Gavin Eugene Long: I Am COSMO [God Mithras][1]
BLACK CARD OPERATION PHOTOSHOP: Alleged Police Black Assassin COSMO Cut & Paste Running/Floating on Air
Baton Rouge P.D. police running like normal human beings- one foot touch the ground. If the Baton Rouge Fraternal (Masonic) Order of Police are obstructing justice, manufacturing and fabricating evidence in this instance. And, they have. You can’t believe anything they are saying, and it couldn’t be done- this massive deception BS go global– without complicity of America’s Shadow Government, forces veiled inside the U.S. government, and corporate mass media.
9 AM in the morning, broad day light, police and witnesses said that there was more than one up to three (3) assassins involved in killing 3 police officers in Baton Rouge. It is quite possible that Gavin Eugene Long didn’t shot anyone. This appears to be just another Parallax View Movie Script played out for real on police officers, and a Black Manchurian Candidate Patsy.
Yes, people thought you [Charmaine (Queen)] were a crisis actor. Charmaine (Queen): “Don’t actors get paid.” Charmaine is member of “AF [U.S. Air Force] Military Basic Training for Jade [Helm]. What is Jade Helm?
The joint exercise in realistic military training (RMT) known as Jade Helm 15 that took place in the summer of 2015. The military exercise involved dropping approximately 1,200 clandestine special forces troops into urban and rural areas of America. They were mainly Army Green Berets (Fort Bragg), but also a small group of Navy SEALS and Air Force special operations troops as well as conventional Army infantry. Also listed as participants elements of Jade Helm were the U.S. MARINE CORPS FORCES SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND, Marine expeditionary units, the 82nd Airborne Division and “interagency partners.” Troops engaging in the exercise assumed the roles of either occupying or resistance forces. Theories surrounding Jade Helm involve a covert military plan to seize weapons from the populace, round up political dissidents, and remove key political figures who may be against the imposition of MARTIAL LAW. Who’s was at the top of Jade Helm Operations? Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, the Highest Ranking Military Officer in America, General Joseph F. Dunford [see below].
This has to be one of the most idiotic and ill advised Black Card Manchurian Candidate False Flag/Strategy of Tension operations in American history. COSMO Ausar Setepenra, a.k.a. Baton Rouge police shooter was a Black Card Sleeper. “Scare Them [Masses], You Can Herd Them [Masses]”, take a mind controlled Black Manchurian Candidate sleeper out of your deck of cards, and play it to create mass hysteria and Lunacy.
The Black young man, Gavin Eugene Long, 29 years old, called himself the COSMO of the COSMOS. What kind of BS is this? I guess it just had to have come out of Louisiana. Those southern good-olde-boys really know now to stick it to them BLM Ni**ers, People of Color and their supporters. But there is some deep U.S. military intelligence truths, veiled and unveiled, to Black Card Operations and the “The COSMO WAY.”[2]
The COSMOS WAY: “Law and Order”
It is pretty well established that after Gavin Eugene Long had been discharged from the U.S. military- something had drastically changed inside of him that he wouldn’t share with anyone. We heard it far too after the military service. He or she becomes distant, disturbed, isolated and “secretively.” In the military, their personality assessments and profiles are extremely scientific. Gavin was a rather short brother with a fierce Napoleon Complex. The marine corps must have read Long’s over inflated ego damn near to the letter to the book and used it against him. They offered the young intelligent hungry street wise brother as an ultra secret (Black Card) Alpha Unit member- the Keys and Passes to the Mastery of the COSMOS on the extreme condition of initiation and ultra secrecy.
The Pagan/Satanic “Law and Order” President, Ronald Reagan
2016 is an extremely key and important presidential “Law and Order” election year in United States. It also becomes one of the bloodiest of times. 2016 is no different, but more bloody and violent. Under cover of a Black Card, cyborg President Obama, we have been led into a decade of unprecedented “Scare Them, You Can Herd Them” BLOODLETING Black Card Manchurian Candidate False Flag and Strategy of Tension clandestine operations sweeping across the nation to create CHAOS. They create the climate and ILLUSIONS for veiled Luciferian “Law and Order” presidential candidates like Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, the Bush-Whackers, and now Donald Drumpf (Trump).
