Hosting pizza party at Belmont for HFA on April 10. Maya Harris is joining, but need you. Can you come? Thanks much, Tony“
Kamala Harris’ younger sister, Maya, is deeply imbedded in the Podestas Pizzagate Email Party Chain. She worked directly under John Podesta at the Center for American Process, and Slick Willie and Hilary Clinton.
Kamala Devi Harris (born October 20, 1964), Hindu, is an American lawyer, politician, and member of the Democratic Party. She is Alpha Kappa Alpha (BOULE). Her pagan patron goddess is Qetesh. As of 2016 she is the Attorney General of California. On November 8, 2016, she was elected to replace outgoing Democratic senator Barbara Boxer becoming the second black woman and first Indian American elected to serve in the United States Senate.
Maya L. Harris (born in 1967) is an American lawyer and public policy advocate. She was appointed to be one of three senior policy advisers to lead the development of an agenda for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She was formerly a senior fellow at John Podesta’s Center for American Process. From 2008 until she took her c