
MBBS Course

Course Code- 101

The MBBS course at Rama University is the most advanced. Our four and a half years MBBS is followed by mandatory internships each year. Throughout the duration, the course follows semester system where each semester is of six months.

The course gives in-depth knowledge on all the three phases, namely Pre-clinical, Para-clinical and Clinical Phase. The subjects that fall under these phases are as below:





1 – 2 : Two Semesters

Anatomy, Bio-chemistry, Physiology


3 – 5 : Three Semesters

Community Medicine; Forensic Medicine

Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology,


6 – 9 : Four Semesters

Postings in wards, OPDs to begin here;

Community Medicine, Medicine and allied Subjects (Psychiatry, Dermatology); Obst. Gynae.; Pediatrics; Surgery and allied subjects (Anesthesiology, E.N.T., Ophthalmology, Orthopedics); Clinical postings;

Eligibilty & Duration

50% PCBE in 10+2

4.5 years +1 year Internship


Career Prospects

Admission Process

Fee Structure

SEM 1 & SEM 2




Gross Anatomy





Gross Anatomy

Neuro Anatomy


Microscopic Anatomy

Developmental Anatomy



General Physiology



Respiratory System

Cardiovascular System

Gastrointestinal System


Environmental Physiology



Neurophysiology General

Sensory system

Motor system

Visceral and motivational system

EEG, sleep and higher nervous functions

Special Senses



Nerve and Muscle

Cardiovascular System.


G.I.T. and Metabolism


Environmental physiology


Special senses


Biological cell



Metabolic pathways, their regulation and metabolic interrelationships

Food assimilation and nutrition


Molecular Biology

pH, Buffer, physiological buffer systems


Environmental biochemistry, cancer and cancer makers

Laboratory Instrumentation

Protein fractionation, denaturation, separation of proteins and amino acids

Colour reactions of amino acids and proteins.

Estimation of blood analytes: glucose, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, uric acid, electrolytes, urea.

Cerebrospinal fluid analyses.

Gastric juice analyses.

Urine analyses.

Amniotic fluid analyses.

Enzymes:amylase, lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase

Liver function tests

Renal function tests.

Gel electrophoresis of DNA

Immunodiffusion techniques, RIA and ELISA

Case-oriented discussions (enzymes, metabolites, function tests)

SEM 3, SEM 4 & SEM 5




Forensic medicne

Forensic pathology

Clinical forensic medicine

Medical jurisprundence

Forensic psychiatry

Forensic sciences


General toxicology

Clinical toxicology

Environmental toxicology

Analytical toxicology

Preparation of a Medico-legal report of an injured person due to mechanical violence

Preservation and despatch of the exhibits in a suspected case of poisoning.

Estimation age of a person for medico-legal and other purposes.

Conduct & prepare postmortem examination report in a case of suspected poisoning and to preserve & dispatch viscera for chemical analysis

Conduct & prepare postmortem report in a case of death due to violence of any nature – road accident, fall from height, assault, factory accident, electrocution, burns & accident due to any other cause, fire arm injury, asphyxia, natural death & medical negligence. At least 10 postmortem reports should have been written by the student.

Demonstration, interpretation and medico-legal aspects from examination of hair (human &animal)fibre, semen & other biological fluids

Demonstration & identification of a particular stain is a blood and identification of its species origin.

Identification ABO & RH blood groups of a person

Examination & drawing opinion from examination of skeletal remains.

Identification & drawing medico-legal inference from various specimen of injuries e.g. contusion, abrasion, laceration, firearm wounds, burns, head injury and fracture of a bone .

Identification & description of weapons of of medicolegal importance commonly used e.g. lathi, knife, kripan, axe, gandasa, gupti, farsha, dagger, bhalla, razor & stick

Description of the contents and structure of bullet & cartridges used & medico-legal interpretation drawn

Estimation of age of foetus by postmortem examination.

Examination & preparation of report of an alleged accused in a rape/unnatural sexual offence

Examination & preparation medico-legal report of a victim of sexual offence/unnatural sexual offence.

