
The news cycle never stops. Each day, the latest news stories are published about all the topics people care about. For those with lung disease, sometimes it can be a challenge to find news stories about lung health.

That’s why the Lung Institute searches the internet to find the latest lung disease news, so you can spend more time doing the things you love to do.

Leonard Nimoy COPD Documentary Gets a Sponsor

Technology company Philips announced last month that it has signed on to sponsor a COPD documentary featuring Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy. The documentary, COPD: Highly Illogical – Remembering Leonard Nimoy, seeks to educate viewers about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and share Nimoy’s personal battle with COPD. Nimoy, best known for paying Spock on Star Trek, died in February due to complications from COPD. Nimoy began working on this documentary with his daughter and her husband a few months before his death.

For more information, go to Yahoo! Finance.

Paper Masks Work Better Than Cloth Masks When Blocking Pollution, Researchers Say

It’s no secret that air pollution is a major problem around the world, especially in Asia. People wearing a variety of face masks to protect themselves from air pollution is a common sight walking the streets in China. But a group of environmental health scientists from the University of Massachusetts are looking into which type of mask works best at protecting people from inhaling air pollution. Researchers looked at the popular washable cloth masks, specialized cone-shaped cloth masks with vents built-in, the American made N-95 paper masks and cheap paper surgical masks. After the test, the biggest surprise was that cheap paper surgical masks work better than the reusable cloth masks. For those living in colder climates, check out CT Masks.

For more information, read the full article at The New York Times.

Older Adults Have Higher Psychological Well-Being Than Younger Adults, According to Survey

A new survey of people living in San Diego, Calif. found that older people had better mental health than younger people. Researchers evaluated three key factors in adults across their life spans including physical health, cognitive health and mental health. Dr. Dilop Jeste, the study’s lead author, said that although the study showed that people experience declines in both their physical health and thinking skills as they get older, people also gain better mental health, happiness and more satisfaction in life.

For more information, check out the full article on The Huffington Post.

Vitamin D Supplements Could Reduce Risk of Serious Asthma Attacks

Scientist from Queen Mary University of London found that people with mild or moderate asthma who take vitamin D have fewer attacks requiring hospital treatment. The risk of severe attacks fell from 6 percent to 3 percent in patients who had a vitamin D boost for six months to a year. Half of all asthma patients will at some point have an attack that needs treatment with oral steroids.

For more information, read the full article at The Guardian.

Keep checking in with us for the latest lung disease news. If you or someone you know has a chronic lung disease, remember there is hope. At the Lung Institute, we specialize in stem cell treatments for those with lung diseases such as COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease. For more information about the Lung Institute or stem cell therapy, please contact one of our patient coordinators by calling (800) 729-3065 today.

The post This Week in Lung Disease: Leonard Nimoy COPD Doc. Gets Sponsor appeared first on Lung Institute.

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