
This article is taken from a talk I gave on HIV/AIDS at the 33rd annual meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Ontario, California last week (some of the slides that I used for this talk are put in here). It is based on a commentary I wrote titled “A Fallacy of Modern Medicine: the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.” [1] As I will show, this fallacy has done a great injustice to people who happen to test positive for HIV, to gay men in particular. It has caused the deaths of many thousands of these young men, becoming what one might call a homosexual holocaust.

In 1981 the CDC alerted the medical world to an outbreak of a rare kind of pneumonia and sarcoma in 160 young gay men in New York City and Orange County, CA. HIV/AIDS began as GRID, Gay-Related Immune Deficiency, the name first given to this cluster of cases.

In a study of 20 homosexual men with Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Marmor and colleagues found that all of them used poppers, inhaled amyl nitrite, compared to 68% of controls, comprising 40 gay men who did not have this disease. The affected group also used a lot of other drugs more frequently. The gay men who had Kaposi’s Sarcoma were found to be quite promiscuous, averaging 10 different partners a month. One fellow admitted to having 90 different partners a month. [2] They also found a highly significant association between Kaposi’s Sarcoma and frequent unprotected, receptive anal sex. Rectal endothelium is only one cell layer thick and semen, when absorbed (into the bloodstream), is immunosuppressive. [3]

In 1982, in the New York Native, Mike Callen and Richard Berkowitz wrote what has turned out to be the most explosive and controversial article ever published in the gay press, titled, “We Know Who We Are: Two Gay Men Declare War on Promiscuity.” [4]

They write: “The motto of promiscuous gay men has been ‘So many men, so little time.’ In the 70s we worried about so many men; in the 80s we will have to worry about so little time.”  And:

“We can say from our own experience that changing from an obsessively promiscuous lifestyle is extremely difficult. Even believing as strongly as we do about the risks of promiscuity, we have been tempted to return to the circuit. Old habits die hard. But once one has looked death in the face and seen Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia patients in isolation and witnessed the suffering of Kaposi’s sarcoma victims, change becomes easier.”

But they add:

“We are not suggesting legislating an end to promiscuity. Ultimately, it may be more important to let people die in the pursuit of their own happiness than to limit personal freedom by regulating risk.”

In an interview with AIDS journalist Celia Farber, Mike Callen said:

“By the time I was 25, I figure I had had sex with 3,000 people. I had had every STD you can imagine, several times, bacterial infections, parasitic infections… with unending rounds of antibiotics. This is not to speak of the drugs we use. There is no mystery here, about why we are getting sick. AIDS is a multifactorial syndrome, but straight people can’t bring themselves to talk about what these factors are, and gay people don’t want them to.”

In July 1982, the name “Gay-Related Immune Deficiency” (GRID) went down the Orwellian memory hole, to be replaced with “AIDS,” acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The CDC published a list of 12 AIDS-defining diseases, shown here, consisting of various opportunistic infections and cancer. It is now known that Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is caused by a fungus, and Kaposi’s Sarcoma is not a cancer.

A particular herpes virus causes it.

These are all old diseases affecting people that have become immunocompromised. Moritz Kaposi described the supposed sarcoma named after him in 1872, and two Dutch investigators first described Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, also now called Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, in 1942, documented in 2 infants and a 21 year old adult. (I had one patient with Kaposi’s sarcoma in my heart surgery practice, a gay family friend, much appreciated for his culinary skills, on whom I performed coronary artery bypass surgery,)


At a press conference on April 23, 1984, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Margaret Heckler, announced that a virus “is the probable cause of AIDS”—a retrovirus, which came to be named HIV (human immunodeficiency virus); along with 2 more things: that a “new process has been developed to mass produce the virus”; and we now have a blood test that “can identify AIDS victims with essentially 100% certainty.” HIV/AIDS came into existence by government fiat. The secretary of HHS announced this germ cause of AIDS before any studies had been published about it.

