
The conference will be held at the Marco Polo Shenzhen.


Simultaneous Interpretation will be available on both conference days in the Advanced Localization Management, Technical, and Content Management tracks. There will NOT be interpretation in the TAUS track.

Please refer to the official English version of the program for the most accurate information.


A Brief History


In 2003 Ulrich Henes contacted Donna Parrish and suggested they hold an event for the localization industry…

2003年,Ulrich Henes联系了Donna Parrish,建议联合举办一场本地化行业会议…

The reasoning was sound: Ulrich founded The Localization Institute and Donna is publisher of MultiLingual magazine. Together they had strong interests in seeing the industry thrive, but neither had an agenda to sell at a conference. So, they could create an event where people could network and learn, with old business solidified and new business created.


With an emphasis on creating a friendly atmosphere that puts newcomers at ease and welcomes old friends with a smile, the conference was designed to provide ample opportunities for networking and doing business. And, with a strong program with multiple tracks and a preconference day of in-depth workshops, attendees could strengthen their knowledge and form profitable strategies. The exhibit hall was designed to be a place where everyone could gather and chat and find out what is new in the industry.


The conference has done just that and now has been called “The marketplace of the language industry”.


Main Conference Program


Please refer to the official English version of the program for the most accurate information. 请查看大会官方英文内容,获取准确信息。

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

2017年3月1日 星期三

Asia 2025: What a Region Transformed by Chinese Consumers, Competitors and Capital Is Going to Look Like

Track: Keynote | K1 |

类别:主旨演讲| K1 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 10:30am – 12:00pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,10:30am – 12:00pm

China’s major economic trends have begun to impact far beyond the PRC Mainland. Whether it’s consumers, tourists, investment or competition, Chinese economics have already started to impact Asia and beyond. And we are just at the beginning of this process. In this keynote presentation, Peking University professor Jeffrey Towson will jump forward to the year 2025 and describe how Asia has been transformed by Chinese consumers, competitors and capital. He will detail the longer-term impact of economic forces already underway, such as the rapidly rising number of Chinese consumers (especially Chinese women and millennials); digital transformation of industry; mobile innovation and services; geographically expanding Chinese companies; transformative Chinese investment; and others. China and Asia in 2025 will be remarkably different from what it is today. And this raises the question: Are you and your business going to be ready?

中国的经济大潮逐渐波及中国大陆以外的地区。中国的消费者、游客、投资或竞争已经开始影响亚洲及其他地区,目前我们尚处在该进程的初始阶段。在本演讲中,北京大学教授Jeffrey Towson将带我们到2025年,描绘未来亚洲如何被中国消费者、竞争者和资本所改变。他将详述现今中国经济力的长期影响,如消费者快速增长(尤其是女性和千禧一代消费者);工业数字化,移动创新和服务,企业向外扩张,中国投资转型等。到2025年,中国和亚洲将与现在截然不同,您和您的企业是否准备好了?

From Big to Massive: Globalizing and Localizing the World’s Largest Small Business Platform

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |

类别:高级本地化管理| AL2 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,1:30pm – 2:15pm

Replatforming a multibillion-dollar company is as challenging as painting a 747 while it’s in flight. Success means using the right tools for the job, working at agile speed and tapping into hundreds of man-years of best practices from experts around the world. In this session, we will share a candid view of the trials and triumphs on going global, platform retooling at internet scale and some personal insights on every aspect of localization from creative assets to translation services.


Centralization vs Decentralization of Localization Programs in Asia

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL3 |

类别:高级本地化管理| AL3 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,2:45pm – 4:00pm

Asian companies are rapidly expanding abroad and a common decision that localization program managers must make is whether to centralize or decentralize localization programs. This decision will impact how decisions are made, budgets are spent, content is managed and the team is structured. This decision may even influence the success of your company’s products or services in local markets. We will discuss how Asian companies manage their localization programs as they expand internationally and what factors to consider when deciding to centralize or decentralize a localization program. We will share experiences about the impact of centralized or decentralized localization programs on business key performance indicators and how the management of centralized and decentralized programs differs. The discussion will also cover the pros and cons of decentralization, lessons learned and how to decide if you should centralize or decentralize your localization program as you expand either abroad or in Asia.


Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the pros and cons of centralizing or decentralizing localization programs in Asia and what factors they should consider when faced with this decision.


Globalization Pipeline Makes Continuous Delivery like a Tiger with Wings

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL4 |

类别:高级本地化管理| AL4 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,4:30pm – 5:15pm

We will share our cloud-based translation service, which reduces the translation turnaround time from weeks to even hours. The service provides RESTful APIs to submit resource bundles and retrieve translations back making the translation process seamlessly integrated into the continuous delivery process. Both user-facing message design pattern and customized escape rules also help translators focus on the contents.

云翻译服务将翻译时间从数周缩短至几小时,帮助RESTful API接口提交资源束并检索译文,使翻译过程与持续交付过程完美融合。面向用户信息设计模式和定制的换码规则也能帮助译者专注于内容。

Takeaways: Attendees will understand the key challenges and successful factors to make translation adoption a continuous delivery, and they will learn design pattern in resource bundles, which supports continuous delivery implementation.


Uninterrupted is the New Black: Design Considerations and Mechanics of Continuous Localization

Track: Technical | T1 |

类别:技术| T1 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
2017年3月1日,星期三,9:00am – 9:45am

Throughout 2016, LocWorld conference attendees were talking feverishly about continuous localization as if it were a new fashionable term for the localization industry. However, when asked how it was working out for them, the response was frequently along the lines of “we still have a long way to go” or the less encouraging “we haven’t even started yet.” The localization industry’s brief obsession with the agile software development methodology amounted to nothing significant, but it did fuel the desire for faster localization. To make this possible, there needed to be a seismic shift in the way software is developed and released. Continuous localization is the new black. It is a fusion of software internationalization and localization processes with a continuous integration and deployment environment. This session is for organizations that are thinking about continuous localization. We will look at the ingredients for blending localization processes with a new or existing continuous integration environment. We will also examine the tools and interfaces that can be used to automate continuous deployment of locales. By the end of the session you will recognize the key elements needed to design a continuous localization framework, and you will understand the marvels of modern gadgets and gizmos that make it much more than just an agile talking point.


Globalization/Localization Maturity Analysis for New Acquisitions

Track: Technical | T2 |

类别:技术| T2 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,1:30pm – 2:15pm

When dealing with a new acquisition’s product, and in order to understand the globalization/localization maturity of the product, developers have to check the source code piece-by-piece and spend much time reviewing the source code. The lack of systematic analysis against source code makes globalization development more difficult. Therefore, we would like to introduce a source code globalization deficiencies analysis application. It is a set of coding rules that can be used to identify and eliminate globalization coding errors. There is also a globalization maturity assessment application for mobile which is a user interface-based wizard where users could answers questions in 20 minutes then get an analysis report to know the product’s globalization maturity.


Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the globalization rules for systematic analysis against source code, how to measure globalization maturity of a product in order to get the globalization enablement effort and test strategy, and understand the globalization process for new acquisitions.


Challenges of Myanmar when Localizing Smart Phones

Track: Technical | T4 |

类别:技术| T4 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 4:30-5:15pm

New Tendencies of CAT Tools: Summary and Assessment

Track: TAUS | TS1 |

类别:TAUS | TS1 |

Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
2017年3月1日,星期三,9:00am – 9:45am

At present the development of computer-assisted translation (CAT) software presents some new trends, such as machine translation training and learning; post-edited machine translation and post-editing reports; translation quality assurance features; translation process recording and so on. In this session we will summarize and review these new trends.


Takeaways: Participants will get an understanding of the current development and updated practical features of CAT software.


The Future of Better Resource Management: Technology and Big Data

Track: TAUS | TS2 |

类别:TAUS | TS2 |

Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,1:30pm – 2:15pm

For the language service industry, the biggest challenge, whether it’s for the conversional language service mode or cloud-based service mode, is translator resources. In other words, it is always lacking in qualified translators all over the world. In this session we propose a semantic-based composite matching technique to help project managers map out the most suitable translators for each and every translation job.


Takeaways: Attendees will hear how modern technology can be used to ensure the best translation quality provided to clients and how to manage translator resources in a smart way.


