General Announcements
This Week in Pictures
Counselors Corner
ECC Announcements
Elementary Announcements
Middle School Announcements
High School Announcements
Athletic Announcements
Dates to Remember
From the Library - End of Year Book Collection
With June fast approaching, it's time to start getting the library books back before the summer session begins. We appreciate your cooperation so that all library users can enjoy a great summer reading experience. Below is the schedule for the rest of the school year.
May 26 - May 30: Last week to check out library materials.
June 2 -- June 6: All outstanding items must be returned. Damaged and lost items should be paid for.
June 9: First day of the summer session for returning staff, students, and their families.
Leaving Students
If you know you will be leaving us at the end of this school year please let the Admissions Office know so we can prepare any documents you need to take with you. We require 10 working days notice. If you have questions, please contact the Admissions Office. Tel: 8371-0900 ext. 311.
Comments or Suggestions
At anytime if you have comments or suggestions to make to our Administrative Staff you may use the online suggestion form. The form can be found under the ‘Community’ tab on the website, click on Suggestion Box. Be sure to click “submit” when you have completed your comments. Please note you may submit your comments anonymously, but we will not be able to return your message personally. You may also write your comment down and pop it in our Suggestion Box located in the school lobby. Any of our 4 main language groups may be used, we will arrange translation.
This Week in Pictures
Counselors Corner, by Dr. Cindy Harvel
Guidance Counselor, Ph.D. University of Nebraska at Lincoln; M.Ed. Mount Vernon Nazarene College; BS Ohio University
Transitioning, A Time to Move
Soon, all to soon, I’ll be breaking out a new box of tissues in my office. They are not only for my students, they are for me! We’ll be saying, “Good-bye” to students whose families are moving and their time at Tianjin International School is coming to a close. Good-byes are so hard!
Even though we can’t eliminate all the difficulties of transition, we are able to make them a bit smoother. During the month of May, we’ll be talking about ways we can make moving more manageable!
Therese Borchard offers these five tips for lowering anxiety during transition:
Transitioning can be tough, but with proper precautions and a little tender care to ourselves, we can climb the challenges and enjoy the view from the perspective of our new experiences.
Borchard, T. (May 25, 2013). 5 Tips for Managing Anxiety During Transition. In Everyday Health. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from
ECC Announcements
May 23 - No School
On May 23 there will be no school for record keeping purposes. This is for ECC students ONLY; all other students are required to be in school.
Step Up Day
On Thursday, May 29, we will have Step Up Day. Each class will get to visit the next classroom up. It is a fun day for the children to get a chance to see what next year might be like for them. There will also be a meeting for all current kindergarten parents at 2:45 in Miss Barsalou's 1st grade classroom on that day.
Sports Day
Please mark your calendar for our ECC Sports Day on the morning of Friday, May 30! Please plan to join us for this fun day. The event will be from 8:30-9:40 and will be followed by a snack picnic.
Kindergarten Graduation
You are warmly invited to attend our Kindergarten Graduation on Wed. June 4. This event will take place at 7:00pm in the 1st floor Choir Room
Elementary Announcements
ISCOT Elementary Soccer
Elementary participated in the ISCOT Grades 3-5 Elementary Soccer Tournament on Wednesday, May 13 at IST. Here are the following place winners:
3rd grade boys - 2nd place
4th grade boys - 1st place
4th/5th grade boys - 2nd place
5th grade boys - 4th place
5th grade girls -1st place
The TIS Eagles did a wonderful job, and we are very proud of them all.
After School Activities
Today was the last day for after school activities except for Love 2 Jump which will meet on Monday, May 19 and Monday, May 26, and 1st/2nd grade Ballet which will meet on Monday, May 26.
iPad Exploration
Parents, please join us on May 28 at 10:00am for a time to hear more about our iPad initiative and to have a chance to explore some of the exciting learning that your children have been engaged in and will be involved in next school year.