Examination and preparation of medico-legal report of a drunk person

Demonstration of the common instrument used in analysis of poision & DNA profile – TLC,GLC,AAS

Identification & drawing of medico-legal inference from common poisons e.g. Dhatura, castor, cannabis, opium, aconite copper sulphate, pesticides compounds, marking nut, oleander, Nux vomica, abrus seeds, snakes, capsium, calotropis, lead compounds & tobacco.

Examination & preparation of a medico-legal report of a person brought for medical examination in cases pertaining to police, judicial custody or referred by court of law and violation of human rights as requirement of NHRC.

Identification and drawing of medico-legal inference from histopathological slides of Myocardial infraction pneumatics,tuberculosis, brain infract, liver cirrhosis,brain hemorrhage,bone fracture,pulmonary odema,brain odema,soot particles,diatoms and wound healing.

3 Sem

Introduction to Microbiology

Introduction to Bacteriology

Bacterial Staining and Cultivation

Common Tests for Bacterial identification

Introduction to parasitology

Introduction to Virology

Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infection

Introduction to Mycology

Common Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Fungal Infections

Collection of Transport of Samples

Host-Parasite relationship

Bacterial AND Viral Genetics

Immunity to infection



Sterilisation and disinfection

Bacteriology of water and air

Microorganisms associated

Gastrointestinal infections caused by parasites

1. Microscopyand micrometry

2. Direct demonstration of bacteria by staining

3. Motility tests and biochemical tests for bacterial identification

4. Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections

5. Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections

6. Sterilization and disinfection

7. Stool examination for cysts

4 Sem

Infections of gastrointestinal tract (contd.)

Infections of liver & lymphatics

Infections of the respiratory tract

1. Stool examination for intestinal nematodes and cestodes

2. Enterobacteriaceae

3. Laboratory diagnosis of E.coli infection and shigellosis

4. Laboratory diagnosis of cholera

5. Laboratory diagnosis of food poisoning

6. Laboratory diagnosis of filariasis

7. Laboratory diagnosis of upper respiratory infections

8. Laboratory diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infections

9. Laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis

10. Laboratory diagnosis of UTI

11. Laboratory diagnosis of wound infections

12. Laboratory diagnosis of anaerobic infections

5 Sem

Pyrexia of Unknown origin AND OTHER FEBRILE ILLNESSES

Central Nervous system Infections

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Congenital infections


1. Laboratory diagnosis of malaria

2. Laboratory diagnosis of leishmaniasis

3. Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever

4. Laboratory diagnosis of meningitis

5. Laboratory diagnosis of STD Entomology

1. General Pathology

Introduction to Pathology

Cell Injury

Amyloidosis and Calcification

Inflammation and Repair

Circulatory Disturbances

Growth Disturbances and Neoplasia


Infectious Diseases

Miscellaneous Disorders

2. Systemic Pathology

Cardiovascular Pathology

Respiratory Pathology

Urinary Tract Pathology

Pathology of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract


Liver and Biliary Tract Pathology

Lymphoreticular System

Reproductive System


Endocrine Pathology


Identify and interpret the gross and/or microscopic features of common disorders as given above.

Perform with accuracy and reliability basic haematological procedures such as haemoglobin estimation, total and differential WBC count and peripheral blood smear staining, examination and report

Calculate the indices and interpret the relevant significance

Perform the basiclaboratory haematological tests like bleeding time and clotting time

Perform a complete examination of the urine and detect any abnormalities.

Grouping and cross matching of blood

Collect and dispatch clinical samples from patients in a proper manner

Interpret abnormal biochemical laboratory values of common diseases


General Pharmacology

Autonomic nervous system & Peripheral nervous system

Central nervous system


Cardiovascular system

Gastrointestinal and respiratory system




Experimental pharmacology exercise on isolated organ

Experimental exercise on pharmacy

Spotting exercise – Identify the commonly used items in Pharmacology

Exercises on drug interactions


Concepts in Community Health

Bio-statistics in Health

Behavioural sciences & their relevance to Community Health

Natural history of disease and levels of prevention

Measuring the burden of disease in community

Culture, habits, customs and community health

Health problem associated in urbanization & industrialization

Health situation in India

Family and its role in health and disease

Measuring vital events in community

Health seeking behavior – barriers to health

Health Planning in India

Collection of vital statistics in the community

Epidemiology as a tool for community health

Collection of data – sampling methods, sample size

Community organization in rural and urban areas – community participation

Environment and community health

Survey methods and interview techniques in community Health

Attitudes : development and measurement

Water and community health

Analysis of quantitative data

Designing interview schedules – KABP studies

Air and community health

Probabilities and conditional probabilities

Socio-economic measurement status and its role in community health

Analysis of qualitative data

Normal distribution, Bi-nominal distribution & poison Distribution

Medico-social problems, beliefs and practices related to acute and chronic diseases

