MICAH XAVIER JOHNSON DIDN’T DO IT. Don’t it TWISTED. He was a Black Manchurian Candidate/Patsy of the Luciferian New World Order. It seems as though every Boot-licking Handkerchief Head Negro in America including his own mother had father have given up the Ghost that 25 year old Micah Johnson was the lone wolf Dallas Assassin. Along with the boot-licking jack leg black Masonic Goat-Riders in Congress, State, Local Government, Entertainers, Sports and Churches, even the so-called “black left” such as Black Agenda Report, Black Lives Matter and progressive radio stations like Pacifica KPFA will not speak TRUTH to POWER.
Their lips are sealed about Lucifer, the ILLUMINATI, New World Order, False Flag and Strategy of Tension Operations as if these terms are not part of the English Language, or of this WORLD. We, as a people, didn’t have a DAMN THING to do with killing white police officers in the Long Horn State of Texas. This SHIT will not be LEFT ON OUR DOOR STEP.
During the 1960s, we were taught certain cardinal rules. One of the rules that we were instructed to observe was that this system is reactionary. Where there is an action, particularly by Black people, there will be a reaction. It was like being constantly on guard against the Snap of the Dragon’s Tail. But, here, right now in America, the ILLUMINATI believe that they can SNAP THEIR TAIL whenever and for whatever reasons they choose and create- that is open criminal AGGRESSION against the People (CRIMES AGAINST DEMOCRACY) that has to be confronted and stopped. And, if the inner circle of Black Lives Matter can’t seem to develop strategies to protect and defend themselves, and the people that want to represent, they need to get out the game. Because right now, they appear as a front for the NWO to advance their agendas against the people without a defensive strategy.
August 2015, things weren’t sitting too pretty for the National Fraternity of Police. The Sandra Bland July 13, 2015 controversial arrest and death in the hands of Long Horn State Texas local police was still shaking up the nation. The police slayings of unarmed young Black males, Eric Garner in NY, 12 year old Tamir Rice of Cleveland, OH, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD, and many other people of color sparked protests in cities across the country, and national political upheaval.
Globally today in America, we sit in the very same position as in August 2015. Things aren’t sitting too pretty for this government, and the National Fraternity [Masonic] Order of Police. The masses were slowly reaching the conclusion that the Orlando Pulse Night Club Massacre was a false flag operation. James Wesley Howell had suddenly appeared out of the woodwork to squarely point the finger at the CIA in collaboration with the FBI and Masonic Order of Police for the massacre.
Now, there are protests and rallies sweeping across the country to express outrage over the recent viral cell phone video execution deaths of two black men at the hands of police, 37 year old Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, and 32 year old Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota. We should have expected the DRAGON TO SNAP ITS TAIL.
Texas God Damn
Dallas Police Chief, David Brown, At least “Two Snipers.”
On July 7, 2016 (777) in the Long Star State of Texas in the city of Dallas, shots rang out along the route of a Black Lives Matter protest and march that targeted police officers. They were 12 Dallas Police officers shot, five fatally. Dallas Police Chief Brown told an early morning press conference that “… snipers were working together with rifles, triangulated at elevated positions in different points in the downtown area where the march ended up going, the route of the march.”[1]
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was fell by a triangulation (cross fire) of gunfire by a team of professional snipers and sharpshooters , above. Not long ago, I noted that triangulation (cross fire) of gunfire was used in the assassination of Dr. Marcus Foster and resident news reporter Chauncey Bailey in Oakland, CA. These assassinations were planned and executed by Strategy of Tension Professional, Gladio type, Hit Teams not stoned out local LSD and Crack-Cocaine abusers. In each case, the killings were blamed on local political dissenting groups. I had been caught up in the middle of both assassinations. I wasn’t sure of what was going on.
