The Orlando Pulse Club Massacre, America’s Deadliest Mass Shooting in History, 49 Dead, 53 wounded and injured. They say that as soon as shootings began, the shooter was engaged immediately in a gun battle with a off duty armed officer inside the club. So, how did a shooter get the opportunity to shoot and wound 102 people? The shooter began firing at the bar away from the exists. Who blocked the open exists? It makes no sense at all. This Orlando Police Department Officer, below, seems to sum it all up with a Little Wicked Humor for everybody.
102 people killed and wounded, that’s real remarkable and super human stuff for a lone wolf nut gun man in a third rate night club with an Occupancy rating: 150 at 2:03 in the morning. I guess the officer is really laughing at us. If we fall for this, we will fall for anything. There are an abundant of excellent sources in the alterative press and on YouTube that demonstrate very clearly that the Orlando Homophobic Massacre was a major FALSE FLAG operation to primarily advance the global ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda, and take guns out of the hands of the masses.
It seems certain that the Orlando incident was an engineered, staged Gladio-style, inside-job false-flag attack. [1] “The Orlando shooter, Mr Omar Mateen, was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S, which is Her Majesty’s government contractor that runs prisons, checks criminal records, supplies security for government ministers – and, most importantly, works hand-in-hand with other security contractors, many of whom are owned by parent corporations in ISRAEL. Mr Omar Mateen worked for G4S for almost ten years in a trusted position, a stone’s throw from the G4S U.S. offices. G4S has run security contracts for the government of Israel, and, as Wackenhut/G4S Ltd., has also had sensitive security contracts in Pakistan, which is the nation that provided support and bank transfers to the 911 attackers… G4S is one of the world’s top security contractors, with access to police, prison and governmental security buildings – including premises visited by Secret Intelligence employees and their affiliated organizations such as GCHQ, the FBI and MOSSAD. “[2]
Mateen’s father, Seddique Mir Mateen, hosted a show on Payame Afghan TV. Payame TV is funded by Voice of America. It is a special creature of the CIA, and Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence. He is a creature of the CIA, and U.S. military intelligence. He is a frequent visitor on capital hill, and at the U.S. State Department. His son, Omar, was a multi-generational intelligence asset blood sacrificed to the ILLUMINATI and CIA at an early impressionate age.[3] For Omar, the signs and symbols of an emotionally disturbed trauma based ritually sexually abused child clearly manifested itself as early as 7 years old, the classic age to create a true CIA/MK ULTRA Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) individual.[4] By the 3rd grade, Omar was “verbally abusive, rude, aggressive, and much talk about violence and SEX.”[5]
Omar was programmed into a mold of a “sleeper” CIA Hermaphrodite- a Corybante (see below) and MK ULTRA Mind Controlled False 9-11 Muslim that could be turned on a dime.
“He’s a homosexual and he was trying to pick up men,” said Jim Van Horn, who called Mateen a Pulse “regular” and described his approach to chatting with people in the club. “He would walk up to them and put his arm around them or something and maybe try to get them to dance a little bit or something and go over and buy them a drink.” [6] If you don’t know, turning mind controlled experimental subjects out of multi-generational children of blood covenant CIA-MK ULTRA assets is old business. There’s probably hundreds if not thousands of MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates “sleepers” out there like Omar ready to turn on a dime.
It is the secret CULT OF INTELLIGENCE that is running amok.