Also that day, virologist Robert Gallo, who some call the father of science by press release, submitted a patent for his HIV “antibody blood test,” bringing him millions of dollars in royalties.

Gay leaders abandoned the multifactorial risk hypothesis of AIDS. If caused by a sexually transmitted virus, then AIDS is “everybody’s disease,” also affecting heterosexual men and women. AIDS is not prejudiced, it can kill anyone.

In this current era of gay liberation, pointing a finger at the lifestyle of homosexual men raises sensitivities. Better to go with the “no blame, virus from hell” cause of AIDS.

AIDS investigator Joan Shenton puts it this way:

“Once HIV was accepted as the cause of AIDS by the majority of gay men, a certain sense of relief entered their lives. They had seen many of their lovers and closest friends waste away before their eyes. Now they could grieve for them, knowing that HIV, this strange, novel virus, said to have come from Africa, had caused the death of their loved one… Anyone challenging the accepted viral cause of death was deeply resented, and quickly labelled homophobic. That was sacrilege.”

The human immunodeficiency virus was no longer called just HIV, it became “HIV, the virus that causes AIDS,” and today, simply, “HIV/AIDS.”

In 1987 the CDC revised its list of AIDS diseases, now totaling 25.

The CDC added four more AIDS-indicator diseases to its list in 1992. Now you could be perfectly healthy and still have AIDS if you were found to be HIV+ and your T-cell lymphocyte count was below a certain level. Pulmonary tuberculosis was added. If you have tuberculosis and are HIV- you have tuberculosis, if you have tuberculosis and are HIV+, then you have AIDS. The CDC added cervical cancer to the list, perhaps as a way to increase the number of women having AIDS, since men continued to comprise 90 percent of all AIDS victims. With the addition of a low T-cell count, 61 percent of all new cases of AIDS are now healthy people with no disease.


AZT (zidovudine, azidothymidine, Retrovir) was the first drug the FDA approved, in 1987, for treating people who are HIV+. Critics now know that its approval was based on fraudulent research, on trials that became unblinded and were terminated prematurely. This drug was first employed for cancer chemotherapy but proved to be too toxic and oncologists stopped using it.

The patient cited on this slide, although healthy, took AZT after he was found to be HIV +. Intolerable side-effects made him stop taking it two years later. He then developed a lymphoma and died. It turns out that people who take AZT for 3 years have a 46.4 percent probability of developing lymphoma.

An “International Conference on AIDS” was held in Berlin in 1993 when AZT was at its height. But that year the Concorde study was published, which showed that AZT was not effective and was in fact shortening lives; and this drew a handful of dissidents to the conference.

A man stood outside the conference holding a sign that read, translated in English, “To the devil—AZT.” In an action reminiscent of Hitler’s SA and its gay leader Ernest Rohm, in Berlin 60 years earlier in 1933, a mob of gay men called ACT UP attacked the sign holder, beat him up, cracked his sign in half, and set his stack of anti-AZT flyers on fire while security guards stood by and watched. The drug company that makes AZT, Burroughs Welcome, funded ACT UP, flew its gay members first-class to Berlin and put them up in one of the city’s best hotels.

On the first day of the conference, a Dutch man deposited a stack of articles in the press room that quoted Luc Montagnier, who later won the Nobel Prize for discovering HIV, Montagnier wrote that he did not believe HIV acting alone caused AIDS. Armed guards confiscated the stack of articles, forcibly took the man out of the conference center, and authorities expelled him from the country.

American AIDS

This slide shows the number of AIDS cases, deaths, and funding during its first 20 years in America. The number of people who are HIV+, however, has stayed at less than a million up through today, while the population has grown from 235 million in 1984 to 319 million now.

In the period 1988 through 1996, there were 235,000 recorded AIDS deaths. AZT caused more than 96 percent of these deaths, with 140,000 deaths occurring in HIV+ young gay men, 20-44 years old.