Enrichment Celebration
This year Enrichment Celebration will be on May 28 at 2:00pm in the auditorium. This will include Enrichment clubs, Love 2 Jump, Ballet Club, and the 5th Grade Band. All parents are welcome.
End of the Year Fieldtrip
This annual field trip will take place on June 3 at the Water Park. Details for this day will be included in the Eagle's Nest soon. If it rains on this day, there is no alternate date planned. This is always a very exciting day for our elementary students. This is a student and teacher field trip only, a time for students and teachers to spend some quality time together before summer.
Elementary Upcoming Dates to Remember
May 16
3rd Grade Wax Museum
After School Clubs Last Day
May 21-23
5th Grade Spring Trip
May 23
2nd Grade Zoo (Green room at 10:30am)
4th Grade Camp Out
May 28
iPad Exploration Parent Meeting
Enrichment Celebration
1st Grade Author Showcase
May 29
Step-up Day
June 3
End of Year Field Trip
June 6
5th Grade Graduation, 8:20am in the Auditorium
Middle School Announcements
Congratulations to Asaf Gaitelband
Winner of the 2014 China Junior Squash Championship Spring Cup competition in Shanghai last Friday and Saturday, May 10-11.
Canadian Mathematics Competition
On Thursday, May 15th, the middle school students will participate in a one-hour mathematics competition for enjoyment and challenge. This test format is multiple choice, with three sections of questions based on question difficulty. Students scoring in the top 25% of all contestants will be recognized at the middle school awards assembly on June 6th.
Final Exams
June 3 will be the first day of final exams. The sixth graders will take math and English final exams while the seventh graders will take math, English, Chinese, and science final exams. The eighth graders will have final exams in all of their courses.
Spring Trips
Middle School Spring Trips will leave Tianjin on the weekend of May 16 and return on the weekend of May 23. You will receive a letter with a detailed itinerary soon if you haven't already.
2014-15 Course Requests
Course selections should have been completed by Thursday, May 15.
High School Final Exams
High School final exams will take place Tuesday - Thursday, June 3-5. The previous Friday and Monday will be focused on cumulative review in preparation for the exams. Students have access to the Final Exam schedule on the "High School Students" page at High School students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, but on Thursday all students must stay until 3:30 pm (or later, if involved in graduation practice).
Senior Portfolio Presentations
Starting on Tuesday, May 27, the Class of 2014 will be giving their Senior Portfolio Presentations. These presentations provide an opportunity for students to reflect on what they have learned academically, and how they have grown personally during their time at TIS. Students will present their reflections to a panel of TIS staff, and we want to invite parents, other family members, mentors, and friends as well. The presentations will take place in room A321 (Mr. Schreur's classroom). We look forward to seeing many of you there!
2014 High School Graduation Ceremony
On Friday evening, June 6, the class of 2014 will celebrate their graduation from high school in an 8:00 PM ceremony at the TIS auditorium. Family, friends, and the TIS community are invited to join this happy occasion. A cake reception will follow the ceremony. Bussing will be provided.
From Dr. Harvel's Desk
Congratulations to Gemma Klopper, voted by her high school teachers to be this year's TIS representative for the EARCOS Global Citizenship Award. This award is presented to a student who embraces the qualities of a global citizen. This student is a proud representative of his/her nation while respectful of the diversity of other nations, has an open mind, is well informed, aware and empathetic, concerned and caring for others encouraging a sense of community and strongly committed to engagement and action to make the world a better place. Finally, this student is able to interact and communicate effectively with people from all walks of life while having a sense of collective responsibility for all who inhabit the globe.
Athletic Announcements
All sports seasons are complete! We look forward to some great competition next year! GO EAGLES!
Dates to Remember
May 16-24
Secondary Education Trips
May 21-23
5th Grade Trip
May 23
No School at ECC
May 30
ECC Sports Day
June 2
Dragon Boat Festival (No holiday, regular school day)
June 3-5
Secondary Final Exams
June 4
ECC Kindergarten Graduation
June 6
Last Day of School
High School Graduation