We’re each experiencing the weight of isolation and uncertainty in the midst of this leadership challenge. It’s unlike anything we’ve seen before. The people in our churches are experiencing uncertainty and anxiety as well. We all need to connect, engage and deepen community through this.
That’s why we’re inviting you to participate in a new initiative we have been working toward, in partnership with Barna and Gloo, our research and technology friends. They are offering a suite of 4 simple surveys for checking in with your people at a consistent cadence. Our hope is that this would assist you in connecting with your people while continuing to weave together the common thread around creating digital connection and community.
In addition, Barna is extending an invitation to participate in its new Weekly Pastor Poll. By taking part in this poll weekly (it’s effortless, we promise), you can see how other leaders are responding, week by week. We need to learn from one another in this Kingdom moment.
Here’s how to get started:
1. Register your church.
When you do, if you still have questions about how these tools can assist you in this season, head here to learn more.
2. Take the Weekly Pastor Poll
3. Deploy any of the other assessment offerings to your leaders, people, or community that can be found upon registering.
4. View results on an interactive dashboard nationally and specific to your region or denomination.
We hope that this will be a great resource for you. Take some time to explore its potential.
We are standing with you in this. Below are other great resources and links to serve you. Let us know if we can assist in any further way.
More resources to help:
COVID-19 Church Survey Summary Report
Chemistry Staffing offers coaching for COVID-19 staff change decisions
Ed Stetzer Leadership Podcast and free resources
Information on the CARES Act from Vanderbloemen Search Group
US Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s briefing on funding for non-profits
The post Deepening connection in a time of isolation and uncertainty appeared first on Leadership Network.