Well, OSWALD didn’t do it just the same that MICAH XAVIER JOHNSON didn’t do it! The Washington Post reported at the time that Dallas Chief David Brown confirmed that there were four suspects: “Dallas Police Chief David Brown…believes the four suspects worked together with rifles….”[2] It was widely reported by corporate mass media, multiple law enforcement agencies and the Dallas Police Department that the rifles used by the Dallas snipers were an antique East Block rifle designed in the 1940’s, the SKS.[3] It is consistent as a sniper weapon. The SKS sniper carbine was created in 1944 as a main Soviet Army sniper rifle. It is still used today as a sniper rifle.[4] The SKS was chambered for the 7.62X39mm, M43 round.[5]
A Saiga AK-74 style semiautomatic rifle was found beside Micah X. Johnson’s body, not a SKS sniper rifle. An AK-74 is chambered for the 5.45x39mm round, but can be converted to accept the 7.62X39mm clip and rounds.[6] However, people familiar the weapon say that the Dead Giveaway with the weapon shown above is that the hand guard is exclusively found on converted Saiga rifles. The mag is the right angle for a 5.45, not a 7.62. Since law enforcement agencies were so clear that the weapon used by snipers was the SKS, there can only be one conclusion that they found 7.62X39mm, M43 rounds at the crime scene.
In this recent sad and tragic leaked photo, it is tragic in the sense that 25 year old Johnson was most probably a betrayed U.S. Shadow Government black Patsy in Dallas, we find that Johnson’s attire and pants were basically beige not at all unlike Academi/Blackwater mercenary civilian warriors, discussed further below. Furthermore, Micah wasn’t blown-up and apart by C-4 explosives as we had been led to believe. In the early 1970’s, my friend and beloved brother in the struggle, Tommie, was blown-up by a planted C-4 bomb by a white female U.S. Agent Provocateur. There wasn’t enough left of Brother Tommie to piece together. My last words to Tommie was that as a nationalist brother, he had to find a way spiritually to resist people outside the community offering gift baskets to the struggle. I advised him to stay away from THEM. Brother Tommie was a good brother. Nevertheless, it looks as though Micah’s clothing and hands can be tested for gun residue to determine if he ever fired any weapon at all that evening.
I suspect that the true, dedicated and loyal soldier, Micah [“who is like God”], Xavier [“Jesuit Loyola”], was drawn into the Dallas false flag/strategy of tension operation believing it was a live shooter police/military drill that suddenly turned into something out of the scenes of the Parallax View. The Associated Press reported that Johnson scrawled the initials, RB, on the walls of the parking garage [El Centro College Building Not Garage] where he was holed up in a standoff with police. He used his own blood [the blood sacrifice] from an injury to write out the initials in a stairwell in the car garage, said UK Telegraph.[7] Rubidium is a chemical element with symbol Rb and atomic number 37, 3 Sevens (777), the secret code name of the Dallas Drill.[8]
The first appearance of kabbalah mystic, mysterious and magic 777 involving ancient alchemy elements of the Tree of Life was published anonymously in 1909 after the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley, had allegedly written it from memory in just a week. An introduction to one edition by “Frater N∴” states that Crowley may have published it anonymously because it was taken from a Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn manuscript that was obligatory for initiates to memorize.[9] The mystical term, “hermetic” is further discussed below.
Like Chris Sean Harper, the shadow government Black Manchurian Candidate/Pasty for the Umpqua Community College False Flag Massacre that occurred on October 1, 2015 in Oregon, Micah wasn’t very bright. He was a well below average student at Horn High School, in Mesquite, TX, who earned a 1.98 GPA, ranking him 430 of 453 among his peers.[10] He was very similar to Chris in another aspect, he doesn’t ever seemed to have had a girlfriend. Both Chris and Micah tried attending college, but either completed a class. Micah was a good soldier in this aspect- he was taught to follow SMEAC– military field orders and his so-called “manifesto/journal” reflect that in which he had detailed “combative” tactical movements to tried to memorize. It is an important piece to puzzle that led to his final demise.[11]
Strategy of Tension & Black Lives Matter
Scare Them, You Can Herd Them.
