
So you’ve just graduated college and turned the page to the next chapter of your life to find… it’s blank! Friends and family, including distant relatives you didn’t know you had, tell you that you need to find a job but none of their advice stretches past the unhelpfulness of: “Get out there!” or “Look harder!” You’re not totally sure where to start or how to even begin, but you know you need to create a solid playbook for tackling what can seem like a dreadful job hunt.

Have no fear, my recent graduate friend! While there may not be a foolproof way to get hired right away, there are only a few steps you need to take to put yourself in the best position to secure your ideal post-college job. Remember, you have skills, connections, and experiences that you’ve accrued over the past four years, and now is the time to show the world what you’re worth!

If you follow the action plan below, you’ll be within arms reach of securing your dream job and all the more closer to finally shaking off those pesky family members.

1) Research the industry you want to break into

Photo Source: huffingtonpost.com

As a newby to the job market, you want to do everything in your power to be one step ahead of all the other candidates with experience greater than or equal to yours. Like with any of the term papers you’ve nervously written in the waning hours before their deadlines, you need to do proper research before you can dive right into things. You want to internalize as much information as possible so that you know exactly what to expect from the job market and how best to prepare yourself for it.

If you’re looking into a career in sales, for example, the easiest place to start researching would be on sales companies’ websites. Cross check responsibilities of sales reps with what you’re looking to do in the working world. Check out testimonials/reviews from sales employees on sites like Glassdoor and see what first-hand reports other people have on the industry.

If you think you’ve found a fit, get to know the industry landscape. Look up some of the best practices for the roles you’re interested in. Can you identify who the top competitors are in the industry and what separates them from the rest of the pack? What sort of career trajectory does this field offer and how well does that fit with your interests? If you can find and internalize all of this info, you’ll put yourself in the best position to present yourself as a smart, dedicated, and well-prepared candidate for a position with any company in the industry you want to join.

2) Build up your professional online presence

Photo Source: thedigitaldistrict.org

With the whole job search world going digital, you need to equip yourself with the tools to adapt. Hiring managers and recruiters are using LinkedIn and other online portfolios more than ever to judge potential job applicants. As a recent grad, you’ll want as many ways to one-up the millions of other graduates competing for the same jobs. If your stuff is not up to snuff, you may find yourself on the outside looking in for any open position.

Make sure your LinkedIn is professional, self-promotional, personalized, up-to-date, and free of typos. First impressions are super important, so seriously consider putting a professional headshot on your email and social media accounts. Clean up the public information on your Facebook profile and adjust security settings so hiring managers won’t see your most embarrassing New Year’s Eve pics.

Build a blog or online portfolio so that potential employers can click through it and get a better sense of who you are as a candidate. By creating a portfolio, you’re controlling the scope of information that a hiring manager has to work with. Use this space to show off cool projects you’ve worked on and even interests outside of work. Whether you’re showing off a collection of campaigns you’ve spearheaded, articles you’ve written, or artwork you do in your spare time, putting forth a bird’s-eye view of your experiences will give hiring managers a clear sense of what makes you an awesome candidate.

With these online profiles, you’re building up your own brand to solidify your place in the professional world. If hiring managers Google you and find your well-kept LinkedIn profile and your extensive online portfolio, they’ll find it easier to picture you as an employee, than if your love of bathroom selfies were to surface instead. So long as you can present your best and most professional self possible, you’ll surely be on the inside track for any job.

3) Grow your network

Photo Source: wired.com

A recent study revealed that 85% of all jobs are filled via networking. In other words, networking is a major key for the job hunt, and getting a job is all about who you know, in addition to, what you know. This figure can be daunting, particularly if you’re unsure where and with whom to start building relationships. But just remember, the best way to expand your network is tapping into ones that you’re already a part of.

