
Tampa, Florida (PRWEB) October 06, 2014

A self-directed IRA is a unique retirement account that gives owners absolute control over their own investment funds and choosing their own investments. Those who use these plans understand their chances of success are better if they invest in things they know and understand. Additionally, there is a large pool of alternative investments permissible in these accounts, which provides another huge draw for IRA owners.

Diversity within any investment portfolio is a critical rule-of-thumb for success. While holding stocks, bonds and CDs is recommended?these are considered traditional investments offered by mainstream brokers. However, typically these firms do not offer alternative investments to their clients because they do not sell these options. Savvy investors capitalize on their own knowledge to acquire alternative investments as assets inside investment portfolios by using self-directed accounts.

Popular alternative investments include:

Real estate (single and multi-family homes, commercial property, raw land)

Precious metals

Private lending opportunities (mortgages, notes)

Tax liens and deeds

Private placements and crowfunding options

LLCs, LLPs, and trusts

Foreign currency exchange and futures trading

Other alternative investments are found in oil and gas opportunities, cattle, timber options, accounts receivable and more. The list of possible alternative investments can be extensive. The only items not allowed as assets are as determined by the IRS are collectibles and life insurance contracts.

?Advanta IRA believes control is key in successful investing. Our clients are able to choose their own alternative investments that have the potential to garner retirement income at a faster pace than traditional investments,? says Jack Callahan, managing partner of Advanta IRA Administration. ?While we do not provide investment advice or sell investments, we do encourage investors to educate themselves on the benefits of self-directed IRAs and offer a wide platform of events designed to do exactly that.?

With that in mind, Advanta IRA Administration is hosting the webinar below to educate investors on the potential benefits of all types of self-directed investment accounts.

Event: Webinar ? Self-Direction 101

Date: October 8, 2014

Time: 7:00 ? 8:00pm

Location: Online

Cost: No charge.

Register: by 5 pm (EST) on October 7th by emailing Larissa Greene at lgreene(at)advantairagroup(dot)com

About Advanta IRA

Advanta IRA Services, located in Largo, Florida, has been in operation for over 10 years, providing administrative service to owners of self-directed IRAs throughout the Tampa Bay and Sarasota, Florida regions. Advanta IRA Administration offers a second location serving the Atlanta, Georgia area and surrounding regions. Both offices are managed by Jack Callahan, J.D., CFP?. Advanta IRA offers classes, seminars and other educational tools designed to assist clients in managing self-directed IRAs by investing in real estate, notes, private placements and other non-traditional assets that have the potential to maximize IRA earnings on a tax-free or tax-deferred basis.

About Jack Callahan

Jack M. Callahan, J.D., CFP?, is the managing partner at Advanta IRA Services in Largo, FL and Advanta IRA Administration in Atlanta, GA. Jack established the corporate office, Advanta IRA Services, in 2003. Prior to that, Jack delivered specialized counsel to real estate investors, small business owners and real estate professionals on tax, legal and financial matters. As an industry expert, Jack is a frequent speaker on the topic of self-directed retirement plans and an accredited continuing education instructor for the Florida and Georgia Bar Associations, Florida and Georgia Real Estate Commissions, and The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He earned his bachelor of science degree in finance and multinational business from Florida State University and his law degree from the University of Florida College of Law.

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