
By The Lending Lies Team

Several weeks ago we asked our readers to take a brief survey.  The results are revealing and expose an egregious pattern of fraud and abusive lending practices.  The majority of respondents stated that they were unable to find competent counsel, had been lured into predatory loan modifications, and had identified fraudulent mortgage documents in their Chain of Title. The majority stated they could not find assistance or relief even when the fraud was obvious.

Most shocking were the stories of desperation, major depression, and a loss of faith in the judiciary and governmental agencies.  The fact that this issue has continued to fester for almost a decade is representative of the corruption that permeates Wall Street, the Judiciary and state and federal agencies that refuse to enforce the regulations and laws that are suppose to prevent this type of fiasco.  At some point this issue will come to a head- because there is only so much that injured homeowners will tolerate.  Are we at that tipping point yet?  The comments and results speak for themselves.

Do you have an attorney?  Do you believe your attorney is doing a good job for you?

Fired two attorneys won a class action lawsuit as they did nothing to defend me. Stole my money and made my case more difficult

2/17/2017 6:07 PM

Yes. Ken Rosellini of Clifton New Jersey. Yes he is an awesome attorney. The courts in New Jersey are prejudicial.

2/17/2017 4:59 PM

Yes, but not a good job spent 50 K in California and never once able to present evidence so I wrote to the judge and said 12 B6 was unconstitutional, I haven’t lied, discretionary judge powers without presentation of evidence is absurd. I have begged to allow many discovery. Will wait to see what he says.

2/17/2017 4:55 PM

yes. no, legal aid just happy to delay and not resolve.

2/17/2017 4:17 PM

No. Paralegal help – Jim Macklin – he’s OK

2/17/2017 3:56 PM

Will be looking for an attorney once I have the money to do so.

2/17/2017 3:55 PM

No and I would not hire an attorney.

2/17/2017 2:54 PM

For 8 1/2 years no, but at trial & now in the appeals court, and only for medical reasons, yes I have an attorney. I fired the first attorney for various reasons, not happy with him. Second is very new.

2/17/2017 2:52 PM

No my atty disbarred and indicted for fraud against clients

2/17/2017 2:37 PM

No attorney now, and have had good help over the years, but courts are on crack.

2/17/2017 2:27 PM

Don’t have one. Had to fight BofA on my own as I couldn’t afford an attorney and now I can’t afford one again, but might be able to put downpayment or if they accept payment after winning the case?? I use to have first Taylor Bean & Whitaker as servicer; then so called bought out by Bank of America; now bought out again in Spring 2014 by (redacted) of Bay View Loan servicing who has threatened foreclosure again. Haven’t filed paper work yet that I know of like BofA did to me back at the end of 2009 when I had to fight them on my own and had 2 heart attacks, had to see cardiologist and after one year, judge threw out of court as I’m sure BofA couldn’t prove they owned the note but I was never told why it was thrown out of court, and then they stopped bothering me for a while and now Bay View Loan servicing has increased my stress all over again and again and again

2/17/2017 2:18 PM

He seems to think modification fraud is big. I think he just wants a settlement, but I would like to prove that Wamu was only my servicer, therefore Chase was only the servicer and couldn’t sell my loan to LSF9 participation trust. He doesn’t seem to feel that’s the way to go.

Yes and I feel he is doing a good job. My fear is the corrupted judges

2/17/2017 1:50 PM

I had an attorney… deplorable. Now I am trying another one.

2/17/2017 1:14 PM

Won as pro se twice, once with lawyer, their 4th try is in March have lawyer. Not sure if he “gets it” or not.

2/17/2017 1:10 PM

I have an attorney. I am drafting the pleadings and providing him the case law. I was litigating Pro Per until the judge declared me a vexatious litigant. Until I can get the Appeals Court to reverse that order I will need an attorney.

2/17/2017 1:06 PM

NO because I have not found ONE Oklahoma lawyer who will truly go after the fraudulence of the so-called lenders. I have not made a $2143.monthly payment in 6 years since sending BNY a cease and desist letter in 2011.

2/17/2017 12:50 PM

Yes, not that good of a job. I’ve drafted all the motions and have to continue to educate him.

2/17/2017 12:30 PM

No, Oklahoma attorneys are ignorant of the real issues of fraud at the heart of securitization and illegal foreclosure.

2/17/2017 11:49 AM

I have had two attorneys, who both did a lousy job; I went part pro-se, and now have attorney no. 3, who is doing a great job (in appeals court now).

2/17/2017 11:47 AM

No have had several most cases were dismissed California and contra Costa County are the worst judges rule for the banks period.

2/17/2017 11:35 AM

Terrible lawyers and judges during initial phases of foreclosure. Mostly rubber stamp and ways to delay, not fight. Charged me a monthly fee to basically delay. Tila rescission ignored, was within 3 yrs. Current writ for certiorari before Scotus Jan 2017 Jones vs Wells Fargo

2/17/2017 11:22 AM

I’m pro se. Had two attorneys early on and both out of business today

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

Not now. In 2012 I did talk with 4 attorneys and briefly retained a couple but found each approached foreclosure differently and my facts didn’t fit their typical approach. So I went pro se

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

Yes. Yes, excellent. However, In our experience, the attorney has felt a “lack of trust” on our part as the client. As a client we have felt “the lack of understanding.” of the attorney. NOT a lack of trust of the attorney knowing the law but the knitty gritty of What, When, Where and How it all happened. It has been a real push and pull experience but overall grown to be truly a good relationship of learning how to “listen” to one another.

2/17/2017 11:11 AM

No my attorney screwed up my case

2/17/2017 11:10 AM

No. Sued in pro per in CA.

2/17/2017 11:07 AM

I am “paused” right now. Took a mod when I ran out of $$$ in an appeal. A wrongful FC suit will begin soon. I will be retaining a different attorney this time.

2/17/2017 11:06 AM

2007 – 2016 … Pro se 2016 … Hired an Attorney to file the Appeal …he is the first attorney to actually understand TILA Rescission and the 20 day requirement for the creditor to comply. The trial court judge denied my timely 2007 rescission and granted judgment in favor of servicer Wells Fargo. The Judge prosecuted the case for WF and raised issues that they had never raised such as tender, etc. … He said my Rescission was insufficient because it didn’t mention that I was tendering in my letter ..among other things that he argued during the hearing in a bias, desperate attempt to undermine the rescission. He said Jesinoski did not address tender, that it only addressed that a borrower does not need to file a law suit, that’s all. My appeal raises two main errors…that he erred in denying my TILA Rescission …and erred in failing to rule that the servicer lacked standing and filed the complaint against void instruments ..lacked subject matter jurisdiction. Now the Sheriffs Sale Notice was placed on my door and will go to auction on March, 2017 ….but the Appeal will not be decided for probably 6 months to a year. My attorney doesn’t seem willing or able to help me because he feels he did his job by filing the Appeal .. Now I must try to figure out how to motion the trial judge to grant me a stay pending appeal …almost impossible in NJ…then if he denies me .. I can motion the Appellate Division asking if they will grant me stay pending appeal. If not I am forced to either consider asking WF to stop the foreclosure sale by requesting a modification ..of by filing a Bankruptcy , which my wife refuses to do.

