Letter from Principal Debbie-Sue Blanks
Contact Informationr
Principals’ Letters
2014-2015 Secondary Class Schedules
Library Reminder
Document Request Forms
Summer Language Enrichment Program
Letter from Principal Debbie-Sue Blanks
Dear Parents and Students,
There is always a lot of school business to take care of at the end of the year before we say goodbye and enjoy a nice long summer break, so this letter is going to include a lot of business.
This week I have been working with Mrs. Blanchard’s biology classes and I noticed that many of them have outstanding lunch accounts. I reminded them that their accounts needed to be cleared before reports can be released. While reminding them, I discovered that I too, need to clear my lunch account! I think that this might apply to many of us so I thought I’d mention it you.
In planning for next year, we also need your feedback. Mr. Keegan and Mrs. May, have been working on ways to improve student learning by increasing instructional contact hours. I am quite pleased with their proposal as it provides the additional instructional time needed while minimizing the overall impact on the regular school day. Please read their letter in the Panda Notes for information and for ways to provide your feedback.
I am also very pleased to announce that next year we are going to offer a large variety of Elementary afterschool activities. By partnering with Golden Notes Music School, we will be able to offer a wide range of instrumental and dance classes. Mrs. May will send out more details.
As we continually seek to improve and expand our ECC and Secondary programs, we have committed to hiring additional teachers for next year. We are in the fortunate position of having all of our open positions, except one, filled. We are very hopeful that the one position will be filled and we have a good plan to cover this position if needed.
Lastly, I want to remind all students taking exams next week to make sure that you study hard this weekend, eat well and get enough sleep. Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Debbie-Sue Blanks
Contact Information
Receptionist/General Inquiries
Penny Zhang: pzhang@cdischina.com
Juno Deng: juno.deng@cdischina.com
Dan Dan Liu: ddliu@cdischina.com
Travis Miller: tmiller@cdischina.com
Gin Dorgelo: gdorgelo@cdischina.com
Janice Lu: jlu@cdischina.com
Parent Liaisons
Shinie Lee: slee@cdischina.com or
6517-5228 ext. 2124
Tang Hua: htang@cdischina.com or call 6517-5228
Chinese – Elementary
Juno Deng: juno.deng@cdischina.com or call 6517-5228
Chinese – Secondary
Dan Dan Liu: ddliu@cdischina.com or call 6517-5228
Congratulations to the class of 2014! The commencement ceremony honoring the 2014 graduates will take place on Thursday, June 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the CDIS auditorium. It will be followed by a reception in the school entrance area on the first floor. Due to space restrictions, admission to the ceremony is by ticket only. The reception will be open to all. There will be transportation available, first come first served, at the end of the evening to the following locations:
1. Orchard Villas, ZZY, Tongzilin Metro (line 1)
2. Luofushijia, Zhonghai (old campus), Dongdu Lu Metro (line 2)
3. 24 City, Time Residence
Principals’ Letters
Dear Parents,
As we wind down to the end of this school year, we want to propose an idea for next school year. We are considering an increase in our school day. Our new hours would be from 8:00 until 3:15. This is a 15 minute increase that has many positive benefits for our students
Our youngest learners will benefit by having more time to grow in the area of oral language development. This extra 15 minutes of time will be a time of free talk/play where our ECE students can practice using their newly developed language skills.
As we increase the rigor of our elementary curriculum, elementary students will benefit from a full 90 minutes of reading/language arts and mathematics. We will also benefit from a five minute increase of art, music, and physical education.
Secondary students will benefit from additional in-class instruction and transition time between classes. With some scheduling adjustments and the extended school day, our academic learning opportunities will increase by 5 hours per subject per year, which is more than equivalent to an additional week of instruction. This will assist our students by giving them more time on task and more opportunities to communicate with teachers.
We are working on improving our efficiency and diligence in loading buses and leaving campus in a timely manner. We are confident that our students will be on buses and heading home before 3:30 each day. Our after school activities will continue as they are this year with the CDIS late bus leaving at 4:30.br>
Please feel free to give us feedback on this proposal. We will be glad to get a parent’s perspective. You can reach Charlotte May at cmay@cdischina.com or Josh Keegan at jkeegan@cdischina.com. Thank you for your input and help in making this important decision on behalf of our precious students.
Here are important dates to add on your calendar:
May 30-June 4 - Secondary Exams (Grades 8-12)
June 2 - No School (Chinese Holiday)
June 3 - Kindergarten Graduation
June 4 - Elementary Awards–begins at 8:10 a.m.
June 5 - Senior Graduation 1/2 Day of School
June 6 - Last day of School 1/2 Day!
With your child in mind,
Charlotte May
CDIS Elementary Principal
Josh Keegan
CDIS Secondary Principal
2014-2015 Secondary Class Schedules
CDIS High School Parents:
Information on signing up for 2014-2015 classes will be sent to HS students via e-mail over the summer. We will use the CDIS assigned student e-mail address. Students entering grades 9-12 will receive directions and online access information so they will know how to sign up electronically. Students who do not sign up over the summer will be able to do so when they return to school in August, but we recommended that students sign up for courses in advance. As per CDIS policy, the first two weeks of the semester will be used for students to adjust their schedules as needed. Students, with the signed consent of their parents, will be able to add/drop courses during this time. Parents, please assist your child in this process by encouraging them to sign up for the course load that meets their needs and best prepares them academically. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at jkeegan@cdischina.com.
Library Reminder
Student accounts with the library need to be cleared before school reports will be issued. Please turn in all the textbooks and any other library materials you currently have on loan. Also, if you’ve had overdue books this year, please check with the library to be sure that all fees have been paid.
Document Request Forms
If you need any of the following documents by the end of this semester, you need to fill in a “document request form” and return it to the Registrar’s Office. A 100 RMB rush fee will be charged.
Documents that may be requested
1. Additional transcripts (grades 9-12)
2. Additional report cards for current year
3. Report card for previous year(s)
4. Attendance etter
5. Photocopy of SAT-10 test transcript
If you have any questions about documents or the “document request form,” please contact Ms. Echo Zhang
Summer Language Enrichment Program
This summer we’re offer an English enrichment program for middle and high school students and an SAT Prep course for high school students.
Date: June 16 -July 4, 9am - 2pm, Monday-Friday.
You may still reserve a spot. Simply fill in the Registration Form and return to Alison Allen or Shinie Lee. Note: Fees must be paid by June 16. Please pay in the finance office.
New link to information packets:
Other questions?: E-mail
Alison Allen (aallen@cdischina.com) or Shinie Lee (slee@cdischina.com).
5-30-2014 English