Ruth and Naomi Leave Moab, 1860, by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794-1872).
“…America is a dying nation. I tell the Mexicans when I am down in Mexico to keep on having children, and then to take back what we took from them: California, Texas, Arizona, and then to take the rest of the country as well.”
— Paul Marx, Roman Catholic priest
It would likely come as a surprise to many Americans, even to Evangelicals who really should know better, just how hostile the Roman Church-State is to what they believe is just the common sense concept of national sovereignty.
But in truth, what is widely considered a matter of common sense, “the idea that each nation state has sovereignty over its territory and domestic affairs, to the exclusion of all external powers” (“Westphalian sovereignty“, Wikipedia),” is really a product of the Protestant victory in the Thirty Years’ War years war that concluded with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.
This Westphalian Order has always been a focus of hatred for the globalists in the Roman Church-State, who work constantly to hasten the day when all the nations of the world bow the knee to the authority of the See of Rome, as had been the case in Europe up until Westphalia.
For proof of this, consider the words of a recent document issued by Rome,
Conditions exist for going definitively beyond a “Westphalian” international order in which States feel the need for cooperation but do not seize the opportunity to integrate their respective sovereignties for the common good of the peoples” (Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Towards Reforming Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority).
The problem, as Rome sees it, is that sovereign nations states are too concerned with pursuing their own self interest and are not focused on the “common good.” Now the term “common good” is one of those buzzwords one often finds in Romanist documents. But what does it mean? In short, it is a collectivist fiction of Romanist political theory by which Rome attempts to justify governmental intrusion into the lives and liberty of ordinary people (see paragraphs 1907 and 1908 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church). As John Robbins explains it, “The common good becomes the reason for extensive government intervention into the economy” (Ecclesiastical Megalomania, 159).
According to Rome, the common good requires extensive provision by government for the “needs” of the people.
Certainly, it is the proper function of authority to arbitrate, in the name of the common good, between various particular interests; but it should make accessible to each what is needed to lead a truly human life: food, clothing, health, work, education and culture, suitable information, the right to establish a family, and so on (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1908).
This paragraph, which easily could have been written by Karl Marx, is essentially a call for unlimited government. And since governments, in the eyes of Rome at any rate, are not doing an adequate job on their own of taking from each according to his ability and giving to each according to his need, Rome would like to “go beyond the Westphalian order” and move the nations toward world government, with itself at the very pinnacle of power.
But how does can this be done? How is it possible for Rome to overturn Westphalia and bring back the good old days of the Holy Roman Empire? Broadly speaking, the sovereignty of nation states must by undermined to make way for its New World Order. And one of the most effective ways Rome has for undermining nations states is by encouraging mass immigration/migration, especially into the historic nations of the West.
Dissolving the People and Electing Another
Wouldn’t it be simpler in that case if the government dissolved the people and elected another?
– Berthold Brecht “The Solution”
It is Rome’s long-term goal of establishing a new, world-wide version of the Holy Roman Empire that, I believe, lies behind its constant encouragement of mass migration, both into the nations of Western Europe and the United States.
If the citizens or political leaders of those nations so targeted by Rome raise any objections to its program of encouraging mass, tax-payer subsidized immigration/migration, they are immediately met with charges of “nativism” and “xenophobia” in an attempt to shame them into silence.
Many, probably most, Americans would be surprised to learn that their nation is in the crosshairs of Rome’s attempt to elect a new American people in pursuit of its globalist agenda, but that is the proper conclusion to reach in light of the Rome’s own words found in its own official documents.
According to Strangers No Longer Together on the Journey of Hope, a pastoral letter issued jointly by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano, nations have the right to control their borders, but only up to a point. Under the heading “Migration in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching” we find the following statement,
While recognizing the right of the sovereign state to control its borders, Exsul Familia
[a 1952 apostolic constitution by pope Pius XII dubbed the “Magna Charta for Migrants”] also establishes that this right is not absolute, stating that the needs of migrants must be measured against the needs of the receiving countries.
For Rome, need, not legal title, is the basis for ownership. If someone “needs” food, water, shelter, etc., he has the right to take it, regardless of whether someone else lays claim to it on the basis of legal ownership. This primacy of need extends even to national territory. As Strangers No Longer puts it,
The Church recognizes that all the goods of the earth belong to all people. When persons cannot find employment in their country of origin to support themselves and their families, they have the right to find work elsewhere in order to survive. Sovereign nations should provide ways to accommodate this right.