Waste disposal

Tests of significance of statistical hypothesis

Indoor environment and health

Human sexuality; sex and marriage counselling


Introduction to nutrition and nutritional problems of India Introduction to Family Health Advisory Service and approaching the families in Community – 1

IEC & Health Education Strategies

Measurement of Nutritional Status of Community Introduction to Family Health Advisory Service and approaching the families in Community – 2

Health Education Tools & Audio-visual aids

Nutritional requirements & sources

Planning & evaluation of Health Education Programmes

Food Hygiene, Food Adulteration & Food poisoning

Introduction to Maternal & Child Health

Protein energy malnutrition, growth monitoring & promotion

Infant & Child Mortality

Breast feeding & weaning & Baby Friendly Hospitals Breast feeding promotion

High risk strategy & risk factors in pregnancy & child birth

Nutrition Programmes in India

Food habits, customs related to pregnancy, child birth & lactation

Causation & association

Reproductive and Child Health Programme

Case – Control Studies

Cohort studies

Health care of special groups : Adolescents & School Children

Cross sectional studies

Health care of Aged

Interventions trial in community

Screening methods in community

Population dynamics : Demographic cycle, demographic transition

Working environment and community health

Demographic trends in India.


Family planning methods : spacing methods

Health hazards faced by agricultural workers

Family planning methods : permanent methods

Industrial toxic exposures

Fertility & fertility related statistics

Prevention of occupational diseases & ESI

National Family Welfare Programme – I

Life tables and life table techniques for evaluation of family planning methods

National Family Welfare Programme – 2

National Population Policy

6 SEM, 7 SEM, 8 SEM & 9 SEM


Preanesthetic Clinic : 1

Preoperative evaluation & optimization

Operating theatre:

Recovery Room

Intensive Care Unit

Pain Clinic

Emergency On Call

6 Sem

Dynamics of disease transmission and control

Immunity, Herd immunity, Immunization schedule routine & specific, Immunization : active & passive

Disinfection, disinfectants, disposal of infective material, concurrent & terminal disinfection Surveillance : Active, Passive, Sentinel and International Health Regulations

Introduction to management : Planning, Management & Evaluation Epidemiology of tuberculosis & control programme

Health services organisation

Epidemiology of Malaria & Control Programme

National Health Policy : Concepts of Health Care, Primary Health Care Epidemiology of Leprosy and Control Programme

Functions of Primary Health Centre : Health care team training & supervision Epidemiology of Filariasis & Control Programme

Voluntary agencies & International Health agencies Epidemiology of Diphtheria and Pertussis & Control Programme

Health Resources Management : Personnel and Material Epidemiology of tetanus/ tetanus Neonatorum & Control Programme

Introduction to Health Economics

Epidemiology of poliomyelitis & control programme

Epidemiology of Typhoid & Control

Epidemiology of Diarrhoeal Diseases and Control Programme

Epidemiology of Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Control

Epidemiology of re-emerging diseases : Plague, Yellow Fever, Influenza, Meningococcal Meningitis

Epidemiology of re-emerging diseases : Dengue, J. E., Encephalitis, KFD Epidemiology of Rabies & Control

Epidemiology of Chicken Pox & Control, Small Pox Eradication

Epidemiology of Helminthic and Protozoal Infections and Control (Hookworm, Round worm, Amoebiasis, Guinea worm)

Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases including AIDS & Control

8 Sem

Demographic and Epidemiological Transition in India

Epidemiology and Control of Blindness

Epidemiology and control of cancers with Special reference to cancer of cervix and breast cancer, tobacco related cancers, lung cancer, head and neck cancer