2/17/2017 10:59 AM

I hired two attorneys. I fired two attorneys. I am now pro se, and continue to seek competent counsel.

2/17/2017 10:58 AM

I had one but he just did not do a good job and lied to me.

2/17/2017 10:55 AM

I do have an attorney. Sometimes I don`t feel satisfied with them

2/17/2017 10:52 AM

No attorney now, I have used 4. They did not understand securitization

2/17/2017 10:50 AM

Our experience spanned about five years and concluded in 2014 with an eviction from Freddie Mac. The three immediately prior years were protracted litigation and we were dismissed every step of the way, including our appeal to the 9th Circuit.

2/17/2017 10:44 AM

Yes, it is the courts who won’t open their minds to the fraud and discovery.

2/17/2017 10:41 AM

No. My saga was in 2009-2011. After two year B of A forced a Deed in Lieu

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

Financial hardships caused by BOA Countrywide AWL prevent hiring the best attorney. Learned about Stephen Wright from you and we wish we could afford his assistance. He correctly told us that Public Officials and Connecticut Department of Banking have created a bankers paradise where wrongdoings by national banks with 80% market share are unsupervised and free to harm many citizens.

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

Gone thru 3 attorneys – 2 did not “get it” and the 3rd quit after removal to fed. court and a FED eviction filed in County Court AND WENT TO WORK FOR THE BANKS WE ARE SUING

2/17/2017 10:33 AM

Yes, I think he is doing a good job based on his knowledge….but he does think that we should take the settlement offer from Nationstar in which we give our house back and walk away with no deficiency. We have decided to continue the fight. We have proven forgery by a handwriting expert and the judge has our summary judgment from both parties under revision at this time since our last hearing on 1-18-17.

2/17/2017 10:29 AM

I did have an attorney. No, i do not believe he did a good job, We still lost the house to foreclosure

2/17/2017 10:16 AM

Yes and yes, The courts have done their best to derail our claims and protect the criminal attorneys representing the banks.

I do not have now, but had three of them before who did not do their jobs.

2/17/2017 9:56 AM

Had attorney’s on and off. Current attorney is great.

2/17/2017 9:54 AM

Yes, I had one. He stole from me and was no better than the banksters.

2/17/2017 9:53 AM

No, hired but wanted more $ but did nothing

2/17/2017 9:51 AM

No. Have been told repeatedly….’don’t want to open that can of worms’…don’t want to ruffle feathers etc… Previous attorney…did not show up for hearing/did not notify me of hearing….judge refused continuance..case dismissed.

2/17/2017 9:47 AM


2/17/2017 9:27 AM

No. Pro-Se. Mainly because I could not find a willing attorney to defend foreclosure even though I had all the information needed already in my possession.

2/17/2017 9:23 AM

I cannot find an attorney in NM. However I have some legal experience myself and have a friend who is a lawyer that directs to me resources that I’ve used / incorporated over the last 3 years. I’ve seen and spoken to many lawyers here and they were impressed with what I’ve done but weren’t interested in helping me do much except trying to get a loan modification.

2/17/2017 9:23 AM

The attorney for second attempt foreclosure is good. I DIY the first and got it dismissed after 6 years.

2/17/2017 9:22 AM

Yes. Paul S Grobman, and yes, he is fantastic!

What Issues did you have with your Loan Modification?

Bank of America would not tell why they refused me a loan mod when I was paying a special forbearance of $630. And people were buying the same house on my block for $550. a month. I was told by Lisa Madigans office the attorney general of Illinois that the Bank doesn’t have to give me one.

2/17/2017 6:07 PM

It stole my equity and I have a balloon payment at the end.

2/17/2017 4:59 PM

They raised payment within minutes of approval, caused default

2/17/2017 4:46 PM

I was negotiating a modification with MGC, (also owned by Beal), faxed the same paperwork 5 times, and had worked with HUD 1 1/2 years when my home was foreclosed

2/17/2017 4:17 PM

Added 20 yrs to loan and paying same amount. Started paying trial time, did not send back new 40 year loan mod, then after paying trial time they put me back into foreclosure

2/17/2017 2:54 PM

GMAC LM 2 yr before assignment. No standing. Terms bad.

2/17/2017 2:37 PM

I was given a run around then offer me settle I accepted they never responded.

2/17/2017 2:18 PM

Received and rejected a couple offers because no meaningful relief was offered

2/17/2017 1:54 PM

The modification payments were used to claim I made partial payments and lure me into false default.

2/17/2017 1:50 PM

Given run around… nobody can keep track of what to do what’s been done… was told I had to be in default before they can start process

2/17/2017 1:29 PM

In September of 2008, Countrywide sent me a loan modification I never applied for and added $35k to my predatory loan then never honored the mod. Never credited any payments I made after it either. Since BoA approved a loan modification then 6 months later said I actually never qualified and refused any payments since 2011

2/17/2017 1:14 PM

Had THREE -was never in default induced into them to get Ocwen to adhere to terms of original note. Each time at end of 3 month “trial” they would move to FC then extort another “downpayment”. 3rd time I called their bluff…

2/17/2017 1:10 PM

My house was intentionally and fraudulently overvalued by HSBC loan broker in 2006. I discovered it within 2 years and began fighting GMAC first.

2/17/2017 12:50 PM

WF claimed to have denied me but never provided a denial letter. WF denied me after I blew the whistle on them costing them $175 million due to reverse redlining

2/17/2017 12:35 PM

Loss of paperwork by BofA, forgetting to add pertinent documents provided by us,yet admitting they did have them

2/17/2017 12:30 PM

Filed, then home sold at auction 7 days later.

2/17/2017 12:27 PM

I was told in 2008 that I did not qualify.

2/17/2017 11:47 AM

Still asking for documents

2/17/2017 11:46 AM

They are another scam to steal your home

2/17/2017 11:43 AM

Typical – run around for over 4 months only to be told I didn’t “qualify” with no reason given.

2/17/2017 11:36 AM

Out of several cases, did 1 time apply- when I demanded proof of creditor approved modification plan- chaos ensued

2/17/2017 11:35 AM

The lender changed the interest rate and other key features multiple times; the Servicer signed for and then lost checks sent by certified mail.