1974, Marcus Wayne Chenault, 23 years O
Little Markie, the Troop Blood Cult
In this particularly historical Continuum of a Secret Blood Cult, we have every right within the public domain to constantly understand, review, and re-evaluate this case, because it involves crimes against society, democracy and humanity. The real forces responsible for and behind this tragedy and crime are still at large. During his sentencing to the death penalty for capital murder for the assassination of the mother of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Atlanta, GA, 23 year old Marcus Wayne Chenault, Jr. (Markie) violently spat in the faces of his mother and father out of Dayton, OH. Little Markie had a problematic and abnormal birth that left him nearly a dwarf with bad vision. I had always wondered why he spat on his parents until the dots were connected to John A. McCone, Director Central Intelligence of the CIA/MK ULTRA; Mounds Weapons Laboratory; and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The senior Chenault was a long term, dedicated and extremely trusted employee of the Top Secret Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) “Mounds” laboratory in Miamisburg, Ohio, 15 miles south of Dayton. The Mounds Lab was part of the S Factor, Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Former SRI and AEC Director, CIA/MK-ULTRA Director, John Alex McCone, formed the Mounds Laboratory on approximately 360 acres in 1948. There is concrete evidence that electronic mind control was an object of extensive study, research and experimentation at SRI as exposed by the Washington Post on August 7, 1977.[7]
Additionally, there were some secret operations conducted at Mounds Lab by Wright Patterson Air Force base within 5 miles of Dayton, OH. Wright Patterson base was involved in recruiting bright young geniuses to attempt a breakthrough in Tesla technology.[8] Wright Patterson had been the home base to some of the most ardent Satanic and dangerous Operation Paperclip Nazi-SS scientists on earth out of Germany.[9] Tesla technologies also involved electrical magnetic frequencies mind control that the Knights of the Cult of the Black Sun were very interested in perfecting and exploiting for the Third- Fourth Reich and the New World Order.
Markie had been linked by the FBI to a Blood Cult of experimental mind control black assassins, “The Troop”, that had been ran out of a secret hanger at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Markie and “The Troop” blood list targeted for assassination most of America’s leading Black democratic civil rights religious and spiritual leaders straight out of COINTELPRO.[10]
Markie had been a bloodline- multi-generational MK ULTRA medical mind control experiment implanted with an experiment transistor brain chip. Markie’s violent resentment to his parents was most likely based on the fact that they had donated him as a frail infant to U.S. Air force/SS medical science at SRI/Mounds Lab/ Wright Patterson Air Force Base for human medical experiments. You may not be aware, but they roll like that.
They were able to turn Markie on a dime with keys, triggers and switches. One day, he could be a Jew, Muslim, Black Muslim or a black militant. The next day, he could be Christian or a hermaphrodite/homosexual.[11] He could switch between all of them in a day. On a calm Sunday morning worship service at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta in 1974, he was switched on as a programmed assassin, and killed Mrs. (Alberta) Martin Luther King, Sr., a deacon, and wounded other church members.[12]
Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta C. King
Markie had been sent in to kill Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr.. He had been prematurely triggered before Dr. King, Sr. took his normal position at the pulpit during church opening services. During his entire 20 years in prison, Markie had been kept in strict solitary confinement. On the day that he was to be released to the general prison population in 1995 as a lifer, he was terminated.[13] I had hoped to finally make contact with him. I wanted some clues to who sent him in to kill the beloved Dr. King’s family. The forces that liquidated Hermaphrodite, Prince Rogers Nelson, with U.S. military intelligence/Mossad weaponized Fentanyl in April 2016 pulled off the Orlando False Flag Massacre in June. Please don’t let that Middle East Lebanese special CIA/Mossad asset, Dr. Angeline Quinn Strobl, and her “special” personally exclusive autopsy of Prince throw you a curve.
I rather felt uneasy about my last posting, President Barack Obama & Prince Rogers Nelson, Purple Reign, the Secret Order of the Black Sun and the Hermaphrodites. The Gay Agenda is no play thing. President Obama, Western Nations, and the UN are promoting criminalizing any and all anti-transgender speech. For example, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a bill that would criminalize anti-transgender speech, with violators receiving up to two years in prison. The new bill, introduced May 17, 2016 on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, aims to amend the Canadian Criminal Code to expand the country’s “hate speech” prohibitions to include any public speech or communication that “promotes hatred” on the basis of “gender identity” or “gender expression.” Canada proposes to criminalize any rain on the Gay Parade.[14]
Canadian law already prohibits anti-gay “hate propaganda.” In 2013, the Canadian Supreme Court upheld the conviction of a Christian street preacher who was distributing leaflets denouncing homosexual acts. The court held that the man had used “vilifying and derogatory representations to create a tone of hatred” against gay people, the Legal Examiner reported at the time. The court determined that the pastor’s behavior constituted ”hate propaganda” and that his religious beliefs did not excuse him from violating the law. Excuse my expression, but this shit is real.[15]
And as you can see from the Pulse Club massacre, they will also KILL to veil, protect and expand the ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda that is designed to minimize mass population growth, help destroy individual will, family, middle classes, American culture, Christian Religion, and this country’s form of representative government. I suspect these posts may soon disappear.