At the National Republican Presidential Convention in Cleveland, the Bohemian Grove Pagan Baby/Blood Eater, Ronald Reagan, seem to be just as alive in the republican blue matter in 2016 as he was in 1972. Mystic Reagan had practiced the COSMOS WAY for decades at the Bohemian Grove. The Bohemian Grove is a super ultra-elite club that practice bizarre Druid customs during the summer solstice– when the SUN (Sol) appears to be at it’s highest point in the sky (one of the Earth’s hemispheres is at it’s maximum tilt towards the Sun), it creates the longest daytime of the year. The Bohemian Grove emulate the ancient secret COSMIC mystery cults of Babylon, Rome, and Greece. The members secretly celebrate and sacrifice to the old Gods such as Moloch, Ishtar- CYBELE, Lilith, Attis, SUN Gods- Mithra-Mithras, and APOLLO (Sol Invictus- Unconquered SUN).
On June 20, 2016, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, Joseph F. Dunford, the highest military officer in America, and president of the Republic of the United States celebrated and sacrificed to the COSMIC old Gods- Cybele, Mithras and Apollo on the summer solstice in Rome on Vatican Hill, at St. Peter’s Basilica that sits on top of the CYBELE’s secret ancient underground temple caves and catacombs.
Cybelean Corybante Republican Ruby [Rudy] Giuliani
2016 Official [Cybelean]Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Drumpf (Trump)
Behind the Veils of Our Constitutional Government, we aren’t sure what’s really going on because it is SECRET as it has been for thousands of years. It doesn’t mean that it, the secret elite Satanic ILLUMINATI [ILLUMINATED], does not EXIST.
GOD MITHRAS- Holding Up the Gateway to the COSMOS
The world, as the organized COSMOS, has a hierarchical structure which the Alpha unit initiate is taught to aim at reaching the horizons of unseen universal power, strength, knowledge and truth. “The ancient Roman religion known as the Mithraic mysteries has captivated the imaginations of scholars for generations. There are two reasons for this fascination. First, like the other ancient “mystery religions,” such as the Eleusinian mysteries and the mysteries of Isis, Mithraism maintained strict secrecy about its teachings and practices, revealing them only to initiates… Owing to the cult’s secrecy, we possess almost no literary evidence about the beliefs of Mithraism. “[3] What scholars have pieced together on Mithraism have been preserved mostly in artifacts left behind in their cave and underground temples “scattered throughout the Roman empire, from England in the north and west to Palestine.”[4]
Mithraism was an ancient mystery religion prominent from the 1st Century BC to the 5th Century AD. It was based on worship of the GOD MITHRAS. Given the pervasive influence in the Greco-Roman period of astrology and “astral immortality,” Mithras possessed literally world-shaking power that clearly him eminently worthy of worship. GOD MITHRAS (and CYBELE) had control over the COSMOS. He had power over the astrological forces determining life on earth, and would also possess the ability to guarantee the soul a safe journey through the celestial spheres after DEATH. Worship of the SUN (Sol) did exist within the indigenous Roman pantheon, as a minor part, and always as a pairing with the moon. However, in the East, there were many solar deities, including the Greek God Helios, who was largely displaced by God Apollo. By the 3rd century, the popular cults of Apollo and Mithras had started to merge into the cult known as Sol Invictus, and in 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian (whose mother had been a priestess of the sun) made worship of Sol Invictus official. Subsequently Aurelian built a splendid new temple in Rome, and created a new body of priests to support it (pontifex solis invicti), attributing his victories in the East to Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun).[5]
The transformation of Mithras into a Bull or RAM which preceded the eating of his flesh and blood directly parallels the Christians Jesus’ death and rebirth, his statement that his disciples should eat and drink his flesh and blood to wash away sin and gain eternal life.[6] The secret Cult of Mithras seem to represent the idea that he is in some sense greater than the COSMOS. “Capable of moving the entire universe, he cannot be contained within the cosmic sphere, and is therefore depicted in the rock-birth as bursting out of the enclosing cave of the universe, and establishing his presence in the transcendent space beyond the cosmos.”[7] Mithras had a presence in the transcendent space beyond the COSMOS. This imaginary “place beyond the universe” had been described vividly by Plato several centuries before the origins of Mithraism.[8]
Transcendent Space beyond the COSMOS
In his dialogue Phaedrus (247 BC) Plato envisions a journey by a soul to the outermost boundary of the COSMOS, and then gives us a glimpse of what the soul would see if for a brief moment it were able to “look upon the regions without.” “Of that place beyond the heavens,” says Plato, “none of our earthly poets has yet sung, and none shall sing worthily. But this is the manner of it, for assuredly we must be bold to speak what is true, above all when our discourse is upon truth. It is there that true being dwells, without colour or shape, that cannot be touched; reason alone, the soul’s pilot, can behold it, and all true knowledge is knowledge thereof.”[9] “I would suggest that the awe-inspiring quality of Plato’s vision of what is beyond the outermost boundary of the cosmos also lies behind the appeal of Mithras as a divine being whose proper domain is outside of the universe. As the text from Plato shows, the establishment by ancient astronomers of the sphere of the stars as the absolute boundary of the cosmos only encouraged the human imagination to project itself beyond that boundary in an exhilarating leap into an infinite mystery. There beyond the cosmos dwelled the ultimate divine forces, and Mithras’s ability to move the entire universe made him one with those forces.”[10] Gavin Eugene Long, “I AM COSMO”, God Mithra, the Gateway and Key to the COSMOS was no coincidence.
