The charge by Democrats that there is no voter fraud is just downright ridiculous. Most registration rolls are overflowing with illegals, dead people, and people who have moved away. In addition, states that give illegals driving licenses and then require only a drivers license to vote openly encourage illegal voting. And then there is the fact that Democrats do everything they can to block measures that would reduce voter fraud, like voter ID. The fact that you cannot get a library card without a photo idea or get on a plane or rent a movie is not disputed or criticized. Does the Left think that African Americans are being discriminated against by Libraries, airlines, and movie rental places?
US Daily Post reports:
NPR: 25 Million Votes For Clinton ‘Completely Fake’ – She Lost Popular Vote
A study published by NPR reveals that over 25 million Hillary Clinton votes were completely fraudulent, meaning that the Democratic candidate actually lost the popular vote by a huge margin.
A study by the Pew Center claiming that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton failed to take into account dead and fraudulent voters which totalled over 25 million “registered voters”.
According to reports, illegal aliens combined with dead voters and “multiple state” voters explains why Hillary appeared to have won the popular vote over Trump during this years presidential race. reports:
“A report by the Pew Center on the States finds that more than 1.8 million dead people are currently registered to vote, and 24 million registrations are either invalid or inaccurate,” NPR reported in 2012, which is ironic given how NPR is heavily controlled by Democrats.
And many of the dead, registered voters somehow keep voting Democrat from beyond the grave, most recently in Philadelphia, Penn. and Colorado.
It’s also worth noting that the U.S. population has increased since 2012, meaning that there’s likely more dead and invalid voters than before.
“…The Pew study found that almost 3 million people are registered to vote in more than one state,” NPR added.
That’s because when a new resident registers to vote in a state, officials usually never bother to tell his former state about the change in voter residency.
Under the “catch and release” immigration program by the Obama administration, illegal aliens were routinely given bus tickets to travel to other states by immigration officials, so it was theoretically possible for non-citizens to register to vote in a border country illegally, then register to vote in another state after their taxpayer-funded bus dropped them off.
Clinton won most of the 163 most populous counties in the US that account for half of the total votes in the election, including dense urban areas in New York and California, yet she only won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes, which reveals the lack of enthusiasm voters had for her in comparison to Trump – and that Democrats would have depended more on illegal votes.
A portion of the 24 million invalid voter registrations combined with a portion of the 1.8 million dead voters and the over 800,000 known illegal voters could explain the difference of 2.8 million votes, and it’s worth noting that the 800,000 figure could be a low, conservative estimate.
That said, a popular vote victory is meaningless; if the president was elected by popular vote, then both Trump and Clinton would have campaigned in entirely different states because only densely population regions of the U.S. would decide who would become president.
Without the electoral college, the United States of America would be reduced to the United States of New York and California, with 48 other vassal states.
Yet notice how Clinton campaigned in other, less populated states. They knew the popular vote was meaningless ahead of the election.
However, the popular vote is useful as a barometer for voter fraud since the most populous countries are also the most susceptible to election tampering by illegal, invalid and dead voters.
American Thinker reports:
Trump’s Got a Big Job Reining In Voter Fraud
By Michael Kimmitt
President Trump’s assertion that millions of illegal votes were cast in the November election has elicited howls of protest from offended national reporters and pundits who demanded proof. Instead of recoiling, the President doubled down with an executive order to find out just how much voter fraud exists.
It is hard to fathom how anyone, especially those inquiring minds of the Washington press corps, legitimately would be so uninterested in finding the truth. Despite insisting that the President provide evidence of voter fraud, he is being assailed even more vehemently by the Democrat pols, late-night talk show hosts and reporters when he offers to do just that.
A 2014 report based on an investigation conducted by a consortium of 28 universities found that 6.4 percent of the 20 million adult non-citizens in the U.S. had voted in our elections. The study also concluded that, “Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.” That would translate into 1,280,000 illegal votes being recorded, of which an estimated 81 percent, or more than a million, would have gone to Hillary Clinton. But instead of being shocked and dismayed that this level of criminality may be underway, most in the press gloated that Mr. Trump had overstated the voter abuse.
Questionnaires used by the consortium however, revealed a significant number of non-citizens who admitted to voting in our Presidential elections – leading the researchers to conclude this group alone could have cast between a low of 38,000 to a high of 2.8 million illegal votes. We don’t know the extent of the abuse because there has been no attempt to find out, and the liberal press will go to great lengths to keep it that way.
To bolster its case that election fraud is statistically insignificant, the press points to the very few criminal convictions that have been secured by state or federal authorities. But do any of us believe that only those who are ticketed had sped down our highways on a holiday weekend? And state troopers actually make some effort to curtail traffic violations. The Justice Department, however, has been blithely indifferent to preventing possible election fraud.
Obvious but unreported is the fact the Democratic Party pushes an open borders agenda specifically to increase its voter base and rails against “vote suppression” whenever anyone points out that these same illegal immigrants might be participating in and distorting our elections. Fraud long has been an ugly element of American politics, and it has been almost exclusively the dominion of Democrats.
From the reckless corruption of the Boss Tweed and the Tammany Hall thugs in New York during the mid-1800s through the heavy-handed precinct politics favored by Mayor Richard J. Daley and his successors in Chicago during much of the 20th century, to the wide-spread graft of today, the Democratic Party has virtually sole claim to the mechanisms of election corruption.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), of which former President Barack Obama has had a close working association and heavy funding for his campaign coffers, has a 40-year rap sheet of widespread voter registration fraud. Untold thousands who went to their just rewards years ago are resurrected on each election day to cast one more ballot for their favorite Democrat pol, while an estimated 2.8 million are registered to vote in more than one state and often do.
In a recent interview, former Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Claude Arnold described the ease with which illegal immigrants can obtain falsified government documents in California. “In every neighborhood where there is a significant illegal alien population, there are at least several document vendors that provide this service,” Arnold explained. “Typically people buy what we refer to as a three-pack – either a counterfeit resident alien or work authorization card, a counterfeit California drivers license and a counterfeit Social Security card.”
Securing an illicit voter registration card at this point is no problem because the veracity of the documents is seldom confirmed by election officials in the state. “I have worked in six locations across the United States,” Arnold said. “I’ve probably arrested more than 1,000 illegal aliens in my career, and I routinely encounter people in possession of voter registration cards and many admit to having voted.”
It is no coincidence the 18 states plus the District of Columbia that demand no form of identification are those that normally support Democratic Party candidates. California, Illinois, New York, and New Mexico have disproportionately large numbers of immigrants and little effort is made to ensure which are legally entitled to vote. State officials in these jurisdictions actively avoid finding out what is going on.
Officials in these states advance the predictably patronizing notion that members of minority groups are somehow less capable than Caucasians of securing any of the many legitimate forms of identification, and therefore are disproportionately turned away from the polls. Despite the fact that study after study prove this to be untrue and minority voter turnout essentially is unaffected by ID requirements, the left plods on with these foolish assertions.
Mississippi, a state with strict photo ID requirements, now has the nation’s best ratio of black-voter turnout to white-voter turnout, and is one of several Southern states in which voter-registration is higher among blacks than whites. So which state has the greatest racial disparity? It happens to be none other than Massachusetts, which requires not one shred of identification to cast a ballot.
Many nations (Germany, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Canada, France, Belgium, South Africa, etc.) require identification to vote. Americans want the same. A 2012 Pew Research Center poll found 77% of all respondents favored photo IDs. Fox News and Washington Post polls produced similar results. About 65% of African-American and Hispanics citizens also support voter IDs.
Democrat bosses cling desperately to the threadbare canard that any request for photo identification is demeaning and racist. And yet to board a commercial airliner, acquire a business license, purchase a six-pack of beer, open a bank account or cash a check, secure a library card, apply for welfare or other social services, purchase a gun, rent a car and so much more require photo IDs.
Our people have a right to expect that only U.S. citizens of voting age are allow to vote – and just once in each election cycle. Each state should be required to put in place measures to protect the integrity of our elections.
More than half a century after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to strip away Jim Crow laws that corrupted the election process in many states. It is time for the federal government to take similarly decisive steps to require states to certify federal voting standards are uniformly and strictly applied.