In my latest above post, I certainly connected transvestim– cross dressing with the secret ancient Greek/Roman Cults of Cybele, Hermaphroditus or Hermaphroditos, Dionysus, and Bacchus. By at least 186 BC, the Cults of Hermaphroditus, Dionysus, and Bacchus were outlawed and violently oppressed. In Rome, some members of these cults were fed to lions along with Christians. They dropped deep underground. However, they resurfaced years later under the veil of secrecy of the Cult of Cybele.
The Constant Continuum: The Secret Blood Cult of Cybele in Rome
In Rome, the Cult of Cybele continued unmolested. This Blood Cult has nothing to do with Aset (Isis) of Kemet. She may be a very old and an ancient variant of Aset. But, Cybele grew into her own European distinct identity and character separate and apart of her in human history. The Cult of Cybele has development its own independent justification and spirituality.
The Blood Sacrifice
The Continuum of the Ancient Blood Sacrifice among the ultra secret elite and so-called “enlightened ones” is still very real in the 21st Century. During the reign of the Julio-Claudio emperors of Rome, the Cult of Cybele became the state official religion. The Julio-Claudio emperors of ancient Rome were from the family of Julius Caesar—or rather his sister Julia.[16] These emperors claimed to be descendants of the founders, heroes, gods, and the myths and legends of ancient Rome and Troy.[17] The Julio-Claudian dynasty normally refers to the first five infamous Roman Emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula (also known as Gaius), Claudius, and Nero. They ruled the Roman Empire from its formation, in the second half of the 1st century BC- 27 BC, until AD 68, when the last of the line, Nero, committed suicide.[18] In the biblical Book of Revelation, these powerful people and the Imperium families of Rome behind Cybele most likely were the demonic followers of the Whore of Babylon.
During the final battles of the last Punic (Hannibal) War, the Roman Imperium General Scripo, the Elder, consulted the republic’s sacred magic Sibylline books to finally defeat the Great Hannibal. The Sibylline Books, or Libri Sibillini, was a collection of oracular utterances acquired by Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome. The sacred texts were acquired from a sibyl, a Greek High Priestess of God Apollo.[19] Consultation of the Sibylline Books guided the Romans to seek aid from the same Great Mother known to their reputed ancestors of Trojan fame, the Goddess Cybele.[20] Romans believed that Cybele that had been adopted by Greek cults, was the mother-goddess of ancient Troy. Some of Rome’s leading patrician- Imperium families claimed Trojan ancestry; so the return of the Mother of all Gods to her once-exiled people would have been particularly welcome.[21]
Cybele’s Roman Matreum has the Symbolic Round Characteristics of Knights Templar’s Temples
Cybele represents the “she had fallen from the sky as a stone“, and the name Pessinus may indeed mean something like “castle where the fall has taken place“.[22] The infamous temple, Cybele’s Matreum, on the Palatine (Vatican) Hill in Rome was officially established after 204 B.C. when the Roman embassy brought from Pessinus, Turkey the Gallae, Corybantes, and pointed black stone (meteorite fragment) which represented the goddess.[23] Cybele’s Matreum was deliberately built over a system of ancient underground catacombs and chambers.[24] The Temple was formally dedicated by Praetor M Iunius Brutus on April 10, 191 BC, celebrated as the birthday festival of the Ancient Earth Goddess, closing the week of the Megalensian Games held annually in Her honor.[25]
Under Cybele’s Matreum, Catacombs & Human Sacrifices
By 193 AD, it is alleged that some of the early followers of Paulinity (St. Paul) had fallen into the Cult of Cybele in Rome involved in child sacrifice and satanic rituals. In that year, the Catholic Church was under Pope Pontifex M. Victor I was said to have been the third pope after the death of Paul (67 AD).[26]
In the year 81 A.D., Roman Emperor Domitian began the second persecution of Christians. Those that followed Paul, The Paulinity, went underground.[27] Pope Victor was born Gaius Fulvius in about the year 126 in the old Phoenician city of Neapolis, in a territory now located in Libya, North Africa. “The family was forced out of Rome after Emperor Domitian declared human sacrifice a capital crime.” Victor’s father, Fulvius Pius, belonged to a wealthy and distinguished ancient family who was involved in Paulinity, and the Cult of Cybele.[28]