Gavin Eugene Long, “I AM COSMO” Ausar Setepenra
Now, the so-called Black Conscious Community is generally running, hiding, and dodging its prior associations with COSMO. The young man was a former U.S. Marine Sergeant. He attended a military infantry school at Camp Pendleton, CA, one of America’s finest world class military training, spy and assassin school. Cosmos was trained for combat, and expeditionary warfare. He was a trained killer that did his did his tour in combat and warfare, killing people of color on the other side of midnight, illegally, in Iraq. He spent five years in the imperial U.S. forces, then he was discharged in 2010, HONORABLE.[11] COSMO of the Cosmos joined the Black Conscious Community under the pseudo of an Alpha Preneur- COSMO Ausar Setepenra. I am not asking for Gavin Long to be declared an intentional outright fraud, but the contradiction lies on its face. You got a Greek (Alpha) that possesses to be manifestations of the Kemetic Great Gods Ausar (Osiris) and God Re. IT JUST DON’T FIT! Instead of running, ducking and dodging COSMO, own up to him. The world is your stage. You stand on the high MORAL ground of eons of time, and generations of civilizations known for their proven Love of All Humanity.
The Black Conscious Community didn’t train this man to kill. The U.S. Marines– the U.S. government manufactured his Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) mindset, trained and indoctrinated him with the will to maim and KILL.
Aaron Alexis, U.S. Navy- Electronic Hypnotic Voices Tortured
When he got out of the U.S. Marines, he cried out as Black Manchurian Candidate Patsies, Aaron Alexis (U.S. Navy), and Myron May [both exceptionally extremely intelligent], had done.[12] Long identified himself as a 24/7 TI (Targeted Individual) of Gang Stalking (GS). In this case, GS is a code name and “marker” for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH ELF [Electronic Low Frequency] psychotronic harassment, hypnotic suggestions, and mind control programming.
Myron May- Electronic Hypnotic Voices Tortured
In Gang Stalking, the victim is systematically isolated, targeted for surveillance and harassment by counter-intelligence or government intelligence agencies in a manner intended to cause sustained psychological torture and mind control by hypnotic suggestions while creating the least-possible amount of evidence of stalking that would be visible to others.[13]
It seems as though COSMO had at least a dozen different alter personalities swimming around in his head. Recently, it has come up that COSMO had different sexual personalities and personas, Suave, Rico and “Super Pussy.” He bragged that he had slept with up to 75 women. He may have once dated a reality TV personality, Tiffany Pollard.[14] Gavin Eugene Long is yet another military intelligence MPD MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidate “sleeper” triggered and programmed with dozens of alternative personalities like Marcus Wayne Chenault (murdered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s mother). His handlers turned him off, on, and on a dime. All of the sleepers are programmed to KILL.
Will You Be My Sacrifice
In January 1972, Ronald Reagan was serving his second term as governor in Sacramento. His fellow Bohemian Pagan, President Richard Nixon, was the obvious and unanimous Republican presidential nominee. To sweep California, the Bohemians needed to play some Black Cards. One of those clandestine Black Card Operations came knocking on my door. At the end of January 1972, my friend,Tommy Davenport was blown to bits by a planted C-4 bomb. It was global sensational news that a former Black Panther (the Panthers) was planning on launching a terror campaign to bomb and attack white people and the police across the country. Brother Tommy was never a Black Panther. I was the former Black Panther and one of his primary Black Nationalist mentors. They weren’t interested in the truth, only the Black Panther narrative was important to push. Brother Tommy had been drawn into a pseudo underground revolutionary cell for a lot of reasons dealing with the temptation (gift baskets) of the flesh. It turned out to be a secret front out of the CIA Occult Bureau– it was a den of U.S. government agent provocateurs.