TAUS Game Changer Innovation Contest

Track: TAUS | TS3 |

类别:TAUS | TS3 |

Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,2:45pm – 4:00pm

The translation industry is bursting with new offerings, technologies, platforms and solutions. As in previous years, TAUS invites both insider and invader innovators, small and large companies, start-ups and established players, to come to LocWorld Shenzhen and participate in a contest for the best innovator. In a pecha-kucha style the contenders will present their product. The audience will vote for the best innovator of the “TAUS Game Changer Innovation Awards” who will receive their special TAUS Innovation Award during the closing ceremony of LocWorld Shenzhen.


Calculating the Percentage Reduction in Translator Effort When Using Machine Translation

Track: TAUS | TS4 |

类别:TAUS | TS4 |

Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
2017年3月1日,星期三,4:30pm – 5:15pm

At present there is no precise indication of the benefits of using statistical machine translation (SMT) for potential users. The question “Is this going to save me time and/or money and if so how much?” is not addressed in any systematic way. The common answer provided by most SMT service providers is “Well, it depends.” This is far from the answer that users need in order to make an informed decision about whether to go ahead with SMT or not.


Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to evaluate the productivity gains from using machine translation for a given project in advance.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

2017年3月2日 星期四

Keynote (topic to be announced)

Track: Keynote | K2 |

类别:主旨演讲 | K2 |

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 11:30am – 12:45pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,11:30am – 12:45pm

Who the F..k is Jim? Recreating Google Speak across the Globe
Jim到底是谁?在全球重建Google Speak

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL5 |

类别:高级本地化管理| AL5 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
2017年3月2日,星期四,9:00am – 9:45am

Google Speak is a special language designed to convey Google’s values, culture and spirit. But it is just impossible to have one phrasing fit all. This is where the Google localization team steps in, to give Google Speak its unique local flavor for each language. Should we leave humor, amplify it or expunge it? Would polite instructions be ignored? What product name is a horribly offensive word in some parts of the world?

Google Speak是传播谷歌价值观、文化和精神的一种特殊语言。但是仅一套语言体系无法适用于所有情况,于是谷歌本地化团队应运而生,使Google Speak在每种语言下都具有其特色。我们是否要保留,加强或是删去幽默?是否该忽略礼节性指示?哪些产品名称在某些文化中不适宜?

When Localization Technology Meets the Art of Movies

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL6 |

类别:高级本地化管理| AL6 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 10:15am – 11:00am
2017年3月2日,星期四,10:15am – 11:00am

Today’s localization trends are leaning more toward technology, different types of platforms, cloud-based systems, professionally managed services, agile and automation. Movies are more of an art, it is always about striking scenes, appealing stories, beautiful frames and elegant poses as well as the heart-moving words. Is there any possibility to match them together? Yes, the magic of language has pulled them together and bred the media localization solution. In this presentation we will talk about those solutions and share the experiences around the joint effort that makes the success of movie localization.


Takeaways: Attendees will hear about the localization experiences and best practices in the media and entertainment vertical, which has had explosive growth in recent years.


Localization Solutions for Continuous Delivery

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL7 |

类别:高级本地化管理| AL7 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,2:15pm – 3:15pm

Continuous delivery enables companies to shorten time-to-market, reduce risk and costs, develop better products and is widely adopted by the clients of our industry. As a language service provider, it is important to provide matched localization solutions to support our clients to grow business in a multinational market. This presentation will introduce localization solutions to support client’s global continuous delivery from the angles of job assignment (from clients to translators) workflow automation, linguist evaluation and assignment, imbedded translation quality assurance, payment, capacity scalability, IT architecture and operational business intelligence support.


Takeaways: Attendees will hear new views and solutions to meet client’s new requirements.


Micro-content — The New Localization Paradigm

Track: Content Management | CM5 |

类别:内容管理| CM5 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
2017年3月2日,星期四,9:00am – 9:45am

The localization industry is experiencing a shifting paradigm from translating sentences and building translation memories, to managing micro-content with various innovative tools. Faced with demands for repurposing at more granular levels to address such demands as global search engine optimization, machine translation, and authoring and translation that are subject to tighter controls, a language service provider needs to become polyvalent in its approach to service offering. In this presentation we will introduce the notion of micro-content and how it should change the way we approach localization in the future.