The Roman Emperor Gnostic Antonius Pius (138- 161 AD) openly declared himself in favor of worshipping Cybele and Attis together, and consequently no longer tried to push aside the Attis worship. Under Pius, the Taurobolium Rite was officially recognized. The first dated reference to Magna Mater in a Taurobolium inscription dates from 160 AD during the twentieth year reign of Emperor Pius.[29] In short, Antoninius Pius favored the Cybele Cult to such an extent that it prospered widely in the centuries to come.[30]
In the year 193, the Emperor Severus came to power and lifted the ban on Paulinity as a capital crime. Severus either supported or belonged to the Paulinity sect, Hippolytus, who was teaching the true message of Jesus at the Gnostic school of Valentinius when exiled from Rome. Severus then ordered the reopening of the Great Temple of Cybele on Vatican Hill, and granted the temple to Gaius. Gaius appointed himself Bishop of Rome, thus becoming the alleged first or second Pope to sit at the Temple on Vatican Hill. He gave himself the name Victorius, which is recorded as Victor in church records.[31]
Victor established the date of the crucifixion, aligning it with moon cycles and the ancient “Day of Blood” a date celebrated by pagan and satanic cults and named after Eostre, a Norse name for the god Cybele. Thus we have the modern name Easter. Victor also brought child sacrifice back into church ritual, as it was under the pagan rituals of Cybele. Instead of once yearly, the sacrifices were held monthly and sometimes weekly. Victor infused the celebration of the last supper and death of Jesus as a ritual demanding human sacrifice of an innocent. Those that disagreed with him were executed. [32]
As Christianity took root. The practices of the mother-goddess religion were soon forced underground, again. They conducted their secret ecstatic ceremonies in the catacombs under the Vatican. The layers of catacombs that supported the structure above, particularly St. Peter’s Basilica, were used to conduct human sacrifice rituals and initiations. When Domitian made human sacrifice a capital crime, these tunnels were officially closed. However, the vast system of secret tunnels underneath Vatican Hill still allowed the forbidden ceremonies of Cybele, including child sacrifice, to clandestinely continue.[33]
The Rites of the Gallae
The Gallae, except for market days and festivals, stayed within the confines of their Phrygianum sanctuary that is now on the Vatican Hill (named for the vaticinari or fortunetellers). The more conservative Romans, though grateful for the favor of the Mother of the Gods during the last Punic War were alternately fascinated and shocked by the exotic splendor of the Gallae.[34] Much gossip went around about the indecencies and depravities of the cult, but due to the protection of influential people it avoided persecution. The cult was led by the female priestesses and the Archigalli, the high priest of the subordinate Gallae; castrated male priests who were responsible for most of the dance, divination and healing of the cult. Many of the worshipers were organized into fraternities, most notably the Dendrophori (“Tree-bearers”) and Cannophori (“Reed-bearers”).[35]
Members of these fraternities enjoyed a bit of social status and influence, and many important people flocked to them. The liturgy of the cult was in Greek. Many of the ceremonies commemorated the deeds of Magna Mater and her love to Attis, who represented the fertility and plants of the land. By his castration and death the land was given new life. Many festivals were held, called ludi (“plays”) which were enthusiastic carnivals with banquets and comedic performances.[36]
Women worshippers were organized into secret sororities. The current U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, is a devout member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It is a secret society whose patron goddess is the Roman Goddess of Wisdom, Minerva.[37] The bottom line is that Minerva (Zizimene) is the Latin representative of Cybele.[38]
“Intelligence is the torch of [enlightenment] wisdom. Minerva (Pallas Athena), the Goddess of Wisdom, is atop the shield which bears the torch. The Sword, representing truth, is part of her symbolism. The staff symbolizes intelligent leadership. The laurel wreath is the symbol of achievement as used by the Greeks.” The Official Ritual of the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., pg. 47 [39] Due to the infiltration of enlightened secret society members into the top levels of this nation’s highest justice department, there are few if any investigations and prosecutions by the U.S. Justice Department of the elite (enlightened ones), and Imperium for crimes against society, and the democracy.
