
Come on you guys!!!

You had one simple job, and guess what, all you had to do was to stand still and keep your mouth shut!!

You even managed to make a scene out of that!

In case you are not aware what I am referring to, our newly-formed long-awaited savior cabinet have made it to international news as the cabinet that alters photos using photoshops.

Yes, the Lebanese government has used photoshop to produce their official cabinet photo. According to the Associated Press, you can see in the photo below that the first shot was taken with Berri and the ministers present, after which Berri who was headed for Kuwait had to leave for the airport. When the missing ministers arrived, the group stood again for a new picture without Berri, who was then added by Photoshop.


Why does it matter?

“Adding elements to a photograph is entirely unacceptable and is in clear violation of AP’s standards,” said AP vice president and director of photography Santiago Lyon. This is why after learning of the photograph’s manipulation on Sunday, the AP removed the image from its archives and issued an advisory to customers not to use it.

What did the Presidential media advisor have to say about this?

“So what?” was Adib Abi Akl’s response when asked to comment. The presidential media adviser continued:” The photo has been sent to the media, it is your choice to use them or not.”

Come on you guys! We have waited 11 months for you to get your act together, couldn’t you have organized your schedules a little bit more and saved us this rough start and negative media coverage globally.

We can’t even ask you to cheat and do a good job cheating anymore!

We are not expecting you to suddenly become the world’s most ethical and honorable politicians overnight, but as Lebanese we do expect you to be good at avoiding getting caught!

You guys, and lady, are up for a rough start. What is a photo after all. Don’t let that demotivate you, you had a lot of bad guys to catch!


Adel Nehmeh

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Filed under: Lebanon Tagged: AP slams lebanese cabinet fo fake photo, lebanese cabinet alters photo, lebanese cabinet fake photo

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