Epidemiology and Control of Accidents

Epidemiology and Control of Cardio Vascular Diseases

Epidemiology and Control of Diabetes Mellitus

Urban Health Posting during the IV and V Semesters

Family Health Advisory Service (FHAS) during IVth & Vth Semester MBBS

Rural Posting during the VII Semester


Ineffective dermatoses: Pyoderma, tuberculosis and leishmaniasis- Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatmen

Infective dermatoses: Viral and fungal infections- Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Infestations: Scabies and pediculosis – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Melanin synthesis: Disorders of pigmentation (Vitiligo, Chloasma / Melasma)- Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Allergic disorders: Atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Drug eruptions, urticaria, erythema multiforme, Steven’s johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Vesiculo-bullous diseases: Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, Dermatitis herpetiformis – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Epidermopoisis, Psoriasis, Lichen planus and Pityriasis rosea – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pathogenesis, Classification and clinicalfeatures of leprosy, Reactions in leprosy.

Diagnosis, treatment and control of leprosy

Syphilis – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment

Gonococcal and Non-gonococcal infections – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Chancroid, LGV, Donovanosis, Herpes progenitalis Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and treatment.

Syndromic approach to the diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted diseases.

HIV infection, Cutaneous manifestations of HIV infection and their management.

Hereditary disorders: Ichthyosis, Albimism, Epidermolysis bullosa, Melanocytic naevi, Freckles and other naevi – Etiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Dermatological Emergencies.

During the MBBS training period the students have about 3 weeks clinical postings in the OPD (Out Patient Department), speciality clinics and ward in their 7th semester training period. They have the clinical teaching and demonstrations of all the common skin diseases sexually transmitted diseases, leprosy and common skin emergencies during this period. They also have about a week’s orientation clinical posting during their 3rd semester training period to familiarize them with the history taking, clinical examination and cutaneous lesions


The cases with diseases like acne vulgaris, scabies, pyoderma, pediculosis, fungal infection of skin, alopecias, sexually transmitted diseases, auto immune diseases, bullous disorders, papulosquamous disease etc. are demonstrated and discussed during the posting period.,/



Clinical Pharmacology

Nutritional and metabolic disorders

Water, electrolyte and acid-base imbalance

Critical care Medicine

Pain management and palliative care

Medical Psychiatry


Specific environmental and occupational hazards

Immune response and Infections

Specific Infections – Epidemiology, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention of :

System-Based diseases1. Cardiovascular system3. Kidney and genitourinary system5. Diseases of the pancreas

6. Liver and Biliary tract disease

4. Gastrointestinal tract

2. Respiratory system

Endocrinology and Metabolism1. Thyroid gland3. The parathyroid glands5. The endocrine pancreas and gastrointestinal tract

6. The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland

4. The adrenal glands

2. The reproductive system

Hematological disorders

Disorders of the immune system, connective tissue and joints

Skin diseases

Neurological diseases


Basic Sciences



Contraception, Neonatology and Recent Advances

4th semesterduring this posting the students are expected to acquire competence in history taking and examination of the obstetfics and gynaecology patient.

6th & 8th semesterthe students are expected to gain increasing competence in making a diagnosis and planning the management of the patient.


