
General Announcements

This Week in Pictures

Counselors Corner

ECC Announcements

Elementary Announcements

Middle School Announcements

High School Announcements

Athletic Announcements

Dates to Remember

General Announcements

Principals' Coffee is Next Wednesday

You are invited to attend the second principals' coffee coming up next Wednesday on November 5th   Meet in the auditorium at 10:30AM and move to the cafeteria for a time of refreshments and answers to your questions.   Bussing is provided, see schedule below.

In order for our principals to answer your concerns, questions must be submitted in any of our four main language groups by Monday, November 3rd.  Please submit your questions in one of two ways:

Click on this online suggestion form to submit questions or topics ahead of time that you would like to discuss.  This same link can be found under the 'Community' tab on our tiseagles.com website.

Pick up a suggestion form on the table just outside the admission’s office.  Fill it out and return it to the box.

Principals will use the questions you submit and are eager to speak to issues that are important to you.

The Principals' Coffee will be from 10:30AM - 12:00 noon, and will include beverages and a light snack.

Parent Bus Schedule for Principals Coffee

TIS provides bussing to parents on Wednesday for the Principals' Coffee.  Please see the schedule below to find a bus stop near you.

Wednesday Bussing below:

9:00AM  YG100 — 9:10AM Aocheng — 9:33AM  HaiyiChangzhou — 9:35AM BDHT  (Raspberry)

9:25AM  Olympic Tower — 9:35AM  You Yi   (Watermelon Bus)

Return bus times back home (two options):

12:00PM  - Catch the bus in front of the ECC Entrance to BDHT - YG100 - Aocheng - Marriot  (1 big bus)

1:00PM - Catch the bus in front of TIS to BDHT - HYCZ - YG100 - Aocheng (1 big bus)

1:00PM - Catch the bus in front of TIS to Youyi - Olympic (Watermelon)

How to Buy Lunch as a Parent at TIS

If you are at TIS over the lunch hour and would like to eat in our school cafeteria, please follow these simple steps:

Collect a lunch slip from the main reception desk and fill in your child’s name and grade.

Take the slip with you to the cafeteria, once you have selected your lunch please take the slip to any of the cashiers located in the cafeteria.

The cashier will fill in the amount on the slip and the amount will be debited from your child's lunch card.

We trust that this will be a convenient way for you to enjoy lunch in our cafeteria.

From the TIS Health Clinic

In cooperation with Tianjin International S.O.S., TIS will offer a flu shot clinic on campus Wednesday, November 5,  from 8:00AM to 4:00PM  Please see this letter from the school nurse and sign the third page of this consent form.

Fine Arts Celebration is Tonight

Please join us tonight at TIS as we celebrate our students' talents in the Fine Arts.   There will be musical performances along with displays of student artwork.  We hope to see you tonight from 7:00PM to 8:30PM

Fine Arts Bussing Information


5:35PM YG100 (main gate) - 5:55PM BDHT (one bus for Volunteer helpers)

6:00PM YG100 (side/main gate) - TIS (one big school buses)

6:00PM Aocheng - TIS (two big school buses, AoCheng only)

6:10PM Fu Li Jin Men Hu - 6:20PM HYCZ (main gate) - TIS(one big school bus)

6:20pm BDHT - TIS (one big school bus)

Return Home :

9:00PM All the buses ready,


TIS - YG100(side /main gate)(one big school buses)

TIS - BDHT (one big school bus)

TIS - Subway - BDHT - HYCZ - Fu Li Jin Men Hu(one big school bus)

TIS - Ao Cheng (two big school buses)

TIS - YG100 (main gate) - Aocheng (one big school bus)

Admissions Fall Testing Dates

TIS is now accepting applications for Spring Semester 2015.  If you have other children who wish to apply or friends who are interested in applying to TIS, please see the following dates for upcoming admissions testing:

November 18-19  Registration for testing 9:00 - 11:00AM

November 22 - Testing for grade 1-12

December 10-11 Registration for testing 9:00 - 11:00AM

December 12 - Interview for 3-5 year olds

December 13 -Testing for grade 1-12

For more information please email: admissions@tiseagles.com

Christmas Bazaar ~ Mark your Calendar ~ Saturday, December 6th

The Annual TIS Christmas Bazaar is fast approaching.  If anyone is interested in having a table and selling things, please contact Ms. Trancy Li at  tli@tiseagles.com, or call 8371-0900 ext. 300 by Friday, Nov. 14th.