This notion that “all the goods of the earth belong to all people” is an expression of a Thomistic principle called the universal destination of goods. John Robbins describes it in the following words,
The Thomistic notion of original communism – the denial that private property is part of the natural law, but that common property is both natural and divine – is foundational to all the Roman Catholic arguments for various forms of collectivism, from medieval feudalism and gild socialism to twentieth century fascism and liberation theology. The popes refer to this original communism as the “universal destination of all goods” (Ecclesiastical Megalomania, 38).
But if need “is the ultimate and only moral title to property” (Ecclesiastical Megalomania, 32), we are left with a problem: Who determines need? Only the individual can ascertain his own need, for no one else can do it for him. But this would leave things in a state of anarchy. So Rome makes it clear that the public authorities must get involved. And if the authorities don’t do a good job of this, then the Church must step in to provide direction, by moral persuasion for the time being, by force if future circumstances allow. This is the import of the statements quoted above in Towards Reforming, and Strangers No Longer above.
And it is within the context of Rome’s long running assault on American sovereignty – a good case can be made that sovereignty is not the best word to use to describe the authority of national governments within their own territory, for God alone is sovereign; I use the term with caution for the simple reason that it has a long pedigree with reference to national governments – that the following statement by pope Francis in his 2015 address to Congress must be viewed.
Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War. This presents us with great challenges and many hard decisions. On this continent, too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of great opportunities. Is this not what we want for our own children? We must not be taken aback by their numbers, but rather view them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond as best we can to their situation. To respond in a way which is always humane, just nad fraternal. We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Francis is calling for the US to continue and even increase numbers of migrants and immigrants it takes in. In this case by misapplying the Golden Rule. You see, when the pope says that “we” must do more to aid the migrants, he is certainly not talking about spending his own money or even the church’s money to accommodate them. He’s appealing to Congress to spend the US taxpayer’s money, all in order to dissolve the American people and elect a new one.
Closing Thoughts
For all its flowery language about defending the rights of the poor and downtrodden, the real reason behind Rome’s push for mass migration into the US: the advancement of the Roman Church-State’s power. Nearly all of the migrants crossing the US-Mexico border are Roman Catholics. Rome’s game plan is simple, brilliant, and diabolical. Push for mass Roman Catholic migration into the US via its border with Mexico, and stick the US taxpayer, the majority of whom still are Protestant, with the bill, all the while preening before the cameras to show themselves as models of humanitarianism.
Then, once the millions of new Roman Catholics have found their way onto the voter rolls, the Church will have a whole new interest group to mobilize to further undermine what’s left of the American republic, draw the nation closer to Rome’s orbit and, and make it all the easier for Rome to advance its plans for world government.
Worth mentioning too in any discussion about Rome and immigration is that the primary focus of people’s attention must be on calling out and stopping the evil deeds of the prelates of the Roman Church-State, the pope and his henchmen in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for example, and not on blaming the immigrants and migrants themselves. They doubtless bear some responsibility for their law breaking – their violations of US immigration law and the other crimes that accompany their initial law breaking such as obtaining and presenting false Social Security Numbers and other bogus personal information to obtain employment involve lying and theft; to the degree these actions harm Americans either by putting them out of work or by lowering their wages, migrants who enter the US illegally cause harm American workers; additionally, various violent crimes committed by people who are not legally in the country have as an aggravating factor the perpetrator’s false immigration status, not to mention the cost born by the taxpayers to arrest, prosecute and jail them for their crimes – but to a large extent they are pawns in Rome’s cynical game of thrones.
In fact, the impoverished migrants seeking to enter the US illegally are themselves the victims of Rome three times over. It is Rome and its incompetent brand of politics and economics that is largely responsible for the backward state of many of the nations of South and Central America and is thus largely responsible for creating the push factor that causes them to emigrate. Rome also bear significant responsibility for creating the pull factor of the huge American welfare state that has done so much to make open immigration financially onerous to the American people. And it is Rome that encourages immigrants to risk their lives crossing the border in remote regions where they can fall prey both to nature and to those who seek to take advantage of them.
Contrary to the lies of Rome, there is a way to be both compassionate toward those who honestly seek to better their lives by immigrating to this country and to defend the Biblical concepts of limited government, the rule of law and private property. That we will explore in future installments. But first Americans need to wake up and understand the real threat that Rome poses to the integrity of the nation and the well being of its people. Jesus told his disciples to be harmless as doves and wise as serpents. It is high time for Protestants, and for all Americans who respect the rule of law and private property, to stop playing the pope’s stooge, to get wise to Antichrist’s predations, and to put an end to his immoral attempt to Romanize America through illegal immigration.
To be continued…