Secret for over 40 years, Gladio is a NATO-backed network of armed soldiers inside the nations of Europe, and the United States organized for effecting clandestine influence and control over national governments and democratic states of government.[12]
In addition to neutralizing and discrediting dissention and dissenting political groups, there had been a second, even darker aim behind Gladio, namely to inculcate a climate of fear among the general populace. This was known as the “Strategy of Tension” which was intended to generate a pervasive sense of fear which would encourage the population to appeal to the state for protection.[13] “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game.“ The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force the people, and the public in general to turn to the state to ask for greater security.[14]
Allen Franocovich’s very credible documentary on Gladio was broadcast, in full, on UK television on June 10, 1992, he described the aim of Gladio’s Strategy of Tension as to “‘destabilize in order to stabilize’… ‘To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.’“[15] That’s the way they roll.
SNAP OF THE DRAGON’S TAIL, Shannon J. Miles & Texas God Damn
Insane Shannon J. Miles, February 2016, left from August 2015, right.
On August 28, 2015, the killing of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth by a black man in Houston, TX went global. Texas law enforcement officials tried to tie Goforth’s slaying to the dissenting Black Lives Matter Movement.
Long Horn Texas Fraternal (Masonic) Order of Police
President Obama immediately jumped on that bandwagon, and used the opportunity to turn the tides of global opinion against police abuse of power, and the extra judicial executions of black and brown citizen. He openly grand stand-ed VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS, and for further Gun Control Laws as he did yesterday in the wake of the Dallas Strategy of Tension False Flag Operation that left 5 police officers dead.
Shannon J. Miles had been your last Long Horn Texas alleged global Black Lives Matter Terrorist accused of gunning down a law enforcement officer. Then, the case suddenly fell off the headlines. Why? Miles was/is confirmed medically and judicially mentally and clinically SCHIZOPHRENIC and INSANE.[16] It isn’t necessary to terminate Shannon- DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. He is incapable of defending himself. They will take the most weakness and defenseless among us and use them as Black Manchurian Candidates and Patsies to advance the New World Order Agenda. They have been clandestinely rolling like that for decades in the Snap of the Dragon’s Tail.
During the late 1960s, CIA Project CHAOS, FBI CONINTELPRO, and the Oakland Police Department PANTHER SQUAD used to get a big kick and laugh out of dropping off schizophrenic patients, some still dressed in hospital gowns, at Black Panther Party rallies and meetings to join our ranks, and cause CHAOS in the Party. Being naturally inquisitive. If time, opportunity and circumstances allowed, I always asked questions about unusual Party situations and circumstances designed to cause CHAOS and DISCREDIT- snap of the dragon’s tail- that I was personally able to observe. In one case, I recall a female mental patient confessed to us that the police had her dropped off at one of our rallies deliberately to cause disruption and chaos. In tears, she said that she loved the Party and even though she was mentally disabled– she couldn’t and wouldn’t do it. Of course, the community at large moved in immediately to surround, protect, comfort and heal her.
I also clearly recall in others instances witnesses reporting seeing ambulances dumping mental patients off at our rallies, then speeding away. The beautiful thing about the Panthers and community at the time was that as soon as they were observed, and identified, community brothers and sisters with medical and psychological skills, moved in immediately to protect and take care of them. Whereas, we were able to move right back in order.
In another case, I saw it myself at a Free Huey Rally at Bobby Hutton Memorial Park in Oakland. It may have been a hour or so before the rally. We were called into order and formation, I observed an extremely large brother, about 6′ 8′, 350+ pounds, among us. He wasn’t a member, but at public rallies we were always inclusive of all the people. It wasn’t an unusual occasion. However, I observed a fresh hospital gown under his black leather jacket. He was acting erratic, strange and peculiar, and that stood out too. He was straight out of a psychiatric ward.
Even though, he was very sick mentally. He was still used as an agent provocateur and we had to take that very seriously. As unusual, we expected hundreds of women, children and elders to attend the rally along with writers, journalists, national and international news, political figures and mass media celebrity guests that reach thousands if not millions around the world. It was an idea time for the dragon to snap its tail.
