The first day I walked through the double doors of the Medical College of Georgia (dental school), I weighed 120 lbs. The last day I walked through those same double doors, I weighed 160 lbs.
Over the course of 4 years, I had gained 40 lbs.
Never had I imagined that french fries, ice cream, milkshakes, and stress (aka THE UNHEALTHY FOUR) would become a few of my closest dental colleagues. We had diligently studied dental anatomy together. We had successfully treated patients together. And, we had enthusiastically dreamed dreams of practicing dentistry together.
In our fairy-tale, we would spend the rest of our lives TOGETHER…
After graduating from dental school, my relationship with THE UNHEALTHY FOUR continued to develop. We had moved to a new city with the hopes of meeting new people, but I was the only one who didn’t want to mingle with anyone else. We had moved into a new apartment with my best friend with the dreams of exploring Atlanta together, but I was the only one who didn’t want to go anywhere. We had purchased new clothes with the intentions of wearing them like super models on the runway in Paris. But, who was I kidding?
I had gained more weight. And, I couldn’t bear to look at my own body’s reflection in the mirror. Deep down on the inside, I was ashamed of the woman I had become.
As my relationship with THE UNHEALTHY FOUR became more intimate, friends and acquaintances all wanted to know the answer to one particular question:
“Are you pregnant?” they asked.
“No, I’m not pregnant!” I answered.
“Good for you! Well, maybe you need to push away from the table” they advised.
My inner spirit felt more sad than a kitten who couldn’t find her way back home. I had allowed my own negative thoughts as well as the negative opinions of others to smother my joy, strangle my passion, and suffocate the zeal I once had for LIFE.
One evening while lying in my bed, I heard an unfamiliar voice whisper the words, “Now isn’t the time to give up! Get up!”
I sat straight up in my bed.
Was this the voice of an angel? Were these the words of the Lord? Or, were these the thoughts of my inner spirit? I wasn’t sure of whose voice I had heard. However, there was one thing I knew for certain. This was a sign!
It was time for CHANGE…
My focus became learning how to live and maintain a healthy life. Over the next few months, I read every health blog published in the year of 2008. During this time, I also created a list of mental, spiritual, and physical goals that I personally wanted to achieve. I knew that in order for my plan to be successful, I had to be completely honest with myself. It was very important for me to set specific and realistic goals.
Woo Hoo! Within 7 months, I had lost 40 lbs!
I was truly amazed at how well my plan had worked. Over the next 6.5 years, I have maintained my body weight at 125 lbs – 130 lbs. Currently, I weigh 127 lbs.
As my relationship with THE UNHEALTHY FOUR became more distant, friends and acquaintances all wanted to know the answer to a new question:
“How do you stay so slim?” they asked.
“Here are the secrets that have helped me” I answered.
Secret 1: Kick stress to the curb
For years I had stressed about my body image, “Why must I have a big nose, unruly hair, embarrassing love handles, and unsightly stretch marks?” I had been confused about my relationships, “What am I doing wrong?” I had worried about my career, “Why can’t I find a job?” I had struggled with money, “How can I afford a new car?” I had doubted my religion, “What if there was no heaven?“ And, I had questioned my health, “Why is this happening to me?”
Over time, I learned to ACCEPT that we all have our daily trials to face, burdens to bear, and challenges to overcome. Psst! Here’s some words of wisdom: There isn’t a challenge on this planet that you will face that someone else has not been through and overcome. It’s not the actual challenge that breaks us down, but how we choose to respond to the challenge that makes the greatest difference.
If overcoming an unhealthy lifestyle was truly my heart’s desire, it was time for me to ask myself, “Are you going to wallow in a muddy pit of stress and self-pity or are you going to put your size 10.5 big gal boots on and climb your way out of this MESS?”
Personal Recommendation: Grab your boots! Put both feet in! And remind yourself, “Your life could always be worst.”
Secret 2: Allow yourself (mentally) to accept the unique person you are
After visiting health and fitness blogs and reading beauty and fashion magazines, I realized that the ancient Gods were absolutely right, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Our bodies are created in a wide array of colors, shapes, and sizes. What may seem totally unattractive to one person may appear amazingly beautiful to another person.
It was totally OKAY for me to not have the body of Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, or Jennifer Lopez. My goal was no longer to look like a super model on the runway in Paris. My goals were to be healthy, look healthy, and feel good about the person I was.
Now, don’t get me wrong! If my body looked like that of Klum, Banks, or Lopez as a result of working hard to achieve my goals: I wasn’t going to complain.