Takeaways: Attendees will learn why micro-content is an essential asset and should be managed properly, why language service providers need to move beyond just translation and why translation memory is not enough to succeed.


The Future of Language Service under AI

Track: Content Management | CM6 |

类别:内容管理| CM6 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 10:15am – 11:00am
2017年3月2日,星期四,10:15am – 11:00am

In this session we will present topics from three perspectives: artificial intelligence (AI) and cognition; language technologies under AI; and language services in the age of AI. The progress of cross-language big data and AI cognition technology will greatly influence the translation industry in the new era. In particular, the cross-language big data will break information barriers and improve the capability of scientific research; by integrating machine learning into machine translation, cold machines are enabled to think like humans; in the end, the development of AI technologies will deliver scenario-based application experience of language cognition. Such development also means new challenges for the language service industry. A new topic to think about and explore is how to achieve the collaborative development of language, big data and AI. In China, the Language Big Data Alliance (LBDA) has been established through the efforts of enterprises, governments and higher education institutions. It has accomplished the collaborative innovation of these parties through resource sharing platforms and cooperative mechanisms, thus facilitating the integrated development of language, big data and AI.


The Way to Have the Most Efficient Workflow for Localizing Product Manuals

Track: Content Management | CM7 |

类别:内容管理| CM7 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,2:15pm – 3:15pm

Having a long review period on the buyer’s side often becomes a bottleneck to reduce the time-to-market for product manuals and many buyers cannot reach an agreement with their Japanese team. In this session we will share how we analyzed what we were supposed to cover in our review, who wanted it to happen, why we needed it and how we succeeded in coming up with an efficient process and successful communication between the headquarters and the local office over a five year period of time.


Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to implement a process with a good quality model and leverage it to various languages.


Planning a Global Content Strategy

Track: Content Management | CM8 |

类别:内容管理| CM8 |

Simultaneous Interpretation


Thursday, March 2, 2017, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,3:45pm – 4:30pm

A global content strategy provides your company a solid foundation to tightly manage, automate and integrate information development and translation processes. Product content — typically documentation, help, user guides, release notes and so on — provides relevant information for customers to use your products. Critical for success is to interlock content authored by documentation teams with the translation processes by the localization teams. Companies working with global teams can closely coordinate efforts with product development for more rapid global product releases. Smooth and automated processes requires planning, management and governance across organizations. Investing in key initiatives such as terminology, translation, content management and publishing provides the automation and infrastructure to speed your content to global markets. In this session we will present and discuss emerging best practices and approaches to invest in modular product content to support a global content strategy. Attendees will gain a perspective of how to develop key initiatives with other groups in their company, manage changes within your organization and hear about how other companies are successful with content strategy initiatives.


Using Localization Intelligence for Upstream Quality Management

Track: TAUS | TS5 |

类别:TAUS| TS5 |

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
2017年3月2日,星期四,9:00am – 9:45am

No one analyzes source content as closely as translators or reviewers do. Still, questions arising from the localization process are considered a nuisance instead of valuable input into the overall content creation process. In this presentation we will show how to systematically harvest and reuse localization issues to improve source content and terminology. We will also show how to produce localization scorecards and elevate query and review processes to a strategic level.

尽管译者或审核者对原语内容的分析十分仔细,本地化过程中还是存在各种问题,无法带来有价值的内容输入。我们将展示如何系统化地重新运用本地化,改进原语内容和术语,如何设计本地化计分卡 ,把查询和评估过程提升至战略水平。

Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to manage queries strategically to improve source content, how to change the cumbersome review process to business intelligence input producing objective scorecards instead of rewriting content, and how the localization process is a very smart and thoughtful process, so let´s start using this intelligence to improve the content upstream.


Introduction to the TAUS Quality Dashboard and an SDL Trados Plugin Demonstration
介绍TAUS质量公告板及展示SDL Trados插件

Track: TAUS | TS6 |

类别:TAUS| TS6 |

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 10:15am – 11:00am
2017年3月2日,星期四,10:15am – 11:00am

Translation as a Service: A Case of CAT Adoption in Investment Banks

Track: TAUS | TS7 |

类别:TAUS| TS7 |

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,2:15pm – 3:15pm

Localization tools are not just for language service providers. Clients and/or end users of language services should also be aware of the basic concept of computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation as long as they intend to save cost, resources and time. Some localization tools can facilitate not only translation but also editorial procedures of other industries. By the end of the day, almost all companies in the consulting and financial service sectors may use proper CAT software to improve their efficiency and keep consistency of their brand image and value proposition. Key words here are think-outside-of-the-box and influencing the influential.


Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the typical workflows within research departments of global investment banks; the pros and cons of translating research reports with CAT tools; and get an outlook of working from PDF files to multimedia localization.


AI to Meet the Post-CAT Tool Challenge — Where is the Next Leap in Technology for a Translation Business?
人工智能应对后CAT工具的挑战 —翻译行业的下一个飞跃?

Track: TAUS | TS8 |

类别:TAUS | TS8 |

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,3:45pm – 4:30pm

Using a computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool for translations isn’t that big of a deal anymore. Yet, it’s obvious that technologies can improve more for people involved in localization. Let’s have a look at how artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms enable agencies to leverage translators’ potential, automate the customer-supplier interaction and build an efficient supply chain management system. Not to mention the benefits that project managers will see.


Takeaways: The attendees will familiarize themselves with the technologies (including context-specific communication, cloud-based team management and smart chatbots for real-time project control) that will help them make their work easier, their staff more productive and less stressed and as a result — increase their margins.


Unconference @ LocWorld
非正式会议 @ 本地化世界

Track: Unconference | UN5 | UN6 | UN7 | UN8 |

类别:非正式会议| UN5 | UN6 | UN7 | UN8 |

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am, 10:15am – 11:00am, 2:15pm – 3:15pm, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
2017年3月2日,星期四,9:00am – 9:45am, 10:15am – 11:00am, 2:15pm – 3:15pm, 3:45pm – 4:30pm

Interested in a unique track at LocWorld? Are you ready to join the conversation and discussions? Again, we are holding an “unconference” at LocWorld. Never heard of that? An unconference consists of participant-driven sessions, decidedly without the conventional format of a conference. There are no PowerPoint presentations and no sales pitches! There are only topics the group votes on. There is no agenda until the participants create one on the spot, at the beginning of the meeting.


Preconference Program


Please refer to the official English version of the program for the most accurate information.

Game Localization Round Table

Track: Preconference | P01 |

类别:会前活动| P01 |

Special Registration Requirement, Simultaneous Interpretation


Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 9:00am – 12:30pm, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,9:00am – 12:30pm, 1:30pm – 5:00pm

This full-day round table consists of several distinct sessions presented by experts in game localization and is open to clients (game developers and game publishers) and to qualifying vendors (game localization specialists). We aim to provide the best possible venue to enable a fruitful and balanced debate. To this end, we will do our best to maintain a balanced group of participants. The day will end with an open discussion based on information and questions from the day’s presentations. Space for this session is limited.


Please contact us to obtain the admission code necessary for registration.


Games Localization Round Table Agenda

Welcome and Introductions


Find Gold in Wastes – Localization Post-mortem


Virtual Reality’s Impact on the Localization Process


Things You Need to Know about Game Localization in China


Future of Game Localization in China: From Margin to Center


Localizing the World of Uncharted


Open Discussion of Topics Selected by the Participants


Quality Management Using TAUS DQF
使用TAUS DQF进行质量管理

Track: Preconference | P02 |

类别:会前活动| P02 |

Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 9:00am – 12:30pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,9:00am – 12:30pm

In late 2011 the TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework (DQF) working group published its first report on translation quality evaluation. This report kindled a strong interest in translation quality management. In early 2015, Willem Stoeller created a new training course on translation quality management and DQF in close cooperation with TAUS. This training was subsequently completely updated in early 2016 to reflect the DQF integration with MQM, the availability of the DQF application programming interface, and finally the DQF Dashboard for reporting purposes. This training presents a comprehensive overview of a translation quality methodology combined with a review of all DQF components. The course also includes a number of real-world case studies.

