General Announcements
This Week in Pictures
Ed-Tech Corner
Counselors Corner
ECC Announcements
Elementary Announcements
Middle School Announcements
High School Announcements
Athletic Announcements
Dates to Remember
General Announcements
Congratulations to Zhang Qian, our High School Chinese teacher, who had 10 poems published in a book by Yi Wen Publisher in Shanghai last month. The poetry book compiled 300 poems from Chinese poets and overseas Chinese poets. TIS is proud of you!
Emergency Notifications
TIS would like to contact parents in a timely fashion in the event of major school bus delays. In the event of a delay, parents will receive a text from the phone number, 182-0265-4060. This number cannot be used for SMS replies or parent calls. It will be solely used to send SMS emergency messages to parents.
In order for TIS to contact parents via SMS please be sure the you have the most up-to-date mobile phone on file in PowerSchool. Please contact Admissions to update any new mobile numbers for your family. If parents have any other questions about bus lines or queries, please also contact the Admissions office at 8371 0900 x 311.
Principals Coffee and PTO Meeting
You are invited to attend the Principals' Coffee and PTO Meeting coming up next Wednesday, March 11. Meet for a time of refreshments, answers your questions and learning ways to serve at TIS. Bussing is provided, see meeting and bus schedule below.
10am ~ ECC & Elementary parents in the Blue Room
10:45am ~ PTO meeting in the White Room ~ Parents in All Divisions Welcome !
Noon ~ Secondary parents in the Blue Room
In order for our principals to answer your concerns, questions must be submitted in any of our four main language groups by Monday March 9. Please submit your questions in one of two ways. Principals will use the questions you submit and are eager to speak to issues that are important to you.
Click on this online suggestion form to submit questions or topics ahead of time that you would like to discuss. This same link can be found under the 'Community' tab on our website.
Pick up a suggestion form on the table just outside the admission’s office. Fill it out and return it to the box.
Bus Pick-Ups
9:00am Aocheng ~ > TIS (45 seats bus)
8:55am YG100 ~> 9:05am Aocheng ~> 9:27am HYCZ ~ > 9:30am BDHT ~> TIS (Raspberry Bus)
9:15am Olympic ~ > 9:25am Youyi ~> TIS (Watermelon Bus)
Return Bussing
12:15pm TIS ~ > Aocheng (45 seats bus)
1:00pm TIS ~ > BDHT ~> HYCZ ~ > Aocheng ~ > YG100 (Raspberry Bus)
1:00pm TIS ~ > Youyi ~ > Olympic (Watermelon Bus)
Chinese Speaking Tea
March 12th, Thursday from 11:00-12:00 at white glass room. Our guest speaker, Dr. David Park, a family physician from Tianjin Family United is going to give us parents a talk about children’s health, focusing on abdominal pain and other parents frequent asked questions. (Seeing Bio information below). The talk will be in English with Korean and Chinese translation. There will be a potluck lunch after the talk. Parents are welcome to bring a dish to share or buy food from cafeteria.
For seating reason, pls RSVP to liaisons:; or if you are interested in coming. Thank you!
TIS Has Talent - March 13
Why? To benefit our “sister” school in Cambodia, which has been set up by three former TIS teachers to provide an education for children who have either fallen victim to human trafficking OR to rescue them from the threat thereof. Last year we were able to help provide much needed school supplies and other school-related equipment. This year, as the need is so great to have a school such as this one, a larger school is being built and so once again, funds will be needed to equip those classrooms.
When: Friday, 13th March @ 3:30pm
Where: TIS auditorium
Admission Fee: Suggested donation: 10RMB
If interested, please contact Mrs. Williams @
ISC Choral and Band Festival Concert
You are invited to attend the ISC Choral and Band Festival Concert at 7:00 PM on Saturday, March 28 at the Bin Hu Theatre (Chinese Name: 滨湖剧院). This event involves more than 200 high school students from all six ISC schools with guest conductors Mr. Charles Bolton from Portland, Oregon and Dr. Lyle Anderson from Cedarville University. We hope to have a full house, so bring your family and friends. Look for bussing information a week before the concert.
TIS Master Calendar Change
Parents please mark your calendars. Thursday, April 2, 2015, will be changed to a half-day for students so that teachers can use the afternoon to meet and work in accreditation groups. Student dismissal will be at 11:30am. This day is followed by no classes on Good Friday and then Spring Break.
Comments or Suggestions?
Please use our online suggestion form.. Be sure to click “submit” when you have completed your comments. Please note you may submit your comments anonymously, but we will not be able to return your message personally, if you do write an anonymous comment. You may also write your comment down and pop it in our new Suggestion Box located in the school lobby. Any of our 4 main language groups may be used, we will arrange translation.
This Week in Pictures
To Download Images from "This Week in Pictures" please use this link:
Ed-Tech Corner, by Lee Williams
Recently at TIS, two sixth grade teachers collaborated as a way to give students practical experience with the basics of computer coding and science vocabulary.