Personal Recommendation: 10 minutes of reading, writing, meditation, or self-reflection in a quiet place every day!
Secret 3: Make wiser choices
After making my decision to follow my heart, I constantly had to remind myself, “You have to give yourself time.”
I wanted change to happen OVERNIGHT, but unfortunately life doesn’t always work that way.
One has to allow themselves time to adjust to such a drastic lifestyle change. During my transition period, I had to make a conscious effort to make wiser food and drink choices. This process involved being mindful of when I was eating, the types of food I was eating, and how much I was eating. It was important for me to give myself an adequate amount of time (at least 2 months) to break my old eating habits as well as time to develop new ones.
Slowing down and thinking about the consequences of constantly putting a fist full of potato chips in my mouth or two pieces of red velvet cake on my plate became essential. Making a grocery list prior to grocery shopping seemed like over kill, but it helped. Carefully reading over the menu at a restaurant in order to make healthier substitutions seemed tiresome at first, but later became easier (i.e. steamed broccoli instead of french fries, balsamic dressing instead of ranch dressing, water instead of wine).
Personal Recommendation: Take a moment to think about the consequences of your actions before you react!
Secret 4: Don’t forget to treat yourself
Psst! I have a confession: I didn’t go cold turkey and give up all of the foods I loved.
Prior to going grocery shopping each week, I would research (online and in magazines) and make out my list of NEW healthier foods that I wanted to try but hadn’t ever thought about buying. This “trial and error” process allowed me to figure out the healthier foods my taste-buds enjoyed versus the healthier foods my taste-buds hated. Over time, I had discovered a variety of healthier food options that taste sooooo good to me (i.e. zucchini, asparagus, eggplant, spinach, sardines).
But, listen to this: I still allowed my taste-buds to enjoy ice cream. I still allowed my lips to enjoy milkshakes. And, I still allowed my palate to enjoy french fries.
Question: So what had changed?
Answer: I taught myself how to eat the healthy and unhealthy foods I enjoyed in MODERATION.
What does moderation mean, you ask?
Moderation meant being mindful of when I was eating, the types of food I was eating, and how much I was eating. It also involved learning how to eat the unhealthy foods (ice cream, milkshakes, and french fries) in smaller proportions and less frequently than the healthier foods (broccoli, bananas, and tuna).
Personal Recommendation: Don’t be afraid to experiment!
Secret 5: Don’t skip meals
Many people tend to skip meals in hopes of losing weight faster. But, unfortunately skipping meals can cause more harm than good. Not only does skipping meals slow your metabolism, but it also can make you feel extremely hungry causing you to overeat at your next meal.
Overtime, I found breakfast to be the most critical meal of the day. It provided my brain and body with the initial boost of energy needed to effectively master my day.
My Personal Regimen:
Breakfast: Fruit, Meat, Yogurt, 20 oz of Water
Lunch: Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice, Raw Vegetables, Snack, 20 oz Water
Dinner: Meat, Cooked Vegetables, Starch, 20 oz of Water
Secret 6: Discipline your body
We all lead lives that can be pretty unpredictable at times, but it is very important to train your body. We (people) are creatures of habits and tend to function BEST when we follow a routine. After a few weeks, eating three meals around the same time everyday became a regular part of my schedule.
My schedule: Breakfast between 8:30 am – 9:00 am, lunch between 1:00 – 2:00 pm, and dinner between 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. I usually avoid eating anything after 7:30 pm.
If I must have something else to eat after 7:30 pm, I have found yogurt, cereal, fruit, raw vegetables, veggie chips, sunflower seeds, or walnuts to be pretty enjoyable snacks.
Personal Recommendation: Make a schedule! And, stick to it!
Secret 7: Eat your fruits and vegetables
Don’t forget to eat your peas!
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that not only help your immune system fight off serious infections and incurable cancers but also give your skin a natural GLOW!
Trust me, I am living proof.
I used to have really embarrassing acne that left my skin severely hyper-pigmented and uneven in tone. After I began eating more and more fruits and vegetables, I gradually noticed a big difference in my skin tone. It felt smoother, it looked more even, and it screamed RADIANT!
My friends often asked the question, “Girl, who’s making you glow?”
Little did they know, “His name was Beta-Carotene!”
Personal Recommendation: At least 1 serving of fruit at breakfast, 2 servings of vegetables at lunch, and 2 servings of vegetables at dinner!
