
One world currency with only one nation having control of the printing press so as to provide funds for its military and services to its population to the extent it sees fit. What's not to love if you are American? With the never-ending Euro and GBP and Yen devaluations, either from purposeful debasement of because of poor credit-worthiness, there is unlimited demand for USDs in the world, whether interest rates are 0% or 4%!

King dollar is not good for gold of course, but gold is the enemy of the free monies, and wouldn't you like America to have unlimited free money, that didn't have to be shared with the other nations? Some critics seem to think unlimited free money is bad but think of it in practical terms - free aircraft carriers, submarines and jet squadrons, or free Obamacare depending where on the political spectrum you fall.

Like how being anti-Snowden has united politicians of the left and the right, it should be an issue that can unite everyone! If fake gold or paper gold needs to be sold at leverage ratios of 100:1 to keep down a potential alternate currency, do you think that is really such a bad thing? What politician or patriotic citizen wouldn't be on side with free money for America? This is America's prosperity we are talking about here! Nay, even moreso! Since the free monies can be used to finance military purchases, it is America's national security we are talking about here!

Are you some kind of traitor to disagree? How else can wealth be retained in America, even if mostly by the elites, except to print it? Those horrendous trade deficits are not conducive to keeping the wealth at home you know. Do you really want your wages to be comparable to those earned in China and India? Would it really surprise or offend people if the financial advisory arm of the NSA or some other organization is depressing gold and getting all this free money for America? Remember, free monies are good for you! Think of it as a tax on other nations for using the USD as their reserve currency. You pay premiums when buy gold coins right? Think of it as a premium then if it makes you feel better.

Seriously, why would people disagree with this line of thinking? On this 4th of July, think patriotically and really question whether strong gold is good for America and its interests.

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