


Hey mice,

We here at MIM care about you and your safety and well being. We normally would be closed on tomorrow as that is a tuesday, but as it is also the USA election day, we’ve decided to leave our inbox opened so we can serve as a place for you all to vent.

We cannot promise to answer all asks as soon as they’re received as our three week waiting period will still be in effect but we will keep our inbox opened so that you have a place to voice your frustrations and concerns if need be.

If you are in crisis tomorrow, or anytime during this upcoming week (or ever really), please use the following resources:


Mental Support Community A forum where you can post  when you are in crisis RIGHT NOW, and need peer support as quickly as possible.

Samaritans UK (email, postal mail, in-person, and over the phone

Crisis Text Line– USA, text with a trained crisis responder

BoysTown National Hotline (email, chat, phone)

National Suicide Prevention Hotline (phone, chat)

National Resource Center on Psychiatric Advance Directives

RAINN online hotline [Rape, abuse, and incest national network]

Lifeline crisis chat is a online chat where you can talk to trained operators in times of crisis- Australian based.

2-1-1 phone number to call in US for resources including emergency housing and food (United Way)

You Feel Like Shit – An Interactive Self Care Guide is a great place to start if you’re having a bad episode and need help calming down (this is good for troubleshooting your mental health, but it does not contain interpersonal support)

Niteline: an emergency chat service for nighttime from UK. run by students for students

Project LETS has peer support chats

in addition to our Hotlines and Chatrooms!

Take care, and remember to be careful and safe,

MIM Staff

If you send us an election ask, please let us know if you want us to publish/post your ask with a very brief response so that you know we got it (or respond if asked non-anonymously), if you want us to read it and delete it, or if you want to wait for a proper response, which could take a while.

Additionally, over the course of the day, our queue will be taking a break from our regularly scheduled “medicated and mighty” anniversary celebration, and will have a few custom-made resource and information posts that will hopefully help alleviate some election anxiety.

We are open all day today as a safe space to vent about election-related emotions.

Stay safe and stay strong,

Rowan and MIM Staff

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