Knight Stanford. The JSK Journalism Fellowships empowers diverse journalism leaders to succeed as effective change agents, sustain democratic communities...
Knight Stanford. The JSK Journalism Fellowships empowers diverse journalism leaders to succeed as effective change agents, sustain democratic communities...
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The Quill A Production of the South Carolina Writers Workshop FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER: Thank you for your patience as we revamp and improve the QUILL. We are working toward a more updated subscription roll and more...
Abbreviated Edition "The PD community really is a welcoming and supportive bunch." --Academic James Pamment; image from “epiphenomenal” --How some academics define public Diplomacy QUOTATIONS Quotations on Diplomacy and the Foreign...
EMERSON T. BROOKING AND P. W. SINGER NOVEMBER 2016 Direct link to the publisher – Like most everything today, the campaign was launched with a hashtag. But instead of promoting a new album or a movie release, #AllEyesOnISIS announced the 2014 invasion...
Parker Resigns Nice Try Coming Storm County CEO Report Restaurant Bag Ban Museum on Wheels Where the Water Goes Lorde’s Grammy Speech? Media Ownership California Coast Climate Disasters Police Report Sheriff’s Report Parker Explains...
The IWMF and the Ford Foundation are joining forces to host this highly interactive, action-oriented international summit for women entrepreneurs working in the digital news space, bringing together 150 of the key international players and partners who...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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A hub for your creative projects!
John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships
JSK and Stanford’s Institute for Advancing Just Societies launch partnership New joint fellowships are a first step in developing collaborations that encourage multidisciplinary work to advance racial...
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