Duri - Jung Pirates
He is almost as good a shot as he boasts and with his two “ladies” by his side, a threat to even the most nimble monk or heavily armour samurai, making him a legend amongst the Jung. The tale of how he lost his leg a source of much amusement amongst his peers.
Wamu - Kage Kaze Zoku
Another worm to emerge from the perilous, relentless training of the Kaze Kage Zoku, Wamu is a swift and nimble novice assassin. Like her fellow novice Wamu is able to employ the teachings of her mentors to great effect. A competent warrior and a promising student of the ways of the ninja.
(GCT Studios)
GCT Studios zeigen in ihrem Blog eine Vorschau auf Duri für die Jung Pirates und Wamu für Kage Kaze Zoku.