
Here are some of our favorite articles found on the Web this week. If you think we missed a great article, or if you know of a blog we must check out – add it to the comments below!

4 Things that People Hate About Businesses on Social Media

There are two main camps here: either you believe social selling is the next best thing since sliced bread, or you think it’s just one of many avenues you can use to connect with potential customers. Regardless of which side you fall on, I think most people would agree that having a presence on social media helps validate you and your business – so it’s important to do it right. Laura Donovan shares four things that can tarnish your image. Great advice!

Sales Detox: What Do You Need to Stop Doing?

Now that you are putting your best social foot forward, how does your typical day look? Is the bulk of your time spent in revenue generating activities, or do you feel like you are busy, but not accomplishing much of anything? It is in a salesperson’s nature to be very ambitious and have the tendency to keep filling their plate, without taking anything off. Sales pro Jeff Beals shares his insights on how doing a sales detox and decluttering your work life can set you up for long-term sales success.

10 ways to get your goals back on track in February

It’s a common phenomenon. Starting January off with big plans, but by the end of the month, the old habits have crept back up. If you are committed to making changes but feel disheartened that you’ve let goals slip, Matt Heinz has 10 actionable strategies to that will not only help you get back on track but also help you maintain your commitment month after month.

The post The Week’s Best Reading in 10 Minutes (or Less) appeared first on KiteDesk.

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