Through out the CIA/FBI, military intelligence Strategy of Tension- Black Card Panther scare campaign surrounding the bombing in downtown Oakland that killed Brother Tommy, I owned up to my dear young brother and the community. My last words to Brother Tommy– don’t bring C-4 explosives into our community. I didn’t care where it came from or whoever it came from. If this so-called secret revolutionary cell bring any C-4 explosives in our community- they will deal with us. I think Brother Tommy followed counsel and advice. He was used as a clandestine Black Card sacrifice that had absolutely nothing to do with Black Nationalism or Community. I had to have been investigated by every alphabet government agency in America. I stood firm, we are not involved with C-4 explosives as a matter of policy, principle, rule, respect for human rights, and most importantly by counsel of our elders. There was no wiggle room for any misinterpretation of our intentions, principles or human values.
At Brother Tommy’s funeral, there were only bits and pieces from him recovered from the C-4 bomb site. We had come to mourn and bury my brother. Agent provocateurs and alphabet agency undercover people also came to the funeral to celebrate him as a revolutionary martyr implying that he made the C-4 bomb to use to advance the black revolutionary/nationalist agenda advancing the covert “Law and Order” police state narrative. I almost cleared that place out. I read, all of them, the riot act right then and there. I had them there collectively. I moved into a zone of semi-consciousness, a dream like state where everything slows down. I was in a state of consciousness that I could see a pin down in slow motion from the quarters of my eyes. I was ready to get it on as quietly and quickly as a sudden breeze of fresh air or a pin drop. It was extremely tense.
Suddenly, Tommy’s grieving widow defused the situation, she asked that I respectfully humble myself on his day of homecoming. This wasn’t the time. I came back to myself. But, I didn’t understand the historical significance of that moment. It had become something much bigger and EVIL than Brother Tommy. Tommy had been offered as a sacrifice to the Luciferian New World Order Agenda. Tommy had asked me to join this underground cell. They asked me, Will You Be My Sacrifice? The Shit (excuse my expression) was a rabbit hole far deeper than you can ever imagine. I will discuss the details of this operation in a following post. Black Card Black Manchurian Candidate, Micah X. Johnson, wasn’t blown up with any military grade C-4 explosives in Dallas.
Likewise, we must live up to Alpha Preneur- COSMO Ausar Setepenra and continually address the contradictions- set forth to the masses what our world story-world vision is, and what we truly represent. Instead of what the Fraternal (Masonic) Order of Police, political figures and a handful of ugly race war provocateurs and baiters are screaming across the global public airways to denigrate us the eyes of the world. We should stand firm in resolve. Real Black Nationalists and the Black Community have had nothing to do with creating or forming the disordered mindsets of brothers Micah X. Johnson or Gavin E. Long. Turn the questions and inquiries in the direction that it should go- the DECK CARD DEALERS, the Imperial Fascist U.S. Armed Forces- not the Black Community.
What you need to know, particularly, about former U.S. Marine Corps, Sergeant COSMO, go through the chain of command. Talk to the JESUIT PRIEST U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council. General Dunford also served as the Assistant Division Commander of the 1st Marine Division, Marine Corps Director of Operations, and Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations. He commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force and served as the Commander, Marine Forces U.S. Central Command.[15]
On May 6, 2016, reportedly, President Barrack Obama executed an Executive Order (EO)– Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Normally, a presidential transition or presidential interregnum refers to the period of time between the end of a presidential election and the inauguration of a new President of a country. During this time, the incoming President usually designates new government personnel, including selecting new Cabinet positions and government department or agency heads.[16] The early May 6 publication of the presidential transition EO is said to provide the mechanism for the transition of power between U.S., Inc., President Obama to the reconstituted Republic of the United States of America that is said to be under the Irish “fervent” Catholic and Jesuit Priest, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford.[17]
COSMO Donald Taylor, age 21, U.S. MARINE CORPS– Clandestine Unit- COSMOS De Mau Mau
On October 15, 1972, nine young black men in their early twenties were charged with murdering 12 (twelve) white people in Chicago, and surrounding area. They were part of a a secret military intelligence Black Card Group, called De Mau Mau. De Mau Mau was alleged to have grown out of an anti-white branch of the COSMOS, of a Chicago Black “Mafia” gang.[18] Years ago, I delved deeply into the group, and the possible meaning behind the alleged gang name, COSMOS. In fact, I wouldn’t find any independent evidence or references to the COSMOS. It didn’t make any sense. Young gang brothers usually choose gang names in relationship to some street name, founding gang member, or an animal icon like a lion or tiger- zoolatry.
