KONGRES Magazine. Kongres Magazine is among the leading meetings industry magazines in Europe. It has gained acclaim with unmatched credibility.


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News, stories and media buzz related to KONGRES Magazine

  • tmf dialogue marketing will work in close cooperation with Conventa, an annual B2B two-day event from Jan. 21-22, 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Founded by Slovenian Convention Bureau and two meetings industry veterans, the event aims to strengthen Southeast...

  • Zagreb, a fast growing meetings destination in Europe, hosted the 30th edition of the ECM Summer School on August 27-31, 2016, providing evidence of the importance of education to face the continuing changes of the Meetings Industry. This year, the...

  • 343 projects have been shortlisted for the World Building of the Year award at the 2016 World Architecture Festival,which will be taking place in Berlin this November. The WAF shortlist features entries from 58 different countries, with buildings by...

  • Travel And Tour World | 18.January.2016
    via travelandtourworld.blogspot

    View this email on the web here Travel and Tour World - Global News Global travel and tourism news on your desktop Date: 18.01.2016 Travel News of the Day: Rough weather at sea and mountain in UK kill 2 climbers and a surfer Secretary-General Ban...

  • Los Angeles Las Vegas, New York City, Paris and other perennial favorites were among the world’s top meetings destinations in 2016, but several other locations significantly enhanced their appeal largely due to major expansion and renovation projects...

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