HIV/AIDS Orthodoxy

I had what one might call an elite education at Dartmouth and Harvard and then surgical residency training at three hospitals affiliated with Columbia University. Then I moved to Seattle and joined the surgical faculty at the University of Washington School of Medicine. But like my colleagues there, and is the case with most doctors, I lived in a knowledge cocoon, mine wrapped around adult heart surgery; and I did not question the received wisdom that a virus causes AIDS.  I read little about it and accepted what our infectious disease specialists told us to do if you should get pricked by a needle or cut by a knife operating on an HIV+ patient. When I performed heart surgery on an HIV+ patient, I’d put on two pairs of gloves and the surgical team would be extra careful handling needles and knives.

This changed in 1996 when my wife and I went to our favorite bookstore in Seattle and heard Peter Duesberg, Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkley, talk about his new book Inventing the AIDS Virus. I bought a copy and read it. It was a real eye-opener.

Koch’s Postulates

Dr. Duesberg shows that the germ theory AIDS fails a key test. That is Koch’s four postulates for identifying the causative agent of a particular disease. First, the germ causing the disease must be found in

all cases of the disease. But not with HIV. A person can have a low T-Cell count and any of the AIDS-defining diseases and be HIV-. Orthodox health authorities, unable to ignore this, have invented a label for it: “idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia” (ICL).

Second, as regards isolating the virus, with HIV it can’t be done. Dr. Etienne de Harven, who published the first electron microscopy picture of a retrovirus (in 1960), notes, “no one has ever observed by electron microscopy one single retroviral particle in the blood of HIV/AIDS patients.” He writes:

“All the images of particles supposedly representing HIV and published in scientific as well as in lay publications derive from EM studies of cell cultures. They never show HIV particles coming directly from an AIDS patient. The pictures are always embellished by computerized image reconstruction, with attractive and refined 3-dimensional effects.”

And as he points out, 8 percent of the human genome is composed of Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERV), which can be mistaken for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

With regard to the third and fourth postulates, blood from AIDS patients injected into chimpanzees do not give them AIDS or make them become HIV+. As for injecting drugs using dirty needles, some studies show that using clean needles is associated, not with a decreased, but with an increased likelihood of becoming HIV+.

This virus lives happily incorporated in the DNA of cultured human T cells. It infects less than 1 in 10,000 T cells in the body and doesn’t kill them.

Real Causes of AIDS

The next stage in my education on HIV/AIDS occurred in 2003 at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) in Phoenix, where Willie Soon gave a presentation on climate change; Howard Idso, on CO2; and David Rasnick, on the causes of AIDS.

I wrote an article for LewRockwell.com about this meeting, titled “Finding Truth in Phoenix.” [5] Its conclusion reads: “The three truths discussed here, on climate change, carbon dioxide, and AIDS, share one thing in common, as do other truths found at this meeting. They all correct flawed hypotheses and models that have resulted from government involvement in science and medicine.”

Dr. Rasnick presented the findings of a key paper he wrote with Drs. Duesberg and Koehnlein published in the Journal of Biosciences titled “The Chemical Bases of the Various AIDS Epidemics: Recreational Drugs, Anti-viral Chemotherapy and Malnutrition.” [6] These investigators show that HIV is an innocuous, passenger virus; that AIDS is not contagious and therefore is not treatable by antiviral drugs or vaccines.

At this point, 20 years into the alleged AIDS epidemic, spreading psychological terror and toxic treatment, the “scientific truth as opposed to the politically perceived truth,” as DDP’s Dr. Arthur Robinson would put it, is that a virus does not cause AIDS. Other things cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Duesberg etal. discuss three of them in their J. Biosciences paper: heavy-duty use of recreational drugs, antiviral drugs, and malnutrition.

Another cause of AIDS, which people don’t like to talk about, particularly straight people, as Mike Callen notes, is frequent, unprotected anal sex.

Six Books

During the first 20 years of the AIDS era a number of good books have been written on the fallacy of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. Six of them are shown here:

Robert Root-Bernstein, the author of Rethinking AIDS, is a professor of physiology at Michigan State University. Elinor Burkett is a university history professor who switched to journalism. Infectious AIDS: Have We Been Misled is another good one by Peter Duesberg. Neville Hodgkinson, author of AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science, is a journalist with the UK Sunday Times. Joan Shenton is a medical journalist and producer of documentaries on health issues. And Christine Maggiore, who wrote What if Everything You Thought About AIDS WAS WRONG?, was found to be HIV+, questioned authority, and became a well-informed and astute author and HIV dissident.

HIV/AIDS Developments 2004-2007

In 2004, the book Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life and Times of Peter H. Duesberg by Harvey Bialy was published. Dr. Bialy is a molecular biologist and the founding scientific editor of the journal Nature Biotechnology. After reading it, I went down to visit him in Cuernavaca, Mexico, where he was then living and wrote an article about it for LewRockwell.com. This is what my colleague and friend Gerald Pollack, Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington writes about it:

“The book reminds us that although over $100 billion has been spent on AIDS research, not a single AIDS patient has been cured—a colossal failure with tragic consequences. It explains in too-clear terms the reasons why AIDS research focuses so single-mindedly on this lone hypothesis to the exclusion of all others: egos, prestige, and money. Mainstream virologists have assumed the power of the purse, and their self-interests (sometimes financial), propel them to suppress challenges. This is not an unusual story: challenges to mainstream views are consistently suppressed by mainstream scientists who have a stake in maintaining the status quo. It’s not just Semmelweis and Galileo, but is happening broadly in today’s scientific arena.”

Dr. Pollack has done ground-breaking work on the structure of water, which he describes in his book The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor.

In 2006, Dr. Duesberg and I gave talks at a Lew Rockwell conference (titled “Be Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise”) held at the Center for Libertarian Studies in Foster City, California. I didn’t know it at the time, but Foster City, in the Bay Area, is the home of the politically connected pharmaceutical company Gilead, the worldwide revenue leader in sales of HIV antiretroviral drugs, with more than $9 billion in sales in 2013. Donald Rumsfeld was chairman of Gilead when he resigned to become Secretary of Defense in 2001. While most pharmaceutical companies are named after their founders, the name Gilead comes from the Bible, from Jeremiah 8:22, which reads, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?”

I was one physician there, giving a talk on iodine and fluoride (“Healthy and Harmful Halogens: Iodine and Fluoride”) and Peter Duesberg gave one (“Is AIDS a Viral or a Chemical Epidemic? – a Multi-Billion-Dollar Question”) showing why that Biblically-named drug company should not keep selling antiretroviral drugs.

Journalist Celia Farber wrote an article in 2006 that Harper’s published, titled “Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science,” which she included in her book Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS. This article created quite a furor. But it soon died down and the corruption in AIDS science and HIV care that she exposed was not addressed and corrected, nor, as its cover article advocated, was Bush impeached.

In 2007, two important books on HIV/AIDS were published, one by Rebecca Culshaw, a Canadian-trained mathematician and assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at Tyler. The other one, The Origin, Persistence, and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory is by Henry Bauer. He is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Science Studies and Dean Emeritus of Arts & Sciences at Virginia Tech.

A reviewer of Dr. Culshaw’s book writes:

“Noting the long recognized near impossibility of isolating HIV particles even from advanced AIDS patients, Culshaw remarks: ‘The farcical concept of viral load was invented to create the illusion of correcting this embarrassing fact.’ The book demonstrates that the entire theoretical edifice of HIV/AIDS is an illusion, a vast farce, now a faith, the greatest blunder in the history of medicine. It will forever shame what we today accept as ‘science’ that a courageous young mathematician, armed with one brief volume, can so easily discredit twenty years of Earth’s most advanced research enterprise.”

