An Update to this letter and story is posted below 02.10.15:
**To all readers, this was the last letter sent to Senator Durbin during his Human Rights Hearing and for consideration. Prior to this letter only Congressional Committee Leaders, and the President of the United States of America was sent this letter.
The letter reads as follows and has all addresses, fax numbers and phone numbers of all parties removed for their privacy.
Request for Civil Rights Commission Hearings and Investigation Consideration; Submitted by United States of America Citizens who are victims of Human and Civil Rights Violations by Government Funded Agencies, Corporations and Technologies (for downloading of supporting documentation)
December 4th, 2014
The United States of America
President Barack H. Obama
(address and phone moved)
Senator Dick Durbin, Senate Civil Rights Commission Hearings
Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights
(address and phone moved)
U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, (D-Md.), Chairwoman
Congressional Committee Members on Senate Appropriations
U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper, Chairman
U.S Senator Tom Coburn, MD
Congressional Committee Members on Homeland Security and Government Affairs
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, Chairwoman
U.S. Senator John Isakson, Co-Chair
Congressional Committee Members on Ethics
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, Co-Chair
U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence
(Phone and Fax removed)
*Several Intelligence Committee Members Emailed Direct
United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Ohio
(address and phone removed)
To The President of The United States of America and Members of Congress,
As decades of Senate Appropriations Budgets, Bills and Justifications have authorized the development, testing and evaluation of ‘Weapons of Mass’ destructions (WMDs), in addition, and within these Appropriations, Budgets, Bills and Justifications ‘blind testing’ and evaluation has also been authorized to millions of contractors and agencies as well.
These ‘blindly issued’ and ‘unaccountable authorizations’ to test and evaluate weapons, chemicals, biological chemicals, and other (WMDs) ‘Weapons of Mass destruction’ has allowed those with their ‘hands on these many triggers’ to point their technologies on (knowledgeable)‘WITTING’ and ‘UNWITTING’ CITIZENS’ of this country, and abroad. Citizens are knowledgeable of their torture, and inhumane unethical and unconscionable testing of war technology being conducted without their consent against their bodies. Innocent citizens and their family members, millions of innocent tax paying citizens with war technologies ‘knowledgeable and unknowledgeable’ pointed at themselves and their family members. These are unlawful corporation and agency actions of intent to harm and kill human beings, citizens; children, women and men, for money and at the pleasure of ‘Drone and Military grade Hovercrafts handlers’ criminal bullies on steroids.
These actions alone are acts of HUMAN TRAFFICING of our bodies without consent nor controls to protect and defend ourselves from these harms. These actions are HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS ABUSES, and all equate to HUMAN TORTURE of millions to billions of citizens TODAY.
With the use of hidden directives such as ‘DOD Directive 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 Human Experimentation for Intelligence Purposes’ allowing the testing and evaluation of any technology on any U.S. Person and those foreigners living on U.S. soil. This ‘directive not law’ has been unethically and inhumanly passed from agency to agency and contractor to contractor resulting in TORTURE TESTING ON HUMAN BEINGS (defined as U.S. Persons).
With approximately 8000 drones (UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES and more in contracted military grade Hovercrafts) currently in our skies, manned by ‘handlers’ whose’ certification requires a 90 to 120 day training rotation period, that ONLY includes HUMAN TARGETS, ‘Human targets’ now being injected with NANO SENSORS of all kinds. UAV sensors payloads that are injecting chemicals into the human body, Infrared sensors that ‘light’ the human body, GPS sensors that track the human being for more harms and not surveillance, and more. All actions that are not only PAINFUL injections of ‘TORTURE’ devices (sensors) but also ‘INHUMANE’ and ‘UNETHICAL’ treatment of any human being protected by the CONSTITUTION of these UNITED STATES.
WE ALL ARE AT RISK, even those in Congress as these drone technologies are being perfected on the backs of your human tax payers. Should these inhumane torturous acts be allowed to continue to genocidal proportion? No they should not.
Why since 1950 have US tax dollars been used to fund tortuous mind-control experiments on our citizens that include our children, now the experimentation continues remotely by UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES also known as DRONES such as the REAPER.
Why after the 1977 and 1995 Congressional Hearings on human experiments where survivors testified as to their child torture by government employees, have taxpayers continued to fund US government agencies that torture men, woman and innocent children?
Why today are taxpayers funding through the National Institute of Health, 20 universities in a trial of restricted blood and oxygen for premature babies when hundreds of babies have already died in the experiment?
Why is the HHS (Health and Human Services), a government funded agency that governs the psychiatric facilities and the citizens who are being encouraged to report that the have a mental disorder, also used to supply citizens for targeting to the Department of Defense per their own DOD Drone Joint Targeting training documentation that targets the citizens of this country? Why?
Why today are taxpayers funding through the Health and Human Services, (also a documented source to provide victims names for ‘Joint Drone Targeting’ to DOD and other agencies) also has an ‘open’ contractor request for ‘Radiation Experimentation on Women and Minorities’? Radiation experimentation (torture burns) that is also a part of the remote assaults on citizens by UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES (Drones), HOVERCRAFTS and more.
Why is the public being purposely mislead to think that the US and Canadian governments are not continuing to perform human experimentation on all citizens including our children?
I am a TORTURED SURVIVOR of these crimes against this country and its citizens; men, woman and even our children. We are forced to endure 24 hour pain, and torture through the walls of our homes from government funded technology; war payloads of inhumane painful nano sensors installed on UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES hovering over our heads as high as 65,000 feet. This goes without saying ALL of the additional technologies designed for war such as dangerous levels of exposure by Directed Energy, Microware Energy, Radiation exposure, Chemical Gassing, Bio-chemicals resulting in cancers, deadly Sensors that collapse our lungs or inject heart attacks in health citizen and more; all being shot at the citizens of this country and now ALL can also be injected, applied or dispersed by UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES, military grade hovercrafts and military planes.
Helpless citizens victimized by BILLION DOLLAR government funded technology designed for wars that we do not have and only designed to harm its citizens.
We are forced to endure the daily and nightly flights over my homes and communities as these UAVs and Hovercraft handlers swarm in ‘packs’ are seeking out citizens by their skin attached GPS nano sensors. Our entire bodies endure torturous attacks to our head and brains (as unethical brain experiment continues), our skin as sensors slice and sting to the bone, our muscles as our muscles are sent into severe spasms, our nervous system that is now advertised as fibromyalgia when it is the attachment of nano sensors to the nervous system; out bones and joints and even internal origins, all under continuous ‘remote’ attacks. Our skin has been sliced by the array of UAV and Hovercraft sensors splattered into my homes resulting in ‘open flesh wounds’, and IN AMERICA, and the assaults continue as military grade aircraft continue to stalk us and all other citizens by day with the mark of an X in the skies over our communities. There are no names on the spraying of Chemtrail that are now also being used to spray nano sensors over neighborhoods, not one victims name, only reckless disregard for human life.
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