2/17/2017 11:22 AM

Payments made on time. Mod revoked after servicer said debt ratio was too high.

2/17/2017 11:22 AM

The loan modification docs 1) are not valid contracts (state WF is lender when they are servicer) and 2) loan mod docs for one house increased payments by 30% ($1,200)

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

There were FIVE individual properties. Three Sub Servicers. One “Short Sale” Two Foreclosures, Two sale through realtors. Did not matter what we did or did not do. All the same run around with all three sub servicers. First Horizon, MetLife and last Nationstar. Going on year three of litigation. Excellent help by Neil Garfield and Bill Paatalo!

2/17/2017 11:11 AM

Trial payment paid for 15 months, then told we did not qualify.

2/17/2017 11:07 AM

There is no true lender… the servicer has no standing to offer… the servicer created fraud assignments

2/17/2017 11:06 AM

Over inflated the appraisal.

2/17/2017 10:55 AM

It took over 1 year after 9 attempts. The terms were hidden until after the 3 month trial. The terms were ridiculous, so I declined. I lost 3 months of payments. House appraised for 240k, the mod included a balloon of 198 k, deferred principal of 79 k, mtg amount of 325 k. Plus they created a new note in the name of SLS as the Lender. Not a single mention of Bank of New York Mellon as trustee.

2/17/2017 10:50 AM

Given instructions to stop payment to have eligibility for hamp and then foreclosed in second month

2/17/2017 10:41 AM

It was an investment property I was trying to short sale. Three offers! They declined them all till the property was considered tainted

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

False Affidavit filed by BOA stated ‘Incomplete documents after 116 Modification Applications, HAMP and MRG

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

I submitted 6 mod application they claim they did not receive 3 and denied 2 heard nothing from last one

2/17/2017 10:29 AM

CitiMortgage forged the loan modification agreement and had it recorded in the Miami Dade land records.

2/17/2017 10:23 AM

AHMSI offered loan mod late 208, sent them docs and $1400 cashiers check Feb 8-10th 2009.They denied receipt and withdrew the offer.

2/17/2017 10:16 AM

Breached twice by Wells

2/17/2017 10:12 AM

After several ‘mods’ got lower int. & payments. Got hit with $50K added for fighting, put to the end of the note. Originally CW, nothing legal about any of it. Upon purchase I invested my 401K into gutting and rebuilding. That’s why I fought.

2/17/2017 10:02 AM

Always lack of required documentation.

2/17/2017 9:56 AM

Submitted many times when OCWEN become servicer

2/17/2017 9:54 AM

Litton reneged first mod July 2009. Ocwen did not honor the terms of the 2nd mod, end of 2013. Ocwen has offered several mods since then but we refuse to work with them anymore.

2/17/2017 9:51 AM

Borrower (deceased husband) ONLY asked for a due date change (after it was offered in writing)…instructed to not pay for 3 months before due date change would be granted…3 months/1 day Sheriff delivered FC Summons/Complaint…ONLY to the borrower….I was NEVER served (Quit Claim Deed holder)

2/17/2017 9:47 AM


2/17/2017 9:45 AM

Am in litigation for insurance with tree damaged home, Citi took the ins funds, $350, processed $100 and the stopped talking to me with $250K, law says use either on the repairs or mortgage, – Citi did neither, started foreclosure so have law suit based on this, but lawyer is attempting to take those funds, wants more money to get them, and is now only dawdle by with insurance case in Supreme Court. Been 7 years

2/17/2017 9:38 AM

4 attempts and they lied on every one –

2/17/2017 9:33 AM

Tried for four years

2/17/2017 9:14 AM

This was a construction loan Chase came in a said the value of the property is less without an appraisal and shoved a modification down my throat – I did not ask for a modification

2/17/2017 9:10 AM

They are NOT “loan modifications” but forbearance agreements. A servicer cannot “modify” a loan it does not own.

Do You have Evidence of Fraudulent Documents?

I’ve had two foreclosures for my primary prop. The first in 2008 the true copy of the note was blank in the second one in 2014 the note had a ta da blank endorsement from an employee that retired in 2009.

2/17/2017 5:15 PM

Lender Sebring Capital went out of biz. a week after the signing. Nominee assigned DOT to LNV and Note to Residential Funding. Corp Assign. of DOT – LNV was not a corp yet., notary and “VP of Mers” signatures done by the same person,Per Omni Doc. Examiners and Tam Kaiden handwriting expert.Substitution of Trustee, (to Quality Loan), “no such notary exists” per Texas SOS. Note is a fraud,Allonge signature is preprinted or stamped per Omni. We have several docs that were scrutinized..

2/17/2017 4:17 PM

1. No documents were left with me at the signing which occurred at my home alone with an unknown notary around 8pm. 2. The first copies of documents I received were from Chase in 2009, 3 years after the closing. 3. The loan application: my reported monthly income and the value of my business were both grossly exaggerated. 4. The “lender” was stated to be Washington Mutual Bank, FA, 18 months after its dissolution. 5. The copy of the note I received from Chase was not endorsed. 5. Chase at first claimed to be the beneficiary but could not prove this to me, so I stopped paying Chase. 6. Chase filed an assignment in 2009 claiming that Bank of America was the beneficiary as successor to LaSalle bank for which there was no assignment. 7. How could Chase legally file the assignment if it claimed bofA was the beneficiary? 8. BofA has always denied any involvement. 9. Chase filed a notice of default and acceleration in 2010. 9. I filed a lawsuit against Chase in federal court in 2010. !). The lawsuit was defeated on motions to dismiss, so no adjudication of issues ever occurred. 11. In 2013 Chase transferred its portfolio to Select Portfolio Servicing. 12. Following the FDCPA, SPS took the portfolio was a debt collector and not a loan servicer (there was no loan to service after 2010) 13. SPS provided a copy of the note endorsed by Cynthia Riley, who no longer worked at the bank in Dec 2006, on behalf of WMB,FA which no longer existed. 14. SPS purported to file an assignment from BofA to US Bank. BofA denies involvement, USB denies it is the beneficiary. SPS had no authority to assign. 15. SPS filed a substitution of trustee to Quality Loan Service Corp, alleging it did so on behalf of USB as attorney in fact. I am seeking a response from USB as to the veracity of attorney in fact status.

2/17/2017 3:56 PM

The alleged original looks materially different from the copy attached to the complaint in that the alleged original contains a label, which states, “when recorded return to Richmond Monroe Group” and provides the SPS number, which did not come in for 5 years. Also, the note is endorsed in blank by Michele Sjolander who has admitted to never having place an endorsement. The named “lender” is Countrywide.

2/17/2017 2:54 PM

I was able to fight a judicial foreclosure and the Nevada Supreme Court ruled in my favor that SPS/U.S. Bank National Association had broken the chain of title and had no right to foreclose.

2/17/2017 2:52 PM

Multiple versions of both. Sec deed version have 2 different closing attys. Much fraud

2/17/2017 2:37 PM

The note looks brand new and was held up in the court room and they refused to allow us to have it confirmed by a specialist. Never filed with the case in the court and the assignment states JPMorgan Chase is successor in interest to WAMU which we all know is false. The alleged trust has filed a judicial foreclosure in a non-judicial state. They failed to non-judicially foreclose on me. I have a declaration the trust doe not statutorily exist with the SEC of Delaware where it is to be registered.

2/17/2017 1:50 PM

there was no ADOT…bailout merger world savings,wachovia, WFB

2/17/2017 1:14 PM

Copy of note has no endorsements. They have presented three different allonges/chains of assignment. None dated all signed by Ocwen robo signers. Recently filed assignment from long dead lender directly to trust via Mers (security connections)

2/17/2017 1:10 PM

I have 6 assignments executed by ‘Miguel Romero’ for MERS. None of the signatures match. I discovered that Romero quit Bank of America 18 months prior to the date the Assignment of Deed of Trust was executed

2/17/2017 1:06 PM

distinctly different “assignment years” 2011 and 2016

2/17/2017 12:50 PM

Original note was completely altered-insurances added,2500 to 4500

2/17/2017 12:30 PM

Endorsement magically appeared on Note 4 years after original petition filed and ASM was backdated , contained wrong closing date, and robo-signed by Amanda Farrar. Note and Mortgage identify lender as America’s Wholesale Lender.

2/17/2017 12:27 PM

There is no Receiver’s Deed or Bill of Sale produced prior to the void sale or Assignment of Deed of trust recorded with the county

2/17/2017 12:25 PM

Have affidavit from the indorser – Danielle Sterling – that both versions of the indorsement – one is blank the other is specifically indorsed to CitiMortgage are forgeries and not her signature

2/17/2017 12:22 PM

Lost note affidavit is insufficient in the case for the second mortgage. Assignment for the first mortgage is a fraud.

2/17/2017 12:08 PM

Note never produced, Lacks full chain (in theory)

2/17/2017 11:35 AM

Robo-signed note, no assignment, foreclosed based just on robosigned “official” copy

2/17/2017 11:23 AM

Blue ink note but I signed with black ink that day. Have a different document signed that day (original) in black ink. In addition, the lender instructions to escrow says at the top of the page, ***LOAN DOCUMENTS TO BE SIGNED IN BLACK INK ONLY***

2/17/2017 11:22 AM

David Stern was original attorney for Deutsche Bank who filed against me. The assignment is from an entity that was out of business and the note had an endorsement added several years into the proceeding by a robo signer for GMAC who didn’t even work for them anymore. It’s undated and unsigned, just stamps.

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

Note on one house was assigned from WF to WF. ? They then claim BOA is lender.

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

Five Properties from start in 2006 with First Horizon Home Loans. To date, litigation only with two properties. Two issues. Husband signed note for all five properties. Husband signed mortgage for all five properties. Register of deeds have wife signature on all five properties each with a different signature and different type font added to the “original note and mortgage” Husband given copies ONLY with husband name, not wife. Second issue is the Five properties in 2006 were “securitized” two different trusts and kept in the name of originator First Horizon, a div of First Tennessee Bank NA. Through litigation the documents are now starting to come in and show both sets of documents. One for Bank of New York as Trustee who “owns the debt” and the other documents where First Horizon, a division of First Tennessee Bank NA “who owns the date”. Each for the same time period. The assignments show signs of fraud. Bill Paatalo performed two reports for two of the properties in litigation.

2/17/2017 11:11 AM

indorsement “signed” by person who didn’t work for the bank at the time.

2/17/2017 11:07 AM

2 aom’s in FC were in conflict , 3rd from servicer was created by servicer and all parties on aom were servicer employees.

2/17/2017 11:06 AM

The note is only a downloaded copy ..it was missing the stamped in blank endorsement from Washington Mutual and then they added it in late 2010 , 2 years after WaMu was already out of business, no date, no certification explaining transfers, nothing …the assignment is fabricated by Wells Fargo and tbey forged the Notary signature as we have compared against the true signature found on other documents from other cases. Fannie Mae ckaims they own the loan , MERS confirms Fannie Mae owns it ..but Wells Fargo notice of intent says Wells Fargo is tbe lender and their fraudulent assignment misrepresents that they purchased it ..we provided and submitted all of this evidence into the record but the judge ignored it all.

2/17/2017 10:59 AM


2/17/2017 10:55 AM

The trust closed 11/2006, the assignment was on 5/2011, from Countrywide to Bank of New York, no mention of Americas Wholesale lender, the original name on the Note. Everybody knows that AWL was not a New York Corp in 2006, Also, Bank of America Filed a claim in our Bankruptcy as the owner in 2009 and took payments. We know that there was never an assignment or transfer to Bank of America from AWL. We know that Bank of America did not acquire Countrywide. The trust never accepted the loan per the PSA and new york law. The loan was in default and in Bankruptcy when the assignment was filed inn the records. I have conflicting letters from Blank and Rome from 2 different attorneys that conflict each other. One claims Bank of New York Mellon as owner and the other Bank of America. The letters also conflict with the ownership claims during the bankruptcy and after the assignment. Letter dated after assignment to BONY claims BofA as owner. Letter dated during period in BK claims BONY as owner. BONY never entered a claim in BK court. My note has my name signed 3 times on the same line 3 different ways.

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

Yes, thanks to your suggestions and resources, I have recently discovered concealed evidence of wrongdoings: Documentary proof of fraudulent note from AWL sham ‘lender’ including Trademark Trade Name public records; Documents to prove breach of fidelity of MERS; Perjury in alleged ‘Assignment of Mortgage’ evidenced by comparing name of nonexistent sham ‘Lender’ in alleged Mortgage to an altered ‘Legal Name’ used in Sworn ‘Assignment’; Proof of perjury in falsely sworn ‘Affidavit of Federal Loss Mitigation’ filed in Court. I will send you a detailed report by US Mail. Please provide me your preferred mailing address.

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

closing agent admitted it was table funded, FDIC assigned note & DOT to servicer GMAC years after HB2006-14 closed

2/17/2017 10:29 AM

Forensic handwriting expert, “Hart & Flores” affidavit state that my initials and signature on the three page promissory note are FORGED. Plus, the allonge attached was signed using the same type of ink that was used to forged the promissory note.

2/17/2017 10:23 AM

MERS assignment skipped over assigned completely as GreenPoint no longer existed, was falsely dated and signed by known foreigners, allegedly in a trust well past trust’s closing date

2/17/2017 10:23 AM

Took AHMSI to court. Judge declared AHMSI had absolutely no proof of interest (per TILA)

2/17/2017 10:16 AM

Assignment was filed by debt collector and is false, Note was not indorsed when foreclosure started , but in 2014 aleged servicer manufactured endirsment of the original creditor to himself. A note is not endorsed to the foreclosing party, neither a alleged previous owner.

2/17/2017 9:56 AM

Discovered fraud after final judgment, two different and separate notes were used to acquire the judgment and are still being used by OCWEN today.

2/17/2017 9:54 AM

Robo-signor Noemi Morales, fraudulent Assignment made in 2013 more than 8 years after PSA

2/17/2017 9:51 AM

WaMu refinance. NO Assignment to JPMC

2/17/2017 9:47 AM

Have the HUD settlement statement showing WAMU never funded the loan. Am trying to get court to recognize there never was a “loan” from WAMU in 2004 – nothing from nothing equals nothing

2/17/2017 9:46 AM

Citi produced the Note in court without my lawyer requesting to authenticate it, – And was not asked where they got it. It was only signed (supposedly) by one person-???me. TaDa, there it was, and they were trying to show a chain from Citi to Hunt Leibert ( FORECLOSURE law team), and back to Citi ( produced these transfer papers right there in the court house), and are attempting to push it through Bank of NY. Donald Frechette with a Big Hartford law firm, real game player, Judge is now acting to assist them to Get the paperwork through. Judge amounts had done thousands of foreclosures locally, churns them through with a smile like trying to help. Isn’t there a law that any Foreclosure judge cannot have more than $1500 of bank stock? Pension funds have much more than that.

2/17/2017 9:38 AM

Yes. I have evidence in hand that my note and assignments or post dated and robosigned and foreclosed with incorrect balance.

2/17/2017 9:23 AM

Not a copy of the original – no endorsement or allonge

Do You Believe your Servicer has broken the Law?

Third servicer DI Tech offered me an opportunity to cure %150,000. Less than the judgment the Plaintiff Bank of New York Mellon CWALT Trust got a judgment on. I was offered $2000. cash for keys by DiTech who became servicer 3/14/2016. This was in August. Bank of America as servicer hired the Law Firm to foreclose.

2/17/2017 6:07 PM

I was dual tracked in 2008 and almost evicted. I yelled at the bank attorney and she made an ex parte communication with the court and set the sale aside. Got a predatory permanent HAMP mod in 2010. Sandy destroyed my home and I rebuilt it relying on CitiMortgage’s promises to avoid foreclosure and perform loss mitigation or alternatives to foreclosure. They refused to do anything but foreclose. Denying loss mit, Deed in Lieu and/or short sale. They now get a newly built free home. Sheriff Sale is Tuesday February 21.

2/17/2017 5:15 PM

My mother died and I was handling her estate. My mother had filed bankruptcy and got it discharged years before she died in 2011. BofA filed a personal claim against estate even though the mortgage was discharged. Also, the payments on the home were never late. BofA sent me a letter saying they were no longer going to accept anymore payments from me causing a default even though I was making payments.

2/17/2017 4:59 PM

escrow and insurance manipulation

2/17/2017 4:46 PM

Accounting laughable, stalling with loan mod. to foreclose on me. Phone calls not answered, changed loan numbers, transferred to Dovenmuehle, (also Beal owned) and changed address and loan numbers again. I have the “Jim Montes” signature,(Atty. Beth Findsen case, he signed as multiple entitys )

2/17/2017 4:17 PM

No mod offered – bogus assignments to bogus RMAC and USBank entities etc etc

2/17/2017 4:02 PM

Please see #6 above. Pursuant to FDCPA SPS is not a servicer. It has harassed me in many ways: force placed insurance, refusal to answer questions, clueless impolite employees.

2/17/2017 3:56 PM

SLS was the loan servicer, I have many levels of evidence against them, they made claim to foreclose with no security to back their loan was based on the loan being family, household or personal but it was clearly a conventional mortgage, they even admitted so. There is also statute of limitations & the fraudulent assignment & more.

2/17/2017 3:55 PM

Continuing to send statements, accruing charges, fees, etc. despite having purportedly accelerated the mortgage. Having claimed to have sent a notice of default, which is dated a year before the note was allegedly assigned. The assignment was submitted to the county by a known robosigner.

2/17/2017 3:11 PM

Long list, but at trial, witness lied under oath (was obvious to judge) and stated Wells Fraudo “owned” the purported note, however, she was testifying for a non-existent entity as purported “owner”

2/17/2017 2:54 PM

Multiple services gmac-ocwen-rcs-ditech & fc Mill or litigation atty fraud

2/17/2017 2:37 PM

I’m a victim bait and switch. And mortgage fraud

2/17/2017 2:18 PM

They have refused to meet face to face and to follow the WA Fairness Foreclosure Act, have refused to answer the QWR FDCPA and Homeowners Rights letter that is part of WA law. I am in the Appeals court on a No Standing case with an attorney. I lost my pro se case due to not knowing what I needed to know and the court did not treat me as a pro se should be treated. erwr ere teyt

2/17/2017 1:50 PM


2/17/2017 1:29 PM

entering home, trying to foreclose on illegal default notice, lying, calling me months after retaining counsel

2/17/2017 1:14 PM

Induced in loan mods that raised payments then did not comply, forced pace insurance, taking credit for taxes we paid, foreclosing when never missed a payment, filing false pleadings with court, filing three different transaction histories that are conflicting with court, claiming 37,000 in escrow shortages when we pay tax and insurance, putting payments in suspense, adding 19,000 to principle w/no explanation, threatening my lawyers into quitting, instructing BOA to delete my online pay history, visiting my sons school to attempt to get him expelled, trying to block son from taking the bar, sendi g goons to my home and work, breaking in to home, stabbing my dog, getting me fired, etc etc.

2/17/2017 1:10 PM

Some documents appear to show “servicer” Ocwen the true owner of note

2/17/2017 12:50 PM

WF denied me after I was approved for a loan mod due to my whistleblowing. WF was/is retaliating against me. The loan is owned by Freddie Mac and WF has violated Freddie Mac and HAMP guidelines by returning all 7 of my TPP.

2/17/2017 12:35 PM

Harassment, thousands of phone calls/letters (record-47 in one day, people coming on property, home invasion-record taken

2/17/2017 12:30 PM

Bank of America, Specialized Loan Servicing have charged illegal fees, force places insurance, failed to respond to QWR, and responded to recession by letter stating they did not recognize the recession instead of filing an action in court to dispute within 20 days.

2/17/2017 12:27 PM

If you want the affidavits where they use another affidavit to say the previous one was wrong I will send. I have 5 affidavits that all contradict each other or try to correct the previous one

2/17/2017 12:22 PM

SPS is not the loan servicer but says it is. I have court papers from another case which says they are a subservicer/vendor. They have sent people to my property and I filed a trespassing complaint.

2/17/2017 12:08 PM

Chase would not except my payment at my local branch in December 2009, I had never been late and was not in default at the time, them denying my payment put me in default,

2/17/2017 11:59 AM

I have not had contact with the servicer since 2008/2009.

2/17/2017 11:47 AM

I have asked for accounting from 2006 to date they sent me accounting from 2013 when they acquired the loan and don’t have the rest so how can they know what I really owe. Statements are different amounts.

2/17/2017 11:46 AM

Violations of FDCPA TILA RESPA Trespass Mail Fraud False and Forged Documents Notary fraud. Caliber Home Loans is a third part debt collection scam

2/17/2017 11:43 AM

In our case and HUNDREDS of others, AURORA LOAN SERVICES (renamed NATIONSTAR Bank) told the borrowers that they would qualify for loan modifications under HAMP, BUT that they could not even discuss it with us until we had fallen 3 months behind on payments. So we skipped the next three monthly payments, 3 day after the grace period expired on the third payment, they sent Note of Acceleration. While we were negotiating with them about a Modification/Deed Surrender/ etc., they filed for Foreclosure. When the case was finally set for hearing, the Attorney for Nationstar dismissed the suit. We waited for the five year Statute of \Limitations to run out, expecting to be able to file for Quiet Title, only to learn that the Banksters had convinced the Appeals Court to extend the Statute from 5 years to 30 years. Our lawyer who was representing us Pro Bono through a County Extension Program was awarded $48000, paid by Aurora/Nationstar with 250% Penalty Provision. When nationstar turned around and refiled fr foreclosure, or lawyer put us o a $50 per month retainer, and has made one appearance on an attempted Writ of Mandamus, which the judge subsequently rejected. So here we are in the seventh year of a foreclosure action by a lender who was trying to steal homes and has been found guilty in numerous individual and Class Action Suits!

2/17/2017 11:22 AM

They haven’t complied with Florida law with regard to what they say I owe them. The case was closed because they missed a court date.

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

see RICO case Eastern Virginia Alexandria 1:16 cv 1360 CMH/JFA

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

We have experienced highly unethical, abusive servicing from First Horizon Home Loans, MetLife and Nationstar Mortgage. OCC orders for First Horizon/MetLife we received compensation for Unsafe Unsound practices only for our residential property even though the same abuse was performed with our rental properties. Substantial payments made to each sub servicer in different years. Same scenario, monies sent back, mis applied, suspense, paid attorney fees before principal and interest. Continually held monthly statements. Statements always showed months behind. Letters of foreclosure sent when current on mortgage per statement or credit bureau. Every month a different letter would arrive (did not matter what year, all the same) One month announcing mortgage servicer for First Bank Tennessee, the next month mortgage servicer for Bank of New York, the next month back to Bank of Tennessee, the next month mortgage servicer for a trust named FH06 FA3 then the next month Bank of Tennessee, then the next month Bank of New York Mellon FHAMS 2006 FA3, etc. repetitive cycle.

2/17/2017 11:11 AM

Used a non-entity (AWL) as “lender” on the note and DOT. Let me apply for HAMP 11 times. Many other issues.

2/17/2017 11:07 AM

my note is void, servicer has no powers, they are aware of the federal case stating my note was not underwritten by the named lender

2/17/2017 11:06 AM

My loan servicer acts in an unethical and abusive manner, and is in continuous violation of federal laws.

2/17/2017 10:58 AM

Repeatedly asks for information, confirms they have all necessary documentation and then asks for it again. Groundhog day.

2/17/2017 10:58 AM

Over inflated appraisal,forged my name on insurance check and predatory loan..

2/17/2017 10:55 AM

I believe that the current servicer, Shellpoint, has no legal standing to collect. I also have statements from B of A, SLS and Shellpoint that show totally conflicting amounts and show money in suspense and never applied to p & i. I have statements showing that money was received, put in suspense, and used to repeatedly pay for force placed insurance equal to the amount of money in suspense. This happened at least 6 times in one year. Bankruptcy was completed and discharged. I was recently threatened with foreclosure and the collection of the deficiency balance. The letter from Shellpoint stated that I did not have protection from the bankruptcy and I was fully liable for the monetary debt. I took the letter to my BK attorney, he gave me full documentation from the court proving that the debt was discharged. The home was not foreclosed and the “owner” never submitted a claim for the deficiency balance if any. The window closed years ago. The servicer continues to add fees and charges further inflating the alleged balance.

2/17/2017 10:50 AM

lack of good faith and fair dealing, violating an order of protection, committing notary fraud and proceeding to file fake fraudulent documents with Maricopa County Arizona

2/17/2017 10:44 AM

Details will be provided for you and your readers in report sent to you by US mail. Please confirm best address.

2/17/2017 10:40 AM

0.While away for medical emergency of family they entered the house and winterized it and shut off water

2/17/2017 10:29 AM

Backdated mortgage assignment. Note and mortgage have different years. David J. Stern was the first attorney to commence this foreclosure now being handled by Akerman Llc.

2/17/2017 10:23 AM

Used a fake bank to foreclose-Deutsche Wachovia Bank N.A. failed to respond to rescission notice within 20 days. Wrong bank filed credit bid

2/17/2017 10:23 AM

far too complex to describe here. If interested I will provide a lengthy detailed history. In fact I have already sent Living Lies and Foreclosure Fraud and CFPB and Ocwen detailed info over past year and in 2010-11-12-13-14-15-16

2/17/2017 10:16 AM

Andy Beal’s loan servicer MGC Mortgage was not licensed to operate in our state until September 2011. Beal’s LNV Corporation was also not licensed in the state either. Beal has since transferred the mortgage and note to another Beal servicer CLMG and Lender Beal Bank USA – one giant shell game.

2/17/2017 10:10 AM

This is selfproclaimed servicer, never did not want to negotiate a modification, never responded to QWR and validation of debt.