Regarding Dr. Bauer’s book, the late Joel Kaufman makes this important point:

“One of the most difficult things to write is a refutation of a massive fraud, especially a health fraud, in the face of research cartels, media control, and knowledge monopolies by financial powerhouses… The obstacles to dumping the dogma are clearly highlighted as Dr. Bauer discusses the near impossibility of having so many organizations recant, partly because of the record number of lawsuits that would arise.”

Rethinking AIDS

In 2009, the group Rethinking AIDS held a conference in Oakland. Most of the leading AIDS dissidents were there. The group made a brochure they handed out at the conference called “The AIDS Trap.” It explains why one should refuse to have an HIV test. [6]

It begins: “A positive result on an HIV test will change your life forever. You could lose friends, your relationships, your health insurance, your job, the custody of your kids, even your sanity.”

This conference made clear what the true facts on AIDS are, which include the following:

An HIV+ status may indicate and accompany immune deficiency, but is not its cause.

Heterosexual sex does not transmit HIV or cause AIDS

Drug-free prostitutes and porn stars do not become HIV+.

The predicted heterosexual AIDS pandemic did not happen.

Less than 1 million people in the U.S. are HIV+, a prevalence that has dropped somewhat over the last 30 years.

Now entering its fourth decade, AIDS remains confined to its two original risk groups

Promiscuous gay men, accounting for close to 2/3rds of the cases, and

Drug addicts, 1/3rd.

But what about Africa?

AIDS in Africa

In 2009, Peter Duesberg and coauthors submitted a paper titled “HIV-AIDS Hypothesis Out of Touch With S. African AIDS – A New Perspective” to the journal Medical Hypotheses. [9] Accepted and while in press the journal put the paper online on its website.

It critiques a Harvard study which estimated 330,000 S. African AIDS deaths occurred each year in the period 2000-2005 (no actual count took place) that could have been prevented by antiretroviral drugs. Duesberg etal. show that rather than decrease, the Sub-Saharan African population has markedly increased, from 400 million in 1980 to 800 million in 2007, and up to 1.1 billion in 2013.

In Uganda, where 15 percent of Ugandan men are HIV+, overpopulation has become a central concern. The population there has tripled during the AIDS era, increasing from 12 million in 1980 to 37 million in 2013.

The HIV/AIDS establishment did not like hearing this and attacked. It went after Elsevier, the publisher of Medical Hypotheses, demanding that it make this paper disappear. Elsevier, which also publishes 187 other medical and scientific journals, complied. It fired the editor of Medical Hypotheses and stopped publishing this journal for several months until it could find and appoint a more compliant editor.

Questioning HIV/AIDS Orthodoxy

In 2014, the public health journal Frontiers in Public Health published a “Hypothesis and Theory Article” titled “Questioning the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent,” written by Patricia Goodson, a junior faculty member in the Department of Health & Kinesiology at Texas A&M.

This 8,000-word paper challenges four categories of data supporting HIV-AIDS: They are 1) viral markers: HIV antibodies and viral load; 2) Transmission electron microscopy images of retroviruses; 3) The efficacy of antiviral drugs; and 4) Epidemiological studies. It is a powerful piece. [10]

She writes: “The scientific establishment worldwide insistently refuses to re-examine the HIV-AIDS hypothesis,” even though it is becoming increasingly “more difficult to accept.” And:

“This paper represents a call to reflect upon our public health practice vis-à-vis HIV-AIDS… The debate between orthodox and unorthodox scientists comprises much more than an intellectual pursuit or a scientific skirmish: it is a matter of life-and-death. It is a matter of justice. Millions of lives, worldwide, have been and will be significantly affected by an HIV or AIDS diagnosis. If we—the public health work force— lose sight of the social justice implication and the magnitude of the effect, we lose “the very purpose of our mission.”

Donating Blood

During my 40-year cardiac surgery career I used a lot of bank blood, some 8 to 9,000 units in 6,000 heart surgeries. Now retired and having a rare blood type (B negative) I decided to start donating blood, every two months. I had never had an HIV test and knew that when you donate blood you must agree to be tested for HIV before the Red Cross can process it. I agreed.

