
Apple added something pretty neat to Foundation this year: Measurements. We can represent units, convert them to other units, compare them, and even convert them into formatted strings. Let's dive in.

It all starts with a Measurement.

There are tons of different categories of units such as Volume, Mass, Speed, Power, Length, and many more.

Once created, a Measurement can be converted into any of other units in its category:

We can also perform mathematical operations and comparisons on Measurements:

Last but certainly not least, we can nicely format a measurement into a String. Apple provides a MeasurementFormatter type that is fully locale-aware. This allows us to easily display Measurements in our apps in whichever ways our users expect.

Foundation is such a powerhouse of functionality, it can be easy to miss great new additions like this. Next time, we'll learn more about formatting Measurements for display in our apps.

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