Secret 8: Drink plenty of H2O
Studies have shown that our bodies are made up of 60% water. Drinking more water not only purifies the body, fights signs of aging (wrinkles) and keeps hair looking shiny, but it also gives your stomach a feeling of “fullness” over a longer period of time (i.e. it makes you feel less hungry in between and during meals).
The recommended daily intake of water is one half of your body weight in ounces (oz).
Since I weighed between 160 lbs – 170 lbs (when I first started my journey), my recommended intake was approximately 80 oz of water per day. I drank more water throughout the day when I purchased a portable water container. The reason my daily intake increased was because the container was more convenient, it allowed me to be more disciplined, and it gave me more flexibility. I could easily take the container to the gym, mall, office, movies, or football game.
Since my recommended water intake was approximately 80 oz of water, I drank 20 oz of water four times per day.
My Schedule: 20 oz of water on my way to work (mornings), 20 oz of water with lunch, 20 oz of water with dinner, and 20 oz of water a few hours prior to going to bed.
Personal Recommendation: Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight everyday!
Secret 9: Get up and move
Physical activity (exercise) helps to increase our chances of living a longer life on this planet. It helps to prevent heart disease, untreatable cancers, and weight gain. Psst! Here’s a few words of wisdom: Everyone on this planet doesn’t have to do Tae Bo, P90x or Insanity workout routines to live a healthy life.
There are plenty of activities that one can do to burn calories throughout the day.
The most difficult step is GETTING UP!
Once you are up, you can have fun! Shake your booty! Play with your kids! Go for a walk! Go for a run! Do jumping jacks! Cut the grass! Do squats in front of the TV! Do sit-ups to your favorite songs! Dance while cleaning the kitchen! Take the stairs! Go to the gym!
Just get your heart rate UP!
The first week of starting an exercise regimen had always been the most difficult for me. I found myself attempting to workout like I was LeBron James’ sister. However, there was always two small problems. The first problem was, I wasn’t Lebron James’ sister. The second problem was, I was out of shape. I would feel great the first 2 – 3 days after beginning a new workout routine. But, once I felt that lactic acid buildup (soreness) in my thighs and calves! Lord have mercy! The game was over before it had fully begun. Days 4 and 5 were officially quitting time.
After months of experimentation, I finally discovered an exercise routine that I loved. And, his name was: Yoga…
Personal Recommendation: At least thirty minutes of physical activity 4 to 5 days per week!
Secret 10: Get your beauty rest
6 to 8 hours of sleep has been recommended for your brain and body to function at its maximum level. Consistent lack of sleep can make your brain and body feel weary throughout the day. It can also cause your body to improperly produce hormones that make your body think that it’s hungry when it’s not.
Prior to making a commitment to living a healthy life, I had no idea how important sleep was to my overall health and well-being. I had spent 7 years in college and dental school (combined) working on projects, writing research papers, and cramming for exams all night long. Talking on the phone, roaming the internet, and watching TV until the wee hours of the morning was considered normal to me.
Over the years, I had to train myself to go to bed by a certain hour. Everything is turned OFF when the large hand strikes 11:00 pm: this includes TV, computer, cell phone, and lights.
Personal Recommendation: At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night!
In closing, the road to living and maintaining a healthy life has not and will not be the easiest road to travel.
It is a courageous road paved by continuous trials and errors, unexpected bumps and bruises, as well as unforeseen setbacks and struggles. But I live to tell you that with every trial and error, I have eagerly discovered. With every bump and bruise, I have graciously healed. And with every setback and struggle, I have victoriously overcome.
Question: What makes me so different?
Answer: Absolutely nothing. I am no different from you. If I can be successful in changing my life, I believe with my heart and soul you can as well…
Through this amazing journey, I can honestly say that I have grown to love the woman I have become:
The woman who faithfully vowed to live and maintain a healthier life. The woman who victoriously lost 40+ lbs of weight in 7 months! The woman who has openly poured out her heart within this post.
The woman who wholeheartedly knows that there is someone else out there in the world who needs to hear these words, “Now is not the time to give up! Get up!”
With Love, K. L. (Doc) <3
Twitter: @klregister
Photo Credits:
Photo # 1 (Body): Photo credit: / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND (Original Image URL: Photo credit: <a href=””></a> / <a href=””>Foter</a> / <a href=””>CC BY-NC-ND</a>
Photo # 2 (Mirror): Photo credit: gonzalo_ar / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo # 3 (Cartoon): Photo credit: Susan of Mad In Pursuit / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo # 4 (Cartoon): Photo credit: Canary Beck [ ] / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA