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When it comes to plant foods, like fruits and vegetables, each one of them contains abundant unique and beneficial properties for our health, healing and prevention. Although it has been used for thousands of years, in recent years the popularity of...
Mommybites - Support, Resources, Education and Connection for Moms 1 in 3 American children now has allergies, autism, ADHD or asthma. This staggering statistic makes it difficult to ignore the role that additives in our food supply are having on our...
Today, one in eleven children struggle with asthma, and one in four are affected by allergies. The incidence of allergy has increased significantly over the past two decades, and allergy to peanuts has more than quadrupled from 1997 to 2010. Approximately...
We all have Candida Albicans in our gut flora – when it begins to take over is where it can wreak havoc on our body. With our modern diet of sugar and refined processed foods, our over use of antibiotics, and our stressful lifestyles – Candidiasis...
I’ll start by saying that this post is fairly long overdue, basically because looking after your health and upping your vitamin intake is something I feel quite passionate about. I get asked quite regularly from blog readers and my friends about supplements...
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How To Get Rid Of Painful Earaches And Ear Infections Naturally! - Lifestyle Tips
Ear infections cause sharp, intense, dull, or piercing pain. You might detect them at once, or you can struggle to discover the reason why your child cries and tugs the earlobe. Earaches are always a ...
Otha Anders saved his first penny more than 45 years ago when he found it on the ground. The coin reminded him to pray and give thanks. “I became convinced that spotting a lost or dropped penny was an...
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