Tap into your alumni database. Many schools have websites dedicated solely to connecting alumni to other alumni. Use your school’s alumni network to reach out to current employees in your dream industry. Meet for coffee or schedule some time to shadow them at their offices. At the end of meeting them, ask if they can connect you to anyone with more information. Alumni are great resources for creating new leads and helping you get your foot in the door.

Reach out to old bosses or co-workers from past jobs/internships with a catch-up email. Talk about your goals and ask if they know of any opportunities on the market. You developed working relationships over several months with these people; unless you spammed them with tri-weekly reminders to check out your post-wave grunge basement band in Brooklyn, you’re likely to get a positive response.

4) Apply to as many jobs as you can

Photo Source: workinglife.org

People experience different response rates in every job hunt. A 2015 post on Ask A Manager, posed the question, “what’s a good application/interview rate?” Answers varied between 1/20 to 2/5. What’s the takeaway? Well, there’s an old basketball adage that runs along the lines of, “To make the shot, you have to take the shot.” While your party-animal friend Denise is knocking them back on sultry Thursday afternoons, it’s best that you leave the shots of Fireball behind and take the ones that’ll help get your resume on someone’s desk.

Recent grads have the toughest time competing with other job seekers because they don’t have as much full-time experience. Regardless of your super dope internships, you’re going to run into companies that will pass on you, simply because you’re a bit less tested than more experienced candidates. To give yourself the best shot at your dream job, you have to spread a wide net and apply to as many companies as you can. Whether you’ve done research on them or know someone in your network who works with them, keep applying to companies and treat your job hunt like it’s your full-time gig.

5) Use the best job searching apps

Photo Source: Planted

Make the job hunt simple by using the best job search apps out there. You’re a perfect match for one of thousands of open positions on the job market. Why waste your time on job boards sifting through endless roles that you’re not interested in?

With Planted (shameless plug), we know what you’re looking for, and we can showcase your skills, credentials, and life experiences in front of hiring managers that want to hire someone just like you. Planted sends you a new batch of jobs every day, with innovative companies and positions specifically tailored to your preferences. We’ll also put your resume on the fast track to the hiring manager and will give you job coaching along the way. In fact, if you get hired through the Planted platform, we’ll give you a $100 signing bonus as a token of our appreciation!

Job apps don’t typically focus on helping recent graduates find employment. Luckily, Planted is a platform specifically dedicated to helping recent grads and young professionals without design/coding background find non-technical positions at high-growth startups.

6) Follow Up

Photo Source: wired.com

A follow up email goes a long way. Whether it’s after an interview or after a trail has gone cold, it’s always good to show your interest and your politeness by having it in writing. In fact, if you send an email thanking your interviewers for taking time out of their days to chat with you, you’re likely to stick out as professional and courteous. Thank you notes also give you the opportunity to reiterate points you’d made during the conversation and even afford the chance to present something that you may have forgotten to mention. They’re good for emphasizing your strong written communication skills and can help solidify you as a memorable candidate.

If a trail has seemingly gone cold, don’t give up. A likely scenario is that your email/inquiry got lost somewhere within the hundreds of emails hiring managers receive a day. Don’t be afraid to stick it out and follow up with an email just checking to see if they got your message. Follow up emails and persistence show that you’re a go-getter and aren’t afraid to hustle. If you’re looking into sales or business development roles, following up is a huge part of the job. Plus, communication is key in any work setting, and it’s good to show off your communication skills even well before you get a foot in the door.

As is expected, finding a job after graduation is hard. By June/July, the market is saturated with other recent grads also scrambling to secure work, and it’s hard to know exactly how to get the ball rolling. It’s easy to get lost amongst the job boards and succumb to the pressure of finding the perfect fit.

Luckily, much like what you’ve done in school, all you need to do to accelerate your search is research, socialize, and put your best foot forward. If you can follow these steps and give them your all, you’ll be fielding offers in no time.

If you need help talking about what you’re great at, Planted offers career coaching that can guide you throughout the job seeking process. Sign-up in seconds and let us find you the perfect role.

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