They had dressed him up with a black beret and leather jacket and dropped him off at the rally. Soon, it became very clear that this brother knew the evil, and the mission (SMEAC) that he was to carry out. He had been promised drugs or other some earthly reward. He was too weak in mind and flesh to resist. The only reward that we could offer him was spiritual. He was an extremely large, strong and aggressive schizophrenic sent in to disrupt and harm the rally to discredit, and neutralize the reputation of the Panthers before the eyes of the masses.
This particularly brother. We had to handle, and de-escalate the threat to the people. I was one of the brothers that moved in to surround him to protect him from himself. We had to stick by love with his brother during the entire rally, and 24 hours. Whatever harm and damage to the people and community that he could do that day, and he was drugged/programmed and indeed tried to cause substantial harm, was to be directly connected to the Panthers and the Free Huey Rally.
De-escalating the threat from this particular brother running at muck in the community was extremely trying, tense and very dangerous at times. After 24 hours of what seemed like never ending hell, whatever psychotic drugs or power of suggestion that he had been suffering under finally wore down. He finally came to some sense of love, respect and responsibility to his community. He took off the black beret and leather jacket and went home with a great deal of love and respect that he expressed for the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. We at no time harmed this brother. We just have to do more to be aware of the snap of the tail of the dragon, help and protect our defenseless, weak and sick not only from us, but from themselves.
In the killing of Deputy Goforth alleged to have been a Black Lives Matter Terrorist attack against police officers, there is a grainy surveillance photo of a black man similar to Shannon J. Miles with a gun allegedly moving toward the gas station where Goforth was shot. But, there is no surveillance footage evidence of Shannon shooting Goforth or harming anybody. As far as I know, Shannon was not tested by Long Horn Texas for simple Gun Shot Residue, or GSR. It is a very simple and inexpensive means of testing whether or not an individual may have discharged a firearm, especially a person previously adjudicated by the state to be SCHIZOPHRENIC and INSANE. At the time of the shooting of Deputy Goforth, Shannon didn’t possess the mental capacity to plan and execute an elaborate plan to gun down police officers and escape capture. Clinically, Shannon wasn’t even capable of following the most simplest instructions to carry out a SMEAC field order to kill anyone, unless he had been hypnotized/mind controlled to do so. Shannon is a poor defenseless Model Pasty for a global Black Lives Matter Terrorist. Since last year, Shannon J. Miles has been hidden away, and deposed of in an asylum for the mentally insane. If they want to talk about Black Lives Matter Terrorist, then let us talk about and explore Shannon before the masses. We must not forget about him and ask questions.
Likewise, Micah X. Johnson has nothing to do with Black Nationalism or the Pan African Movement. If anything, they tried to sheep-dip him into becoming a pseudo black military intelligence asset. I don’t believe that he even had the mental capacity to pull that off for all. And indeed, he had been exposed and banned from joining Dallas- Houston area black nationalist organizations. Micah was not a Black Lives Matter Terrorist, if there is actually such a thing. He was a U.S. military asset and spy. Don’t allow Project MOCKINGBIRD to mix you up, and get that TWISTED.
Micah’s selfie in an African print dashiki in front of a hair salon with a black power salute does not make this man any kind of Black Nationalist. That comes from the love of the people. Micah was a multigenerational family military asset that nobody in his family seemed to have had any real tears for. Not his mother.
nor his father.
His father served in the U.S. military. When Micah graduated from high school in 2009, he joined the U.S. Army Reserve serving in the 420th Engineer Brigade based at Seagoville, Texas where he was initiated as a carpentry and masonry specialist of a Military Masonic Guild/Lodge sealed by an oath and code of secrecy.
