
Paper-based doesn’t cut it anymore. The world is moving faster than ever, and you need near-instant access to information in order to make decisions about your assets and facilities.

We know you know this—that’s why you got a CMMS in the first place. But that’s just the first step.

The next step is going mobile.

Luckily, Fiix offers a free mobile app for Android and iOS. To be clear, we’re not just talking about a mobile version of our CMMS. We’re talking about an easy-to-use app with all the features of our desktop CMMS that accesses tools like your smartphone camera to make one click maintenance not only a reality, but easier than ever.

The great news is, if you’re an existing Fiix customer, then you already have access to the app! All you need is your existing login information and you’re ready to roll.

Convinced? Download the app now. Not convinced? Then read on for three reasons why you need our mobile app.

React faster when something goes down

Preventative and scheduled maintenance is one thing, but what if something goes wrong? Reactive maintenance is a reality—things break, and sometimes the only thing standing between a small repair and major downtime is how quickly you can notify the right technician for the job.

But sometimes this means physically tracking down the right guy, which can take way too long.

Our app lets you avoid the wild goose chase by sending a notification straight to the technician, with all the info about the damage, required parts, priority, etc.

And we’ve recently added push notifications so you don’t even have to open the app to receive notifications. They get pushed directly to your phone, which gets the right information into the right hands, even faster.

Spend less time logging work

Data entry should not be a full-time job for your technicians. They should be spending more time in the field than in the office, because that’s where the work is.

So it doesn’t really make sense for them to run back to a computer terminal to log their work. Instead, give them a powerful CMMS that they can carry around in their pocket, which lets them log work in real-time, in the field.

Stop leaking time and money on untracked maintenance

Do you know how much maintenance goes untracked in your facility?

We know it’s pretty common for little tweaks, adjustments, and repairs to get dismissed as too insignificant to bother logging in a desktop CMMS. What’s 10 minutes here or there, right?

Well, these small repairs add up, and while your assets probably end up looking great on paper, they might not be doing so well in real life.

And when we’re talking about asset lifecycle management or even audits, these small repairs and hours of work that have disappeared into the ether can come back and bite you in the a**.

But with a mobile app, a technician who spots a bit of work to be done here or there can log it instantaneously, with the click of a button. This gives you better oversight and a much clearer picture of what’s actually going on in your facility.

Find out more and download the Fiix mobile app today.

Empower your maintenance team

Leverage the cloud to work together, better in the new connected age of maintenance and asset management.


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