What happens when Americans go to a Mexican restaurant in… America? They climb on fake donkey; attempt to take picture; fall off said donkey; file lawsuit.
According to local media, Kimberly Bonn was dining at the El Jalisco restaurant in Tallahassee when she attempted to climb atop a built-to-scale burro statue to pose for a picture. But as she attempted to mount it, Bonn slipped off the statue and broke her back. She is claiming that the restaurant as it fault for the accident due to a lack of safety features, such as a “steps, a ladder, or a non-slip saddle.”
Bonn is now seeking damages of more than $15,000, but it’s not going to be an easy battle.
The restaurant’s most loyal customers have launched a social media campaign in support of the burro: The campaign, under the very appropriate banner of “Just Because I’m an a**, it doesn’t mean I have to be treated like one,” is quickly gaining supporters, including this blogger, of course.
Because, really, how can you not be with El burro on this one?
Via: Periódico ABC
Hat tip: @SaltaSolt