Kayaking Lake Superior, photo by Aaron Peterson
Travel Marquette shared Aaron’s photo as “A casual day of kayaking the great waters of Lake Superior.” While it’s not kayaking over the Tahquamenon Falls crazy, I confess that “casual” is not the first work that comes to mind!!
In one of the cool twists that I’ve come to expect from Michigan in Pictures, it turns out that Aaron is behind something that I’ve wanted to feature from Marquette, the upcoming Fresh Coast Film Festival (Oct 13-16, 2016)!
The Fresh Coast Film Festival is the first of its kind: a documentary film festival celebrating the outdoor lifestyle, water-rich environment and resilient spirit of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest. The festival will gather the best in adventure cinema from around the world while creating a venue for, and building a culture of, Great Lakes storytelling.
Fresh Coast will be held annually in October during the height of fall color season in the Lake Superior harbor town of Marquette, Michigan.
…A key component of the Fresh Coast experience will be guided outdoor activities to introduce visitors to the outdoor playground of the Marquette area. Rock climbing, fly fishing, sea kayaking, waterfall hikes and mountain bike rides will all be offered as part of the Fresh Coast weekend.
Click for the full schedule!
View Aaron’s photo bigger, follow him on Facebook, and view & purchase his work at www.aaronpeterson.net.
Filed under: event, lakesuperior, marquette, michigan, photo, photography, up Tagged: film, kayak, lake superior, marquette, michigan, wave