The Gallae festivals were full of passionate frenzy, self-flagellation, clashing of cymbals, and dancing to the wailing drone of oriental flutes. Some Romans however found the passion impelling to the point of imitating the emasculation Mystery of Attis, so the Roman magistrates forbade citizens from actually becoming Gallae. Cybele’s religion was a blood cult that required its priests and priestesses as well as followers to cut themselves during some rituals. The cult was a mystery religion, which meant that it’s inner secrets and practices were revealed to initiates only. Cybele’s retinue included many priestesses, including Amazonian, transgendered female priests.[40]
An extremely handsome or sexy man, who was considered to be extremely desirable to women was given all the pleasures that the Temple could offer for one full year. Then, when that year finally came to an end, he was offered up to the goddess as a human sacrifice.[41]
Emperor Claudius (41-54 AD), had been most sympathetic to Cybele’s daughters, and granted them full freedom in Rome and the empire.[42] In fact, Claudius claimed her among his ancestors. Claudius promoted Attis to the Roman pantheon and placed his cult under the supervision of the quindecimviri, one of Rome’s priestly colleges. He added Cybele’s festival dates on the official Roman calendar for all Romans to celebrate.[43] The cult was a tumultuous, noisy and ecstatic affair which attracted many people. However, only women and castrated men were allowed to attend the main celebrations of the goddess, which quickly got the reputation of being less religious ritual and more wild orgies.
One of the major festivals was Megalesia, April 4-10. At the height of the celebrations the taurobolium was performed, as a bull was castrated and sacrificed, and new initiates were baptized in its blood. Another major festival was celebrated the 25th of March to commemorate the castration and death of Attis. The Cannophori carried reeds and stalks to the temple together with the idol of Attis. The taurobolium was performed, and the genitals of the bull was thrown into a cave or well consecrated to Magna Mater.
After three days of sorrow and grief for Attis, the carnival returned with Hilaria, the Day of Joy as Attis was resurrected and fertility yet again reigned thanks to the power of Magna Mater. Mountains and caves were sacred to Magna Mater, and her temples were often built near them. By sleeping in a temple many women hoped to get help from the goddess, who was said to help mothers and children. Midwifes were tied to the cult, and many priests were healers. The priestesses were more involved with her ecstatic side, celebrating her secret mysteries behind locked doors. Practically nothing is known about them, except that they were exclusively women only.[44] The Cult of Cybele didn’t disappear. It became more secretive, powerfully elite, and underground. Their secret sacred meeting places and rituals are held in caves and underground chambers.
