
Living with interstitial lung disease (ILD), such as pulmonary fibrosis or pneumoconiosis, presents many challenges. For example, pulmonary fibrosis scars the lungs and causes the intricate passageways to thicken and harden. Common interstitial lung disease symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue and a dry cough. The type, severity progression of ILD symptoms varies from person to person.

Many people living with interstitial lung disease come to us after hearing there isn’t much hope or when their current ILD treatment plan isn’t working to its fullest. From navigating the healthcare industry to understanding your condition, it’s often difficult to feel like yourself. Stem cell treatment for interstitial lung disease works to promote healing from within the lungs and may have the potential to improve quality of life. Here are some of our patients’ stories about living with interstitial lung disease and their stem cell therapy reviews.

What is it like living with interstitial lung disease?

Poynter K. says that living with an interstitial lung disease made it difficult for him to walk only 20 feet. Like many people with lung disease, he used supplemental oxygen.

Joseph O. has pulmonary fibrosis, which is a common form of interstitial lung disease. He had to use oxygen 24/7 and had difficulty walking up a flight of stairs. Joseph found it hard to have a conversation while standing. In fact, he had to sit down at the sink when he brushed his teeth. Joseph says that it was horrible.

Don C. has two different types of chronic lung disease. He has pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is categorized as an obstructive lung disease, and interstitial lung disease is a restrictive lung disease. Don relied on supplemental oxygen around the clock. For him, getting out of bed became a challenge.

How do our patients feel after stem cell treatment?

After his stem cell treatment, living with interstitial lung disease changed for Poynter. To his surprise, he started to see a difference within a week or two. He feels so much better that he doesn’t use his oxygen therapy anymore. Now, Poynter can walk the 100 feet down his driveway to pick up the paper and the 100 feet back to his house without even noticing it.

Joseph’s improvement was gradual after stem cell treatment. Over time, he felt better and became more active. He can walk a flight of stairs without having to stop to catch his breath, and his blood oxygen levels have improved. Before treatment, Joseph’s oxygen levels stayed in the 80s even with his supplemental oxygen. Now, his oxygen levels remain steady around 98-99, and he no longer uses his oxygen therapy.

Don’s doctors and specialists recommended a lung transplant, but after researching the pros and cons for the procedure, he decided to try something less invasive. Following Don’s stem cell treatment, his lung function improved from 30 to 34 percent. He no longer needs oxygen therapy.

What are their friends and family saying?

Poynter’s family and friends have noticed a great difference in his health. People keep telling him that they see a tremendous difference since his treatment.

Joseph’s family and friends are impressed with his improvement. They tell him it’s a miracle and that he looks reborn. He says they have been jumping up and down with joy.

Don’s wife was skeptical at first, but now she sees how well he’s doing and says, “Wow!” Don and his wife are glad he’s feeling better. They look forward to his continued improvement.

What are our patients’ stem cell therapy review?

Poynter says he was impressed with the Lung Institute staff and the procedure, and he described his overall experience as exceptional.

Joseph has had other kinds of major medical procedures, so he understands why people would be worried about trying a new procedure. For Joseph, living with pulmonary fibrosis means living with interstitial lung disease. However, after his treatment, living with his pulmonary condition changed completely. He’s glad he gave stem cell treatment a try. As Joseph says, “I’m so glad I made the decision to do what I did. I feel fine.”

Don says his life is better now, and he’s amazed at how well he can breathe.

If you or someone you love is living with interstitial lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconiosis or another type of chronic lung disease and would like to learn more about your stem cell treatment options, contact us at (800) 729-3065.

The post Living With Interstitial Lung Disease appeared first on Lung Institute.

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