
General Announcements

This Week in Pictures

Counselors Corner

ECC Announcements

Elementary Announcements

Middle School Announcements

High School Announcements

Athletic Announcements

Dates to Remember

General Announcements

From the PTO President

Dear TIS Families,

I’m thrilled to introduce our PTO committee members:

Vice presidents: Mrs. Masayo Sakashita from Japan and Mrs. SoYoung Yoon from Korea

Treasurer: Sarah Li from USA

Communication Secretary: Mrs. Merav Gaitleband from Israel

One of TIS’s missions is to promote an environment where teachers and administrators can do their best work and our students can do their best learning.  Our goal is to assist our school and the wider community.   Here are some ways we achieve this goal:

Supporting school events

International Day

Christmas Bazaar

Father’s day

China day


Fundraising for charities

Education for parents

Social events for parents

Classroom parents

Why YOU should get involved in the PTO?

Over 500 independent studies on parent involvement show that students whose parents are involved in their education have better grades and fewer discipline problems.  We are a busy group!  This is where you can come in!  We need your help, and so do your children. There are endless possibilities in ways you can be involved.

Volunteering doesn’t need to be a huge time commitment.  An hour can be a big help, and we have tasks to fit all schedules, interests and skills.  Just let us know whether a social program, classroom help or a particular fundraiser interests you and when you might be free to help.

Involvement with the school makes it easier to establish friendships with other parents and teachers and I encourage you to make use of our community areas.  The Hub and The Landing are designed specifically for this purpose!   We promise that the time you give to the PTO and the school will be worth your while and fun at the same time!   Together, we can make a difference at our school. Please call or e-mail me with any questions or ideas you have.  Email: whorjus@yahoo.com  Cell: 158 2234 9470                             ---  Mrs. Willemien Horjus from South Africa, PTO President

Principals' Coffee

On Wednesday, March 12 @ 10:00 AM we will be hosting our last Principals Coffee for the school year.  Come join as we celebrate Spring!  During the sessions we will have a special presentation from our Health Clinic on Air Quality and the recent high pollution days we have been experiencing.

We encourage parents to come along to hear from our divisional principals.  This is your opportunity to hear first hand what is going on in the school.  We want to be able to answer your questions well.  To do this we need you to get them to us by Monday, March 10 @ 4:00 PM.  You can submit your suggestions, questions or feedback by either clicking this link Suggestion Box OR by putting it in our suggestion box located in the main school lobby.  All items submitted by will be addressed at the Principal's Coffee so be sure to get them in on time.

Parent Education Seminars

At 12:45 PM, following the Principals Coffee, parents are invited to stay on for a seminar on Woman's Health and Stress Management.  Dr. Mel Brecknell from International SOS will be joining us to talk about Woman's Health.  Also joining us will be Mrs. Ann Bell, Nurse Educator and Mental Health Nurse from Tianjin Family United Hospital to discuss Stress Management when living in another country.

Each session will be 1 hour long with a 15 min transition break to change rooms.  Translation (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) will be available for all sessions.  Parents are welcome to return home on the bus at the end of the day as long as there is an available seat.  First priority will be given to students.  Thank you for your understanding.

New at The HUB

For what's new at The HUB, please click here

March Madness for Reading

Celebrate the World of Dr. Seuss: the library will have special reading sessions during March to celebrate the world of Dr. Seuss. On every Tuesday and Thursday in March, there will be Dr. Seuss characters visiting our students during their library time. Parents are welcome to come by! We will end the month-long celebration with the showing of Horton Hears a Who!, a movie based on a Dr. Seuss book, on Wednesday March 26 at 3 PM in the auditorium.  More details coming soon.

ISC Choral and Band Festival

You are invited to attend the ISC Choral and Band Festival Concert at 7:00 PM on Saturday, March 15 at the Hexi Children’s Palace. No. 357 Jie Fang Nan Lu, Hexi District 河西区解放南路357号. This event involves more than 200 high school students from all six ISC schools with guest conductors Dr. Brad Genevro from Messiah College and Mr. Tom Ford from Chengdu International School. We hope to have a full house, so bring your family and friends. Look for bussing information a week before the concert.

Parent as Coach - Empower More, Worry Less

We would like to let parents know about a great opportunity to develop your skills as a parent.  On Friday, March 28, guest speaker, Edwin Choy will be running a workshop here at TIS.  Edwin is the founding director of Center for Fathering in Singapore.  He has over 20 years of experience as a trainer and Solution Focus therapist.  He has delivered impacting parenting and work-life programs to thousands and has been on national radio numerous times.  Edwin has also been a pioneer in designing outdoor adventure camps for father-child bonding.  We strongly encourage you to consider this unique opportunity!  This workshop is for a limited number so please register early.  For more details please contact: Song.Lim@ldichina.com.

School Lunches

If your child has dietary restrictions, we encourage you to check the school menu regularly and be familiar with what is on offer for your child.  If you have questions regarding the items listed or need clarification please contact our school office and we will be happy to assist you.