2/17/2017 9:56 AM

Just type in Ocwen+Problem or any derivative on any search engine…

2/17/2017 9:51 AM

As I was only Quit Claim Deed holder…after the borrower (husband) passed away…JPMC REFUSED to allow me to purchase my home of 20 years…REFUSED to give answers…was told repeatedly….I was not the borrower they (JPMC) did not have to talk to me.

2/17/2017 9:47 AM


2/17/2017 9:45 AM

new servicer and haven’t had much contact

2/17/2017 9:39 AM

Fraud, Fraudulent Misrepresentation

2/17/2017 9:33 AM

The assignements are illegal with MERS active in my loan.

2/17/2017 9:29 AM

Wells Fargo refused modification on Fannie Mae loan. WF is Servicer who foreclosed with post dated assignments. WF also admitted they foreclosed with incorrect balance

2/17/2017 9:23 AM

This is not an exhaustive list… Violations of TILA and RESPA the servicer assigned the Mortgage to themselves 9 days before in rem complaint was filed (assignor and assigned are the same person) I’ve done a forensic loan audit and the plaintiff is clearly stealing the Note – Lack of transparency unclean hands nondisclosures etc etc

2/17/2017 9:23 AM

robosigning, fraud on the court, forclosure mill attornies, several different escrow accountings submitted to the courts, unjust enrichment, fdcpa and tila violations, etc….

2/17/2017 9:21 AM

It is because they dont give a chance to do mod

2/17/2017 9:14 AM

I assume this is a rhetorical question.

2/17/2017 9:04 AM

What Other Issues have you experienced in addition to the Foreclosure?

There have been so many horrible things that have happened to me I can’t expressed them here.

2/17/2017 6:07 PM

there is no end in sight – debt peonage – they prefer to wait for me to make repairs, then steal profits

2/17/2017 4:46 PM

I wish I had never worked in banking.

2/17/2017 4:17 PM

Kypho Scoliosis (hunchback and severe cervical vertebrae), from hundreds of hours on computer to try and save my home. Angina. Lately,perforated gastric ulcer. I almost died. Lost my entire family. I can’t move past the loss of my home. I think about the injustice day and night.

2/17/2017 4:17 PM

We put our dream home on the market in October to get out from the crushing weight of these servicer thugs. We accepted an offer this week for a decent price, but we’re getting far less than what we should have had in equity due to BoA, Nationstar, and currently Rushmore’s refusal to mod (they said our income was too low, but refused to take into account we have a home-based business that gives us write-offs that don’t show as income.

2/17/2017 4:02 PM

This has taken away my life, my ability to continue with my real work, my health. Ever since I realized by September 2009, that there was no contract between Chase and myself and I announced I was rescinding any legal agreement, I have been held hostage to mortgage and foreclosure fraud.

2/17/2017 3:56 PM

I have been forced to live in an unhealthy environment for the most part, which has caused much stress but do not have currently have the resources to overcome at the moment.

2/17/2017 3:55 PM

I left my job to fight the foreclosure and have had little time to pursue other endeavors.

2/17/2017 3:11 PM

Best thing that ever happened to me, yes, you read that correctly, I’ve learned lots, met awesome people, wouldn’t change a thing

2/17/2017 2:54 PM

PFSD post fc stress disorder. Afraid to leave house.

2/17/2017 2:37 PM

I’m about ready to kill all my pets and myself as I don’t know how much longer I can take this of fighting for 8 (redacted) years now!!!!!

2/17/2017 2:19 PM

Work under streets double time almost no sleep and felt from telephone pole broke my back

2/17/2017 2:18 PM

My credit score which I believe the credit score companies are part of the criminal acts against us, has gone from 810 to very poor. My entire family is stressed out and going through hell. I have not slept a decent sleep since this started. I have closed my business of over 36 years due to the banks corruption ruining the economy. We cannot afford to take any kind of trips anywhere or spend much money on anything beyond what we need that is necessary. The funds all go to attorneys. I am to stressed to go anywhere to try to have fun or a quality life. I do not see my grandchildren and children due to working side jobs to pay attorneys. We barely can afford food when I used to bring in 155,000.00 net a year before the banks ruined my business and a great share of my customers who had to quit using my day spa and tanning salon. I lost my good income due to all this crime and am extremely stressed out that I will lose my home, I and my husband built with our bare hands. I put a roof over one daughter and her two children due to she cannot get a decent job in this economy. I used to be able to pay her decent wages. I used to employ over thirty people. I feel traumatized. The courts in Washington appear to be a crime scene.

2/17/2017 1:50 PM


2/17/2017 1:29 PM

from your he stress, suffered multiple head injuries and diagnosed with MS. Hospitalized once for being suicidal and survived attempted suicide last year

2/17/2017 1:14 PM

Because I was (ironically) worked in financial compliance, I am now blackballed. I get consulting gigs now and then until they call and rat me out. So no insurance which meant no mammograms – battling breast cancer now. My daughters lived in fear the last years at  home, no money for their college now working in low level jobs. Son was blocked from taking bar yet has all that debt from law school. It has destroyed us. And we never even missed a payment. Suicidal most days.

2/17/2017 1:10 PM

I was evicted last September. The Judge who declared me ‘vexatious’ was abusive and was clueless pertaining to the foreclosure statutes.

2/17/2017 1:06 PM

It goes on and one local BIASED Nasty district court judge is intent on awarding BNY a judgment against me. I am at my wits end but I know I am right

2/17/2017 12:50 PM

I have been fighting this foreclosure in court since June 2012. I’ve been publicly humiliated. My finances are drained. I’ve done everything to protect my daughters from this..

2/17/2017 12:35 PM

total frustration with the judicial system

2/17/2017 12:30 PM

My credit is destroyed and has prevented me in obtaining employment, and denied obtaining loans for vehicles, stress and fear from eviction and harassment by services home inspectors every month taking pictures of my home and trespassing while the servicer charges a fee.

2/17/2017 12:27 PM

It is pure hell because you never know what they are planning next and no help from our crooked government who is in on all this racketeering

2/17/2017 12:27 PM

I have learned to live with the challenge and now know that it is not about the merrit of the case but overcoming the failed judicial system perpetrated by men in black robes.

2/17/2017 12:25 PM

too much for words. Eight years and still at the pleading stage

2/17/2017 12:22 PM

The process has been devastating. It is all I think about. Our income producing rental property business was foreclosed upon 3 years ago causing a loss of income which affected our personal residence now in the first and second mortgage foreclosure. In the business foreclosure we went through 14 lawyers all of whom turned on us and did not provide adequate counsel or defense – essentially malpractice. We lost property valued in excess of 10 million. Went into bankruptcy and had to defend a deficiency judgment. Lawyer sided with the banks in spite of clear evidence of fraud.