A healthy blood donor who tests positive for HIV will be put on a treatment regime that adheres to government-issued guidelines, spelled out in the 285-page AIDS info: Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-infected Adults and Adolescents. [11]

HIV Care

A provider will typically start this person on a three-drug antiviral protocol known as “two nukes and a third drug,” like with those shown here [9]:

The FDA so far has approved 28 antiretroviral drugs.

These drugs are toxic. The majority of people who take them experience unpleasant side effects, most commonly nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Other adverse effects include unendurable headaches, premature aging (due to mitochondrial damage), gallstones (especially with protease inhibitors), severe anemia (requiring blood transfusions), lactic acidosis, and cardiovascular disease. Liver failure is the leading cause of death in HIV+ people who take these drugs, followed by cancer, in 30 percent.

Henry Bauer has compiled a thorough 28-page online brief titled “The Case Against HIV,” which has 51 pages of references—896 of them. [13] HIV doctors blame the virus for the liver failure and cancer that afflict HIV+ people taking antiviral drugs. Dr. Bauer provides substantial evidence here which backs the opposite conclusion. The HIV drugs doctors prescribe are what cause fatal liver failure and cancer these patients. They are what the medical profession call iatrogenic diseases—diseases that doctors themselves cause from the treatments they use.

It turns out that there are many things—more that 70—that can cause a false-positive HIV test. Some of them are vaccinations, particularly the influenza, tetanus, and hepatitis B vaccines; rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and other autoimmune diseases; malaria; renal failure; multiparous pregnancy; and African ancestry. More than 40 percent of people with lupus will test positive for HIV.

Two new developments in HIV care are Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), promoting universal coverage with antiviral drugs to prevent HIV infections, based on the tenet that prevention is the best “treatment.” The other one is Pay for Performance for Patients (P4P4P), giving patients financial incentives to get tested and to keep on taking the prescribed antiretroviral drugs. [12]

Kalichman’s Commentary

The journal that published Patricia Goodson’s article is a Swiss-based open-access journal, one which Elsevier does not publish. The government’s National Library of Medicine, PubMed, lists this journal; and the articles it publishes are available online, free, without a subscription. So her HIV/AIDS critique has a potentially wide readership.

Like they did with Duesberg etal.’s paper on African AIDS, the HIV/AIDS establishment demanded that the Swiss head of Frontiers in Public Health withdraw Dr. Goodson’s article. Instead, this journal invited an AIDS acolyte to write a commentary on it. It chose Seth Kalichman, a professor of social psychology at the University of Connecticut to do this.

This prominent attack bull for the AIDS establishment starts his commentary with this sentence: “The earth is spherical. The holocaust occurred. Man did walk on the moon. CO2 admissions are warming the planet. And yes, HIV causes AIDS.” [14] (He is wrong on three of these things: on HIV, CO2, and the earth is ellipsoidal, not spherical.)

Kalichman dismisses Dr. Goodson’s critique with comments like these: she cites “no credible evidence,” makes “fraudulent claims,” that her views are “myopic,” and that they “evade and deny reality.” Nowhere in his relatively short (1,300-word) commentary does he confront any of the valid challenges she raises against this hypothesis.

An HIV/AIDS critic is an “AIDS denialist,” a label he repeats 13 times in the piece, and the tagline, “AIDS denialism,” 5 times. He mainly makes ad hominem attacks on HIV critics.

Kalichman writes elsewhere:  “So, what can we do about AIDS denialism? There will always be crazy people who say crazy things. AIDS denialists only do harm when people listen to them.”

His response shows that the only cards HIV priests have to play to counter critiques of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis are 1) personal disparagement and 2) taking refuge in the circular argument that “those who dissent from orthodoxy are thereby discredited, hence there’s no credibility in their dissent.”