U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Thomas Gambrel of North Dakota appears to be the man that made Micah a carpentry and Masonic specialist. For whatever reasons, he is Linkedin with Delphene Johnson, Micah’s mother. While Micah was in Afghanistan, October 2013 – September 2014, Gambrel was working as a Squad Leader and project leader during Operation Enduring Freedom. He was charged with leading and developing anywhere from 8-20 soldiers at a given time. As well as functioning as a Squad Leader, he was Operations NCO for 20 soldiers and 17 missions. From what it appears he was doing much more than plumbing, carpentry, and masonry work in Afghanistan, Gambrel was a combat soldier. He took Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, Completed 2004. He took the Warrior Leader Course, Completed 2012. He was even a Sexual Harassment Assault Response Program Victims Advocate, Completed 2013. This should give you some idea where Micah’s military sexual harassment charges came from.
Micah was manufactured into a clandestine U.S. military intelligence/NATO Gladio Strategy of Tension tool and asset. In the service, Johnson received several medals for his tour of duty in Afghanistan, including an Army Achievement Medal, and a NATO Medal. Effective 31 July 2006, U.S. service members serving in Afghanistan were eligible for the NATO Medals after they meet the requirements of 30 consecutive days or 90 consecutive days in the area of responsibility working for NATO. Some U.S. soldiers served in Afghanistan as part of a national unit, but in support of NATO operations under a NATO Commander. Johnson had been part of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, June 1, 2013 – Dec. 31, 2014.[17] Johnson deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 as part of ISAF and served eight months under cover of the 420th Engineer Brigade. A woman who served with Johnson in Afghanistan posted on Facebook that Johnson had been “my battle buddy, my brother in arms.” Sarah Castañeda wrote.[18] So, Johnson was a clandestine NATO combat soldier/assassin in Afghanistan.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was a NATO led security mission in Afghanistan, established by the United Nations Security Council in December 2001 by Resolution 1386 as envisaged by the Bonn Agreement. Its main purpose was to train the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and assist Afghanistan in rebuilding key government institutions, but was also engaged in the 2001-present war with the Taliban insurgency.[19] In Afghanistan, Johnson was stationed at Bagram air base with 40,000 “Bureaucrats, administrators, logisticians and thousands of ISAF civilian contractors ..,.” British photographer Edmund Clark- “Unless you go out on patrol, you exist only on base.”[20]
ISAF relied heavily on private firms in Afghanistan. According to a Department of Defense report, more than 85,000 contractors were working for U.S. Central Command at Bagram Airfield. Of these, approximately 14,000 provided security, with the rest performing functions like construction and base support. According to Laurie Arellano, an ISAF spokeswoman, ISAF also employs some private contractors specifically “to assist ISAF” in training Afghan security forces.[21] In November 2013, according to a DOD report, private firms “continue security operations on ISAF bases and escort functions for ISAF convoys.”[22]
Academi/Blackwater Uniform– Beige/White Pants, Beige Bullet Proof Vests and Desert Colored Shoes and Boots- Same as Micah and the 7/7/16 Dallas Shooters.
Despite a sordid and deadly reputation in Iraq, the mercenary army/civilian warriors that began as Blackwater and is now known as Academi was a top recipient of Pentagon contracts for training Afghanistan’s security forces from 2002 to 2014, a government watchdog reported.[23] In 12 years of war, the report says, Academi Training Center Inc. received $569 million in contracts, or 31.9 percent of the total, of the Pentagon’s $1.8 billion Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities Fund for Afghanistan. The program, known as “DOD CN,” was designed to stabilize Afghanistan by training the country’s security forces to support military operations against drug traffickers and other armed groups.[24]
The total placed Academi, which acquired Blackwater in 2011, far ahead of the Pentagon’s top contractors, including Northrop Grumman, CACI, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, all of which obtained multi-million dollar contracts under DOD CN.[25]
Sitting on top of the board of directors of Academi is the Alphabet Man, Bobby Ray Inman. He served as Director of Naval Intelligence (DNI) from September 1974 to July 1976, then moved to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) where he served as Vice Director until 1977. He next became the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA). Inman held this post until 1981. His last major position was as the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982. Inman has also served on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).[26] Inman also sits inside Wackenhut GS4 (Orlando Pulse Night Club False Flag), the Shadow CIA.[27]
SOCEITAS DRACONIS is an ultra secret closed fraternity of individuals, representing those who trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient Grail and Dragon families. The Dragon Society is based upon an ancient bloodline tradition descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks. The Tuatha De Danann, also known “The Dragon Lords of Anu” were said to be the offspring of the fallen angels (ANUNNAKI). They believe that the GODS have chosen them to be LORDS OF THE WORLD.