But COSMOS. COSMOS also isn’t a name that conscious brothers let along ordinary brothers just kick around. From the state of my knowledge in the 1990s, I couldn’t come to any satisfactory conclusions in relations to the forming of the Chicago De Mau Mau U.S. Military Black Manchurian Candidates out of COSMOS. The COSMOS group were former Vietnam GIs.[19] Some of the COSMOS De Mau Mau worked in military intelligence in the U.S. aggression Vietnam war zone.[20] Some stories said that they were formed sometime around May 1969. They originated in both Viet Nam and Germany with the alleged bombing of white officers. It was speculated that they had come back to America to be involved in several other murders across the nation. The rumor was that it was a black gang on the verge of carrying off murders of white police, Chicago and suburban; the gang was 300-400 strong in Chicago and 3,000-4,000 strong nationwide.[21]
The military Black Card group was associated by the press and authorities with the black progressive Malcolm X College in Chicago. After I graduated from Merritt Jr. College in 1969, I had planned to student teach at the college while I pursued Egyptology at the University of Chicago, but my mother (mother’s wit) said no, I had to stay in California. Four members of the COSMOS De Mau Mau had been suspended from the college for disruptive acts (harassment, assault, battery), and trying to peddle dope (heroin) on campus. If I had been there, I certainly would have been face to face with them- my trusted Mother’s Wit.
Charles Hurst, President of Malcolm X College accused the then state attorney, Edward V. Hanrahan, and Sheriff Richard Elrod of trying to make political hay of the arrests. Hurst said, “Obviously, Mr. Hanrahan and the Democratic party want something sensational at the time in the campaign.” [22] At the time of the COSMOS De Mau Mau False Flag- Strategy of Tension Operations in Chicago, Hanrahan was in a hotly contested political contest for his office. Additionally, the national political climate was highly charged as it exists today with the 1972 re-election campaign of the Bohemian Pagan- Baby Blood Eater, President Richard Milhous Nixon.
Nine (9) members of the De Mau Mau were accused, charged and convicted of killing 9 (nine) white people in the Chicago area.[23] Weapons allegedly used in the murders were not recovered. However, it was exposed that ballistics tests performed by the police found that the ammunition allegedly used by COSMOS De Mau Mau were .30 caliber rifle rounds, and .25 caliber pistol rounds.[24]
The Smoking Gun of the strategy of tension operation was that the ammunition found at the scenes of the murders were exclusively British-made. The ammunition was made in England for use by Australian and New Zealand troops in Vietnam. The authorities assumed that the ammunitions were stolen in Viet Nam and sent illegally to Chicago. It does not make any sense. Why would American soldiers steal British ammunitions from British and New Zealand forces in Vietnam when American ammunitions were so accessible and common on the streets of America? They would not.
The mystery rifles used in the murders were most likely M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifles, Caliber .30 known as BAR.[25] Was COSMOS De Mau Mau another secret joint British and American intelligence “Scare Them, You Can Herd Them“, Gladio Terror Project using young mind controlled GIs as the BLACK CARD Big Black Brutes- Patsies? I say, YES! It was foreign ammunition rounds and shells found at the crime scenes and in the victims, because the hit teams were foreign- Operation Gladio. There was an alleged British cousin intelligence agent working with the secret CIA counterintelligence Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), Bruce Silverman. After being convicted of crimes, a video shows Silverman just walking out of Soledad Prison and disappearing from public records, and the INTERNET.
