Linguism. Language in a word

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News, stories and media buzz related to Linguism

  • By the high-gloss, high-tech standards of 21st-century corporate life, the headquarters of America’s premier dictionary publisher is an unusual place. Merriam-Webster Inc. is housed in a two-story brick building in Springfield, Massachusetts, that, if...

  • From SuiteU. Saved before it disappears. More pages of links were included back to the course writer’s topic on Suite101 but all of those links were 404 so I have not tried to include them. Linguistics & Semantics By Antonella Sartor Introduction...

  • HTLAL discussion • Proposed Czech profile
    via forum.language-learners

    LANGUAGE PROFILE - CZECH General information Czech (Čeština) is a Slavonic language spoken by approximately 12 million people worldwide. Czech is closely related to Slovak, slightly less so to Polish and Sorbian and even less so to the other Slavonic...

  • History as conventionally practiced shouldn't care about Gabriel Harvey. He knew important political and literary figures during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, but he never broke into their esteemed ranks. The son of a rope-maker, Harvey attended Christ...

  • OCTOBER 28 In Jewish History 97: Emperor Nerva is forced by the Praetorian Guard, to adopt general Marcus Ulpius Trajanus as his heir and successor. Trajan would not become Emperor until Nerva died in January of the following year. Trajan will be remembered...

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Oxford English Dictionary

The OED is the definitive record of the English language, featuring 600,000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1,000 years of E... popular pages

  • Linguism - Language in a word

    Language in a word

  • Latin for choirs - Linguism

    Once you've decided how you're going to pronounce Latin when you're speaking English, the next problem comes up for singers. It's not only English that has its own version of Latin pronunciation, but ...

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