In 2002, it was widely reported that archaeologists in North Yorkshire, England discovered the skeleton of a cross-dressing eunuch dating back to the 4th Century AD. The find was made during excavations of a Roman settlement in Catterick, first started in 1958. The skeleton – found dressed in women’s clothes and jewellery – is believed to have once been a castrated priest who worshipped the Goddess Cybele. Archaeologists said that in life, he would have been regarded as a “transvestite” and was probably a Gallae that castrated himself in Cybele’s honour.[45]
The Gallae was buried in proximity to a stone building that had an unique and important feature to its structure – a subterranean chamber reached by a flight of stone stairs. It suggests the building may well have been a Temple of Cybele (Mithras). Cybelean temples were unusual in having underground rooms, one for secret rites and another in which individuals wishing to achieve spiritual immortality bathed in the blood of ritually slaughtered sacred bulls (Taurobolium).[46]
16th Century ground preparations for the building of St. Peters’ Basilica on Vatican Hill, Rome uncovered a shrine, known as the Phrygianum, with some 24 dedications to Goddess Cybele, the Magna Mater and Attis. Yes, St. Peters’ Basilica was built on top of Cybele’s Matreum. [47] It was far from a coincidence. During the 16th Century, the infamous Michelangelo took over as the lead architect of the building of St. Peter Basilica. He was very much aware of the Sibylline Books, and the Erythraean Sibyl, the prophetess presiding over the Apollonian oracle at Erythra, that produced the utterances in the books that brought Cybele to Rome.[48]
Michelangelo’s rendering of The (man-like) Erythraean Sibyl, About 1510 AD
Michelangelo would also be personally very interested in, if not a member of the secret Cult of Cybele, because he was an emasculated psychosexual hermaphrodite that had absolute no love for, and interest in the female or the sacred feminine in art or religion. He loved BOYS and MEN.[49],[50]
The Vatican is built right on top of the old temple complex of Magna Mater, and some parts of it is believed to still exist secretly under the Vatican. Many early Christians identified Cybele with Mary. In the second century an ex-priest of Cybele named Montanus proclaimed that Christ was an incarnation of Attis and that women were the agents of the Great Mother and could prophesy as well as men. Montanism was declared as a heresy in the 4th century and it was crushed, at least according to orthodox history.[51]
Since the 1st Century BCE, Rome’s high priests have been known as “Pontiffs“, a hereditary position controlled by a handful of ancient Imperium families claimed the ancient pre-Republic title of Pontifex Maximus after the Julio-Claudian Roman Emperors assumed themselves as high priest of the state Cult of Cybele.[52]
The Blood Cult & the ILLUMINATI
Adam Weishaupt’s choice of name for the ILLUMINATI was not original. In fact, the first recorded reference to a group of “Enlightened Ones- ILLUMINATI” comes from the 2nd century AD, when it was adopted as the title of a group founded by Cybele’s former high priest, Montanus. His Christian group included prophetesses known as Priscilla, and Maximilla. The members underwent frenzied religious experiences, regarded as messages from the HOLY GHOST. Hence, no doubt, why they believed they were “enlightened”.[53]
The Blood Cult & Freemasonry
According to Albert Pike,
“The Initiate was regarded as the favorite of the Gods. For him alone Heaven opened its treasures … the sweet hope which we have in death of passing to a more fortunate state … participation in the Mysteries is the finest of all things and the source of the greatest blessings. The happiness promised there was not limited to this mortal life; but it extended beyond the grave. There a new life was to commence, during which the Initiate was to enjoy a bliss without alloy and without limit. The Corybantes promised eternal life to the Initiates of the Mysteries of Cybele and Atys … After Lucius had, by the grace of Isis, recovered his human form, the Priest said to him, ‘Calamity hath no hold on those whom our Goddess hath chosen for her service, and whom her majesty hath vindicated’. And the people declared that he was fortunate to be ‘thus after a manner born again, and at once betrothed to the service of the Holy Ministry.” [Morals and Dogma, p. 386-88][54]
Cybele was attended by her sons- armed warriors and soldiers, the Corybantes. These were young male divinities who danced in armor, clashing their shields and spears. Cybele’s male worshipers accompanied their own dancing with the music of shrill flutes, drums, rattles and cymbals.[55]
This is a 21st Century entitled and by name representative of a continuum of the CORYBANTES. For those who doubt the secret Continuum of Cybele’s Pagan Stream into the modern fabric of this society through Freemasonry, I present the 19th Century document, below, Le Genie DU Compagnunnage Faisant Le Tour Globe, out of Paris, France which shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Cybele played a central and dominating, but mysterious role in the founding of Freemasonry in France.
In this document, Cybele identified as Pallas Athena “Justice” is made clear who she is by the lions and chariot. The temple that the Three Masters of France Freemasonry begin their journey from during that time is clearly not Solomon’s Temple. With its numerous Greek columns, it has to represent the Great Earth Mother’s Temple (Greek Master Builders) in Athens, Greece, the Parthenon.
The dancing men holding hands along their road must represent her priesthood, the Gallae (Transvestites), and her sons and soldier attendants, the Corybantes. The Masonic “Compagnons de la Tour,” sprang up in France about the 12th century, and their legends of the Compagnonage connect them directly to the building of the Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem in 832 or 964 BC. They have three (3) different founders and legends. However, each one traces them back to the building of the Temple, through three different founders, which caused the Compagnonage to be divided into three branches. These are the Children of Solomon, the Children of Maitre Jacques (Master Stone Cutters), and the Children of Pere Soubise (Master Carpenters).