American Thinker reports again:
Election Integrity Can’t Wait
By Ken Blackwell
For years, Republicans have pushed to improve election integrity. Democrats, aided by the courts, have fiercely resisted efforts to ensure honest elections. But there’s no good argument against making sure that everyone who casts a ballot is eligible to do so, and that they cast only one per election.
After all, illegal voting is not a victimless crime. Every invalid ballot dilutes the votes of the rest of us. A democracy that does not secure the polls represents rule by the crooked rather than by the people.
Nevertheless, Democratic politicians have fought to make fraud simple. They don’t put it that way, waxing eloquent about battling against voter “suppression” and the like. But the only person who suffers when an ID is required is someone seeking to cast a ballot in another person’s name.
President Donald Trump caused a liberal brouhaha when he asserted that he would have won the popular vote if illegal votes had not been cast. There’s no way to prove his claim, but it doesn’t really matter. Old Dominion University’s Jesse Richman figures that Hillary Clinton gained about 834,000 votes from noncitizens alone who cast ballots.
By his estimate, 6.4 percent of the 20 million adult foreigners living in America voted, most of them for the Democratic nominee. This certainly inflated her popular vote total and might have added electoral votes. Had Trump done slightly worse in the battleground states, the illegal votes could have given her victory in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and thus the presidency.
Apart from noncitizens voting illegally, there’s plenty of fraud committed by people voting for the dead or in multiple jurisdictions. Back in 2012, the Pew Center on the States found nearly 24 million inaccurate or invalid registrations — one of every eight. There were almost two million dead people on the rolls and three million registered in multiple states. About 70,000 people were registered in at least three states!
That’s a lot of potential erroneous or fraudulent votes. Some problems are impossible to miss: an investigation by the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) found numerous registrants on the Pennsylvania rolls who were apparently hale, hearty, and civically active at age 100 or even 200 years. In 2013, the New York City Department of Investigation sent out staffers to cast evidently fraudulent ballots. In an incredible 97 percent of the cases the investigators were allowed to vote. When confronted with the results, the Board of Elections suggested charging the inspectors with election fraud!
Orchestrating vote fraud takes effort. But voting by noncitizens is easy if they’re not required to prove citizenship when registering or a photo ID when voting. And most of them lean Democratic. Acting individually, one by one, without any organized conspiracy, they can change election results for the presidency and other offices across America.
There’s no need to debate the impact of fraud on the last election. No one will ever know precisely how many votes Donald Trump was cheated out of. Thankfully, it didn’t change the presidential outcome. However, Republicans might have lost some members of Congress and state legislators.
Instead, our focus should be on cleaning up the voter pool to prevent mistakes and fraud next time. The ACRU has been using the federal courts to force voter roll cleanup for the last three years and is currently engaged in a battle royal with election officials in Broward County, Florida.
Data from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and the Census Bureau show that voter rolls are contaminated across America, in many cases with more registrants than residents — at least living. That’s an open invitation to fraud, and utterly indefensible.
As Pew found, noncitizens also fill the rolls. In many cases that might reflect more enthusiasm about living in America than ill intent. But it’s still wrong. People should become citizens and then vote.
Also serious is the problem of people being registered in more than one state. It’s easy for someone to move and end up on a second voter roll. One case isn’t a big deal. But millions of them help create error-filled voter lists. Which opens the way for dishonest election results.
In addressing congressional Republicans President Donald Trump recently said, “We also need to keep the ballot box safe from illegal voting.” How can any American disagree with that? “We are going to defend the votes of the American citizen,” he added. Shouldn’t every elected official want to do the same?
The fact that Democrats do not is telling. If they believe proposals from Republicans would be ineffective or overbroad, they should propose better alternatives. Instead, they routinely follow a scorched earth policy against even the most mundane remedy, such as requiring a photo ID to vote. The only reason to do so is to protect illicit voting, which they expect to run in their favor.
Election integrity cannot be delayed. The closer it gets to the next election, the more the Democrats will turn it into a political football. American democracy depends upon accurate voter rolls and honest voting. We must safeguard Americans’ democratic birthright.