Comments or Suggestions

At anytime if you have comments or suggestions to make to our Administrative Staff you may use the online suggestion form. The form can be found under the ‘Community’ tab on the website, click on Suggestion Box. Be sure to click “submit” when you have completed your comments. Please note you may submit your comments anonymously, but we will not be able to return your message personally. You may also write your comment down and pop it in our Suggestion Box located in the school lobby. Any of our 4 main language groups may be used, we will arrange translation.

This Week in Pictures

Counselors Corner

Exercise, Easy as ABC, 1, 2, 3...

O.k., I have bit the bullet and made the commitment to exercise.  (Remember, my little frog will make me accountable next Christmas, even if you do not!) So, what kind of exercise should I be doing?  How do I know which exercises will tone my tummy and keep my muscles strong?

“It’s easy as ABC, 1,2,3” (…ah yes, memories of Michael Jackson as a child…I show my advanced age!)  These are not three distinct categories.  They overlap, mix and match, but they do help me to understand the kinds of exercises that help keep my body strong.

Endurance Exercises

Some health experts only divide exercise into two kinds: aerobic and anaerobic. Walking, running, swimming, stair-stepping, and zoomba all are aerobic exercises. These are called aerobic (with oxygen) because the muscles use oxygen to generate energy while I do these active moves.  That means I use my large muscle groups over and over during an extended period of time.  Also known as cardio exercises, they are considered low intensity and when done properly are less stressful and damaging to the body.

Anaerobic (without oxygen) exercises include weight lifting and sprinting.  These quick and fast moves trigger lactic acid formation.  Short-lasting and of high-intensity, these exercises leave the body with a need for oxygen that is more than the available supply. Usually, anaerobic exercises are used to increase muscle mass or to tone muscle centers.

Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility exercises are the hardest for me!  I once had a dance instructor who told me I could be either strong or flexible, but not both. These exercises fall into two categories: isometric and isotonic.

Isometric are usually called strength training exercising.  They have no joint movement about the joint.  Tension is built up without the contraction of a muscle.  True isometric exercises are more of the Tai Chi type where a pose is held for as long as possible.  Isometric exercises not only help with strength, but also balance.  Static push-ups or planks, stretches, and reaches are all isometric.

Isotonic exercises take place with normal muscle contractions, moving and working your muscles. Weightlifting, climbing, cycling, swimming (those aerobic exercises I mentioned earlier) are isotonic.

Strength Training (also called Resistance Training)

Again, we have two main categories of strength training:  weight-bearing workouts and weight lifting workouts.

If I do weight-bearing workouts, according to Kristen Stewart (2009), they help me to increase bone mass, also adding to bone density, and help to prevent osteoporosis.  This does not mean I actually lift weights, but I bear my own weight as I exercise.

Strength training or resistance training can also mean that I really do use hand-held weights.  This type of exercise increases my strength even more, and gradually improves my muscle tone.  Adding weight to my own weight gives my workout an added challenge.

If in doubt about what to do, Dr. Gordon Blackburn of the Cleveland Clinic (2014) claims that walking is the best type of exercise.  Warming up and cooling down are also important, whatever exercise you choose to do.  Without the warm-ups, I can pull a muscle or strain a tendon.  Ouch.  Of course, there is the old adage, “No pain, no gain,” but I like to try to avoid any more than absolutely necessary!

Whichever combination is your choice, I encourage you to exercise several times a week, giving your body time to rest and recover in the day(s) in between. Variety allows different muscle groups to be challenged.  Whatever you do, don’t get discouraged.  Be persistent and find a friend to keep you accountable!  See you at the work-out room!

Blackburn, G. (February 25, 2014). Cleveland Clinic. In What Is The Best Type of Aerobic Exercise?. Retrieved February 25, 2014, from http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/prevention/exercise/best-type-of-aerobic-exercise.aspx.

Stewart, K. (April 6, 2009). Everyday Health. In Boning Up on Weight-bearing Exercise. Retrieved February 11, 2014, from http://www.everydayhealth.com/weight/weight-bearing-exercises.aspx.

ECC Announcements

ECC Health Fair

Thank you for the parents who helped during the ECC Health Fair.  Without volunteers we couldn’t have done this!   Students will receive their screening results home on Monday at latest.  If they need to see a doctor because of the screening results a separate letter will be send home with the Health Fair booklet. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurses by email

Upcoming Class Assemblies

We are looking forward to our upcoming class assemblies. Please come and see your child's class from 8:30 – 8:50 am on:

March 7 - Buckeye Class

Advance Reminder

ECC will not have school on Friday, March 14 for teacher record keeping. All other grades will still have school.

Elementary Announcements

Chess Tournament

TIS Elementary students from Chess Club will be attending the ISCOT Chess Tournament, tomorrow, March 1st at Rego. Go Eagles!!