Dr. Goodson’s 2014 review is proving to be a victory for HIV truth. Despite the pressure put on it, the public health journal that published her paper refused to retract it. The full text of the article remains online, freely available, and so far more than 25,000 people have downloaded it. Under cartel pressure, however, the journal did two unfortunate things. It no longer calls her paper, as it should, a “Hypothesis and Theory Article,” which is more appropriate than what it is now labelled, an “Opinion Article.” Her

critique is an open minded report without prejudice and is not an opinion piece.  The second thing is this: the journal moved its abstract into the body of paper, as its first paragraph, making it unacceptable to abstracting services like PubMed, which now lists only the paper’s title, without an abstract. [10] This, at least, is a lesser evil than outright blacklisting of the paper.

Leading AIDS Apostles

HIVAIDS is like a religion, with its creed, code, cult, and catechism. Leading apostles of the HIV/AIDS creed have been the ones shown above. Peter Duesberg discovered the first retroviral oncogene with a coworker (in 1970) and was considered the king of retroviral research until Robert Gallo, at the National Cancer institute, deposed him. Dr. Gallo calls heretic Duesberg’s work “total and absolute nonsense.”

For the last 30 years, Anthony Fauci has been America’s de facto AIDS czar. As Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, he holds the purse strings on billions of dollars for AIDS research, but only to study HIV; and he maintains close ties with the drug giant Gilead. Fauci deals with Duesberg this way: “Don’t comment about Duesberg for fear it will legitimize him.” Dr. Fauci makes sure that Professor Duesberg never appears on national TV by intimidating producers that want to interview him. When already scheduled, like he was on Good Morning America, who flew him from Berkeley to New York for its show, Dr. Fauci stepped in and blocked it and appeared on the show in Duesberg’s place.

David Baltimore, head of the NIH AIDS vaccine research committee and a Nobel Laureate, calls Professor Duesberg “irresponsible and pernicious.” Dr. Joep Lange, a Dutch HIV physician and researcher, was a leading advocate of pre-exposure prophylaxis. (He was a passenger on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 on his way to an AIDS conference when it was shot down over the Ukraine.) He denounced Duesberg on Dutch television, calling him “a lunatic.”

And then there is Mark Wainberg and John Moore.

John Lauritsen Responds

John Lauritsen, a Harvard-educated, AIDS dissident, and gay liberationist has written 3 important books on HIV/AIDS, shown above.

In his “Defence of AIDS Critics,” published in the Gay and Lesbian Humanist, John Lauritsen notes that Dr. Mark Wainberg, president of the International AIDS Society, backs jailing HIV/AIDS deniers.

John Moore at Cornell University, in a letter to a young AIDS dissident, writes:

“This IS a war, there ARE no rules, and we WILL crush you, one at a time, completely and utterly (at least the more influential ones; foot-soldiers like you aren’t worth bothering with).”

On the history of homosexuality, John Lauritsen writes:

“It has been ruthlessly suppressed in the West since the 4th century AD when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. Gay men have been shamed and ostracized, imprisoned, tortured, pilloried, castrated, beaten, hung, burned at the stake, along with heretics and witches. The death penalty for male-to-male sex remained on the book in England until 1861 and in Scotland until 1887. In the U.S. it wasn’t until 2003 that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (in Lawrence vs. Texas) that state laws criminalizing sodomy and other private sexual activity are unconstitutional.”

John Lauritsen also makes this point:

“AIDS research serves the interest of the state by focusing on HIV as an equal opportunity cause of AIDS. This infectious, egalitarian cause exempts the two primary AIDS risk groups, gay men and intravenous drug users, from any blame in acquiring the disease(s) owing to their behavioral choices.”

The church of HIV/AIDS anathematizes nonbelievers, calling them AIDS deniers or AIDS denialists, which its adherents equate with being a Holocaust denier. They have it backwards. The dissidents that the Kalichmans and Coopers of the world brand AIDS deniers are, in fact, AIDS realists. Many biochemical scientists are AIDS realists and reject the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. [15]

The Gallos, Kalichmans and Coopers of the world are the true deniers. They deny the reality that in the 1980s and 1990s HIV testing and high-dose AZT caused a homosexual holocaust, killing more than 140,000 young gay men, just as their lifestyle (rightly so) had stopped being vilified and punished by the state.