2/17/2017 12:08 PM

it was a hell we lived a hell for 9 years

2/17/2017 11:58 AM

Living with constant uncertainty. Eight family members are involved.

2/17/2017 11:58 AM

clients have endured all of the above

2/17/2017 11:52 AM

I was forced into foreclosure after calling the bank for help I was not late then bank told me to stop paying.. I fought them in court with an attorney paying the attorney for 6 years 750 per month and a retainer in the beginning.. I went to federal court and we were forced to take a settlement by the judge and my attorney. So many of my charges against them were dropped. So much was found out in the court room about the servicer also.. I did get a modification… However they did not drop my interest rate which is 6% on 40 yr payout now turned a 260 loan and into a 399000 loan… I just learned they have been charging for insurance and i have always maintained insurance.. I have to put together a QWR now to see where that will put us…? i am sure they charged me interest on this money also.. Afterall its been 5 years…

2/17/2017 11:49 AM

Never knowing what is going to happen puts a lot of stress on our family. We’ve been wanting to move for years, but can’t, because we’re stuck with this house. The house is falling apart around us, because of deferred maintenance (we don’t want to put money in a house that might not be ours anymore next week or so).

2/17/2017 11:47 AM

I have heart palpitations now tacycardia I am 65 years old and still have college age child and two living at home because they can’t afford a home. Rents are higher than salaries my husband is a 100% disabled veteran. I worry every time someone comes to the door.

2/17/2017 11:46 AM

It is never is to do the right thing. After 8 years of fighting criminal banks and their corrupt lawyers and willfully ignorant judges I have found that there is no justice for those who fight a corrupt system.

2/17/2017 11:43 AM

Too much to list- I am getting railed I cannot do anything about it

2/17/2017 11:35 AM

My health has suffered terribly during this time and my marriage is at best, strained y the stress! I developed insulin dependent diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Diastolic Congestive Heart Failure, Failed Back Surgery, Chronic Pain, and more.

2/17/2017 11:22 AM

I am a widow and own a small business which was my only source of income. Word spread very quickly thru the small business networking community and people refused to do business with me. I started drawing my widow’s pension through social security and lost my vehicle. I live on $1018 a month. I still live in my home and Ocwen pays the insurance and taxes. I just ignore the statements they send.

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

I was illegally evicted from my home. I am licensed realtor so it has destroyed my business because I cannot in good conscience encourage anyone to sign a deed of trust/note in Virginia. I have slept in my car half the time for 3 years now.

2/17/2017 11:17 AM

From 1985 – 2006 my husband and I built our portfolio of real estate earning 9.00 per hour and a TREMENDOUS amount of sweat equity to reach 2.5 million in real estate. Our mortgages were held with “real banks” “local banks”. My husband paid our mortgages, paid the insurance. For 21 years we had 1’s, paid on time, NEVER a problem. How utterly foolish of ourselves to switch in 2006 from our “real, local banks” to refinance the properties with First Horizon Home Loans. All from the urging of “a friend and her brokerage friend”. Honestly believing them and our attempt to lower our mortgage payments. Shortly after refinancing in 2006 our mortgage payments were paid as they had been for 21 years. SOMETHING changed 4 months after the refinance. “Mortage payments somehow lost”, Mortgage payment returned/refused” One snow ball after the other. Each experience with each mortgage servicer. Same wrong doing, just a different name. First Horizon, MetLife, Nationstar Mortgage.

2/17/2017 11:11 AM

After a 1.5 year battle in court and not having an attorney, we settled 2 weeks before trial and lost our home.

2/17/2017 11:07 AM

I am bankrupt but have not filed (saving that gambit for later), living week to week on minimum wage jobs as my legal woes have impacted my job prospects, and family life is devastated.

2/17/2017 11:06 AM

Complete sorrows and devastation from this ..my relationship with my wife and children has been negatively impacted to such a degree that the harm inflicted can never be made right after so many years ..now the sheriffs sale is happening on March 21, 2017 even though it is pending appeal. The nightmare continues.

2/17/2017 10:59 AM

Very disheartening about how Wells Fargo treated me.

2/17/2017 10:55 AM

Within this time frame, I have been drinking heavily, had frequent arguments about the fight and money with my spouse. I now have high blood pressure. I have gained weight. My credit is bad. We cannot settle into the house because we never know when the foreclosure will come. We cannot move out, we tried once and moved to a rental for nine months. I was cited by the county for health hazards due to the yard, and the HOA filed a lien and was going to sue for not maintaining the house and not paying dues. We broke a lease and moved back in, 7 years ago. We can’t really get comfortable, we don’t want to decorate or paint to get comfortable due to the uncertainty. The kids kind of know what is going on and that we might have to leave, but we try to keep it from them by trying to live a normal life. I feel like I just want to give the house away but I know that the servicer has no right and the trust has been closed since 2007. CWALT-2006-21 The worst part about it is that because BofA made the claim in the BK, I feel like we could face another debt from the real creditor. We have spent over 60,000 dollars on legal fees

2/17/2017 10:50 AM

most of these answers are in the past for my family but my 20 year old son grew up with this experience, still has anxiety, hasn’t finished school and works from home, I have a visceral reaction anytime I see a windowless white van (this is what Freddie Mac always drove) and we have carried forward a lot of debt we are still paying on because of the experience. So, we lost everything and have moved forward with debt that we shouldn’t have to. Another slap in the face months after we left our home was getting a call from our homeowner’s insurance provider USAA (we always paid this independently) about a theft claim. Freddie Mac’s attorney and the bank for many years prior had extensive photo documentation about the condition of our (pre-renovation) home that we bought as a fixer upper yet they tried to file a fake claim against our insurance provider saying things like cabinets were stolen. Aren’t people supposed to get arrested for trying to file a fake insurance claim?

2/17/2017 10:44 AM

After years of building my property portfolio for my retirement I was wiped out. I spent two years trying to do the right thing but B of A blocked every attempt, gave me the runaround and ultimately took back the property anyway.

Homeless and living with relative

2/17/2017 10:28 AM

Hospitalized several times.

2/17/2017 10:23 AM

Ocwen bought AHMSI then hooked up with HSBC/AHMSI and got Portland ,OR Fed Dist Ct (Judge Anna Brow) to dismiss me with prejudice and gave Ocwen/HSBC/AHMSI my $340,000. free and clear equity WITHOUT requiring these entities to provide even a shred of standing.

2/17/2017 10:16 AM

Now it’s just a game. Before, it was life and death.

2/17/2017 10:12 AM

All of the above. I don’t think about anything else. Ten years of pure hell. The only thing we can think about is our case 24/7. We worked so hard for everything we have and cannot lose it all.</

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