In Science class every year with Ms. Von, sixth grade students learn about the rock cycle. As a way to show what they have learned, this year they created a presentation using the Hopscotch App. Ms. Von explained, “The objective for the original (assignment) was for students to show an understanding of the vocabulary in the unit. That objective didn't change, however, now with use of the iPad, we are having the students show understanding with technology.” This project is just one of many which gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned using a variety of media.
The Middle School Computer Science teacher, Mr. Wahl, further explains, “Students (used) Hopscotch, a visual programming language, to build an application that teaches or demonstrates the rock cycle using their vocabulary that they learned in science class.” Hopscotch is a simple yet excellent app that introduces students to principles of computer coding like sequencing, logic and critical thinking, and troubleshooting. These are all life skills used in every aspect of being a student.
Some students used Hopscotch to make simple vocabulary flashcard programs while others created more elaborate games in which you must answer review questions in order to proceed.
Using Hopscotch for this project gave the students an opportunity to demonstrate their learning and practice science vocabulary as they also demonstrated what they’ve learned in technology class.
Answering Your Questions
Why do our students begin to learn computer programming in the elementary?
Students are introduced to coding in the elementary with simple introductory apps and have the option of learning more computer coding if they choose to enroll in AP Computer Science in high school.
For information on why learning to code is important today please see this website and watch the videos.
Counselors Corner, by Jeffery Scranton
US Nationally Certified Counselor; M.Ed. Clinical Mental Health, Clemson University; BA Southern Wesleyan University
Upcoming College Visit:
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Wednesday, March 18 at 12:40PM
TIS Cafeteria
ECC Announcements
Parent/Child Visits
Thanks for attending the Parent/Child visits! Your children very much enjoyed showing you their classroom and their learning.
ECC - No School Reminder
ECC will not have school on Friday, March 13 for teacher record keeping. All other grades will still have school.
Class Assembly
We warmly invite you to join Willow class for their class assembly on Friday, Mar. 20. Assembly will begin at 8:30 in the ECC Music and Movement Room.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders were delivered on Tuesday. The library staff worked hard to sort the books so the teachers can distribute them to the students. We are blessed to receive the majority of the titles on our order forms. If your child is one of the few who had his/her order cancelled, we understand how disappointing it feels and truly sympathize with you. Scholastic has also prepared a book totally free of charge as their way to apologize for this inconvenience. Happy reading!
Elementary Announcements
ISCOT Chess Tournament
The ISCOT Chess Tournament is this Saturday, March 7th, at Wellington. The matches begin at 10am. The following students will be representing us at the tournament: Amy Choi, Brandon Lee, Jason Kang, Daniel Kim, Andy Kim, Alex Park, Elizabeth Helms, and JunSub Kim. I note with further information was sent to these students this week. Please contact Miss Mansell ( if you have any further questions about this event. We look forward to a great match!
Parent Tech Talk
Thank you to all you attended the Parent Tech Talk this past Wednesday. We had a great time learning about the program iMovie and experimenting with it. Look for information about our April Tech Talk in future Eagle’s Nests.
Speech Meet
Preparation for the annual Elementary Speech Meet has begun. This is an event that all Elementary students take part in, as a way to develop their public speaking skills. The students received their speeches this week. Please work with your child at home to help them memorize their speech. The classroom Speech Meets will occur March 18th - 20th. The winner’s of the class Speech Meets, top 2 in each category, will have the opportunity to participate in the Speech Meet Celebration the morning of Wednesday March 25th. Be looking for more information as these dates get closer!
5th Grade Science Experiment Showcase
The 5th graders have been working on group experiments. We invite you to their showcase event on Tuesday, March 17th from 9am - 10am. This will take place in the 5th grade classrooms. This will be a great time of seeing what the students have been learning!
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders were delivered on Tuesday. The library staff worked hard to sort the books so the teachers can distribute them to the students. We are blessed to receive the majority of the titles on our order forms. If your child is one of the few who had his/her order cancelled, we understand how disappointing it feels and truly sympathize with you. Scholastic has also prepared a book totally free of charge as their way to apologize for this inconvenience. Happy reading!
Middle School Announcements
Lip Sync Sleepover
Tonight is the annual Middle School Lip Sync Sleepover. All middle school students are invited to join us for fun, games, food, sleep, and of course the Lip Sync competition starting at 4:30 PM on Friday until 9 AM Saturday. Students should remember to bring sleeping bags, as well as other fun sleepover items.
Busses will be arranged to take students to AoCheng, YangGuang100, BanDaoHaoTing, HaiYiChangZhou and FuLiJinMenHu on Saturday when the fun has ended.
Spring Trips 2015
Planning for Spring Trips has begun! This year’s trips are May 15/16 - May 22.
Parents should receive an informational e-mail on Friday, March 6th, and students should bring home a form to sign and return by March 16th. The form should be returned to Ms. Dai, MS Secretary.
Passports and Visas - Please Notify Admissions of Updates
A very important note, in light of Spring Trips - Please be sure that your son/daughter’s passport and visa are up-to-date well in advance of the trip leaving dates. After completing any updates, please provide the updated documents to the Admissions office. In order to have accurate information on plane/train tickets, we would request that updated documents be submitted no later than Wednesday, April 15th.