2011年末,TAUS (DQF)工作小组发布了其第一份翻译质量评估报告。该报告燃起了人们对翻译质量管理的浓厚兴趣。2015年初,Willem Stoeller与TAUS合作,新开了一门与翻译质量管理和DQF相关的课程。为结合DQF和MQM,展示DQF应用编程界面及DQF报告仪表盘,该训练课程已在2016年初完成了整体更新。该训练课程囊括了许多真实案例分析,考察了所有DQF元素,对翻译质量方法论进行全面概述。

TAUS Translation Technology Showcase

Track: Preconference | P03 |

类别:会前活动| P03 |

Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,1:30pm – 5:00pm

Since 2013 we have been hosting Machine Translation Showcases at LocWorld events. These showcases were part of the European Commission funded MosesCore project. This project has now ended, but due to the high interest in translation technologies we have decided to continue organizing these showcases. We’ve made them a little broader and now call them the “Translation Technology Showcases”. We invite everyone interested in translation and translation technologies to attend this event. As at all TAUS events, we promise a highly interactive afternoon with a lot of time for questions and discussions.


Introduction to Localization

Track: Preconference | P04 |

类别:会前活动| P04 |

Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 9:00am – 12:30pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,9:00am – 12:30pm

Highly experienced industry experts will illuminate the basics of localization for session participants over the course of three one-hour blocks. This instruction is particularly oriented to participants who are new to localization. Participants will gain a broad overview of the localization task set, issues and tools. Subjects covered will be fundamental problems that localization addresses such as components of localization projects, localization tools and localization project management. There will also be time for questions and answers plus the opportunity to take individual questions offline with the presenters.

经验丰富的业内专家,将花3个小时阐释本地化的基本要素 ,讲座尤其面向本地化新人。参与者将全面了解本地化任务组、争端和工具。所涉及的主题将包括本地化的一些基本问题,如本地化项目要素、工具和项目管理。讲座包含提问与回答环节,还有机会回答线下提问。

Localization Sales and Marketing Round Table

Track: Preconference | P05 |

类别:会前活动| P05 |

Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,1:30pm – 5:00pm

Bring your sales and marketing challenges to this panel of experts and listen to their suggestions and potential solutions, LIVE! It will be an open consulting platform with experts discussing topics around sales, sales management, sales training, marketing, social media and public relations. Prior to the workshop we reach out to all registered participants to collect their input on the most burning challenges they are currently facing in their companies. We will offer an open floor environment where anyone can ask questions, share experiences and discuss best practices in sales and marketing. Ask something, learn something, share something and take a lot home to act upon. Over 100 companies have participated in these round tables and several have come back for more, as each session is unique. Ideal for language service provider owners, sales and marketing managers, and individual contributors.


A Relevance Approach to Cultural Competence in Localization Training and Practice

Track: Preconference | P06 |

类别:会前活动| P06 |

Presented in Chinese


Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 9:00am – 12:30pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,9:00am – 12:30pm

The 21st century has seen an increasing tendency of localization as a form of intercultural communication. In globalized markets, role players with various cultural backgrounds are involved and localization becomes a more dynamic, communicative and cultural process. Localizers often have to make strategic choices in many areas beyond language. Also, as an important driver of change, new translation technology pushes human beings to focus more on fully utilizing their sense of human experience and incorporating relevant context into the semantic understanding and production of messages. In this workshop we will discuss components of localizers’ cultural competence from a communicative perspective and propose a relevancy approach to cultivate this competence in localization training and practice.


Attracting and Developing Talent: A LocWorld Initiative

Track: Preconference | P07 |

类别:会前活动| P07 |

Special Registration Requirement


Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
2017年2月28日,星期二,1:30pm – 5:00pm

There is no fee to attend this session, but space is limited. If you are interested in participating, please contact Kris Wiegand (kris@locworld.com) and provide some background about yourself and your interest in participating.

本环节免费,但空间有限。如果您想参与进来,请联系Kris Wiegand (kris@locworld.com),并提供您的个人资料与参会理由。

Attracting and Developing Talent continues its efforts to examine and work on solutions to the challenges of educating professionally trained staff in the localization industry to confront the coming talent shortage. In this session we will bring together people who teach localization and businesses that hire localization professionals and may have internship programs. Improving localization educational programs will be the main focus of the meeting. We welcome interested academics and business people to this session to contribute their ideas and solutions. We welcome interested academics and business people to this session to contribute their ideas and solutions.


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