Minor OT


Labour Room

Main OT

Family Planning

Semester 5th

1. Microbiology in relation to eye

2. Pathology in relation to eye

3. Pharmacology in relation to eye

4. Symptomatology in Ocular disorders and their Pathogenesis

5. Ocular involvement in systemic diseases

Semester 6th

1. Disorders of the Lid

2. Disorders of the Lacrimal Apparatus

3. Conjunctivitis & Ophthalmia Neonatorum

4. Trachoma & Other chronic conjunctivitis

5. Keratitis and corneal ulcers

6. Corneal ulcer

7. Scleritis & Episcleritis

8. Refractive Errors & Method of correction

9. Presbyopia, accommodation convergence

10. Congenitial cataract

11. Senile cataract

12. Metabolic & complicated cataract

13. Primary Angle closure glaucoma

14. Congenitial glaucoma

15. Primary Open angle glaucoma

16. Secodary glaucomas

17. Anterior uveitis

18. Posterior uveitis

19. Blindness prevalence, prevention & rehabilitation

Semester 8th

1. Retinopathies, Hypertensive, Toxaemia & Pregnancy

2. Diabetic Retinopathy

3. Retinal Detachment, types, symptoms & pre-disposing factors

4. Endocrine ophthalmology

5. Retinal vascular disorders

6. Retinoblastoma & other ocular neoplasms

7. Binocular vision amblyopia & concomitant squint

8. Nutritional disorders

9. Incomitant strabismus

10. Visual acuity, pupillary path ways & cranial nerve palsies

11. Optic nerve lesions

12. Ocular emergencies (Traumatic)

13. Ocular emergencies (Non-Traumatic)

14. Minor ophthalmic surgery

15. General principles of Intra ocular surgery

16. National programme for control of blindness

17. Comprehensive eye care in rural set up

18. Eye banking & ethics in ophthalmology

1. Trachoma

2. Entropion / ectropion

3. Pterygium

4. NLD block / Dacryocystitis

5. Conjunctivitis / allergic / acute

6. Corneal ulcer

7. Keratitis

8. Iridocyditis

9. Angle closure glaucoma

10. Scleritis / episcleritis

11. Dark room

12. Refractive errors & presbyopia

13. Cataract – senile

a. Complicated

b. Post operative


Intraocular lenses

14. Basic sciences (Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pathology)

15. Investigative lab. I

16. Investigative lab. II

17. Casualty & minor O.T. I

18. Casualty & minor O. T. II

19. Open angle glaucoma

20. Xerophthalmia

21. Corneal opacities

22. Ocular injury

23. Perforating / concussional injuries

24. Amaurosis fugax

25. Diabetic retinopathy

26. Hypertensive retinopathy

27. Anemic and other retinopathies

28. Indirect ophthalmoscopy

29. Orthoptics

30. Concomitant squint

31. Paralytic squint

32. Surgical Instruments

33. Main O.T. I

34. Main O.T. II

35. Main O.T. III


Oral cavity and oropharynx






Operative Procedures


The clinical training would consist of

1. two classes on introduction to the clinical aspects of ENT including proper Ear , Nose and throat examination

2. Bed side teaching and case discussion on common ENT conditions like CSOM, Deviated Nasal septum, Nasal polyps, Cancer larynx etc

3. Orientation to commonly used ENT instruments and X-Rays in ENT practice

4. Exposure to commonly done OPD procedures like nasal packing , ear packing, cautery etc

5. Exposure to selective operative procedures like tracheostomy, tonsillectomy , septoplasty, Nasal polypectomy etc


Vital statistics

Growth and development



Infectious diseases


Respiratory system

Gastro Intestinal Tract

Central Nervous System

Cardiovascular system

Genito-Urinary system


Pediatrics Emergencies



Behavioral Problems

Pediatrics Surgical Problems Therapeutics

Preventive Otology and head & neck cancer

IV/ V Semester

1. Taking a detailed Pediatric history

2. Conducting physical examination of children

3. Understanding normal growth and development

4. Performing anthropometry and its interpretation

5. Developmental assessment of a child

6. Assessment of calorie/ protein intake and advise regarding feeding practice

7. Immunization schedule and administration

8. Evaluation and management of common OPD conditions

9. Medical conduct during patient examination

VI Semester

1. Emphasis on Pediatric history taking, physical examination, anthropometry and assessment of growth and development

2. Care of normal newborn at birth and lying in ward

3. Counseling for breast feeding/ infant feeding

4. Evaluation and management of common fluid and electrolyte problems

5. Evaluation and management of common conditions related to Infectious diseases, Adolescent pediatrics, Respiratory tract, GI tract and Cardiovascular system.


Introduction and classification of Psychiatric disorders .Concept of psychiatric disorders; need for classification; types of classification e.g. atheoretical symptom – based; introducing the Inter national Classification of Diseases ((ICD) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM); major categories of psychiatric disorders; diagnosis of organic disorders.

Aetiology of Psychiatric disorders

Overview of contribution of different scientific disciplines to psychiatric aetiology – clinical descriptive studies, epidemiology, social sciences e.g. role of life events, stress; genetics; biochemical studies; pharmacology; endocrinology; physiology; neuropathology; psychology.


Epidemiology, clinical features, subtypes, diagnosis, overview of aetiology, course, treatment – pharmacological, role of ECT.

Bipolar disorders

Epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, overview of aetiology, course, treatment – pharmacological.


Epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, overview of aetiology, co-morbidity with organic disorders, course, treatment – pharmacological.

Anxiety neurosis, phobia and OCD

Types of anxiety disorders; phobia, OCD, clinical features and epidemiology; diagnosis, differential diagnosis; overview of aetiology; course; treatment – pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

Hysterical neurosis (Conversion and Dissociative disorders)

Epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, aetiology, prognosis, treatment.

Personality disorders

Concept of personality disorders, epidemiology, classification, assessment, overview of clinical features, aetiology, prognosis.

Drug and Alcohol dependence

Concept of abuse and dependence, epidemiology of alcohol and opiate dependence; clinical features, withdrawal symptoms including complicated withdrawal, psychosocial complications, aetiology, outcome, treatment.

Psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence,

Classification of childhood psychiatric disorders, epidemiology, clinical features, aetiology, assessment.

Counselling and psychological therapies

Counselling process, skills, different counseling approaches, behaviour therapy, cognitive therapy and its applications.

Psychological testing

What are psychological tests, standardization, reliability, validity, intelligence test, personality test, application.


1. Skin: ulcers and wounds, wound infections, burns, skin infections (boils, carbuncle, abcess), cysts (epidermoid cyst, dermoid),skin tumors(basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma).

2. Head and Neck region: congenital anomalies (cleft lip, cleft palate, branchial cyst and fistula, thyroglossal cyst) swellings of parotid and submandibular glands, oral ulcers, leukoplakia, submucous fibrosis, lichen planus, common jaw tumors, squamous carcinoma of oral cavity, pharynx & larynx. Thyroid swellings (adenomatous goitre, Graves’ Disease, papillary and follicular thyroid cancer).Swellings of lymph nodes (tuberculosis, lymphoma, metastatic carcinoma)

3. Arteries: Features of limb Ischaemia, noninvasive vascular diagnostic tests, obliterative atheromatous disease, aneurysms, Raynaud’s syndrome, arterial emboli.

4. Veins: varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis , pulmonary embolism.

5. Breast: mastalgia, ANDI, fibroadenoma, cyst, breast abscess, cancer of the breast.

6. Oesophagus: dysphagia, reflux, hiatus hernia, benign and malignant tumours.

7. Stomach and duodenum: Peptic ulcer- stomach and duodenum, carcinoma of the stomach, gastritis.

8. Small intestine: Small bowel obstruction, intestinal tuberculosis.

9. Colon and rectum: Amoebic colitis, Ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer.

10. Appendix: Acute appendicitis.

11. Anus: Haemorrhoids, Pruritus ani, Fissure-in-ano, Anorectal abscesses, Fistula-in-ano, cancer of the anus.

12. Peritoneum and intraperitoneal abscesses:peritonitis.

13. Liver: Hepatic trauma, abscesses, cancer.

14. Biliary tract: gall stone disease, carcinoma of the gallbladder.

15. Pancreas: Acute panacreatitis, pancreatic cancer.

16. Acute abdomen

17. Hernias of the abdominal wall: Inguinal hernias, femoral hernia, umbilical and epigastric hernia.

18.Urology: Diagnostic studies and techniques in the urinary tract, trauma to the urinary tract, urinary calculi, urinary tract infection, prostatic hyperplasia, tumours of the kidney, epididymo-orchitis, hydrocele, tumours of the testicle, carcinoma of the penis

3rd – 4th Semester

The art and science of history taking, general evaluation of overall health; basic principles of examination of a lump; examination of hernia, hydrocoele and abdomen; examination of breast; examination of head and neck; evaluation of wounds, ulcers and sinuses.

5th Semester

posted in the Out-patient surgical department

6th Semester

The MBBS course prepares learners to diagnose and manage common health problems of individuals. With respect to the common health problems, all the students at primary, secondary and tertiary levels are competent to practice preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative medicine. Along with the practice medical ethics, expertise in domain, students are capable of performing duties in hospitals or engage in self-directed learning for a lifetime.

Admission Process

Admission is through Rama University Entrance Test (RUET) and by appearing for a formal interview, after submitting all documents and verifications.

Fee Structure

MBBS fee is Rs. 9,95,000/- per annum

There is a refundable security deposit of Rs. 1,50,000 also, along with the annual fee.


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