Unnatural Joviality of BLACK CARD Manchurian Candidates
As in the Marcus Wayne Chenault case (clandestinely trained at U.S. Army Base, Fort Jackson, NC), the young black men arrested as the COSMOS De Mau Mau took UNCANNY joviality in accepting responsibility for the murders. Also as in the Chenault case, there appeared to be little if any defense. All of the laughing and grinning young former Vietnam Veterans were hopelessly convicted, and quietly put away forever aided by the testimony and complicity of a black police informer, William Butch Jackson, 22 years old. All the weapons allegedly used in the COSMOS De Mau Mau murders were conveniently never recovered or exposed. [26] ,[27]
In 1972, the Bohemian (blood eater) President Nixon played clandestine Black Cards across the nation to get reelected in a landslide on a “Law and Order” platform just like Masonic/Cybelean Republican President Candidate Donald Drumpf (Trump) says he represents in 2016. Is the Dallas and Baton Rouge False Flag Black Card Shootings also part of the plan to put the DEVIL, Donald Trump, in the White House? I say yes. They have been rolling like this for decades. Whereas for State Attorney Hanrahan, even the De Mau Mau “Scare Them, You Herd Them” campaign couldn’t revive his career. Hanrahan led the state assassins, FBI CO-INTELPRO, and CIA Project CHAOS that slaughtered in cold blood, the respected and loved 20 year old Chicago BPP Chairman Fred Hampton, December 4, 1969. Hanrahan was later indicted for obstruction of justice in the Fred Hampton Assassination. However, the rabbit hole in Chicago ran far deeper than that.[28]
The Baton Rouge BLACK CARD: CONVO[Contradictions] WITH COSMOS
It’s Not the Grunt’s Birthday.– Halo Video Game
The Baton Rouge False Flag/Strategy of Tension (BLACK CARD) Operation was a Satanic 777 Fraternal [Masonic] Order of Police staged event on Sunday, 7/1[7]/1+6= 7 (777).
It was the COSMO birthday.[29] Unlike Chris Sean Harper and Micah X. Johnson, Gavin Eugene Long was an exceptionally remarkable intelligent young man.
On the street, he was a young hustler and rapper known as Gee Money. Nobody, but nobody was able to beat Gee Money on the video games, Halo and Call to Duty.[30] Halo is a military science fiction first-person shooter video game franchise. The series centers on an interstellar war between humanity and a theocratic alliance of aliens known as the [Judaic] Covenant. The Covenant, led by their religious leaders called the Prophets, worship an ancient civilization known as the Forerunners [Anunnaki], who perished in combat with the parasitic Flood.[31] Call of Duty is a 2003 first-person video game It is the first of many installments in the Call of Duty franchise. The game simulates infantry and combined arms warfare of WWII.[32]
Sandy Hook mind controlled patsy gunman, Adam Lanza, was “obsessed” with weapons and violent video games such as Call of Duty. Don’t get it twisted. I am not at all suggesting that Lanza killed all those people and children in the ILLUSIONARY assault at Sandy Hook.[33] Video games like Call of Duty and Halo are engineered to package numerous trauma based ILLUMINATI/Masonic subliminal messages for indoctrination of unwitting subjects. What is the purpose of some of these mind games? The U.S. military forces host video game national first-person shooter tournaments to recruit unwitting recruits.[34] It wasn’t anything but covert ILLUMINATI subliminal indoctrination that drove this extraordinarily intelligent [video game traumatized] young Kansas City hustler, called Gee Money, into the Satanic/Hermaphrodite U.S. Marine Corp. And, they were very well much aware of it.
When Gee Money left the Marines, he was lonely, Iatrogenically (psychiatrist, psychologist) fragmented, divided- Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD); and controlled. What appears to have been his original personality was really, really afraid. It should be clear without a doubt that Gavin Long had been schooled/initiated into an esoteric mystery school, I say MITHRAS. The first thing that stands out about his “Convos with Cosmo” logo and symbol is the Ram’s Horns. Long’s Cosmos Ausar Setepenra is somewhat accepted to have been a Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) alter ego.[35] In fact, Gavin Long identified himself as a 24/7 TI (Targeted Individual) of Gang Stalking (GS). In this case, GS is a code name and “marker” for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programming.
Allegedly, right before the ambush of police officers in what appears to be broad day light, COSMO tweeted, “And just bc you shed your physical body doesn’t mean that you’re dead.” He [Mithras]had power over the astrological forces determining life on earth, and would also possess the ability to guarantee the soul a safe journey through the celestial spheres [COSMOS] after DEATH.