Speech Meet

The Elementary Speech Meet is coming up on March 19th. Students will compete in their classrooms the week of March 10th. The top speakers will receive medals and will be invited to perform in the Speech Meet Finale in the auditorium on March 19th. All students who participate in the Finale will be awarded with a Speech Meet pizza party with Mrs. Scroggins.

Please continue to work with your child at home to help them memorize their speech. We're looking forward to hearing the children practice the important skills of public speaking.

Middle School Announcements

AMIS Girls Choir Festival in Hong Kong

Congratulations to Amy Harri, Amy Jeong, Jenny Kim, Hellena Park, Megan Read, and Priscilla Shine on their performance in the AMIS Choir Festival in Hong Kong. These ladies were chosen as the top singers amongst the TIS middle school girls. They practiced the nine songs that they performed at the concert ahead of time, and this past weekend, they had the privilege of singing with the best singers from international schools all over Asia in Hong Kong for two days. Their lovely voices on Saturday evening touched many hearts.  “See The Week in Pictures.”

Philosophy Slam

On Wednesday and Thursday, March 5 and 6, the Philosophy Slam teams will compete against one another.  If your child is competing on one of the teams, you are invited to join us at this major house event. The friendly contest will begin after the middle school lunch at approximately 11:40 AM in the second floor auditorium and end around 12:15 PM. If you plan on attending and would like to purchase a lunch in the cafeteria, please notify Ms. Dai at 8371-0900 (ext. 321). We hope to see you there.

Lip Sync and Sleepover

Next Friday, March 7th, will be the annual Middle School Lip Sync Sleepover.  All middle school students are invited to join us for fun, games, food, sleep, and of course the Lip Sync competition starting at 5 p.m. on Friday until 9 a.m. Saturday. Permission slips were sent home this week so that busses can be arranged to take students home on Saturday when the fun has ended.  Students should remember to bring sleeping bags, as well as other fun sleepover items.

ISC Basketball Tournament in Wuxi

Congratulations to the Varsity Basketball teams!

Women's team won 1st place

Men's team won 2nd place

TIS High School Science Fair

On Tuesday morning, March 4, high school students will present their science fair projects to a team of judges.  Project viewing will be open to the public after 1:15 pm.  The top two teams will advance to the Intel Science Fair at our sister school in Chengdu, on Friday, March 21st.

Canadian Computing Competition

Thank you to the 15 high school students who voluntarily participated in the Canadian Computing Competition on Wednesday morning, February 26, in Mr. Headrick's room.  This is the first year TIS students have taken part in this competition.

Senior Meeting Thursday March 6th

On Thursday afternoon, March 6, Mr. Luman will meet with all 12th grade students during their "free block" in order to preview end-of-year activities, particularly graduation. We will look at specific details regarding the Senior Portfolio presentations and graduation festivities (caps, gowns, cords, etc.). Parents of 12th grade students are welcome, but not required to come. There will be two identical meetings, both in the TIS Blue room. The first meeting will be from 1:15 to 2:15 (G block) and the second meeting will be from 2:20 to 3:20 (H block).

Student Council Sponsored Lock-IN

The annual high school lock-in is scheduled for Friday night, March 7.  More details will be coming soon from Student Council.

Advanced Placement Exams - Preregistration Survey

All students currently taking an Advanced Placement (AP) class should have completed the online pre-registration survey.  Here are some other important AP testing dates:

Tuesday, March 11: Last day to update your AP test selections at no cost.

Wednesday, March 26: Payment (if any) due by 4:00 pm

Tuesday, April 22, after school: Required AP pre-administration meeting

Find out more about the AP program by visiting the following site:  https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home.

From Dr. Harvel's Desk

Upcoming College Visits to TIS

University of Wisconsin - March 10, High School Lunch (12:40-1:15), Blue Room

International College of Hotel Management Swiss Hotel Association/Australia - March 13, Junior Seminar Classes (1:15-3:20), Room A401

Parents are always welcome to attend these college visits.  These representatives look forward to your questions!

Athletic Announcements

Game Results

Congratulations to both our high school basketball teams!  Our undefeated girls continued their season by winning first place at the ISC competition and the boys brought home the second place trophy!  A great end to great season!

Upcoming Games

March 1

HS Soccer vs Hope International School, Men and Women @ IST
Men play at 12:30 PM, Women play at 1:45 PM

March 5

HS Soccer vs TEDA Men @ TEDA; Women @ TIS Home Field

March 8

HS Soccer Tianjin Tournament (Men @ IST; Women 6v6@ REGO)

Bus times have been communicated to players and are posted on the Athletic Bulletin Board.

Dates to Remember

March 4

HS Science Fair

March 5-6

MS Philosophy Slam

March 6

Senior Meeting

March 7

MS Lip Sync and Sleepover and HS Lock In

March 10-14

Elementary Classroom Speech Meets

March 12

Principals' Coffee and Women's Health Seminar

March 14

ECC No School - Record-keeping day for teachers

March 15

ISC Choral and Band Festival Concert at 7:00 PM

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