
The holidays are right around the corner and you’re looking for a way to cut through the noise. Here are some holiday tips restaurants, bars and cafes can use this season.


Put together a Holiday Menu

Make sure you market it with everything you’ve got. Go all out on this one. This will make the difference between empty chairs or one of the busiest nights of your year.

What if your restaurant or cafe doesn’t do traditional “holiday” cuisine? This isn’t so much a limitation as an opportunity. Look towards innovative ways you can use your ingredients for fusion dishes that will set you apart.

If you don’t want to put together a holiday menu, there are always other ways you can get into the spirit of things! Dress your regular dishes up with a little bit of holiday finishing touches.

According to the National Restaurant Association one in ten people will head out for dinner on christmas eve. Make sure they’re heading to you.

Put together a corporate package

While huge corporate events have long been booked, you’ll be missing out on other corporate festivities if you don’t have one ready to go come holiday time.

Organisations will need to take partners or key clients out for intimate gatherings, so it’s important to keep yourselves open to that opportunity.

Make sure that your corporate package is advertised on your website and if you have the budget for it, print off leaflets and drop them at local businesses.

Throw an event!

Of all the holiday tips restaurants, bars and cafes can benefit from – putting together a funky event takes the cake. Make sure your event becomes a talking point to get the most out of word of mouth. This means thinking outside the box with your angle.

For example, a high tea event may help you stand out of a street of venues catering only to lunch and dinner. This means you don’t lose out on the lunch or dinner rush, and get to fill your venue up with customers during the quiet time slot in between.

You could also target a specific niche of customers, say with an orphan’s christmas themed luncheon mixer. The holidays are a time to get involved with community – this a great way to bring people together.

Team up with a charity for your event! It’s great PR for your organisation and fantastic for the soul.


Tis the season to get social

a) Update your social media covers

It’s surprising how much this holiday tip is overlooked. It’s not just about regular posting, make sure that your social channels are actively involved in promoting your christmas package.

b) Talk about it – duh.

Make sure you’re keeping your follower base up to date on your christmas specials. Post mouth watering images on instagram, and if you have the budget for it, run promoted campaigns on facebook targeting users in your local. Following these social holiday tips, restaurants, bars and cafes can gain a wider reach than your regular customers.

c) Get into the (competitive) holiday spirit

Social media competitions that encourage more engagement will mean that your posts see more light of day. This is especially true as engagement metrics play a large role in the prime real estate that is a your potential customers’ newsfeed.

Update your website home page

Keep things consistent. Make sure that your website’s homepage is promoting your christmas special or event with clear calls to actions to book reservations.

Update your free and paid directory listings

Make sure all online directories you are listed in are updated with information on your holiday promotion. Pictures speak a thousand words so don’t forget to put up enticing pictures of your christmas dishes.

Send some cheer to your customers’ inboxes

a) Send an email campaign

Make sure you’re communicating to your guests from last Christmas and offering them incentives to come back.

Whether it’s discounts, or VIP reservations, people want to feel special this holiday season. Saturday is the most effective day for sending emails.

b) Sign-off with it

Add a banner detailing your holiday promotion to your company’s email signature.

How many emails do you send a day? Now multiply that by all your team members. Each of these emails, especially those from your customer facing team members are sales opportunities.


Get Festive

Make sure you spice it up this season. Deck your venue out with holiday cheer to get into the spirit of it all.

Get into the Spirit of Giving

Get new customers through the door by offering a glass of bubbly on the house. Thirsty shoppers will swarm right in filling your quieter evening time slot.

Have fun with it

Fun is infectious, and makes a far better impression with your customers than giveaways. Spread the holiday cheer with these- and enjoy this silly season!

The post 10 tips on how to pack your venue these holidays. appeared first on Kounta.

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