The name of Ausar that COSMO adopted and invoked is undoubtedly the great majestic Mysteries of Osiris. Ausar is always a deep spiritual and scientific rabbit hole to begin with in anybody’s book. Setepenra goes back to the throne name of the great Kemet 18th Dynasty Pharaoh, Djoserkheperura Setepenra Meryamun Horemheb, “Beloved of Amen“, and the 19th Dynasty Great Rameses II, Keeper of Harmony, Balance, Strong in Right, Elect of Ra.[36] Setepen-Ra translate to “Chosen of Ra” or “Chosen of the SUN.”[37] That is really heavy manifestations of African Ancestral Spirituality, brothers with these declared attributes become scholars, teachers, ministers and peacemakers, not hick town masked back alley assassins. Not unless, of course, you mess around those other Satanic mystery schools like Mithraism, the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s OTO, Michael Aquino’s Church of Set (Left Hand Path), or Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Satanism is an approved alternative religion for members of the U.S. Armed Forces. It isn’t possible to go from an African Spiritual Saint to an Alpha One– Greek Alpha Sex Crazed Male Preneur. It don’t mix! The Gavin Eugene Long sweeping across the global press is not a product of our community.
COSMO and COSMO Planted on the Internet- The Young Man on the Left is Not Gavin Eugene Long
UPDATE: the corporate mass media has reported today that COSMO left behind a CIA planted manifesto copied in parts from former LAPD Officer Chris Dorner’s CIA planted manifesto. Dorner was a former U.S. Navy Reserve Lieutenant. He joined the LAPD in 2005. He was fired from the LAPD in 2008 allegedly for filing false police brutality charges against fellow officers. Dorner was discharged from the Naval Reserve in 2013. Shortly thereafter, he took lethal revenge against the LAPD officers that had him fired that prompted a sensational (Black Card) nationwide manhunt for a Big Black Brute on the run. It is a long story, but Dorner might have been just another Black Card played in a high-stakes military or CIA covert project, or a national and global diversion campaign for Gun Control.
On top of the Dorner planted story, reportedly, Gavin suffered Post Traumatic Stress (PTSS). He was on PTSS/Mind Control medication. Allegedly, he was maintained on a drug known to be a tool of the ILLUMINATI Intelligence MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control community, Ativan-Lorazepam. MPD and DID (Dissociated Identity Disorder) can also be treated with Lorazepam. He took Lorazepam along with Valium (MPD, DID) and Lunesta for sleep. CIA Black Ops Christopher Dorner may still be alive, but our young brother, Gavin Eugene Long, has been a Satanic ILLUMINATI SACRIFICE.
Please Pray for many others that are trapped in the same situation as Brother Gavin Eugene Long that their minds and souls be free and once again rejoice in the spirit and kingdom of GOD. Oh, My LORD. Also, say a small prayer for me and my family, because I DON’T intend to go any where and hide, and because it looks like I have been in a constant wrestle with real DEMONS for most of my natural life.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXi7jaukXis
[2] http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/baton-rouge-police-ambush/gavin-or-cosmo-baton-rouge-shooter-left-long-twisted-digital-n611291
[3] http://www.mysterium.com/mithras.html
[4] Id.
[6] http://www.vexen.co.uk/religion/mithraism.html
[7] http://www.mysterium.com/mithras.html
[8] Id.
[9] Id.
[10] Id.
[11] http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/18/us/who-is-gavin-long/index.html
[12] http://www.targeted-individuals.net/2015/09/myron-may-suicide-letter-aaron-alexis-FFCHS-email.html
[13] http://pastebin.com/JLaGAYh6
[14] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3695726/Ex-Marine-turned-lifestyle-guru-killed-three-Baton-Rouge-cops-called-Suave-bragged-sleeping-75-women-got-close-personal-VH1-s-New-York-Tiffany-Pollard.html
[15] http://www.defense.gov/About-DoD/Biographies/Biography-View/Article/621329/general-joseph-f-dunford-jr
[16] https://geopolitics.co/2016/05/08/did-obama-sign-presidential-transition-eo-specifically-for-gen-joseph-dunford/
[17] Id.
[18] The Milwaukee Journal, Oct. 16, 1972, pg. 38
[19] <a href="http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1972/10/17/page/1/article/black-veter