The Ten Lies

Dr. Etienne de Harven, in his book Ten Lies About AIDS, unmasks the falsehoods surrounding AIDS in a concise fashion. Regarding lie no. 9, there has been no AIDS epidemic anywhere, in the U.S., Europe, or Africa. And (lie no. 10) scientific discoveries are not made by consensus.

Dr. Bauer’s online “Case Against HIV” is divided into 9 sections.  Section 4.1 is on all of the predictions that have proved wrong, 13 of them—like there has been no epidemic in the porn industry; no decline in the population of Africa; and after 30 years, still no vaccine for HIV, despite more than 15 trials, costing $120 M each.

The Economics of HIV/AIDS

The U.S. government so far has spent $420 billion on HIV/AIDS programs and research. Even adjusted for inflation, this is more than it spent sending a man to the moon. It is ten times more than the $40 billion the U.S. government has spent on climate science since 1992.

With HIV care, antiretroviral drugs cost between 17,000 and 21,000 dollars per patient per year. [12] The CEO of Gilead, John Martin, is paid $50 M a year, which makes him one of the top ten highest compensated CEOs in America.

This is a classic case of Crony Corporatism meets Bureaucratic Junk Science. Regarding pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, investigative reporter Terry Michaels writes:

“Tens of millions of mostly taxpayer dollars were squandered in behalf of Gilead, so the drug company could reap potential billions in new revenues, by exposing untold number of HIV negatives [people] to toxic chemotherapy.”

Some Good News

One piece of good news is that this year the U.S. Military Appeals Court overturned an HIV conviction, which sentenced this sergeant to an 8-year jail term for attending a sex party not disclosing that he is HIV+. Acknowledging the fact that the likelihood of heterosexual HIV transmission is close to non-existent, which lawyers for the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice [16] pointed out, the court ruled that the evidence used to convict the sergeant was “legally insufficient.”


In summary, to quote Shakespeare (in the Rape of Lucrece):

“Time’s glory is to calm contending kings,

To unmask falsehood

And bring truth to light.”

The catechism “HIV causes AIDS” bas brought about wrong diagnoses, psychological terror, toxic treatments, a homosexual holocaust, and a squandering of public funds. A fallacy of modern medicine is the HIV/AIDS hypothesis.


1 – Published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2015;20(1-Spring):18-19. Available at: http://www.jpands.org/vol20no1/miller.pdf

2 — Marmor M, Friedman-Kien AE, Laubenstein L, et al. Risk factors for Kaposi’s Sarcoma in Homosexual Men. Lancet 1982;319(15 May):1083-1087.

3 – Marmor M, Friedman-Kien AD, Zolla-Pazner S, et al. Kaposi’s Sarcoma in Homosexual Men. Annals of Internal Medicine 1984;100:809-815.

4 – At: http://richardberkowitz.com/tag/we-know-who-we-are/

5 – “Finding Truth in Phoenix” is at: http://archive.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller9.html

6 – At: http://www.duesberg.com/papers/chemical-bases.html

7 – “A Modern-Day Copernicus: Peter H. Duesberg” is at: http://archive.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller18.html

8 – At: http://theaidstrap.com/The-AIDS-Trap-English.pdf

9 – At:  https://hivskeptic.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/duesbergmedhypothesessa1.pdf

10 – At: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpubh.2014.00154/full

11 –At: https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/contentfiles/lvguidelines/adultandadolescentgl.pdf

12 – See “10 Changes in HIV Care That Are Revolutionizing the Field,” John Bartlett (December 2, 2013) Available at: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/814712

13 – At: http://thecaseagainsthiv.net/

14 – At: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpubh.2015.00030/full

15 – See: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/group.htm

16 – The Office of Scientific and Medical Justice is at: http://www.omsj.org/

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