Comments or Suggestions?

Please use our online suggestion form.. Be sure to click “submit” when you have completed your comments. Please note you may submit your comments anonymously, but we will not be able to return your message personally, if you do write an anonymous comment. You may also write your comment down and pop it in our new Suggestion Box located in the school lobby. Any of our 4 main language groups may be used, we will arrange translation.

This Week in Pictures

To download images from This Week in Pictures please use this link:

Counselors Corner, by Jeffery Scranton

US Nationally Certified Counselor;  M.Ed. Clinical Mental Health, Clemson University;  BA Southern Wesleyan University

Delays in SAT Scores to TIS

This week I want to address an issue that happened this week with the SAT test scores that were supposed to be reported this week. College Board is delaying the score reports for ALL TIS STUDENTS. I heard some student talking this week about the email they received from College Board. They were saying things like “they are doing this because I’m Korean” or “they only delayed scores for the Korean students.” I know some students are really upset and worried as they were waiting on these scores for their college applications.

From what I have been able to find out they are delaying scores for most of the Asia region. There were a large number of anomalies in Korea during the October test. Last year College Board canceled a test date for Korea because some SAT site supervisors sold copies of the test to some academies violating College Board policy. Once the test was sold they were copied and distributed throughout Korea. College Board could no longer ensure the validity of the test so they canceled it. As a result College Board is closely monitoring the Asia region.

College Board has indicated that they will issue score for students taking the test outside Korea in three weeks. They have not indicated they will release score for students that took the test in Korea. As a school we take many precautions to ensure students have an equal opportunity to get their best score. Parents can help by encouraging their children to not cheat on the test. One way students cheat is by getting information about the test prior to testing such as what the writing prompt is. Another way student’s cheat is by looking ahead in the test book during the test. If a student is caught they will be dismissed without being allowed to finish the test. Another common way student cheat is to ask other students during break time about questions. After break they go back and change an answer or fill in an answer they left blank earlier. This will also result in the student being dismissed before finishing and having their scores canceled.

We are privileged to be able to offer the SAT test to our students. Chinese student must leave the country in order to take the test because College Board does not feel they can ensure test integrity in China at this time. I do not want to lose this privilege for our students and will continue to work hard to make sure our students have every opportunity available to them.

If you have any questions or would like to talk more please contact me at jscranton@tiseagles.com

ECC Announcements

ECC Parent Day

Thanks to all of you who came to our Parent Day.  I hope you enjoyed the time with your child and learned some helpful things too!

Class Assemblies

Please note the upcoming class assemblies.  Parents of these classes are welcome to join from 8:30-8:50AM in the Music and Movement Room of the ECC:

November 7 - Willow Class

November 14 - Kapok Class

November 21 - Redwood Class

Donuts with Dad - New Date

This fun activity is an ECC favorite.  We will be sending out more details soon, but please note that as a result of a conflict, the changed date for Donuts with Dad is Monday, November 17. We are looking forward to seeing all ECC dads from 9:30-10:30AM on the 17th!

Elementary Announcements

Safety Week

This coming week will be safety week in the Elementary. We will be talking about different ways to stay safe! The topics include bullying, strangers (in person and in the cyber world), and good touch/bad touch. We encourage you to ask your child about the things they are learning this week and talk as a family about these topics.

Parent Day (new date from the printed calendar)

We would like to welcome you to Elementary Parent Day, Wednesday, November 12th. This is a day for you to come and catch a glimpse of what your child’s school day is like. Look for more details about the day’s schedule to come in the classroom newsletter. You are welcome to come and go as your schedule permits, from 8:30 to 11:45AM.

Parent Tech Talk

Following Parent Day on Wednesday, Nov. 12th, we would like to welcome you to a Parent Tech Talk. This will take place at in the Cafeteria White Room, from 12:00 - 12:45PM. (If you plan to eat lunch with your child, you are welcome to finish your lunch during the tech talk.) This will be an opportunity to hear from other parents about successes and challenges experienced with having tech in the home. We welcome you to come and join in the conversation!

Middle School Announcements

No Homework Night

The middle school teachers will not be assigning any homework that is due Thursday so families can enjoy a homework-free evening Wednesday, November 5th.

Knowledge Bowl

On Wednesday, November 5th and 12th, the five middle school Houses will be competing in the annual Knowledge Bowl competition. This years Knowledge Bowl theme is Food.  On November 5th the social studies and science teams will compete, and on November 12th the art and literature teams will get their chances to participate.

