Hello everyone it’s Nefarian here! After doing my own reading of various novels and visiting their Patreon sites, I have come to realise that what I currently offer in Patreon is lacking in a certain department. For the past few weeks, I have been stuck at a sum of around $40 and I am unable to reach my first Milestone Goal of $80 per month. I feel like placing this Milestone Goal at $80 is actually limiting me to doing the four chapters a week instead of doing the best I can to provide more content. My Main goal in creating a Patreon Account is to first be able to support myself and then use a majority of the funds to develop and nurture this site! As some of you may know/experience creating a website: coding it, formatting, designing, making sure servers are stable, making sure there is consistent content etc… can be a nightmare to handle and takes a lot of blood, guts and sweat to persist.
Supporting me on Patreon not only helps to nab more chapters that you readers might of enjoyed on this site, it also allows me to further reward the translators/editors/TLC’ers on this site and recruit additional talent that will enable you to enjoy more Japanese novels which have seemingly been dropped or discontinued.
What I plan to do to make my Patreon more appealing to you guys is to boost one of the novels so that they can either catch up with the Author’s works or reach their finale in a short time. The first step I want to take is to just immediately start with seven or more chapters a week with no strings attached. (the reason why I mentioned “seven or more” is because backers who support my Patreon will also be able to obtain even more chapters via Early Access chapters up to a maximum of five additional chapters on top of the seven regular chapters!)
The way this will work is that I’ve created a poll below: The novel who gets the most votes/likes will obtain four regular chapter releases, whilst the three remaining novels will obtain one regular chapter releases each. Furthermore, Early access chapters will be created to further boost the translation speed of the “voted novel”.
Also it is important to note that Japanese Novels don’t really span over 2000 chapters like some of the Chinese Novels so if I boost a particular Japanese Novel’s releases and it manages to complete the series then I will move on to boosting the second most favoured Novel of this poll and so forth. In other words this poll is an extremely important event that will determine what is released on this site and at what pace, so please do spare a second or two to vote!!
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.