No Homework Night
Next Wednesday, March 11th, is a No Homework Night. We hope you will be able to enjoy the evening as a family.
Student-led Conferences
(SLCs) will be optional for some middle school students this quarter. If you would like for your child to participate in an SLC, please contact Ms. Dai and she will gladly arrange a time for you and your child. She will contact you directly if a teacher is making a request for a conference. All students will still make a portfolio in advisory, and students who don't participate in an SLC will bring home the portfolio and a form that asks if a parent has seen the portfolio. Advisory teachers will collect the portfolios and signed forms after spring break. For an introduction to what SLCs are all about, please click here.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders were delivered on Tuesday. The library staff worked hard to sort the books so the teachers can distribute them to the students. We are blessed to receive the majority of the titles on our order forms. If your child is one of the few who had his/her order cancelled, we understand how disappointing it feels and truly sympathize with you. Scholastic has also prepared a book totally free of charge as their way to apologize for this inconvenience. Happy reading!
High School Announcements
Spring Trips 2015
Planning for Spring Trips has begun! This year’s trips are May 15/16 - May 22.
Parents should receive an informational e-mail on Friday, March 6th, and students should bring home a form to sign and return by March 16th. The form should be returned to Ms. Zhang Rong, HS Secretary.
Passports and Visas - Please Notify Admissions of Updates
A very important note, in light of Spring Trips - Please be sure that your son/daughter’s passport and visa are up-to-date well in advance of the trip leaving dates. After completing any updates, please provide the updated documents to the Admissions office. In order to have accurate information on plane/train tickets, we would request that updated documents be submitted no later than Wednesday, April 15th.
Special Schedules Thursday and Friday March 12 - 13
Since there will be about 50 high school students away for MUN or Science Fair, we will have two days of alternative learning experiences.
Thursday, March 12th: Workforce Tours -- Students research a company, then visit to learn what it's like to work there. The four destinations are Boeing Tianjin (manufacturing), Tianjin United Family Hospital (healthcare), Shangri-La Hotel (hospitality), and Hang Lung Plaza (commercial real estate). Students will be asked to actively participate through reading, observing, asking questions, and writing a summary reflection of their experience.
Friday, March 13th: Service Day — This day will focus on giving of ourselves in service to others! TIS high school students host a fun-filled carnival for 30 adult residents from the Tianjin Social Welfare Institute. A small group of students will travel to AiMu school (for students with Cerebral Palsy) for a morning of activities with the students there.
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams - Registration Information
AP students should have already completed the online registration survey.
Need to update exam selections? E-mail Mrs. Gao with updates by Tuesday, March 17 (
Planning to take 5 or more exams? Pick up a form from Mrs. Zhang and submit it by Monday, March 9.
Reserve Tuesday afternoon, April 14, for a mandatory AP exam pre-administration meeting.
Paying for extra tests? Please pay in the finance office (or lunchroom cashier) between Wed, March 18 & Wed, March 25.
Interested in Executive Student Council Next School Year
Elections will take place at a Special Assembly on Wednesday, April 1
Candidates must meet Mr. Luman & Mr. Strong on Tuesday, March 10 @ 1:00 pm in the Blue Room
Applications (including teacher recommendation and parent signature) due Tuesday, March 17.
Open Gym for High School
Saturday, March 14, 9 am – noon. Breakfast provided. Hosted by the Belcher and Horjus families
Athletic Announcements
HS Soccer
Varsity Girls and Boys and JV Boys @ IST on Saturday March 7
Field 1 (boys)
Field 2 (girls)
Bus information:
Going - 2 Busses
He Lan Shu at 8:30 –Yang Guang 8:35 – Ao Cheng 8:40 – Hai Yi Chang Zhou 9:00 – IST
Ao Cheng @ 8:40 – Ban Dao Hao Ting 9:00 – IST
Returning around 3:00 PM - 2 Busses
IST- Yang Guan 100-Ao Cheng – Hai Yi Chang Zhou – Ban Dao Hao Ting
Food information:
Students can buy food from IST
Varsity Boys vs. Wellington @ Wellington, Wednesday March 11
Bus information:
Going: 3:30pm TIS – Wellington
Returning 5:15pm Wellington – Ban Dao Hao Ting – Ao Cheng – Yang Guang 100
MS Basketball
Tuesday, March 10 TIS vs. IST
U14 boys and U13 boys @ TIS. Players will take the 5:10pm bus to go home.
U14 girls and U13 girls @ IST
Bus information for U14 and U13 Girls:
Going: 3:30pm TIS – IST
Returning 5:00pm IST-Ban Dao Hao Ting – Hai Yi Chang Zhou – Ao Cheng – Yang Guang 100
If you have questions please contact: Mr. Strong or Mr. Cheng
Dates to Remember
March 6
MS Lip Sync Sleepover
March 7
ES ISCOT Chess Tournament
March 13
ECC No School (Normal School Day for all other grades)
TIS Has Talent Benefit Concert at 3:30PM
March 18
College Visit (HongKong Polytechnic University)
March 20
Third Quarter Ends