If your child is competing on one of these teams, please join us at this major House event. The multiple-choice questions about Food will be projected onto a large screen in the auditorium for everyone to see as the groups decide which answer is the correct one. The competition will begin after the middle school lunch at approximately 11:40AM and will end at 12:15PM. We hope to see you there.

Lunch Card Balance for Students

Students are encouraged to maintain a positive balance on their lunch card. If the card has a negative balance of more than 100 RMB, the cafeteria cashier will take the card and give it to the divisional secretary.  The student needs to bring cash to the secretary the next day in order to get their card back.

Sports Bussing Reminder

A reminder that bussing for athletic events is a separate service from the daily bussing provided to/from school.  Athletics bussing cannot serve all possible housing locations, so we have provided three main pick up and drop off locations.

Ban Dao Hao Ting

Ao Cheng

Yang Guang 100

High School Announcements

Quarter Grade Reports & GPA

The GPA on 1st quarter report cards is cumulative, which means it counts all completed semesters at TIS.  This will be updated in December, when the current semester is complete.

Open Gym and Movie Night

Like to play ball and hang out with friends? Come on out for Open Gym and Movie Night!  Saturday, November 8, 5:30 – 10:00PM in the TIS campus gym. We’ll serve up supper. Bring movie snacks and a floor pillow!  Hosted by the Belcher family

Lunch Card Balance for Students

Students are encouraged to maintain a positive balance on their lunch card. If the card has a negative balance of more than 100 RMB, the cafeteria cashier will take the card and give it to the divisional secretary.  The student needs to bring cash to the secretary the next day in order to get their card back.

Sports Bussing Reminder

A reminder that bussing for athletic events is a separate service from the daily bussing provided to/from school.  Athletics bussing cannot serve all possible housing locations, so we have provided three main pick up and drop off locations.

Ban Dao Hao Ting

Ao Cheng

Yang Guang 100

Saturday, November 8th SAT Testing

Students should meet at the Cafeteria by 7:30 AM with their admission ticket and passport/student ID.  A hearty breakfast and a good night's rest is the best test preparation!

High School Light Homework Weekends

The high school will have two "light homework weekends" this school year.  A "light homework weekend" means that teachers assign no more than half of the normal homework load for that particular Friday, and there are no tests or projects due on the following Monday.  The two weekends correspond to two major high school events:  Tianjin Vida (weekend of November 14) and ISC Choral/Band Festival (weekend of March 27).

Early Graduation

Juniors who are considering a Korean university may want to consider early graduation.  Students must apply for early graduation by December 15 of their Junior year.  The application process involves a meeting with guidance counselor Mr. Scranton for the student and at least one parent.  Please see Mr. Scranton for more information.


Parents, please encourage your students to focus on one thing at a time, rather than constantly switching tasks.   To read more about how multi-tasking damages productivity, see the following link: http://www.inc.com/magazine/201304/issie-lapowsky/get-more-done-dont-multitask.html

Basketball for Credit

Basketball tryouts will take place on Monday afternoon, November 3rd.    11th and 12th grade students who wish to participate in basketball for PE credit, please attend a brief meeting in the cafeteria on Monday, November 10th at 12:55 PM with the Athletic Directors and Mr. Luman.

Athletic Announcements

Game Results

HS Volleyball iSC Tournament in ShenYang

Varsity boys  3rd place

Varsity girls 6th place

New Sports Seasons Starting

November 3 - HS Basketball Begins

November 4th - MS Volleyball start date changed to November 11th (a change from the printed TIS calendar)

Upcoming Games

HS Girls Volleyball at WAB

November 1st

Bus information:

Going: 7:00 YG100 - 7:05 AC- 7:25 BDHT

Returning: The return trip to Tianjin is dependent on game results

School will give each player 30Yuan for food

November 7 and 8th

iSC MS Soccer Tournament in Tianjin

More information next week

November 13th -

MS Volleyball scheduled games vs. IST have been cancelled

If you have questions please contact:  Mr. Strong nstrong@tiseagles.com or  Mr. Cheng ccheng@tiseagles.com

Dates to Remember

November 5

Principals' Coffee

ES/MS No Homework Night

MS Knowledge Bowl

November 8

SAT Testing For Registered High School Students

November 12

MS Knowledge Bowl

Elementary Parent Day

November 13

Chinese Speaking Parent Tea

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