
With all of the personal finance tips getting thrown around on the internet, you are most likely familiar with several trends and ideas that have gained popularity over the year. Just to name a few basics one, there are saving money on summer vacation tips, save money on back to school tips, save money playing sports tips, DIY Halloween costume ideas, the 52-week savings challenge, personal budget tips, coupon apps, and

The variety does not end there. Every single one of these trendy topics can be broken down into multiple different sub-topics. There are countless new ideas being funneled into the world of personal finance as people and writers come up with ideas in sheer volume. With that being said, there is a new trend to talk about when it comes to maintaining your personal finances. It has to do with Siri on the iPhone.

Siri made its debut a few years ago as a voice-activated system that gave iPhone users a new way to use their phone and apps. There are plenty of aspects of Siri that people do not take advantage of; for instance, plenty of people do not realize how helpful Siri is as a personal finance assistant. Here are a number of ways that Siri can be used to be smarter and more efficient financially.

1. Compare Costs

When it is time to make a game time decision on a product with two different sizes and costs, Siri can make that call for you. Products with different sizes have a different price per unit. The lower unit price is the better deal. In order to figure this all out, you would normally have to do some calculations in your head, but Siri can do all that when you simply ask it.

2. Finding ATMs

When you are in the need of cash, then you can make your life simpler by asking Siri where the nearest ATM is. This works especially well if you are in a hurry because you can stay on-the-go with Siri. On top of this, you can ask Siri to find the nearest ATM of a specific bank which is especially helpful for avoiding fees.

3. Reminders

Paying bills by their due date is especially important. If you do not have a system going, then it is easy to lose a bill or to forget about it. You may have guessed Siri can help.When you receive random bills in the mail or online, you can tell Siri to set a reminder by simply telling it to. This can be done quickly, so it is convenient.

4. Tip Calculator

When you are at the bar and need to calculate the tip, you can just ask Siri to help you out. By telling it the amount of the bill, Siri can calculate it instantly which can help you avoid overpaying on a dinner bill.

5. Price Listings

If you are thinking about making some new purchase without much knowledge of the product pricing, then ask Siri to give you a full listing of prices. Take cars for example. You can ask Siri to provide a list of different prices from different sources in the area. It is a quick and easy way to get a sense of direction on where to look for that new purchase.

6. Checking Stocks

For all the investors or curious stock enthusiasts, Siri is another quick, simple way to check up on the current stock situation.By simply asking Siri, you can generate information on a specific stock in or a general overview of the stock market.


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The post How to Use Siri as a Personal Finance Manager appeared first on LendEDU.

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