
Even with the 2016 election a full year away, the next election cycle is in full-swing. Along with the discussions about which candidates, if any, are worthy of support of libertarians, there is an ongoing discussion about whether or not libertarians should work within the two major parties. The argument goes like this: “Libertarians will never get elected or be successful, therefore the only way to win is to join the Republican or Democratic Party.” The vast majority of the people who make such an argument seem to forget, or don't know, that the Libertarian Party has elected State Representatives in the Alaska and New Hampshire legislatures in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990’s. This doesn't include the hundreds of people that have been elected to various county, city and town offices around the country. It should be noted that the two major parties have colluded to make it incredibly difficult for people to run for office under the banner of…

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