By Darren Young
In 1986, Jon Bon Jovi released a song entitled Livin’ on a Prayer. I grew up listening to it. I don’t remember most of the lyrics, but I remember the chorus. I can hear it in my head, ‘Woah, livin’ on a prayer …’
I’ve been thinking about those lyrics this week. Livin’ on a prayer. Not in terms of the way that Jon Bon Jovi uses them, but rather the way that the Bible does.
From the beginning to the end of His Word, God makes clear that he intends for us to depend upon Him in prayer for all of our needs. And not simply to generally depend upon him, but rather each and every day. Uniquely.
The people of God in the desert (after living in slavery in Egypt) were required to trust God every day for their provision. Manna from heaven. It would arrive fresh each day (except the Sabbath). When Jesus taught his disciples (and you and I) what it meant to walk with God, he taught us to ask God each day, ‘Give us today our daily bread.’
This prayer has had unique relevance and power in my life and leadership this week. Each day I’ve prayed uniquely for what I need that day. Some days those prayers have been very weighty. Wisdom. Finances. Mental health. Each day I’ve prayed uniquely. And each day as I put my head down on my pillow I spent time reflecting on how God answered that prayer for me that day. It has not always looked how I hoped, but each day He has been faithful. He promised he would be.
There is no doubt in my mind that in this season, God has been requiring us as followers of Jesus and as leaders to be daily dependent on Him. We’ve no doubt lost some of that in our North American culture.
I want to encourage you to two things this week:
Establish a rhythm of daily dependence. Set aside focused time to ask God for the bread you need that day.
Join me and others on a National Church Leader Prayer Call this Friday at 8 am PST/11 am EST.
Our partners at Exponential are hosting this prayer call focused on the needs and opportunities facing the Church during this pandemic. I’d love for you to join me.
I’m praying for you. That God would grant you today (and every day) your daily bread. No more. No less.
The post What we need more than anything right now as leaders appeared first on Leadership Network.