On the wicked and dark side, the Alphabet Man, Bobby Ray Inman, is a DRAGON member of the Bohemian Grove.[28]
The Bohemians’ patron is Catholic Saint John of Nepomuk (1345 – 1393), who legend says suffered death at the hands of Wenceslaus IV, King Bohemia– Germany (formally King of the Romans) rather than disclose the confessional secrets of Anna of Schweidnitz, German Queen and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. A large wood carving of St. John of Nepomuk in cleric robes with his index finger over his lips stands at the shore of the lake in the Grove, symbolizing the secrecy kept by the Grove’s attendees throughout its long history.[30]
In Afghanistan, Micah X. Johnson worked along beside Academi/Blackwater that served under ISAF NATO Commander [JESUIT] U.S. Marine General, Joseph Francis Dunford, Jr. – Assistant Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corp, and the Pentagon’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff- THE DRAGON.
This alleged 17th Century Jesuit Artwork presents a newborn child directly from the womb given with open arms to High Jesuit Priests as a sacrifice to conjure up the Powers of DEVILS, and DEMONS. The above picture is a 1650’s illustration of High Jesuits engaged in Satanic worship and pictures a baby preparing to be sacrificed in the background. Also notice in the top left hand corner an owl, the owl is a symbol of Moloch- Molech (the god of Child Sacrifices). Moloch is a key figure of worship at the Bohemian Grove.
Medieval Women Sacrificing Their Babies to the DEVIL
General Dunford is the highest ranking officer in America.[31] Micah came out a DRAGON’S NEST and Lucifer’s Workshop, not the Black Community. As I have often stressed, Katherine Griggs is vitally important to understanding how the Marine Corps and Navy work. She states that it is nearly impossible to rise to colonel / commander or above without participating in SATANIC Gay [Secret Cybelean] Sex Rituals which dominate the upper reaches of the US Navy.[32]
On May 6, 2016, reportedly, President Barrack Obama executed an Executive Order (EO)– Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Normally, a presidential transition or presidential interregnum refers to the period of time between the end of a presidential election and the inauguration of a new President of a country. During this time, the incoming President usually designates new government personnel, including selecting new Cabinet positions and government department or agency heads.[33] The early May 6 publication of the presidential transition EO is said to provide the mechanism for the transition of power between US, Inc., President Obama to the reconstituted Republic of the United States of America that is said to be under the DRAGON– “fervent” Irish Catholic Jesuit, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford.[34]
General Joseph F. Dunford, Vatican Hill, St. Peter’s Basilicas & the Secret Temple of Cybele
“Of equal obscure origin is the colossal pinecone (pigma), over 11 feet tall, which dominated the immediate approach to the basilica as the centerpiece of the fountain in the atrium. Signed by its maker, the freedman Publius Cincius Salvius, the pigma has been dated on the basis of the letter forms to the first century CE… In late antiquity, the most conspicuous use of the ancient regenerative symbolism was made by the Cultists of Cybele, whose rites, as noted earlier were practiced on St. Peter’s doorstep until the very end of the fourth century. the pine tree signified Cybele’s fickle lover, Attis, and the ritual felling of pine on the spring equinox, during the public festival called Hilaria baldly symbolized Attis’ castration, thanks to which he was able to rise to a higher order of being. Pine trees with prominent cones appear on most of the Taurobolium [blood sacrifice] altars that have survived, including those attributable to the Vatican Phrygianum.”[35]
On June 19, 2016, General Dunford, the interim president, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made a special visit to Vatican Hill, Rome, to tour St. Peter’s Basilica. Recall that St. Peter’s Basilica sits on top of the secret catacombs and underground chambers of the ancient Roman Maetreum (Temple) of Cybele where Ninth Satanic Circle secret human- baby sacrifices and blood eating continue to this day.[36]