The Children of Solomon assert that they were initiated into the brotherhood by King Solomon himself at the building of the Temple. The Children of Maitre Jacques and those of Pere Soubise declare that both of these workmen were employed at the Temple, and after its completion went together to Gaul (France), where they taught the arts which they had learned at Jerusalem. French Masonry regards Charles Martel as the patron of architecture, and the founder of Freemasonry in France. Charles Martel (688 – 741 AD) was a Frankish statesman and military leader who, as Duke and Prince of the Franks and Mayor of the Palace, was de facto ruler of Francia from 718 until his death in 741.[56] However, Martel‘s initiation into Freemasonry is also linked to Solomon’s Temple through a Mason called Namus Grecus. The legend is that Grecus had also participated in the erection of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. But, the timing is off by over a thousand years. [57]
However, the tradition of Maitre Jacques is particularly most interesting. He is said to have been the son of a celebrated architect named Jakin, who was one of the chief Masters of Solomon and a colleague of Hiram Abif.[58] Jacques dates back to the period of at least the 10th Century BC. Legend is that Jacques designed and developed the Masonic twin pillars, Boaz and Jakin.[59] From the age of fifteen, Jacques was employed as a stone-cutter. He traveled through Greece, where he acquired a knowledge of architecture and sculpture. He then went to Egypt and thence to Jerusalem, where, being engaged in the construction of the Temple, he fabricated the two pillars with such consummate skill that he was at once received as a Master of the Craft.[60]
Such are some of the dueling and conflicting legends surrounding the founding of Freemasonry in France. However, the French document, Le Genie DU Compagnunnage Faisant Le Tour Globe, is very clear and untied in this aspect that the Mysteries of Cybele and Attis secretly lies as a center stone of the spiritual foundation of French Freemasonry, and most probably the building of the Temple. How many were there employed in the building of King Solomon’s Temple? Three grand masters, three thousand three hundred masters or overseers of the work, eight thousand fellow crafts, and seventy thousand entered apprentices.[61]
How many French Freemasons were there employed in the building of America? Too many. They helped design and build Washington D.C. She, veiled as Goddess Columbia, is secretly imbedded within the fabric of the nation’s capitol. Among the seen, they, French Grand Oriental Temple Masons, brought her over to preside over these shores under the veil and “Torch of Reason” of Pallas Athena (Cybele)- the Statue of Liberty. Leading her way into America would have been the Gallae ((Transvestites) and her Corybantes to sing, dance and parade along the streets.
One night, while Montanus, the leader of a group of ILLUMINATI, was worshipping the Magna Mater and her only son Attis, the Goddess Cybele spoke directly to him, telling him that only one chance remained for the survival of the Temple, and that they would have to merge the spirituality of the old ways, with that of the new [Mary], thereby creating a totally new form of worship. When the Goddess spoke to Montanus, she referred to herself as the HOLY SPIRIT, the Paraclete, Divine Sophia, and the Holy Feminine Aspect of God, and then she charged Montanus to spread the new prophecy throughout the world. Montanus did just that, and his sect grew into an ascetic one, filled with chastity and a strict form of morality.[62] Montanus, including the prophetesses Priscilla and Maximilla entered into an ecstatic state and began prophesying in the region of Phrygia, now in central Turkey. The ILLUMINATI exhibited the frenzied nature of their religious experience by enraptured seizures and utterances of strange languages that the disciples regarded as Oracles of the HOLY SPIRIT of Cybele.[63]
Rick Ross, Oracle of the HOLY SPIRIT of Cybele
Michael Jackson, Cybele & the Corybantes
This video clearly demonstrates the unseen Continuum of the Satanic Blood Cult dominating America’s music industry. Keep in mind that in this continuum, you have the option to turn yourself away from them. MJ was suspected of a continuum of child abuse and molestation, but was acquitted.
<a href="https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/aaaaorlandorossblood_th