This one of a handful of official DoD photos, below, of General Dunford and U.S. Ambassador of the Holy See, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, Ken Hackett, taken by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Dominique A. Pineiro at St. Peter’ Basilica at the door of the Tomb of Pope Alexander VII, Vatican Hill, Rome is as if it has some spiritual significance. And, it very well has a great deal of ancient mystic-mysterious occult significance.[37] 2016 was the first time in nearly 70 years that a full moon and the summer solstice concur on the same day. The 2016 summer solstice’s full moon will rise just as the Sun sets. The moment of the full moon is early Monday on June 20. Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with festivals and rituals around that time with themes of religion or fertility. The Arch-Druid–DRAGON race’s “Midsummer’s Eve” festival is a celebration of pagan origins intended to coincide with the summer solstice. The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child sacrifice ceremonies take place on the Summer Solstice.
The first thing you might notice about the statue figures facing General Dunford is that “Truth” [Goddess Cybele] stands with her foot on a globe of the earth, symbolizing her power over the world. She clutches in her arms, the Sun (God Apollo), probably symbolizes Truth’s love for the light rather than darkness, and that the Truth that is revealed by the light of her Torch of Enlightenment. From a translation of an ancient Greek inscription, God Apollo was called, Apollo Mithras HELIOS.[38]
SATURN, the Romans also called it “Sol“. The Greeks called it the god “HELIOS.”
SATURN is the Greek CRONUS or Kronos, the King of the TITANS, CYBELE’s HUSBAND. Gen. Joseph F. Dunford presence on Vatican Hill, Rome during the Ninth Satanic Circle’s 2016 Summer Solstice Blood Eating Rituals involved a higher Cybelean-Whore of Babylon ILLUMINATI/ANTICHRIST initiation ritual that has some serious impact on the BALANCE OF WORLD POWER. In Greek mythology, Lucifer is comparable to both Hermes and Apollo; Hermes because he was a messenger and a healer, and Apollo as a solar deity. Lucifer is God Apollo, the light bringer and lord of reason.[39]
“Thrice Greatest” Three Times Great) Bernini with Secret Society Hand Heart Symbol
The statues were the work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini (December 7, 1598 – November 28, 1680). He was a medieval pre-eminent Italian sculptor and architect of that era. Under Pope Alexander VII (1599- 1667), he gained artistic domination and continued to be held in high regard by the Vatican. As one scholar has commented, “What Shakespeare is to drama, Bernini may be to sculpture: the first pan-European sculptor whose name is instantaneously identifiable with a particular manner and vision, and whose influence was inordinately powerful...”[40]
The open space which lies before St. Peter’s Basilica was redesigned by Bernini from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Alexander VII, as an appropriate forecourt, designed to be the open arms of the mother church “so that the greatest number of people could see the Pope give his blessing, either from the middle of the façade of the church or from a window in the Vatican Palace.”[41]
There is little doubt that Bernini and Pope Alexander VII designed St. Peter’s Square to reflect secret Rosicrucian heliocentric and Hermetic principles. St. Peter’s Brasilia is a secret Sun Temple. In the middle of square, there is the obelisk that generally symbolize the Kemetic Sun God Ra. However, “The Obelisk’s real name is ‘Tekken’ and it was the phallus symbolism (or penis) representation for the god Osiris [Asur].”[42]
1650’s Jesuit Baby Blood Sacrifice- Open Arms of Apollo Mithras Helios
Rosicrucianism is an early 17th Century secret society movement which incorporates the Hermetic Philosophy- the sacred and secret knowledge of the ancients and Gods. The Hermetic Tradition is a set of metaphysi